ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: The CEO's Game (CEO Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance) (New Adult Romance Short Stories) (12 page)


Chapter 5

When Angela got back from work I was sitting in the living room watching TV and painting my toe nails. “How was your afternoon?” she said, hanging her bag in the closet.

“Delightful,” I said. “I have five minutes left in this show and then I’m going to my room to catch up on some reading for class.”

“Yeah, I have a ton of school work to do too. Is Jason home?”

“No, he went out with some friends to shoot hoops. He’ll be home very late.”

She nodded but I saw the fleeting look of disappointment. “Have you eaten?” she said.

“Yup. There’s still half a pizza in the fridge from the weekend though.”

“Thanks. I’ll see what else I can find.”

During the weeks things were always busy. I could go days without seeing Angela, or Jason, or both, and when I did see them it was generally in passing or because we happened to be in the kitchen looking for coffee and food at the same time. We all had classes but Jason also had practices, formal and informal, and Angela was working.

It was nearly a week before schedules lined up again and Jason and I were home, alone, for enough time to have some fun. He was hiding in his room but he had the music on, which meant he was either working out or masturbating. He never listened to music when he was doing school work.

I knocked on his door and walked in. He was lounging in bed, the covers were a mess, and he had his jeans down around his knees. His cock was in hand and he had just opened his eyes to look at the door when I walked in.

“What the fuck, Natalie! Who said you could just barge in here?”

“I knocked,” I said with feigned innocence.

His face was bright red, it was actually cute. “I didn’t say you could come in. We agreed, bedrooms are off limits without permission.”

“We have the house to ourselves,” I said, coming closer.

He grabbed at the blankets with one hand while trying to get his jeans up with the other.

“I’ve seen it already,” I said. “And I’ve tasted it. And I’ve fucked it.” Just thinking about it was making me horny for his cock. Of course seeing his cock was helping a lot on that front too.

“I was drunk.”

“And very much in charge, I seem to remember.”

“It was one time, Natalie.”

“It doesn’t have to be.”

I sat down on the edge of the bed and reached out to touch his cock.

“Don’t.” There was no conviction in the word.

“I’ll keep my clothes on,” I said. “I just want to play with it. Come on, it must get boring always taking care of it yourself. Let me help you.”

“I’m perfectly capable of getting off by myself, thank-you.”

“But why do it yourself when I’m willing to touch you, and play with you, and get you off?” I let my fingers slide ever so lightly over the head of his cock and down the shaft. He shivered. “I just want to touch it. It’s so big and hard. You have such a great cock, can you blame me for wanting more of it?”

“Just a hand job?”

“I promise.”

I had more experience with hand jobs than with any other aspect of a sexual relationship. Most of my relationships didn’t get past the hand job. I wanted my brother’s cock and all others held very little interest for me. There were a few that were tantalizing enough that I had gone all the way with them, but it felt fake, like I was playing them, pretending at something I didn’t feel, and so I ended those relationships in hopes that the impossible would be mine.

I slid further onto the bed and curled up against him, letting him drape his arm over me. I ghosted my fingers along the length of his cock for a while knowing the feather-light touch would make him more sensitive. I wrapped my hand around him and squeezed, watching his face out of the corner of my eyes. His eyes fluttered shut.

I smiled. It was time to get down to business and prove that I was a valuable companion, someone he wanted and needed in his life, and in his bed.

I wasn’t sure what he was using for lube, if anything, but I drew my hand back and spat on my palm. I hated that, but for some reason it turned guys on. I wrapped my wet hand around his cock and started sliding it up and down in slow, firm strokes. He groaned and wrapped his arm a little tighter around me. I tugged and pulled and twisted my hand around his shaft, alternating between fast and slow, while he moaned and sighed and caressed my arm. I was watching him carefully, a hand job was all well and good, but it was foreplay, even if he didn’t know it. Getting him to blow a load over my hand would have been easy, but teasing him to the point where he would let me suck him off, or maybe even fuck him, would be harder. And that was my plan.

He let out a particularly long groan and I stretched up and kissed his cheek. “Can’t I just lick it a little bit?” I said, keeping my voice sweet.

He nodded, eyes still closed.

I slid down and took his cock in my mouth. Maybe convincing him that he wanted me sucking and fucking his cock on a regular basis wasn’t going to be so hard after all.

He tangled both hands in my hair and pushed gently, urging me to take more of his cock into my mouth. I could have resisted if I had wanted to, but I wanted his cock. Still, I let him push instead of just going to town on him; let him think he’s actually asking for something, actually in control of how fast this was going.

“Oh,” he groaned. “Go on Natalie, take all of it.” The one thing I had skipped the first time I had sucked his cock was deep throating, this time I let him have it. I eased him deeper and deeper, fighting past the gag reflex until my nose touched curly hairs and the head of his cock was brushing the back of my throat. I held him there while he made happy sounds in the back of his throat.

It didn’t take long after that. I pulled completely away and gasped for air and then got busy sucking and licking the length of his cock, moaning over it and making slurping noises. The next time he pressed on the back of my head there was a lot of groaning and grunting and his hips bucked up. That’s really all the warning I had and then my mouth was filled with cum. I sucked hard, helping him along, and then swallowed everything.

“God Natalie, you’re good at that,” he panted.

I smiled. “I think I’m addicted to your cock,” I said. “Was that better than using your own hand?”

He just nodded.

“Maybe you should come find me next time we’re alone and you get horny,” I said, sliding out of the bed. “I’ve got some reading to do, see you later.”


Chapter 6

We didn’t have time for much after that, not for nearly two weeks. We were making out in his room when Angela showed up early, a lecture had been cancelled because the prof was sick. We sprang apart and I left, thanking him profusely for explaining something that was mildly relevant to what I was studying and that he might actually know something about – I’m not even sure what it was I was babbling about.

Dinner that evening, which we all ate together around the table, a rare event indeed, was awkward. Jason didn’t want to look at either of us. Every time I looked at Jason I blushed. Angela had to keep repeating herself because I kept missing things, and I was paranoid that I still looked dishevelled.

And then one day I was in my room with my headphones on working on a math assignment when my door burst open. I looked up, startled, and scrambled to get the headphones off and turn the music off and sit up all at once. Jason was in the doorway and he shut the door behind him.

“She’s gone,” he said. “Went out with friends. She’ll be back late.”

He was desperate, it was all over his face. So I shrugged. “So?”

He was fast too. He crossed to the bed in two steps and kissed me hard. Usually that first kiss was hard but he would calm down and ease off, but not today. His kisses were rough and demanding and his fist stayed tangled in the hair at the base of my neck so I couldn’t pull away. His tongue pushed past my lips and filled my mouth.

When he was done kissing me he pushed me onto the bed and made quick work of pulling all my clothes off. I was breathing hard and my pussy was getting wet. I’d never had it rough like this before but it was turning me on.

He knelt over me and kneaded my breasts, his eyes hot and dangerous. I bit my lip and groaned. He looked so damn hot. He pinched my nipples and then bent low and nipped at them until I was gasping. He was dancing along that line between pleasure and pain.

He crawled off of me long enough to kick his pants and boxers aside and then suddenly I felt a finger being pushed into my pussy. After a few moments he added a second finger. The rough treatment made me gasp and yelp but at the same time I could feel my pussy getting wetter and wetter, betrayal of a growing level of desire.

He pulled his fingers out and dragged me towards the edge of the bed, his hands on my ass, until my legs were on either side of him. He rubbed the head of his cock against my pussy, teasing me with it.

I moaned. “Oh, Jason, fuck me, please.”

He dropped me and I lay there gasping for a moment. He grabbed my hips and rolled me over, moving my body to whatever position he wanted. Once I was on my hands and knees he rubbed the head of his cock against me again until I was whimpering.

I felt his cock push into my sopping wet pussy. He barreled ahead, his thick cock filling me completely. I cried out but it quickly melded into the moan of pleasure as he continued pounding my sopping pussy. At first all I felt was sensation, and then pressure began to build in me as that sensation went from merely enjoyable to overwhelming.

I’d had orgasms before but this was different. Maybe it was the angle of being taken from behind for the first time, or maybe it was knowing how fucking wrong it was to have my step-brother pounding me from behind and not caring. I don’t know, but as the pleasure and pressure built I felt like I was ready to scream, and when I finally did orgasm I screamed loud and long.

But he wasn’t finished. He kept pounding my cunt and at this angle it was bordering on painful. He let go of my hips and pushed down on my shoulders, changing the angle, and I gasped. And then I grunted. And then I was biting back a scream of painful pleasure. And then I did scream. He kept on fucking me, harder and deeper and faster. I was yelling with each thrust and he went on.

“Jason! Oh god! Please!” I screamed, on the edge of it being too much.

Finally he pushed into me with a familiar grunt and then I felt the pulsing heat as he filled me with cum. He pulled out slowly and I expected him to crawl into bed with me and hold me. I was shuddering and whimpering from the intensity of it all but he just grabbed his pants and walked out.

For a long time I just lay there curled in a ball. Had it been too rough? No, not at all, I had wanted him to fuck me. Maybe it was a little rougher than I was used to, but I wanted him to fuck me, I never once said no or stop, not even when it hurt.

By morning the pain was gone. I was a little tender but that was all superficial and more from how long it had taken him to get off. Overall it had actually been quite enjoyable, even if it had left me a little shocked and sore.


Chapter 7

We were never able to come together very often, but every time we were alone in the house we would find each other. We had sex on the couch, in his room, in my room, even in the shower. If there wasn’t time for sex I gave him a blow job. There were a few close calls, and those seemed to put him more on edge than they should have. I mean, yeah, we sort of didn’t want people to know we were fucking each other because they wouldn’t understand, they’d see siblings and call the cops, or something. But it was more than that, he was genuinely afraid of getting caught. I wasn’t allowed to snuggle after sex, if I started to doze off in his bed he chased me out. If we had sex on the couch he’d tell me to get dressed as soon as we were done and then he’d head to the shower. Hell, I think he showered right after sex every time. Was he scared someone would smell me on him?

It was probably for the best that we couldn’t have sex all the time. We both had classes and reading and assignments and he had practices to attend. After sex it was hard to focus on whatever I was supposed to be doing so I’d just set it aside and masturbate for a while. There was that, and he was still being pretty rough during sex; rough in a good way though, like he was totally into it and was fucking me hard, not like he was pinning me down by my throat. And none of them were as rough as that time he took me from behind, something he rarely did. Anyways, it meant that I’d be a little sore for a few days after we’d had sex. I’d sit down in class and the slight throbbing or tingling between my legs would remind me that I’d just had sex with my step-brother and I’d smile and get all hot again.


Chapter 8

Sitting here after the fact, thinking about everything that happened, I guess I should have seen the signs, but I was blinded by pleasure and by a sense of victory. As far as I was concerned we were in love, or at least happily in lust. I saw no sign that he was seeing someone else. He came to me, or let me into his room, as often as we were alone together.

For the most part our sex was fast and fun, a flurry of touching and groping and kissing and fucking. We hopped through the shower together a few times but Jason wasn’t really into that. It was too bad though, I really loved the feeling of wet skin and the steamy air. I stopped wearing slutty clothes around the house and Angela and I actually started talking again.

In one way the tension seemed to lift, I wasn’t competing with Angela anymore and she seemed to sense it. But on the other hand there was the constant fear that we’d be discovered.

The longer we were ‘together’ the less I cared if anyone found out. Who cared if we slept together? We are not related to each other in any way. We said it often to each other, but I was never sure he really believed that what we were doing was okay. He grew more and more anxious, and paranoid and insistent that we never tell anyone or ever let anyone catch us. We couldn’t even make plans to meet because he didn’t want anyone overhearing us or seeing the notes of the texts. Not even hints or code.

I figured that I had seduced him into sleeping with me so it would only be a matter of time before he came around and got comfortable enough with us being together that he would hold my hand in public or at least kiss me in front of Angela. I mean I figured if we couldn’t trust Angela then we couldn’t trust anyone, ever. Turns out I was very wrong, about Angela, about Jason, about everything.

We’d been having sex or fooling around once or twice a week for most of the semester already. There was snow on the ground and Christmas decorations for sale in the stores. We were all busy with final papers and reports and projects and studying for exams. Angela was getting more hours at work and Jason was looking for a job. It was likely I’d need one too which would seriously cut into our together time; which is why I was so hopeful that we’d be able to be a little more open with our relationship. I was going to miss having sex with him if our schedules stopped lining up.

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