ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult) (29 page)


Chapter 7: Free As A Bird


The next morning, Alex made her breakfast. As they sat eating, he told her that he had to go to an important meeting in Las Vegas. He kissed her goodbye, promising to come back in two days.


Demi spent the day in her apartment, taking in the sights. It was truly a magnificent place, and it overlooked Central Park which was something that she never thought she’d get to do in her lifetime. Demi watched TV, fantasized about Alex. She wondered if they would get married, and realized that this was more than a possibility, a probability of sorts.


The next day, Demi woke up and made herself breakfast. The newspaper had arrived, and Demi decided to read it while having her breakfast. However, what she saw on the front page completely killed her appetite.


It was a picture of Alex surrounded by beautiful women. The headline read, “Billionaire software engineer Alex Turner: the most eligible bachelor in town?”


All of a sudden, all of Demi’s certainties about their future began to seem increasingly ridiculous. Of course he wasn’t going to marry her! He was a billionaire playboy with dozens of beautiful women waiting to share his bed. He was just taking care of her because he didn’t want her to run away with his baby. It was all self serving, all of it. She was wrong to have thought so highly of this man.


She then realized that it wasn’t just him, it was her as well. She just wasn’t good enough, and she never would be. If she had never gotten pregnant with his child, he would never have even noticed her. No, she was going to save herself the heartbreak. Her child needed a father, a true one. This man wasn’t going to be a good father.


Demi collected her things. As she left, she threw her phone in the trashcan. She still had her job, she could get another one if need be. She still had her apartment, the contract hadn’t been cancelled yet. She would make it on her own. She would make ends meet and she would take care of this baby all by herself. She was certainly strong enough, she was brave enough. She had gotten herself out of the ghetto.


Yes, Demi was going to be able to take care of herself just fine. She didn’t need Alex, his apartment or his money to make it.



Chapter 8: Demi’s On The Run


Demi rushed to find a cab. She was desperate to get back to her own apartment as quickly as she could, heartbroken as she was. She could not believe that she had been so stupid. She could not believe that a guy like Alex, so handsome and rich, so amazingly charming, could fall for someone like her.


She blamed herself. It was like her mother always side, a white guy was always going to break her heart. How right she had been. In this moment, Demi missed her mother terribly.


Eventually, she was able to find a cab. She could barely speak coherently enough to tell the cab driver where she lived, but somehow she managed. As she sat in the cab, she stroked her stomach. Her and Alex’s child inside her, destined now to spend its life without a father. How she had hoped that Alex would take her in, would raise their child with her. How wrong she had been.


Alex was a playboy, he wasn’t going to put aside his glamorous lifestyle for a woman he didn’t even want to get pregnant. Not when he had so many beautiful women to choose from.


As Demi stroked her stomach, the tears came flowing. She tried to stop them, tried to build a dam between her emotions and the coherent part of her brain but it did not hold. She could not hold back the river of grief within her, could not keep herself aloof from her situation. She had worked so hard all her life to get where she was, get what little that she had. She had hoped that, when the time came, the child she brought into this world would be able to live a better life than her.


Had all of this been a mistake? Demi realized that she might have rushed into this. She couldn’t do this alone, not without harming this child’s life. Not without sentencing her child to a life full of the same kind of struggle that she had gone through. For the first time, Demi considered getting an abortion. If she got one, she’d be able to get pregnant later when she was more financially stable. In fact, if she was no longer pregnant Alex wouldn’t feel as though he owed her anything. To top it all off, Demi wouldn’t have to spend her life taking care of the child of someone that she could never hope to satisfy, she would not have to live with that resentment.


Demi suddenly felt ashamed of herself. The child within her was alive, it would soon have a beating heart, hair, even fingernails. It would be a tiny version of her, and Alex of course. She would get through that. She would love her child and she would take care of it. She would work two jobs, three if she had to. Demi was a strong hard-working woman, she would be there for her child and give the child the upbringing she never had.



Chapter 9: Alex Hires A PI


Alex was beside himself. He had gotten off his flight and came straight to the apartment he had bought Demi, only to find it empty. He felt as though his world had collapsed. He could not understand why she had left, after all he had done for her, after all he was going to do. He had been going to take care of her and their child, was going to give both of them the life they deserved. He had been going to be a father to a child and give it something that he had never gotten to enjoy.


Now she was gone and Alex had no idea where, no idea why. He sat on the bed in which they had shared that single, wonderful night together and held his head in his hands. Beside him lay a little black case that he had been holding as he entered the apartment. Inside that case was an incredibly expensive diamond ring that he had bought for her. He had come back home hoping to propose to Demi, to give her a proper wedding and a proper life. What was he going to do now? What was she going to do?


Alex decided that he couldn’t just sit on the bed and do nothing. He had to take action, had to find her. He had tried calling her on her phone only to find it in his trash can. Now it was time to take drastic action. Alex picked up his phone and dialed the number of one of the best private investigators in the city, a man famous for being able to find anyone, anywhere. This man had a name but no one knew what it was. The only name anyone knew was the pseudonym he had given himself: The Bloodhound.


He was called the Bloodhound because of his innate ability to find people no matter where they ran. When he picked up the phone, Alex said, “You know who I am. I need you to find someone for me. I will pay whatever it takes. I am texting you an address, come here as soon as you can.” The Bloodhound did not say a word, only cut the call, but Alex knew that he was already on his way. Alex’s very voice was iconic; the Bloodhound had definitely recognized it. Alex was sure now that he was going to find Demi.


Within 30 minutes, there was a knock on the door. Alex opened it to see a figure in a trench coat. He was strangely featureless, with a face that was distinctly unrecognizable. Even his voice was emotionless and blank as he said, “So. Your dame ran away did she?”


“Yes!” said Alex, “How did you know?”


“It’s what I do,” said the Bloodhound, “Don’t worry mister Ferguson. I’ll find her for you for the right fee. You just give me a day and your precious dame will be in your arms once more.”


Alex breathed a sigh of relief and let the private investigator in.



Chapter 10: Reunited


“Mr. Ferguson,” the Bloodhound had said in his clipped, featureless voice, “I have found her.”


Alex felt a rush of blood to his head. He could not believe that he was going to see her again. He was already on his way to the address the private investigator had provided. Demi had moved, presumably in an attempt to prevent him finding her. However, no amount of movement would have been enough to prevent the Bloodhound from tracking her.


Alex exited his limousine, his heart pounding. Demi had gotten a tiny house in the suburbs. Alex wondered if it was so that their child would have more space to run around. He steeled himself, took a deep breath and knocked on the door. “Just a minute!” came Demi’s voice from inside the house. Alex felt as though he was going to pass out, such was the excitement he was containing within him.


The door opened and Demi stood before him. Her chocolate colored skin was covered in sweat, frizzy hair a mess from all the housework and her eyes looked sunken in as though she hadn’t slept in a while. She was so very beautiful.


“Alex...” said Demi, looking at him as though she couldn’t believe he was there. “Demi,” Alex responded, his voice barely escaping his mouth louder than a whisper. “How did you find me?” asked Demi. “How could I not?” asked Alex, “I had to.”


Demi stepped aside to let Alex in. Once he was inside, Alex asked, “Why did you leave? Before anything else you need to tell me this.” Demi looked down as though she couldn’t meet Alex’s eyes out of shame. “It would never have worked out. We are too different. You’re so rich and successful, there are so many women that want you. Why would you ever want me? How would you ever stay faithful to me? How can the father of my child be a playboy?”


“Demi,” said Alex, “I have not touched another woman since I met you. That news article was nonsense, just something the paparazzi cooked up to harm my image. Demi, you are not just another woman. You are beautiful and strong, you are the mother of my child. I love you, Demi.”


Alex was on his knees, the diamond ring he had bought Demi in his hands. “I love you,” he said again, “Marry me Demi.”


Demi had tears in her eyes. She was speechless. Her mind was racing, her knees were weak. She fell to her knees, tears flowing down her cheeks. “Oh Alex!” she said, “Yes, yes, yes!”


Alex put the ring on her finger and kissed her, softly at first, then harder. Demi returned his kiss. They grasped at each other’s bodies with the passionate desperation of life long lovers reunited after years. Alex tore off Demi’s shirt and bit her neck. Demi moaned, her black nipple erect and hard. Alex’s mouth moved down her face, down her neck, until finally resting on her right breast.


He slipped one of her nipples into his mouth and began to suck it. Demi felt the pleasure pulsed through her body, felt the waves of ecstasy begin to spread across her chest. She suddenly felt pulses of pleasure emanating from her pussy and she realized that his fingers were playing with her pussy now.


Demi unbuttoned Alex’s shirt as he kissed her, undid his pants and slid them down his legs with her feet. Right there, on the floor of her home, Alex entered her and she screamed. He was thrusting now, his hips pumping between her thighs, his cock piercing her pussy like a spear.


Alex was hitting Demi’s g spot with every thrust, and with every thrust Demi’s moans grew sharper, shriller. She was close now, close to that orgasm, and the swell of his cock told her that he was too. She was clawing at his back now, desperate for that explosion of ecstasy within her, desperate to feel his hot cum inside her. She was pregnant with his child, feeling his cum inside her only felt right.


Alex finished both of them off with three sharp thrusts. All of a sudden, Demi was deaf, dumb and blind. All that existed in her world, the only sensation, was the ecstasy tearing through her body, the waves emanating from her fuck hole. She felt his hot cum inside her as she came, the first sensation to truly return to her, and she knew she was his. Completely and forever, his and his alone.



Every morning started with a hot and steamy fuck for Demi and Alex these days. She was seven months pregnant, and her pregnant body seemed to excite Alex greatly. After one of their steamy morning fucks Alex decided that they should go out for a walk in the park.


As they were walking through the park, Demi heard the sound of a familiar voice. “Demi?!” said the voice, and Demi turned around to see her old friend Astrid running up to her with a stroller. “Oh god! You’re pregnant! Who’s this?”


Demi hugged Astrid and smiled wide as she said, “Astrid, I’d like you to meet my fiancé, Alex. We’re getting married in six months, I’m going to send you a formal invitation soon!”


“Wow!” said Astrid, “Congratulations babe!”


Astrid took Demi aside and said, “My, my. I hope you don’t mind me saying but your fiancé is one hell of a piece of eye candy isn’t he?”


Demi laughed and said, “That he is.”


“I mean I wouldn’t mind having a threesome with a couple as hot as you two,” said Astrid with a wink.


“Neither would I,” said Demi returning the wink, “Maybe we will soon.”


Astrid laughed, bid her friend goodbye and walked off. As Demi watched her friend walk off, she felt Alex’s arm around her waist and she sighed. In her whole life of hardship she had never been this content and happy.


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