ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult) (44 page)


This deliciously dirty story is a part of Aisha Brooks’ super-charged, highly lewd collection of love and lust, written in 2015. Those who attempt to steal any part of this goldmine and take it as their own risk being a fiery, hot death from a hunk bearing copyright notices—and she’s not about to play with you.



This is a work of fiction—although we wish that people like this really existed, it’s nothing more than a figment of a very, very overactive imagination. Any resemblance to someone you know, a place you love or a thing you hold dear to your heart is nothing more than a craving in your heart that these carnal desires and actions were true!



It goes without saying that this book oozes with erotic sex appeal, and is filled to the rafters with a smorgasbord of acts that you certainly wouldn’t tell your grandmother about. Bodice-ripping, panty-dropping and glasses-steaming, the scenes contained herein are wickedly naughty!



Although all the saucy characters are flirting with forbidden desires and sometimes taking the naughty fruit they really shouldn’t be, all are consenting adults over the age of 18 and not blood-related. What they are is passionate and eager to explore their carnal desires all day long.



In short, this book is going to get you very, very hot!



© Aisha Brooks

All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any many whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author’s imagination. Please note that this work is intended only for adults age 18 and over. All characters represented are age 18 or over.



Table Of Contents


Chapter 1: One of the Trophies


Chapter 2: Done Deal


Chapter 3: Her Story


Chapter 4: The Trick


Chapter 5: The Son


Chapter 6: First Date




Chapter 1: One of the Trophies


Alexei didn’t much care for the US. He couldn’t put his finger on why exactly. He only knew that, as he sat in the club waiting for his client, his skin crawled.


Wealthy men sat all around him at their own tables. They smoked cigars and wore attractive women on their arms like trophies. They were all soft, sheltered looking men who had likely never done hard work in their lives. These were the types of men who got rich because they already had money. They were born with advantages and exploited them… Not that Alexei had much room to talk in that department.


When his client finally showed up, he was nearly thirty minutes late. He came with three women, two of which he directed to Alexei as if that might smooth over any offense caused by his tardiness.


It helped.


The man himself was still obnoxious. He was a white guy - big and loud and always laughing. He’d been born into money and it showed. He had an entitled air about him that was hard to tolerate.


Alexei had to remind himself that he was here for his boss. It meant a lot if they could get this guy to funnel his more questionable profits through their organization. If Alexei failed here, there would be consequences… Not that failure was particularly likely. Everyone stood to make a great deal of money from the arrangement.


Alexei forced himself to put on a smile and greet Mr. Douglas like a brother.


“Sorry I’m late,” said Douglas. “Got a little tied up in the car on the way over.” He gave all three women who had come with him a meaningful look at that.


The two now flanking and fawning over Alexei were attractive. They had the look of career cheerleaders. Their bodies were slim and their faces were perfectly symmetrical. They laughed at all the right moments. All things considered, though, the real prize of the three was the girl on Douglas’ arm.


She had said nothing so far, but she was quite the stunner. Her skin was dark. Her body was voluptuous. Rather than looking like a young woman in search of a sugar daddy, she had the air of a person who was intensely bored by these proceedings. That interested Alexei but was neither here nor there. “Let’s get to business, shall we?” he said, trying to cut right to the chase.


Douglas wasn’t very good with business for someone so wealthy. Ultimately, they made little progress in their dealings. It was difficult to tell whether the man wanted to be wooed or just have fun. When he invited Alexei to stay the week with him, it felt a lot like the latter.


“Let’s take this back to my place, why don’t we?” said Douglas after what couldn’t have been more than fifteen minutes.


Alexei had very little choice in the matter when it came right down to it.


Douglas had a nice house, at least. It was a big place off in the woods. It was several stories tall with a bar and a hot tub and, really, all the amenities one might need for a party. It didn’t much surprise Alexei that discussing business wasn’t really done there either. In the end, Douglas drank too much and passed out on the couch. Alexei retired to a guest room with two of the women from Douglas’ entourage.


The black one didn’t come - which was a shame. Gorgeous girl like that just hanging behind and turning on the television? What a waste.


Alexei saw her again when he got up in the middle of the night to take a piss. He swung by the kitchen for a drink of water after and happened upon her sitting at the bar, eating a bowl of cereal.


“Evening,” said Alexei.


The woman shot him a brief look. “It’s morning,” she said.


Was it? Alexei looked at the window. Sure enough, the sky was growing brighter. “Barely,” he said. He came around to the other side of the bar. “Name’s Alexei.”


“Ashley,” said the woman, sounding bored.


“You’re Douglas’ girlfriend?” he asked. Alexei wanted to check before he really turned on the charm.


Ashley shrugged. “Not officially,” she said. “There’s a woman he dates officially. He takes her to galas and shit. I’m not her.”


“But he’s fond of you,” Alexei prompted.


Ashley gave another shrug.


“And are you fond of Douglas?” Alexei asked, uncertain about flirting with her but warming to the idea.


“Oh yeah.” Ashley’s voice dripped with sarcasm. “I’m just crazy about him. He’s the light of my life.”


Alexei snorted. He couldn’t help but smile. “I haven’t spent long around him, but he seems like an infuriating man. Any suggestions on how to handle him?”


“Either he’s decided to take you up on whatever it is you’re angling for or he’s not. I’ve never known him to sit down and talk it out. He just makes up his mind on the fly.” Ashley slid from the stool she was on and took her bowl to the sink. “But, since he invited you here, I’m thinking he likes what you’re sellin’.”


That sounded believable - not that Alexei was going to bring that information back to his boss without a more concrete answer. “Thanks,” he said.


“Don’t mention it,” said Ashley and left.


Odd girl, Alexei thought. She didn’t seem like the sort who was big on partying. He didn’t think he had even seen her crack a smile once since first laying eyes on her. To him, it felt like she was here for a reason not at all similar to the naked women now sleeping in his room. It wasn’t any of his business, though.


Alexei got his drink of water and went back to bed. He would corner Douglas for an answer tomorrow, then he would get out of here.

Chapter 2: Done Deal


Douglas didn’t get out of bed until well into the afternoon. Alexei spent a good portion of his day watching television with Tiffany and Heather. They were the girls he’d slept with the night before. They didn’t interest him as much as Ashley, but they were fun and easy to get along with. Ashley didn’t seem to be around. Alexei asked the girls if they knew where she was, but they just shrugged and seemed indifferent about it.


Alexei expected to see Ashley with Douglas when he came from his bedroom, but she wasn’t with him either.


“Morning!” sang Douglas, even though it was 3PM. “Sleep well?” he asked Alexei, shooting him a lewd grin.


“Fantastic,” said Alexei, forcing a smile. “You feeling up to talking business today.”


Douglas winced. “Jesus. Let a man wake up first, why don’t you?” He went to the sofa and sat down across from the television. “Tiffany, honey, go fix me some coffee, will you?” He waited until Tiffany had gone then turned his attention back to Alexei. “I’m having one of my people take care of the transfer now.”


Alexei raised his eyebrows. “Really?” he asked, shocked but glad to hear that. Ashley had been right, it seemed. “Is there anything I can do to-”


Douglas waved a head, dismissively. “Ashley can handle it,” he said. “The girl has a real head for numbers.”


So that’s where she went. “Does she handle all your accounting?”


“No, but she might as well.” Douglas paused to accept a mug of coffee from Tiffany. “Thank you dear.” He turned his attention back to Alexei. “She handles the shadier stuff, if we’re being honest. Doesn’t have a degree, so I pay her under the table. She was an intern at one of my offices I think?”


Alexei gave a grunt of acknowledgment. “I thought you two were a thing.”


“How do you think she got the position?” Douglas roared with laughter. “Got your eye on her, do you?”


Alexei raised his hands in a playful surrender. “What can I say?”


“Well, you have good taste my friend.” Douglas took a sip of his coffee. “Now, let’s find some way to occupy ourselves until she’s finished, shall we?”


The afternoon gave way to evening then night. It was taking Ashley rather a long time to take care of this business. Alexei was beginning to question the faith Douglas had placed in her. He said nothing, though. Douglas was, clearly, already agitated about it. He tried to laugh and drink and carry on like he had before, but he kept checking his watch. Several times, Douglas wandered off to make a phone call or two.


Alexei had calls of his own to make. His boss wasn’t a particularly patient man. Alexei was the people person. That’s why he had been sent here. That was also why he needed to get results.


“The deal is made,” he promised his boss. “We’re working out the finer details now.” He just hoped that wasn’t a lie. The longer the night went on, the more uncertain he became.


Finally, the truth came out.


“Bitch stole my money.” Douglas said it so nonchalantly, it caught Alexei off guard.


Alexei looked up from his phone, uncertain he had heard him correctly. “Excuse me?”


They were still sitting in the den. Tiffany and Heather had turned on a movie. At Douglas’ words, they abruptly stood and left the room. Douglas said nothing more but handed Alexei his phone. There was a bank account pulled up. There were transfers listed there, sent out to companies Alexei didn’t recognize. They certainly weren’t the shell companies his boss used. If Douglas didn’t recognize them either, well, that was bad for everyone.


Even Ashely. Hell, it was
bad for Ashley. Alexei sighed. “Well, shit.”


“No kidding,” said Douglas, taking his phone back. He sat there silent for a moment then kicked the coffee table suddenly. “Son of a bitch!” he cursed.


Alexei didn’t flinch. He tended to keep a cool head under pressure. “How can I help?” he asked instead.


Douglas took a deep breath. He gave Alexei a long, hard look. “You get that woman back to me, and you get your money… Plus, I’ll throw in a little extra. This is my own damn fault, after all.”


He had that right. “I’ll see what I can do.” Alexei stood to leave. “Do you have her home address?”


Douglas shrugged. “I’m sure I can get it.”


“Good. Do that. Get me anything else you have on her, too.” At least he didn’t have to sit around and play nice anymore. That was a small relief. Alexei went outside and called a cab. He lit up a cigarette and called his boss while he waited.


His boss wasn’t thrilled, but it wasn’t like this was his fault. Stupid Americans. They were more trouble than they were worth.


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