Read Romance: Gibson's Legacy ( New Adult Contemporary Erotic Romance) (Last Score Book 1) Online

Authors: K.L. Shandwick

Tags: #romance, #Contemporary, #women's fiction

Romance: Gibson's Legacy ( New Adult Contemporary Erotic Romance) (Last Score Book 1) (18 page)

Snap. The sound of the camera on my smartphone taking the picture was one thing, being able to send it to Paul, quite another.

“Where is the picture of your pussy, Chloe? I’m waiting. Send it now.”

Hearing him order me in that now familiar masterful tone, I sent the picture by text, submitting to his want again. As soon as I did, half of me wanted to hang up, the other half imagining him opening the picture and seeing the part of me only one other man has ever seen.

Excitement and nerves made my heart rate soar even higher, as I waited for him to speak.

Could I admit to that without coming across as easy? What if he got the wrong idea about me and thought I just wanted to have phone sex every five minutes?

“Tell me you want a picture, Chloe, I won’t share with you until you demand one from me.”

Truly, there was nothing I wanted more. Every fiber in my body was desperate to know what he looked like. Every nerve in my body was aching for sex at that point. A desperate feeling had begun to grow in my core and was starting to surface by radiating to all of my erogenous zones.

My nipples were pebbled with the effects of tingling pulses at the thought of him looking at me, and me looking at him. My flesh crept with excitement and turned my normally silky smooth skin into goose flesh. The sensation of his seductive voice was setting me alight inside. I was so turned on by how he was talking to me, and the demands he was making.

“Show me.” Barely recognizing my own voice, I had suddenly demanded the same of him. And immediately following that needy command, in my mind I considered if asking to see his dick made me curious, or was I perverted? Two strangers sharing the most intimate parts of their bodies to each other by text… what were we trying to achieve?

Loud beeping from my phone alerted me to the fact that he’d sent his text. I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to look at it, and if I did, what did that mean? Strange how in a matter of minutes everything I thought my boundaries were around sex had imploded, and I had a picture of a naked stranger’s penis on my phone.

A moment’s quiet between us unsettled me. Was he looking at my picture and what was he thinking? Clearing his throat, Paul spoke in a raspy, uneven voice laced with lust.

“So, Chloe, did you look at me yet?”

I shook my head, because I had still been deliberating about opening the text.

“No, not yet.” Shocked about how my lack of confidence came through in my voice, I almost hung up, thinking that the game we were playing had gone far enough, and that we shouldn’t continue. I wanted to tell him I’d delete his text without looking, if he’d delete mine. I knew that was a very naïve thought, no guy that was sent a picture like that could resist looking at it.

“Aren’t you curious about how my dick looks?” Chloe, I want you to open the text. We’ll open them at the same time. Please put me on speaker phone, you are going to need your hands in a few minutes. And I want to talk to you when I open your text picture.

“Okay I’m opening it now.”

“Same here.”

Closing my eyes tight, my heart raced and my hands shook again as a sudden burst of adrenaline at the thought of me doing something so reckless and trusting him with such an intimate image, hit home with me. Paul’s gruff tone broke into my thoughts.

“I’m opening the picture you sent me now.” There was silence for a couple of seconds and I nearly concluded the call. “Fuck. You have the perfect pussy, Chloe. Thank you for sharing yourself with me.” For some reason I was completely elated that he approved. There was silence again then he spoke. “Fuck. Hot dammit. Damn. You described your pussy perfectly, it’s… beautiful, honey.”

The last two words were almost a broken whisper and then silence hung in the air between us until he hummed like he was thinking. “Hmm, Fuck. You have the perfect pussy, Chloe. Thank you for sharing yourself with me.” For some reason I was completely elated that he approved.

I didn’t know how to respond to that, so I chose that moment to open his text, completely unprepared for the impact that one image would have on my mind and body. Electrical currents fired off in all directions, my eyes widened and strangely, I reached out and stroked my index finger down the screen. A strong pulsing sensation clenched my pussy and for the first time juices escaped my pussy soaking into the pillow under me. I could actually feel my clitoris become erect.

“Do you want me to tell you what I see, Chloe? What I feel when I see this picture?”

Did I?
Weirdly, what he thought really mattered to me. He was the only person apart from Kace to know about that part of me, even if he would never know me intimately.

“I do.” Pursing my lips and still staring at his image, I waited for Paul to explain how seeing my pussy had affected him.

“Beautiful. Your pussy is beautiful. Actually, it’s perfect.” Humming again, he growled and said, “I don’t think I’ve seen a more perfect one.” Starting to giggle, I thought he was being facetious and rolled my eyes, embarrassed again about sending it.

“What are you laughing at? There is nothing funny about looking at you. Seeing this part of you makes me feel wild inside. You are beautiful, Chloe, and the only thing I can think of when I’m looking at this, is that if I was granted one wish, I’d use it to sink my dick balls deep inside you to see if it feels as amazing as it looks.”

Smirking at his reply, I could completely relate. When I saw the photo of his dick, perfect was the word that came to mind, even with that strange metal bar with the silver balls through the head. Emotions and feelings came from somewhere deep inside that were a contradiction to anything I had previously thought about sex.

Nothing about this experience had anything to do with love and romance was carnal and a wanton desire, which had an insanity all its own.

“Are you looking at my dick, Chloe?” Paul’s seductive voice echoed down the line at me.

“I am, I stated honestly.

“What are you thinking?” Pursing my lips as if to prevent me from disclosing the horny mess I was, I initially said nothing, still trying to get my head around what I was doing. It was so out of character, but he was drunk and I was an emotional wreck, and it just seemed right because no one was ever going to know what we were doing.

“Are you shocked by what you are doing, Chloe?” The guy seemed to have a knack for hitting the nail on the head as far as my thoughts were concerned.

“I am—this is the last thing I ever thought I would do, and especially with a stranger,” I replied honestly.

“Is that what I am, Chloe—a stranger?” Paul sounded a little surprised by my statement.

“Aren’t you?” I was wondering how he saw himself, if not that.

“Honestly, I feel…in my head, that I’ve known you for a long time, Chloe. I connect with you like no one else. Like you are the girl I should have met when I was seventeen. If I had known you then, I think my life may have gone a bit differently.”

Hearing his thoughts scared me. Suddenly I felt prickles in the back of my neck, his disclosure both exciting and frightening me.

“What are you thinking? I’m weird? Some kind of sicko...maybe I am. Calling my random wrong number and flashing my dick at her in a text while I’m drunk, but you asked and I’m giving you my honest thoughts about you. Tell me, when you see my dick what are you thinking?”

Admiring his candid answer, I felt he should at least have the same from me. “I’m thinking I’d like to feel your dick and the sensation of it sinking deep inside of me. I’m sure this is a momentary reaction but I think I’d use my one wish to touch your dick, to feel the stretch and burn as you enter me.” My voice trailed off and I realized I had just poured my thinking voice down the line and I had gone too far.

“Are you connected enough to allow me to make you come, Chloe?” At that moment he could have asked me to throw myself into the Grand Canyon and he’d make me come and I would have agreed.

“Definitely.” The confidence in my voice was different from how I had been all through the rest of our conversation.

“Good girl. Are your legs spread open for me?”

Without hesitancy I answered, “They are.”

“Good girl. Pull your knees up towards your chest, and then roll your knees outwards.” Doing as I was told, I was suddenly focused on the instructions he was giving me, obeying without hesitation.

“Close your eyes.” I did and there was silence for a moment, then Paul’s low, husky, seductive tone, cooed, “I’m stroking myself, but you are not to touch your pussy, do you understand?”

Bunching my brow, I became frustrated because there was no way I was going to be able to stop giving myself pleasure to find my release. Especially since he had ordered me not to touch myself. Forbidding me from doing that just made me want to do it even more.

“Remember how I told you I’d make you come just with words, Chloe? You don’t believe I can do that? I am about to prove to you it is possible. Just keep your eyes closed and listen.”

Paul began talking in the most seductive tones about my body, explaining where his hands and lips would be and how he could make me feel so alive with his fingers and mouth. Where he would suck and lick and caress.

Every part of my body was alert and humming in anticipation at his sexy low southern tone, his words caressing my mind like a warm sensual palm, and making my core pulse with such vibrancy and regularity that the feelings deep in my core began to put me on edge.

Once in a while, he would ask how what he was doing was affecting me. This was usually just before I was tempted to reach down and touch myself, and I guess my breathing kept changing and alerting him to that.

Becoming lost in his words, his descriptive language of what he was doing to me, made me forget that none of it was happening. The effect of his tone, words, extensive teasing and stopping, had a kind of hypnotic effect on me, to the point where I could swear I felt his hot breath on my pussy, his tongue lapping at me and the pulse of him sucking on my clit.

A familiar heat and pleasure sensation built deep in my core and I felt my pussy begin to tighten. Paul told me he was going to fuck me with his tongue and I was going to come over it, he gave a guttural groan into the phone and I felt myself release.

“Stroke your clit, Chloe.” I’d never have believed that someone could have had an effect on me to the point where he could make me climax without touching me, until that happened between us.

Quietly, I lay wondering what the hell to say to that. Did I say thank you? Did I ask if he came? Did I dare ask…have you done that before? Would I want to know the answer to that? I knew that he’d told me it was a first for him, but Paul was so masterful and precise in his direction that I began to doubt that very much.

Another thought struck me, how many women had he done that to, and were all the phone calls we had, a kind of grooming process to get me to this point with him?

All of a sudden, I was Chloe with low self- esteem, not wanting to talk or dissect what had just happened. Mumbling that I needed a bit of time to absorb what had just gone on, I concluded the call before Paul had the chance to speak.

Ruby called and we chatted for a few minutes arranging to meet up again, then as I was closing out my phone I remembered the ‘pocket call’ I’d had where someone was making love, and glanced at the call log there was only three numbers logged.

Paul’s, Ruby’s and Gavin’s. I knew it wasn’t Ruby’s voice I had heard on the phone, and realized it had been either Paul’s or Gavin’s. Looking at the time on the phone log, I knew that the number that had dialed me by accident was Paul’s.

Paul had been having sex prior to calling me, and then all of that had happened between us. There were so many overwhelming feelings running through my mind. Disgust, confusion, hurt, anger, sadness, loneliness, embarrassment and feeling like I’d been played for a fool and that the whole wrong number had been a preamble to what had happened between us.

Several days later I was still at a loss for what to think, but even with what had happened I was still checking my phone, waiting for contact from Paul. With each day that passed I felt it confirm that what I had felt towards the end of the call was sadly, correct. I’d been groomed for some sicko’s pleasure and he now had a picture of my most intimate body part. Thank God he didn’t know my last name or where I lived.




Jesus Christ, what did I do? Bad enough I was arranging to meet her and then I get pissed and pull a stunt like that on her? What the fuck is wrong with me?
The damage was already done, and I had a few days to get my head straight before coming face to face with her.

Charlotte and I had already discussed how I would be able to mask my identity. There was only a hint of me on the phone. Everyone commented that I didn’t really sound like myself on the phone. Suddenly I wasn’t confident on that score. Normally a cock- sure asshole, I suddenly wavered on my ability to pull the whole ruse off.

Flying up to LA in the Lear Jet from the gig in Arizona took no time at all. I could have done with an extra hour to gather my thoughts about how to deal with Chloe when I saw her. How the fuck was I going to look her in the eye after what I did on the phone? We hadn’t spoken since that night and five days later I was in uncharted territory.

Why did I give a shit about how what we did affected her? Why when I’ve never cared before about how someone’s feelings? What the fuck was I doing? Maybe Lennox had it right, and I was putting her on a pedestal. What if I saw her after all that time and thought meh…she’s not doing anything for me? Then thought, could I spend a whole weekend with a girl I wasn’t into, when I should have been meeting Toby? All I knew was I had too many questions and not one answer coming back at me.

High winds rocked the plane as we were descending to land at LAX. Turbulence shook the plane violently and it seemed to lurch then fall like a small yacht being tossed in high seas, then there was calm again. An ache in my fingertips alerted me that I had been clutching the leather arm rests on both sides. Flying never bothered me, but it seemed to affect me that day for some reason. Fuck, I was really restless and on edge.

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