ROMANCE: Military: SEALED BY APACHE (Military Soldier Navy SEAL Romance) (Alpha Male Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Short Stories) (102 page)

Gregory stepped forward and shook the hand of Nicole’s mother.

“I’m Nancy, Nicole’s mother. I’m afraid dinner is going to take a little bit longer than expected to be ready, so if you would like to tell us about ourselves.”

“Actually,” said Nicole, “Gregory needs to take some medication and I have to assist him with it.”

“I do?”

“He doesn’t want to admit it, but it’s really important he does. Do you mind if we excuse ourselves?”

Carl’s eyes narrowed, “Be quick about it.”

“Ok daddy. Come on baby.”

Nicole grabbed Gregory and dragged him away from her parents.

“Carl honey, What sort of medication do you think that boy needs to take?”

“I don’t know, and frankly I don’t care to know.” He said with a huff.


Nicole tossed Gregory into the bathroom before closing the door behind her.

“I need you to take me now.”


Nicole began kissing Gregory, biting his lips as she pushed him into the sink. She started to climb on him, bending him over. Gregory slipped off her dress straps and slid it to expose her breasts.

“You know that we can’t do too much or else I’ll be getting another urge.”

“Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. They’re expecting us back soon anyways. Now take me Gregory.”

Gregory dragged his hands down Nicole’s back, causing her to arch back and pant a little. She began to thrust herself on him over and over again.  Gregory’s hands had made it down to her ass and he began to squeeze firmly. Nicole gave an abrupt cry, doing her best to be quiet as soon as she could. She giggled a bit.

“Do that again.”

Gregory complied and she screamed in pleasure through gritted teeth.  She went back to kissing him, her tongue teasing his. Gregory gagged a little, but soon had his moved moving around with hers.  Nicole pulled her mouth away from him and guided one of his hands into her panties. She tilted her head back and began to gasp for breath as his hand was inserted into her vagina.

After several seconds of this, she grew still.

“Ok. I’m good to go.”

The two of them began straightening their clothes out.
“Where did that come from Nicole?”

“I don’t know. I just feel incredibly aroused by you right now.”

“But what will your parents think of me now? I think they knew what we just left to do. They’ll think we’re sex addicts.”

“Well at least they think you’ll be normal then.”

Gregory stopped and looked Nicole in the eye, “What?”

“Well if they think I found a man who I love to have sex with, that will just mean I got caught up with a bad boy. That’s normal.”

“Is that why you did this?”

“How’s it feel being just another guy?”

“Nicole, that won’t change who I am.”

“Then don’t think about that part of you. Please Gregory, I’m ready to commit. You, me and this child are going to be just fine. I’m not going to let you be ashamed by yourself. We’re in this together.”

“Why?” Gregory asked, tears rimming his eyes, “Why would you do all this for me?”

“Because I found someone who I want to live the rest of my life with and I am not going to let one massively different thing about you change how well we get together. If we run into problems, we’ll figure it out together. You being half-bear is no different than being a different religion than I am; it’s just new customs and traditions to observe. So please, I need you to walk out of this bathroom with me and go have a nice, normal dinner with my parents.”

Gregory wrapped Nicole in for a hug, holding her close to him. Tears flowed down his face as whispered the words, “Thank you.”

“Come on you big teddy bear, let’s go get some food.”


Carl and Nancy were just about done setting the table when Gregory and Nicole walked in with big smiles on their faces.

“You’re both pretty happy for some people just taking some medication.” said Carl, giving Gregory the stink eye.

“Oh, Gregory just needed a little encouragement that his illness is nothing to get so worked up about.”

“You’re a wonderful woman Nicole.” Nancy said, bringing a big pot of spaghetti to the table, “Now sit down everyone and let’s dig in.”

The four of them sat down. Carl was the first one to start getting food.

“You know Gregory, my daughter isn’t around solely to help you “take your medication”.” Gregory said, “She needs to be more than just that in your life.”

“Oh yes sir. She reminds me of that every day.”

Gregory grabbed Nicole’s hand from under the table and gave it a squeeze. She gave a reassuring squeeze in response.

“Now, as I imagine my daughter has told you, a number of men have already broken your heart. Now my Nicole is just trying to find someone to share her life with; someone to start a family with. Are you willing to commit to that, through the good and bad of it all?”

“You have my word on that. Your daughter is never going to be feeling like she made a bad choice for choosing me.”

“You sure talk a nice game,” Nancy said, “I sure hope you aren’t just talk.”

“He’s not like that mom. He actually has a big heart. He’s been the only one I’ve met who actually took an interest in me and wanted to help me find strength in being in who I am. I have been trying to return that favor recently, around the time I found out about Gregory’s condition, and I just want him to see himself in a more positive light.”

“Your daughter sure knows how to show love. I guess she was just waiting for the right person to share it with.”

“Well let’s hope that she can keep you an honest man.”

Gregory smiled and nodded. As it came his turn to serve his food, he caught Nicole looking his way subtly. She had been right. This was the most normal he had felt in a long time. His smile seemed to only grow stronger as he started serving the food to Nicole. Their gazes met for just a second, neither of them having the slightest desire to back out of this situation now. The two of them knew what awaited them.

“Thank you.” Nicole said as Gregory finished serving her.

“No Nicole, thank you.”


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The rain fell softly on my face. It helped me forget about all of the black cloth that had recently passed by. The tree above me released the raindrops that had been contained in its leaves. It was as though the tree was crying with me.

              Merely days had passed since my father was killed by the beast. Brother was in such a hurry to bury him into the ground after his death so that he could become king. The ceremony would be held later today to introduce the new king of Darden. I had no intentions of being there. I would remain by my father’s side until my body became one with the ground above him. I couldn’t remember ever feeling so alone.

              Mother had died the day I entered the world. Brother always told me it was my fault that she was gone. I killed her. He never let me forget that. Father was my only ally in life. Now he was gone and I was alone.

              Many people have told me that I am much like my mother. At my age my mother had dark hair that flowed straight down her back touching her waist. Just as mine does now. I have her emerald eyes and small button nose. Unfortunately for me I was given my father’s ears that always seemed to stick out to the side. He always told me that my strange ears made me a good listener. I wish I could have known my mother. There is so much I wish to have learned from her. Things such as how it felt to kiss a boy for the first time. Or how she knew who to give her love to. There are so many things that only my mother could tell me. Father always did his very best however it is certainly not the same. I love him dearly for trying. He was able to provide me everything I could possibly need.

              Three days ago I went with Father into the village to see the townspeople. We brought bread and cheese to pass out to those in need. Father was always giving back everything he had to his people. He was a beloved king and things would never be the same without him. The people praised him and he made sure to call everyone by their first name. I already knew that Brother would be nothing like that. He had darkness inside of him, a burning greed. He enjoyed making others feel small while he stomped around like a giant.

              When we knocked on the door of Mr. Toil Germaine’s small shack he greeted us nervously. Just like he would do every time, father shook Mr. Germaine’s hand and offered him some bread. Mr. Germaine asked us inside for a cup of warm milk, father accepted. After entering his home, a wild beast pounced at us from across the room. It looked like a monster with razor teeth and black bristly fur. First he attacked Father and I screamed. Mr. Germaine kept chanting, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! My king, please forgive me! What was a starving man to do?”

              Father fell to the ground and the animal escaped. The next thing I remember was waking up in my bed back at the castle. I awoke in a panic. Then I realized it must have all been a bad dream.

              “Mira!” I heard our nurse Hazel stirring beside me. “Oh, my sweet girl. What trouble you have seen!” She placed a cold cloth upon my brow.

              “Thank you Hazel. You may leave.” Brother called out from across the room.

I watched as Hazel started toward the door. She bowed her head as she walked past Brother. “My king.” She replied. It hadn’t been a dream. Tears began flowing down my cheeks.

Brother pulled up a chair to my bedside. “Hello Sister.” He stated with a bite in his voice. “I see you have done it again.”

Puzzled, I responded in between sobs, “What have I done again?”

“You have killed another one of our parents. Well done.” He said in a poisonous tone. “Death truly surrounds you sister.” I began to cry even harder. I felt a pain in my heart that could only be described as emptiness.

“Brother!” I pleaded. The sound of my voice scared me. It sounded hollow and desperate. “There was this black beast, it came out of nowhere!”

“Don’t bother wasting your words, I will not listen. I have already arranged your punishment. You got away with killing our mother, the queen. I will not let you get away with killing our father as well.”

At this point I wanted to fall into myself and leave this world. I had no one.

“I have arranged your wedding to Kit Bataran. It will take place after I am sworn in as king.” Brother stood up and looked down at me in the bed. “You are a disgrace to our family and I will not see you again. Consider yourself forever banished from Darden.” And just like that he stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him. I jumped at the sound.

Kit Bataran was the eldest son of King Laurence Bataran of Soundsforth. For my entire life I had been told stories about the Bataran’s. Brother had always told me horrors of what terrible people they were. I didn’t know enough about him and I was in no way interested in being married to him, or anyone for that matter. Darden had been my home for the past eighteen years. I wasn’t ready to leave. I stayed in my bed for days until my tears dried up, only getting up to say my goodbyes to father.

The funeral felt short for someone who had led such a significant life. The entire town showed up to pay their respects to the fallen King Erroll Nord. The only townsfolk who wasn’t there was Toil Germaine. The way he continued to mutter his apologies caused me to believe that he had planned the attack on my father. Something didn’t fit properly. My heart burned with hatred for that man. He let this happen, I know it.

The tree shook again and more raindrops fell upon my face. It was quiet, I was the only person remaining at the burial site. The rest of the town was at the castle for the royal crowning of their new king, Montgomery Nord.

I looked down at my hands and placed them gently on my lap to smooth out my black cloak. When I noticed the white lace of my wedding gown peeking out around my ankles, I scrambled to tuck it in. Brother had insisted I wear it under my cloak to the funeral seeing as I was to be married hours later.

When I was sure that Brother’s crowning ceremony was over I picked myself up off of the ground and blew father a kiss. “Father, I miss you in my heart and I will never forget you. I promise to keep your soul alive.” I placed a single white rose upon his headstone and pulled myself away. The wind picked up and howled against my back pushing me up the hill. Forcing me not to turn back.

The ceremony was small which I was completely grateful for. It was held just outside of Darden in the hills of Soundsforth. The only people attending were King Laurence and his queen Elmire. Brother showed up for the appearance to ensure that I was following through with my punishment. He left shortly after the ceremony began. It was quite strange for a royal wedding to be so small but my heart screamed out in joy.

Kit was quite handsome in his royal cloak. He had a very kind but concerned face. The way his hair curled and framed his face softened his appearance. He stood six foot five inches towering a foot above my petit frame. He clasped my hand in his which I found quite bizarre considering the circumstances. This man was a complete stranger to me.

The ceremony droned on and I only half listened. I paid close attention to cross my fingers behind my back as I recited my marital vows to Kit Bataran. The only vow I took today was to myself. I vowed to keep my heart guarded. I may be forced to marry this man but I would never love him. Everyone I have ever loved has been taken from me. It was better this way.

“You may now kiss the princess.”

Kit smiled at my coyly, nervously. Gently, he placed one hand along my cheek and bowed his head down placing his warm lips carefully on mine. This was my first kiss, all of the blood in my body rushed up into my cheeks. I hoped I was doing this right. I felt his other hand brush the small of my back and against my hand which was still fingers-crossed behind my back. Embarrassed, I pulled my hands together. Then it ended just as quickly as it had started.

“I promise I am going to love you.” Kit whispered in the kindest voice. I felt my stomach flutter and my mind began to fog.

Snap out of it Mira, guard your heart.

As a family, we walked toward the royal carriage where the guards and horses were awaiting us. King Laurence and Queen Elmire lead the way while Kit and I followed closely behind. Just as he had before, Kit clasped my hand in his.

Once we reached the carriage and the king and queen had entered, Kit asked to talk to me on the side. I felt a wave of nerves come over me but politely agreed.

“Mira, my lady.” He cleared his throat. He was so handsome. “I just wanted to personally express my condolences on the loss of your father. King Erroll was a great man. We thought very highly of him even in Soundsforth. I understand that it has been an excruciatingly difficult day for you and I will respect your space. Please, if there is anything myself or the kingdom of Soundsforth can do for you, do not hesitate to ask. We are you home now.”

I couldn’t help myself, I threw my arms around his neck and burst into tears. His kindness burned right through me and I so badly needed someone to care for me. Reminding myself to keep my heart guarded, I pulled away carefully from his embrace. “Thank you my prince. We can go home now.” The words tasted funny in my mouth. I had never referred to anywhere but Darden as ‘home.’ Now here I was, headed in the wrong direction and already calling it home.

When we arrived in Soundsforth hours later, the townsfolk were there to greet us. They cheered as we entered the gates. Everyone was trying to get a glimpse of Soundsforth’s newest princess. I cowered into Kit not wanting to be seen. My mind continued to soar back to Darden. I wondered what they were doing and if anyone missed me. I knew I was certainly missing them. Head forward and heart hidden, I trudged onward into my new life as Princess Mira Bataran of Soundsforth.

Kit was extremely accommodating when we arrived at the castle. The handmaids had already prepared a separate room to help me adjust. A wave of relief washed over me as I realized I was not expected to share a bed with a complete stranger. They helped me undress and change into something other than my funeral cloak and frilly wedding dress. After bathing I sat on the edge of my bed and peered out of the window. The moon was full and the stars bright. I hoped that father was up there looking into this window right now. I hope he could see how brave I was being. I hope he knew I missed him.

Breaking my trance, I heard a quiet tap on the door. “Who is it?” I choked out.

“Mira,” I heard in a small voice “it’s me, Kit. May I please come in?”

My heart immediately began to pound and my hands started to sweat. All of the nerves in my body were on guard and prickling me. I couldn’t say no, could I? “Kit. Yes, you may come in.”

Quietly he pushed into the door being sure not to make a sound when closing it behind himself. Exaggeratedly he tip-toed his way across the room and sat across from me on the edge of the bed. We sat there in silence for quite a while simply staring into each other’s eyes. His were round and the color of azure. The light from the moon bounced off of his brilliant eyes and they sparkled as they looked into mine. “I was telling the truth when I promised I would love you.” He managed to break our silence.

I smiled shyly but said nothing in return.

“Mira, we are going to have a beautiful life together but only when you are ready. I will be here when you need me and until then I am granting you space and comfort.” He stood and stepped over to face me. With one hand on either side of me he bent in close. “I promise I am going to love you.” He repeated and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek before leaving the room.

My mind was spinning when I heard the door click closed. So badly my heart was crying out to follow him but my mind continued to intervene. Mira, guard your heart. If I was to fall in love with him, something terrible would happen to him. As loud as my mind was screaming over the cries of my heart, it wasn’t loud enough.

In the dark I fumbled my way across the hall in search of Kit’s room. At this point I was sure he had to have been asleep as it had been hours since he had visited me. When I finally reached his room, I could still see the flicker of candle light around the edges of his closed door. I inhaled deeply before rapping on the door. Not even a second had passed and I turned to go back, he had to have been asleep.

Suddenly, the door propped open. “Mira?” I heard Kit’s whispers. “Mira, is that you out there?”

My feet took off running toward him and I barreled into him arms. Frantically I sobbed and told him all about how alone I felt. “Father was my best friend. He was the only person who loved me just as much as I loved him. Brother had never been kind to me, he almost seemed relieved to hear that Father was gone.” I spilled my entire story about how I killed my mother when I was born to helplessly watching my father get attacked by a savage animal. It felt all too easy to fall into his arms and to confess it all. I didn’t hold back and he sat there and listened. The entire time stroking my hair and kissing my cheeks.

I had never felt comfort like this. I have never felt this kind of safety with anyone. He held me tightly and let me cry into his chest. Eventually I felt as though I had no more reason to cry. Everything that had been bottling up inside of me for so long had been released. I no longer felt as though I needed bigger shoulders now that I knew the release of honesty and finding someone who cared.

“Kit,” I looked up at him “I think I promise to love you too.” I could feel my heart racing in my chest. It was pounding so hard it must have thrown its guard down because before I knew it I was kissing him and all of the pain had stopped.

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