ROMANCE: CLEAN ROMANCE: Summer Splash! (Sweet Inspirational Contemporary Romance) (New Adult Clean Fantasy Short Stories) (28 page)


Dinner was superb and she devoured every bite. When she had tried to only eat a third, they had both glared at her and told her that she wasn’t allowed to leave the table until she finished her plate.

“What am I, five years old?” She laughed.


“If we have to treat you like you are, then we will. Come on and eat. You are going to love dessert.” Matt wagged his eyebrows at her. She couldn’t help but crack up. She laughed out loud and then finished every bite on the plate.


When they were through, she helped them carry the dishes into the kitchen and put them in the dishwasher. It was amazing to find out that they had a lady who came to dust and vacuum and do general cleaning on Fridays, but their laundry and everyday cleaning they did themselves.

They decided to watch a movie, and before long she found herself sandwiched between both men on a long couch with a 70” flat screen television in front of them. The movie came on and she leaned back against the pillows.


She turned to look at Matt and saw him smile at her. His hand snaked out to draw her closer to him. She kissed him deeply and felt as Jase came up behind her. Matt kissed as well as Jase did, and she was soon swooning and leaning into him for support. Gasping for breath, she let them remove all of her clothes. They were soon all naked and this time she leaned back against Jase as Matt tasted her and held her writhing body down. He brought her to orgasm quickly and she was still panting when she felt Matt’s hands slide against her. She was dripping wet from her orgasm and his mouth. Slowly he spread her juices back to the little puckered hole in the back. She gasped as she felt first one then a second finger penetrate the dark hole.


“Have you ever had anyone here Melissa?” At her nod he went on. “Did you like it? I can tell from that look that you didn’t. Well, I promise you will this time honey.” She felt himself spreading her and preparing her for the intrusion that was sure to come. She felt Jase’s hands on her hips as he eased himself on the floor of the room he brought her down with him. He spread her legs wide and she was glad that Matt was there in front of her for her to lean on.


Jase leaned her forward a little and she felt the tip of his erection against the small hole in the back. She gasped as he eased inside, passing the small ring of muscle. It was a burning sensation but the burning wasn’t bad as she stared into Matt’s eyes. His head dropped to take her nipple into his mouth as his hand caressed her other breast Jase eased inside her further until she felt his balls against her.


“Oh god!” She moaned deep as Jase began to move inside her. “Matt. I need you. Please.” Matt lied down and she felt Jase spread her legs even wider and place them on each side of Matt’s body. Matt’s legs were spread as Jase still stood on his knees behind her. Jase slid out and she gasped as she felt Matt ease inside her pussy. It was exquisite torture for a few minutes. As Matt slid in, Jase slid out. They took turns easing inside her until she couldn’t take it anymore. “Please god faster. Just fuck me. I can’t take this much more.”


“Thank god.” This was whispered into her ear as they started moving faster inside her. She was jerking back and forth as they pounded into her body. Over and over, she felt them penetrate her until she saw stars. Her orgasm hit her so hard she thought she would faint. She screamed loudly as she finally burst.




Melissa awoke to find herself curled into a bed. There were bodies on either side of her and she smiled when she remembered what had happened. Opening one eye she looked both ways. Jase sat with a book in his hand reading quietly while Matt had the remote in his hand. She faintly heard the television in the background. At her perusal, Matt smiled down at her.

“Hey beautiful. Looks like we tuckered you out. Don’t worry, there is plenty more where that came from.”


“That was amazing. Probably the best sex I have ever had. Not that I have had a lot, but you know.”


“It is the first of many.”


“You mean you want me to stay?”


The men both laughed. “Yes my dear. Shall we show you how much we want you to stay?”


She squealed as she ran to the bathroom. “First I need a shower. Hey, who wants to wash my back?” She smirked at the doorway.


Both men looked at each other slightly before they raced to the doorway among Melissa’s giggles.



“There goes Lance Whitefield,” Anita's father said, as Anita turned to look in the direction that he was indicating with his chin.

Anita Burrows arrived at the cocktail party late and had even missed the dinner and speech by Senator Whitefield. She had been following him around for the past two years, trying to get an interview with him, but it was almost impossible with his battalion of bodyguards and security people. Anita was a journalist and she worked for her father’s newspaper company, the Boston Herald. Chris Burrows always had a way of sniffing out a story that could sell and he was one of the most respected journalists in the city. Anita's mother died when she was only six, and it was her dad who had raised her single handedly. He would take her along with him to the office, and she ended up following in his line of career. She had also turned out to be one of the best journalists in the county, mainly doing stories related to politicians and the elite of the state, a field that Chris did not approve of, but that did not stop her from publishing. Anita believed that in Boston, everyone had a skeleton hidden in their closet, and especially the politicians and the super rich, and those were the things that she investigated and published.

“Where is he? I can't seem to see him anywhere.” she asked, looking around the crowded room unable to see him.

Lance Whitefield was always big news. Wherever he went, people gathered in throngs and it was almost impossible to get an interview with him. He also happened to be single and was considered one of the most eligible bachelors around, always with many women chasing after him. It confused Anita why such a handsome man could still be single. Even she felt herself blushing and becoming very self-conscious when she was around him. Not that she had any interest in him, she just found him to be hot and attractive, as did every other warm-blooded woman in town.  Besides, she felt he would never even look at a bigger bodied woman like her twice. He would probably rather go out with some model-looking waif and not someone who was round and curvy like Anita.

“There he is, and from the way that he is looking at the elevators, my guess is that he is about to take off,” her father replied.

“Perfect, this is my chance,” she winked at her father. “I'm going to sneak up to the penthouse and block his way until he gives me an interview.”

“Now, that’s my girl! A true Burrows.” Chris said, patting her back as she started making her way through the crowd.

She meandered through the clusters of people, making her way towards the private elevators and pondered what she was going to tell him. As she neared the elevator, the door opened and a good looking brunette was escorted out by one of Senator Whitefield's security men. She had the ultimate kind of body to make any woman green with envy, and all the men salivate after her. She was dressed to show off all of her sexy assets in a tight fitting dress that barely made it just below her buttocks. She looked very disappointed and was screaming obscenities at the security man as he guided her out of the room, telling him how he was going to be sorry. Anita looked around and then quickly entered the elevator. She hit the button to take her up and then began admiring herself in the mirror.

She was dressed in a dress that hugged her generously curvy body. It was a lot more modest than the get-up of the other woman who had just been evicted, as her dress reached almost down to her knees. She adjusted her huge breasts in her dress and then pulled her lipstick out of her clutch, adding a little to her pouty lips. Anita laughed to herself, as she didn’t understand why she wanted to look particularly sexy, since she was not interested in Lance, or was she? She shook her head, reminded herself that he would probably much rather be with someone like the woman that she had seen leaving the building. She checked out her figure in the mirror and compared it to the woman who had been escorted out. Despite her plus size, Anita had a very shapely body and people often complimented her. She was proud of her body and was comfortable in her own skin. However, she never seemed to find the right kind of guy for herself. The few that she had been out with had been with her solely for sex, and as soon as they got what they wanted, they were gone with the wind. After being burned a few too many times, she decided to dedicate her time to her work, although her dad often tried to encourage her to go out saying that she was wasting her beauty in the office. The elevator doors finally opened and Anita sighed in relief when she noted that there were no guards there. She made her way to the door of the penthouse on the far end of the corridor and sat on a chair by the window. She listened to the traffic outside and it brought her a sense of calm, like a soft lullaby.


The ballroom was packed to capacity, and Senator Lance Whitefield had shaken so many hands, he was exhausted. All that he wanted to do was to go up to his room and sleep. Smiling for the cameras was also beginning to drive him crazy and he was not sure if he was going to be able to keep it up. As a matter of fact, what he needed right now was a woman; a woman who could ease him out of all the tension that he had felt all week. He needed a release, but he could never seem to find the right kind of woman for himself. Skinny chicks kept throwing themselves at him, but he preferred women with a little more meat on their bones. He had always had a thing for bigger women, feeling like they would be more willing to indulge his fantasies. The most unfortunate thing about that was the fact that most of the women he met in Boston were struggling to remain as thin as needles. And then there was also the fact that he could not trust most people in general. He was hoping to get a mate some day, someone who was of his own kind, and someone who would be able to keep his secrets.

He looked around the room. It was packed with reporters, his worst enemies since they would be the first to squeal if they ever found out his secret, and that would be the end of him and his kind. He flexed his muscles, wishing that he could just go out to the park and run as if there were no problems that existed in the world. He searched through the crowd for his cousin, Barry Swift, who also happened to be his aide and beta. He wanted to get the hell out of here, and there was no way that he could make it through this crowd without his help. The reporters wanted to know every single thing about him, and he hated the fact that they were more interested in his life other than his policies. The fact that he was thirty six and still single also seemed to draw a lot of attention, making more news than anything else. A successful billionaire and Senator who was still single was definitely every woman's dream come true, and he had a hard time fending them off. Lance finally spotted Barry.

“I need to get out of here, I don’t think I can take it any longer,” he said to him.

“I can see that, you look drained. Well, it is a good thing that I sent someone upstairs to help you unwind, she is waiting by the door of the penthouse,” his cousin said with a smile before turning to address the crowd. “Senator Whitefield has to leave now, he has appointments very early in the morning and he needs to rest. The bar is still open; enjoy yourselves.”

Two guards fended off people as Barry led Lance to the private elevator that led up to his penthouse. Thank God he owned this building and had a luxury apartment on the top floor. Moments later, the elevator doors opened and his guards led him around the corner towards his door. Standing by his door was a beauty that immediately mesmerized him. She was just the sort of woman that he had always wanted - her body sexy, and her eyes the color of a clear sky. She had all the qualities that he admired in a woman, including a voluptuous body, even curvy as she stood up, and huge firm breasts. He was going to have to make a point to thank Barry, because this time he had hit it right on point and got him the sort of woman that he craved.

“You are not supposed to be here,” one of his guards hurried over to the woman.

“It is okay, Terrence, she is with me,” Lance said as both guards and the woman looked at him with surprise. “You two may leave for the day now, I'll see you in the morning.”

Looking more confused than ever, the guards left as Lance pulled out his card key and swiped it through the lock of the door, pushing it open.

“Please, come on in,” he said, pushing the door open and entering the dark room without bothering to turn on the lights.

The strange beauty followed him into the room hesitatingly and he wondered what was wrong with her. A she-wolf would have practically began making out with him even before the guards left. Lance wondered why he had never seen her before and yet he would have recognized her before. There was something familiar about her, but he could not quite place where he had seen her. It was probably at one of their full moon gatherings in the woods, but he still wondered why he had not made a hit on her that day. Her scent filled the room, fresh and arousing, and he felt his cock starting to harden in his pants. His eyes adjusted to the dark easily and he turned to look at her as he shut the door.

“Aren't you going to turn on the lights, Senator Whitefield?” she asked falteringly.

“Yes I will, honey, in a short while,” he said, moving over to her and pulling her into his arms.

She hesitated slightly before her body pressed against his, and he heard her breath catching in her throat when his dick pressed against her belly. There was an innocence about her that was making him even more aroused with desire, a sort of desire that he had never experienced before. He felt his body beginning to shift slightly, his fangs pulling out of their slit while his eyes turned a fiery orange.

“Senator Lance, I-“

“Shh, call me Lance, don’t spoil the moment with words,” he whispered, his lips crushing upon hers hungrily as they began kissing.

She hesitated at first and then she responded, parting her lips to allow entry of his tongue into her mouth. She tasted delicious, and his wolf’s sense of smell could detect her arousal. She smelled delectable and the effect went straight to his aching dick, making it crave for her even more. She had to be new to the pack and was probably not sure of how to act.

“Lance, I don’t think you understand-“

“Shh, I'm a very open guy, and we will take this just the way that you want it, don’t be afraid of me,” he said to her tenderly before fusing his lips back onto hers and kissing her even more intensely.

She was not as aggressive as the she-wolves that he was used to making love to, and her innocence got him so turned on, evident by his ever-growing hard-on. She melted easily into him, the scent of her arousal making him giddy with desire. She pulled away for breath.

“Senator, I think that you are mistaken, I'm-“

“I don’t feel like talking right now,” he said, turning her around and running his fingers through her hair as he breathed her in. “Right now I wanna kiss every inch of your body, caress you, lick you and then make love to you like there is no tomorrow. I wanna bury my cock deep inside you and fuck you until you scream my name over and over, and I want it now.”

To drive his point home, he turned her around and locked his lips onto hers, kissing her as if she was the only thing that mattered in the world.


Somewhere in the back of her mind, Anita knew that she should stop this at once. She could easily pull away from him, slap him across the face hard and storm out of the room armed with a story about the way that the Senator abused women, but as he stroked his tongue over hers, evoking sensations that she had never imagined existed, she knew that nothing of that sort was going to happen. Not in this world. It was evident that he had been expecting someone else, and Anita wondered if it was the brunette bimbette who had been escorted out of the building. But why had she been escorted out, could she have been a whore, and did the Senator have to pay for sex? No, that was out of the question, Lance Whitefield could have any woman that he wanted to fuck with the snap of a finger, including her, Anita now realized.

So then, who was the brunette? Anita tried to think, but her thoughts were drowned by the passion of the moment. How could she think when he was kissing her like this, the most deliciously arousing and sweet kiss that she had ever received in her entire life? His heady fragrance made her dizzy with desire and her mind was swirling with sensation as his soft lips caressed hers gently, assaulting her deliciously. Senator Lance held her tightly against him, and the feel of his cock rocking gently over her crotch made her wet with desire. She had lost control of her life, and the Senator was now the one in charge of what she felt. She felt her panties soaking with the heat of her desire, and she couldn’t believe just how turned on this stranger was making her. It was not supposed to happen like this. She was just here for a story, period. At this rate, she was definitely going to get a story, but not one that she could put in the newspaper.

“The scent of your arousal is driving me crazy,” he whispered into her ear, tracing his tongue around it, before pushing it into her ear and nibbling on her ear lobe. Anita found herself trembling with desire, an intense burning desire. “What is your name, sweetheart?”

Name? Anita was not sure if she could remember her name. “An… Anita,” she finally managed to say, moaning softly when his hand cupped her breast and began massaging it.

This was not the cool billionaire politician that she had seen on TV and read about in newspapers and magazines, this man was taut under his suit, and the heat of his touch was burning her from the inside out.

“Okay, Anita, I'm going to take off your dress,” he said, and Anita knew that he was not asking for her permission to do it.

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