ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult) (42 page)


Chapter 2: The Next Notch In His Headboard


Vadim sent Maria to wait in the reception area while he made several business calls. Robert Edmond were on several people's blacklists so it wouldn't be too hard to find someone to take care of the issue if the authorities proved once again to be lazy. He popped his knuckles while he waited for the head of his security team to pick up. The man answered in Russian and Vadim relaxed under the lull of his native tongue. He gave him Maria's address.


“And see that we aren't disturbed.”


“Is she one of your lovers?”


“If luck is on my side, she will be,” Vadim said.


“May luck be a lady.”


“I prefer it when she's a dirty whore,” Vadim laughed and ended the call.


Vadim checked his hand gun. The cold metal felt good against his warm skin as he checked to make sure there was a round in the chamber. As always there was. He slipped it into the harness on the small of his back, picked up his briefcase, and exited his office. Vadim paused for a moment in the hallway to watch Maria flipping through a magazine. Her eyes darted around the room, but never settled on him. Her instincts were good, but she neglected to watch the layout of her surroundings.


She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Vadim slowly made his way to the mouth of the hallway and leaned against the wall. He watched the rise and fall of her breasts and smirked to himself. How gorgeous would her full, perky, and natural breasts be rising and falling with the hitched breathing of lovemaking? Too many women these days got silicone implants in their breasts. Vadim had never liked them. In the ten years since coming of age, he'd learned that he didn't like the cosmetic procedure that took so much of the bounce and sway from a woman's breasts. He liked real women and real breasts.


“Ready?” Maria said catching him off guard for a mere second.


“Yes, let us be off,” he said walking into full view of the reception area. He pushed open the glass door to his office for her and nodded to his receptionist over his should. Mrs. Franklin was a good woman who had remained in his employ longer than any other. Her loyalty extended beyond looking the other way if she overheard something that might be questionable and to the keeping her thinning lips closed about the lovers he kept. He could only imagine the moral dilemma it created for the married woman, but gathered that the pay was good enough to ease her mind at night. For time to time, she would tease him about finding him a wife, but they both knew he'd never endanger a woman by bringing her into his world. Besides, he'd yet to taste all the variety God had blessed the Earth with. Why should a man only taste of one fruit for the rest of his life?


He quickly surveyed the parking lot for threats and finding none returned his eyes to his client's hips. Maria had been graced with a natural female stance and her hips swayed jiggling her round buttocks under her skirt. How delicious it would feel to wrap his fingers around her jigglng globes and pull her to him. Would she be a moaner or a screamer? He'd never know until the act occurred, but Vadim could tell by her walk that the only thing Maria Hall wouldn't be was a dead fish in bed.


Maria started towards her cherry red convertible, but Vadim stopped her by wrapping his arm around her shoulders. She leaned into him and he smiled. Either she was of a like minded nature or was a good actress when it pertained to her safety.


“We'll take my car today, dear,” he said and then lowered his voice to say, “It's the one my security team will be most familiar with.” 


“Alright,” Maria smiled as they walked to his shiny black Porsche.


“We'll send someone after your belongings if you need anything from the car,” Vadim opened the door for her. Maria slid into the passenger seat flashing an intentional peak of her upper thigh as she leaned over to fasten her seat belt.


Vadim surveyed the parking lot before getting into the car himself. He could feel Maria's eyes lingering over him as he started the engine. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye and she looked away blushing. Would she blush when he stripped her of her clothes too or would she be the confident sort that stripped down before things were even at full throttle?


“Do you live alone?”


“Yes,” Maria nodded.


“That is surprising,” Vadim said. He'd asked her although he already knew that she was single and never married. It was the bodyguard's habit to do a thorough background check on all of his clients before working for them. His morals may have been flexible, but he preferred working for parties who were mostly in the right. His family's wealth had spared him from a long life of working for the highest bidder.




“Most beautiful women settle down early.”


“The only thing I'm interested in settling down with is a good glass of wine in a bubble bath,” Maria laughed.


“Then tonight take your leisure, Maria,” he said glancing at her again. “You will be more than safe to drop your inhibitions.”


“I've learned the hard way to never drop my inhibitions,” she laughed and looked out the window.


Maria lived in a third story penthouse over looking the city. The view of the lay of the land was great, but Vadim much preferred the view from the inside of the apartment. Maria had kicked off her shoes at the door and disappeared into her bedroom. Moments later, she reappeared in more casual clothing. Clad in a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt that clung to her now braless breasts was almost enough to distract Vadim from his work, almost.


He made quick work of searching the apartment for the most common measures. They hadn't gotten around to bugging her apartment yet. So he was a step ahead of them. In fact, besides a gray car situated across the street watching the comings and goings of the complex he found no spying equipment. Her ex-boss may have been a rich man, but it seemed that he wasn't yet skilled in how to make full use of that power.


“Are you hungry?” Maria asked.


“While I am sure you are a delicious cook, do not trouble yourself on my account. We can order take out and discuss security measures. The first of which is until Robert Edmund is dead or incarcerated, you are not to leave my sight.”


“Umm... Isn't that going to make sleeping difficult?”


“The night has long been the most dangerous time for humans, Maria,” Vadim said casually crossing his arms. “For primitive man, it was a time of predators. Then later, it was the best time for raiders to strike an unprepared settlement. Now is not so different. Just because the predator who hunts you is human doesn't mean he isn't just as much of a threat.”


“What sleeping arrangements are you suggesting then?” Maria asked meeting his gaze.


Her full lips were pressed hard together as if she was concentrating on something. Vadim wondered what she preferred the sleeping arrangement to be, but as a skill seducer, he knew it was too soon to ask. Most women needed to time to warm up slowly to the possibility of passion and pleasure.


“Your bed is large enough for two and it keeps us close enough so that I can do my job.”


“Let's just get something straight, Vadim,” Maria said crossing her arms and squaring her shoulders. “There will be no funny business.”


“I am a professional.”


That night Vadim was surprised at how quickly the beautiful ebony woman fell asleep next to him. Through the moonlight drifting in through the window, he could make out the soft curves of her body. Her back was to him and she was curled around a pillow which was quickly becoming an object the bodyguard envied. He reminded himself that he had to be patient. First, the threat to her well being should be eradicated. If they couldn't wait that long, he'd make damn sure to tell his security team to take extra measures during the time they were indisposed.


Maria jerked in her sleep and made a startled sound. During her waking hours, she was tough, on top of things, and as she had proved when she was attacked capable of defending herself. Now with her walls down she seemed softer, more innocent and feminine, and much more in need of the protection of a strong man. He'd never tell her these things. It would amuse him to watch how frustrated and angry she'd become with him, but it could result in her firing him which would make his job of protecting her that much more difficult. Her publisher hadn't sent any money and wouldn't receive a bill. There was something about the beauty ebony woman that drew him in and money had never kept him from getting what he wanted.


Maria whimpered in her sleep and he inched closer to her. Institutionally searching out the form of another warm human body, she turned towards him. After making sure she was still asleep, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her in close. Maria trembled in her sleep and Vadim wondered what dream demons she was fighting as she buried her face into his chest.


Vadim had to take a deep breath to steady himself and to calm down the regions of his body that wanted to react to her soft body pressed so closely against his. Eventually, he drifted off to sleep listening to the gentle sounds of Maria's breathing.


Early the next morning Vadim woke up absent minded stroking Maria's hair. Fortunately for him, she was still out cold. He wondered when was the last time she slept peacefully. Her attitude bore the resemblance to a woman who had been hurt so Vadim guessed it was long before she became a corporate whistle blower on Fast Corps.


It took Vadim a few seconds to maneuver away from the sleeping Maria who had been resting her head on his chest. He was reluctant to give up the comfort of the bed and her body, but knew Maria wouldn't have been happy to find out that they had gotten that close in their sleep.



Chapter 3: One Night In Italy


In the three nights since Vadim had practically moved in with her, Maria had gotten the best sleep of her life. She was surprised to wake up every morning feeling so rested and alive. She would have liked to attribute it to the safety of a bodyguard, but she had never been great at lying to herself. Not that she would admit it to Vadim or anyone else, but it felt wonderful to have a man in her bed again. Even if she was only using him as a pillow.


This morning, she had woken alone as usual which she was grateful for. Her cheeks had been flushed and her heart pounding. She could hear the shower running, but that only made it worse. Her dreams had been hot and passionate and she was having dreams that no boss should have about their employee. She had been straddled over Vadim's pale muscular body and riding him hard. His strong hands trailed over her body seemingly touching her everywhere at once. 


The day passed with as normal since Vadim moved in. He sat quietly in the corner reading a Russian newspaper while she worked at her computer. Today was different only in the fact that she was aware of his presence as more than just a small distraction from her work. Even as he was making her panties wet, Maria realized just how little she knew about her sexy bodyguard and pillow. He didn't wear a wedding ring so she guessed that he wasn't married. At least she hoped he wasn't. She did wonder just how many of his clients he had slept with. She didn't think there were many single women who could sleep in the same bed with Vadim and hold up their resolve for long.


That night, she decided to be curt with him as they crawled into bed together. She looked at him watching her settle in and her resolve to ask the questions that had haunted her all day were gone. Vadim smiled at her and held out his arm.


“Come on,” he chuckled, “you're going to end up over here anyway.”


Maria blushed, but moved over to him. She settled against his familiar form and rested her head on his chest. It was more difficult to relax with him awake. Vadim wrapped his strong arm around her and kissed the top of her head.


“There is nothing wrong with needing human connection and touch.”


Maria opened her mouth to speak, but found that she didn't know what to say. Vadim reached out and turned out the bedside lamp. Next, he rechecked for his gun that was strapped to the side of the headboard. She allowed her eyes to drift closed and tried hard not to think about her dream from the night before. It was more difficult now pressed up against him so closely while he was aware of her body. His fingers trailed over her side. She would have stopped him, but the touch was more comforting and protective than sensual or sexual.


Maria woke only a few hours later. Her head was fogged with sleep and she couldn't quite remember what had woke her. Had she heard a noise?


“Under the bed now, Maria,” Vadim hissed again. Then she heard it, the cocking of a gun. Her heart thumped against her chest as she crawled quietly out of the bed and then under it. She wasn't sure whether Vadim had cocked his gun or if someone else were in the room with them.


Maria held her breath and strained to her sense to detect if someone else were there. She heard a footstep that was heavier than Vadim's and had to bite her lip. Only one thing was certain they were no longer alone in the apartment.


She heard a gun shot and a man grunt in pain. In the heat of the moment, she couldn't tell who had been shot.


“Vadim!” she shouted before she could stop herself.


He didn't answer. The only response was the heavy crashing sound of a blunt object hitting a person and that person hitting the floor.


“Come, Maria,” Vadim's thick accent reached her ears and she nearly cried in relief. Despite the fact that he was her bodyguard, she didn't know if she could live with his life ending for her safety. Slowly, she crawled out from under the safety of the bed. Vadim quickly helped her to her feet and led her through her house. He placed her purse and sneakers in her hands silently. She clutched them to her chest with one arm and held onto Vadim for dear life with the other.


Vadim held his gun at the ready as they made their way quietly through the apartment. She shook her head in confusion when they headed not to the front door, but to the balcony.


“What are we doing?”


“Shh.. Maria, quiet,” he whispered to her.


She watched in confusion as Vadim tied a roped to the edge of the balcony. She was about to protest saying there was no way she could climb down a rope from a third story balcony, but then she realized that he didn't intend for her to. Next, using a rope or something similar, Maria couldn't tell for certain, he secured her to his body.


“Hold on to me, Maria,” he said as he lifted both of them onto the rail.


Maria squeezed her eyes shut feeling light headed. She had never been a fan a heights. She clung to him holding on as tight as she could. Using his strength and skills, he had developed over the course of his career Vadim quickly scaled down the rope.


Vadim made quick work of unattaching them, but she still clung to him even as their getaway car pulled up. He opened the back door and lifted her quickly inside the car. She scooted over quickly and half pulled Vadim inside with her. The wheels screeched as the car pulled away before Vadim even managed to close the door.


Maria's whole body was trembling and she couldn't find the words to ask the important questions. Had he killed that man? Were others still following them? Perhaps, most importantly, where the hell were they going?


“You're alright,” Vadim whispered to her softly as he reached across her and fastened her seat belt. He took her shoes from her and slipped them onto her feet and strung her purse strap over her shoulder. She clutched the bag and took his hand. Entwining their fingers, she clung to him for dear life.


In the front of the car, there were two men. From what she could see of their pale skin, Maria figured both must be Russian as well. The driver didn't look armed, but then again most people wouldn't assume that Vadim was either. The man in the passenger seat held an assault rifle. The sight of such arms made her feel dizzy.


“Vadim, I think I'm going to faint,” she whispered.


“No, you're alright,” he said and squeezed her hand gently for reassurance.


Maria didn't remember most of the flight and the conversation between Vadim and his comrades was undecipherable to her. Their thick accents sounded harsh in comparison to Vadim's. His voice lulled her to sleep, brushing against her wounded fears, and the scars life had left upon her.


Sometime later, she awoke in an airport with Vadim carrying her onto a plane. She wanted to ask him where they were going, because her passport was still at home tucked away in her delicate drawer, but exhaustion overtook her before she could speak. Her dreams were filled with thick Russian accents and the gentle lulling motion that reminded her of the sailboat her father had when she was younger.


“Vadim?” she startled awake sometime later. “Where are we?”


“Over halfway to Venice.”


“Venice?” she asked pushing herself to the edge of her seat. She looked around and realized they had to be on a private jet. It was much to cozy and too empty to be a commercial plane.


“What were you expecting me to say Moscow?” Vadim laughed.


“No, I … my passport?”


“It's in your purse,” Vadim said nodding to the bag sitting next to her. “I put it in there while you were taking a shower. The first lesson of safety is to be ready for everything.”


“Is this your plane?”


“Yes, it's my jet,” Vadim nodded.


“Why Venice?”


“I have friends there and it is a beautiful city.”


“What happened back at the apartment?”


“It goes without saying that we or I should say, you were attack. The poor bastard was surprised to see me. Robert Edmund won't be a problem for long. Either he lacks a research team or has an overly stupid one.”


Maria had to suppress a giggle that threatened to bubble over her lips. Things were serious, but Vadim's nonchalant talk of the situation entertained her. On a darker side it made her wonder just how many times had he found himself in a similar situation?


“Can I ask you a question, a personal question?”


“I don't see why not,” Vadim grinned reclining easily in his seat and stretching his long legs out before him. “I've went through your underwear drawer to find your passport. I concede that I do owe you some answers.”


Maria blushed at the thought of Vadim searching through her underwear and bras. Had his fingers brushed against each of them or had he merely knocked them aside in search of her passport?


“How did you know it was in my underwear drawer?”


“You'd be surprised at how many important things get kept there,” Vadim chuckled, “but I doubt that's the personal question you wanted to ask me.”


“Then if you're such a minder reader,” Maria grinned, “ you tell me what I was going to ask you.”


“No, I've never been married. Yes, I was born into the family business. Yes, I've killed someone before both in personal defense and in defense of a client. No, I don't usually sleep with my clients. Most of my clients are ignorant middle aged men who have gotten in with the wrong crowd or children who are unfortunate enough to be born to such men. Yes, I want to make love to you. Does that cover them all?”


Maria blinked. Damn, Vadim had cut straight to the chase and wasn't playing around. “Don't tell me you haven't thought about it,” Vadim chuckled.


She looked away from him blushing. Even as she watched out the plane window, she could feel his steel gray gaze on her. He was drinking her in and just thought of his eyes undressing her sent a chill down her spine.


“Where are we going to be staying in Venice?” she asked. She hoped it would change the subject, but knew it wouldn't. Anything that put her and the sexy bodyguard in close quarters could only end one way.


“I know a guy who owns a hotel,” Vadim shrugged.


Only having been out of the states on a class trip to London, Maria wanted to explore the city, but a guard met her and Vadim at the airport. Their escort was curt, spoke Italian, and didn't look at her. Maria was surprised to find that Vadim was fluent in Italian too. What wasn't this man good at?


“Settling down,” she sighed to herself, “but tonight I guess I'm just going to have to be okay with that.”


“You haven't had real wine until you've had Italian wine,” Vadim said after they'd settled into their shared hotel room with a single large comfy bed. Maria had tried to protest, but Vadim was quick to remind her that they'd been sharing a bed since the first day they had met.


“I've traveled the world a dozen times over,” Vadim continued, “and Italy has the best wine.”


“It's good, I guess,” Maria laughed taking a long slow sip. “It's really sweet.”


“Don't drink too quickly,” Vadim chuckled. “I want you to be sober, because believe me, this is going to be the night you remember for the rest of your life.”


“What? The first time I make love in Venice?”


“No, the first time I make love to you,” Vadim said.


Maria opened her mouth to call him an arrogant bastard, but Vadim moved too quickly. He set his glass of wine aside and hers too as he closed the space between them. His warm demanding lips met hers and his five o'clock shadow brushed against her cheek. She gasped in pleasure allowing herself to give in to his delicious kiss as his tongue snaked into her mouth. Vadim pulled her into his lap and Maria leaned against his strong muscular body. It wouldn't be long now until she knew just how delicious it felt to have it pressed against hers sans the clothing that had kept them apart for too long.


Maria wrapped her arms around his shoulders and deepened the kiss. Vadim's hands trailed over her back, his fingers dancing along her spine until finally his hands cupped her bottom squeezing hard and causing her to grind into him. He was already hardening beneath her body. His heat radiated into her and she quivered.

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