ROMANCE: Military: SEALED BY APACHE (Military Soldier Navy SEAL Romance) (Alpha Male Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Short Stories) (118 page)

An hour later the beginning ceremonies for the game were starting, even though Tessa couldn’t remember their official name. She sat on one of the lower bleacher seats, right behind the benches that held players that weren’t on the field. Of course, she’d been sitting there since she’d gotten out of class, but it wasn’t as uncomfortable as it seemed. However, it was very loud, and when the home team rushed out of the locker room it only got louder.

As promised, Tessa tried, really tried, to stay with what was happening. The ball only moved if Lucas was receiving a catch, or throwing one. She really didn’t know. Frowning, she found herself actively looking for the man in the blue and yellow ‘22’ uniform, and he was always in the same spot unless the ball was in play. It was easy to follow Lucas, too, because he was just so much bigger than everyone else.

It was half way into the game that Tessa noticed Lucas was running straight for the biggest defender on the visiting team. He wasn’t even paying attention to where he was going. Gnawing on her lip, she felt her heart stutter in her chest when the giant ball of red and green rammed into Lucas and sent him flying.

Standing up in a flurry with the rest of the crowd, Tessa held her breath, waiting for Lucas to get up as the game was stopped and the referees ran for him. Whatever the defender had done, it was illegal and resulted in a red flag being thrown, but Tessa didn’t care. She just wanted Lucas to sit up, and heaved a sigh when he did so.

Despite that, though, a stretcher was carried onto the field and Lucas was quick to lie back down.

“Lucas!” Tessa didn’t think- she just ran out of the bleachers with a strangled sound and practically sprinted towards her car. Lucas would be taken to the nearest hospital, which was just down the street. She could beat him there if she were fast enough. Thanking all of the gods that would listen, Tessa was immensely glad she’d started parking near the field so she didn’t have to walk as far.

Panic. That was all Tessa felt as her car tried to obey the speed limit despite the fact that her gas pedal was hitting the floor of the car. The ambulance that held Lucas was pulling into the emergency room, sirens quiet, just as she turned the block to watch it.

Lucas was going to kill her with all of his dangerous sports playing.

Rushing into the emergency area, Tessa caught a glimpse of Lucas being rolled into a room, and she ignored the security guard as she rushed past the nurse’s station. Her fingers shook and her knees were weak. Today was not going as well as planned, although that plan was loose and full of gaps.

“Lucas! Oh my God, are you okay? That guy sent you flying and I- it just took you so long to get up!” Half hysteric, Tessa’s barging into the room made the paramedics frown but Lucas himself seemed to be alright. On an inclined bed, he flat out grinned and reached out to her, and for once she didn’t try to overthink it as she jumped onto the edge of the bed.

“You didn’t break anything, right? Oh, Professor Kirkpatrick was right. This is why I don’t like sports!” Rambling as Lucas swept his hand down her smooth, shiny black hair, Tessa’s words hovered just about legibility.

“Tess, everything is fine, I didn’t break anything. Just got the wind knocked out of me. Just relax, okay? I’m not hurt.” Drawing a deep, hiccupping breath, Tessa held Lucas’s face in her hands and stared at him hard. If he were injured, she knew he’d be pale and sweating slightly. His lips would be trembling and he would be tense. None of these things were happening, though, so she forced herself to relax a little.

“Good. That’s good.”

After a moment of silence, Tessa had some time to calm down. When he knew she wouldn’t try to mortally wound him, Lucas decided to break the quiet as a sly smirk crossed his face.

“So, you gunna admit that you have feelings for me and that you know what I said wasn’t a lie?”

Stiffening at the jibe she knew was more than half serious, Tessa frowned a little before nodding a little. There was no way she could deny it now- not after that episode.

“Fine. I have feelings for you and you didn’t lie.”

Once released from the hospital, Lucas’s football game was already over, and he climbed carefully into the passenger seat of Tessa’s car with a frown.

“Man, that guy hit like a bitch. I guess that’s why they call him a tank. Fucker sent me to the hospital and everything. Hope he gets suspended from his team for that shit.” Listening to Lucas grumble made Tessa feel better. At least he didn’t have brain damage and could remember being hit. Pulling slowly out of the emergency parking lot, she winced noticeably as her brakes squealed in protest. Maybe she’d finally pushed her car too much.

“This sucks- I need a new car.”
Actually what I need is a damn job.
There was no way she’d get a car lease without a job, and her mother giving her a gas money to help her clean offices wasn’t going to cut it.

“You can use mine if you want. My dad got it for my 21
birthday, but I put off getting my license.”

Tessa liked this- the flippant conversation and the relaxed atmosphere. She felt good now that she wasn’t struggling with herself.

Pulling into Lucas’s driveway, Tessa leaned her head back against the head rest and sighed heavily, reaching up to rub her eyes.

“Do you want to sleep here tonight and we’ll go to your place in the morning?” It was nearly 1am, and Tessa was tired enough to think it was a good idea. Shutting off the engine, she shoved her key in her pocket with a nod before pulling herself out of the driver’s seat.

Stumbling into Ron’s house, though, proved difficult when she heard a moan from upstairs. The sound made both Lucas and her pause in their tracks.

Their parents were having sex. The realization hit her hard, and she almost choked on air.

“M- maybe we should go to my house.” The idea that her mother was having sex made Tessa sick to her stomach, and Lucas was quick to pull her back out the front door.


Shuddering lightly, Tessa wrapped her arms around herself in an effort to protect her from the mental images that threatened to develop in her mind’s eye on the way down the street. Wrapping his arm around her, Lucas pulled her to his side and she sighed, enjoying his warmth.

“Night, Tessa.” Somehow Tessa was curled up, spooned by Lucas, and his whisper in her ear made her mumble something in response. She liked this position- a lot. The way his arms wrapped around her and made her safe. Maybe it was something she could get used to.

Waking up slowly, Tessa snuggled into the warmth against her back and nuzzled the arm under her cheek. For all his muscle, Lucas was very cuddly. Groaning, she reached up slowly to rub her eyes, half rolling over to stretch her arms above her head.

“Lucas… Lucas, wake up.” Glancing absently at the clock, Tessa was glad she didn’t have to go to class because of the break considering it was nearly 10 in the morning. Hearing a husky, tired groan from behind her, though, made her smile. This is what Lucas gets for waking her up only a few days before.

“I’m up, babe.” Squeezing her, Lucas mumbled against her hair before Tessa rolled over completely to face him. He looked good, with tousled hair and hooded eyes. Licking her lips absently, she leaned forward and hesitantly brushed her mouth against his.

Sighing softly when Lucas wrapped his arms around her, Tessa rested her hands on his chest and flexed her fingers. His tongue was quick to flick out, requesting entrance with a brush against her lower lip, and she opened her mouth with a slight moan. Sliding her hands up to cup his jaw, she wiggled a little to get closer to him and felt her body temperature rise when she felt his straining erection against her tummy.

Slowly, Lucas’s hand trailed around her to land on her breast, and Tessa immediately inhaled sharply. Her breasts had always been sensitive, but he seemed to know how to set them on fire with just the simplest touch. Slipping under the shirt she’d worn the day before, thick, long fingers started to knead the heavy globes and she arched her back in a silent plea. Still locked in a heated kiss that got hotter with every second, Tessa moaned as a haze settled on her mind.

Pulling back long enough to pull her shirt over her head, Lucas squeezed Tessa’s breast with his free hand and smashed her to his chest with the arm wedged under her shoulders. He wrapped his tongue around her own as he swept her into a passionate kiss that blew her away. Popping open one eye, Tessa rolled her gaze and marveled at how different his milky skin looked against her own, coffee colored flesh. Rolling over, though, Lucas pulled her on top of him and groaned when her crotch landed right on the bulging zipper of his jeans.

Reaching between them, Tessa pulled her head back a little to breathe, and frowned when she couldn’t get the zipper off easily. Scooting down to sit on Lucas’s thighs, she unfastened the button and pulled down the zipper with a slight tremor in her hands to stare, half in awe, at the phallus that sprung free. Standing tall and proud, Lucas’s penis left her previous partner in the dust, and Tessa bit her lip as a bead of pre-cum seeped from the tip.

“Tessa, what a-“ Silencing Lucas, Tessa leaned down to lick the head of his penis and made him suck in air through his teeth as his fingers buried in her hair to hold tightly.

“Fuck- Tessa…” Emboldened by his reaction, Tessa wrapped her hand around the base and her lips around the head as salty sweetness exploded on her tongue. She’d never given head before, but it didn’t seem so hard and unlike she was expecting, Lucas’s phallus didn’t taste weird. It was thick, silky, and tasted like vanilla extract with just a hint of sweat.

Slowly Tessa bobbed her head, just enough for the tip of Lucas’s penis to hit the top of her mouth. Unfortunately, he stopped her before she could continue.

“Less teeth, babe. Just use your lips.” Lucas sounded strained, and Tessa liked that she finally had a one up on him. Taking his advice, though, she tried her best to keep her teeth tucked before taking on a few more inches, until he reached the base of her tongue. He didn’t try to push her head down, and for that she was grateful; it almost seemed like he needed something to ground himself as he pulled her hair roughly into a pony tail.

Jerking a little when Tessa finally took all of him in her mouth, Lucas sore roughly before lifting his hips a bit. She started a low, slow rhythm that allowed her to get used to the feeling of his head hitting the back of her throat, but as she became more comfortable, she started moving faster.

Bobbing her head up and down, Tessa pumped the base of Lucas’s penis before he yanked her head back. Coughing a little as air rushed her lungs, she shuddered lightly and he pushed her backwards to climb on top of her. It made her glad she had a queen sized bed. Lucas’s eyes flashed with desire and a dangerous glint as she smiled wickedly down at her, and Tessa wondered what she’d unleashed.

“My turn, babe.” Husky, the warning made Tessa’s eyes widen before she suddenly found herself completely naked. Lucas had a knack for taking off her clothes, but she couldn’t focus when he parted her thighs and the cold air from the room hit her core. Whimpering softly, she almost didn’t have time to breathe before that cold air was replaced with hot breath. Squirming, she felt the anticipation collect on her skin like sweat, making it tingle.

Lucas gave a big lick down her slit with all of his tongue, and Tessa bucked violently, clutching the sheets under her with a hoarse, loud moan. He took the sensitive bundle of nerves between his teeth and pulled gently, causing her to jerk. Licking over the insides of her folds, Lucas hummed in what Tessa guessed was appreciation before his finger twisted and turned, slipping into her with ease from how wet she was.

Pumping his hand, Lucas flicked and swirled his tongue, doing things Tessa had never known was possible. She was so close to exploding and it hadn’t even been ten seconds, not that she had a sense of time. Pushing against her inner walls, his finger quickly turned into two, and his pace became quicker- a little rougher.

“L- Lucas-s… Oh- God, m- make me cum-m… plea-se!” Spreading her legs wider, Tessa spouted her plea through stutters and small choking noises as Lucas became more ravenous. When he curled his fingers, her entire world came crashing down around her like waves, and her torso lifted upwards as she tightened almost painfully. Knots formed in her insides, and she could feel the contours of his fingers inside her channel.

“You cum so pretty, Tessa.” Growling out the praise, Lucas attacked Tessa’s mouth again before kicking his jeans off entirely and nestling between her hips. His thick, hard member flowed like silk over her wet folds, and she lifted her hips with a whimper. Gripping her hip with damp fingers, Lucas wasted no time plunging passed her entrance, and his groan mingled with her tortured cry.

Her one partner never made her feel so full- so stretched.

Burying her face in his shoulder, Tessa let out a shriek when Lucas pulled his hips away to thrust back into her. Her nails dug into his biceps, and his fingers were making bruises on her hip.

“Fuck- Tessa… Scream again.” Slamming into her, Lucas’s demand sounded deeply in her ear and Tessa gladly obliged. She felt too tight for her skin, and knew from the tightening in her abdomen that she was having a release of epic proportions.

“God- Harder! Harder L- Lucas!” Crying out loudly, Tessa wrapped her arms around Lucas’s shoulders to try to find purchase on his back as he whispered a smug ‘yes ma’am’ in her ear.

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