ROMANCE: Military: SEALED BY APACHE (Military Soldier Navy SEAL Romance) (Alpha Male Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Short Stories) (57 page)

She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his nose. 

“I don’t think I could leave.  I have found something so special here…I love you too, Chad.  With every fiber of my being.  You’ve turned me into someone I can love.”

Chad took a shuddering breath and pulled away from her, looking her in the eyes and offering a smile. 

“If you don’t want the money…Then what do you want?”

“I want to be a wife and mother.”

It wasn’t a lie.  It wasn’t something she’d ever though she would say, but it wasn’t a lie.  When she pictured her life without Chad and without her baby it was a future that looked bleak.  Her future with Chad seemed bright and promising and it was filled with everything she’d ever wanted.  Love, acceptance and purpose.  She couldn’t have asked for anything more. 

Shortly after their baby was born, Kitty and Chad sold the castle and moved to France where there were no hunters and creatures were allowed to roam free without fear of persecution.  Chad and Kitty were allowed to be themselves in Paris and they thrived. 

Learning the language was hard but it was worth it to see her baby boy, Jack, grow up in a place where he didn’t have to hide or lie about who he was.  She wanted her son to have all of the things that she didn’t.  She never wanted Jack to feel bullied or unlovable.  It took herself long to learn to love herself and she wanted it to come natural to him. 

While learning French, Kitty stumbled on a word that was been so profound she’d never forgotten it.  The word was raison dêtre and it literally mean ‘reason for being’.  She found her reason for being in Jack and Chad.  She wandered through life for so long without a reason for existing.  Kitty never had a purpose until that fateful day that she met Chad in the coffee shop. 

She’d almost cancelled on him and stayed home.  Right before they were supposed to meet, she’d stood in her mirror and pinched her fat like she always did.  She decided that she was too ugly to be loved and the fear of being turned away and nearly prevented her from going to the café.

Since that first night with Chad, she never stood in front of the mirror, pinching herself ever again.  She didn’t need to because Kitty knew that Chad loved her exactly the way she was. 

The End






Biker Romance


Ella Hart


Susan looked at herself in the mirror for the thousandth time that day and was again not sure of her dress choice.

She walked back to her drawer cabinet and pulled out a different rich blue dress and slowly began to slip it on her. She then walked back to the mirror and looked at her reflection yet again.

She loved how her legs stuck out of the dress and how well it accentuated her curves. She however did not like the side zip that her dress had and walked back to the wardrobe again.

She pulled out a red dress this time before tossing it aside on the bed simply because of how strong the color looked. She picked out a copper dress next and dared to try it on again.

She walked back to the front of the mirror and was just about to give her judgment on the outfit when a slight gentle knock on her door startled her and she knew exactly who it was.

“Hey there”, her friend Chloe walked in almost immediately without waiting to be ushered in.

“Hey”, Susan replied casually and went on to stare at her refection.

“You look good”

“You think?”

“I know”, Chloe confirmed. She walked towards her and helped pull up the back zip on the dress before walking back to the bed and letting her weight slump on it.

“How many dresses have you tried on?”

“About fifty six”

“I can tell”, Chloe let out with a girlish giggle. She did this and looked at the heap of clothes that were on the floor next to her bedroom wardrobe.

“I think I am coming down with something”, Susan said and placed the back of her hand on her forehead as if feeling her temperature.

“Do not do that?”

“Do what?”

“Do not feign illness to get out of this date”, Chloe said with a tone of finality in her voice.

“I do not do that”

Susan gave her best friend a knowing look before taking in a deep breath and knowing that she was right.

“I hate that you know me so well”, she said before throwing back a look in the mirror and looking at her reflection one more time. She ran her hand through her already styled hair and wondered whether she would look better if she wore her hair down.

“Your hair is fine”

Chloe got to her feet after saying this and stood next to her friend in front of the mirror.

“You will be fine”, she said reassuringly “Stop worrying”

“Do you know when the last time I dated anyone was?”

“I know it all too well”, Chloe answered “Sadly”

Susan could not help but let out a smile that was followed with a couple of worry lines on her forehead. She looked straight at her friend and gave her a warm hug.

“Thank you for baby sitting on such short notice”

“You are welcome”, Chloe said before a tone of urgency stained her voice “Now stop stalling and get going”

Susan walked back to her bed and picked up a clutch purse she had set aside to go with her outfit. She tucked it neatly under her arm before walking out of the room with Chloe closely behind her. Her eleven year old son was watching an action packed movie when she walked into the living room.

“Stephen”, she called

“Yes mom”, he answered but did not bother to look in her direction.

“I am leaving”

“Ok mom”

He answered without looking at his mother, his face was glued to the TV screen and this made Susan feel slightly unwanted.

“Please make sure you brush your teeth before bed”, she said again while hovering around him.

“Ok mom”

“Get going my dear, the kid clearly does not want you”, Chloe said with a bright smile on her face “You are looking very lovely by the way”

For the first time that night Chloe saw a sincere smile spread across her friend’s lips and she looked slightly relaxed.

“Ok ok”, Susan started as she began to walk out of the door “I am going”

“Are you driving there?”

“Yes of course, it is always easier to get away from the date fast enough when things start going soar”

“I know that is right”, Chloe said and let out a slight chuckle “Remember that clown you went on a date with? The one who almost wanted to baptize you with holy water and turn you into a Jehovah’s Witness on the first date”

“Sadly I do” Susan answered and could not help but notice how amused her best friend sounded. That was enough motivation for her to leave the house because she knew Chloe would dig into all the series of foul dates in no time.

“Good night guys”

“Good night”

“Goodnight mom” her son finally looked up from the TV screen and waved slightly “Have fun”

“I will”, Susan let out after shouting in the hallway and shutting her apartment door behind her. She fidgeted with her car keys in her hand and felt a sudden fear creep up on her heart. She thought of going to watch a movie by herself instead and ditching the date but a call came through for her and she easily picked it up.

“Hello”, the deep husky voice echoed in the telephone receiver which only made her more nervous.


“I called to inform you that I will be running late”

“Oh okay. How late?” Susan asked

“About ten to fifteen minutes late”, he went on to explain “I am stuck in traffic in 5
parkland Avenue and it looks like we will be here a while”

Susan took a moment to ponder on his words and loved the punctuality and manners that he seem to have.

“That is ok, I do not mind waiting for you”

“Are you there yet?”

“Not yet but I have just left my apartment”, Susan said as she took the flight of stairs that led from her apartment to the ground floor.

“Ok, I will see you then”, he replied.

Susan hated to be kept waiting and she stood in front of her Aston martin wondering if she should take Chloe’s car instead. She had dated men who had been intimidated by her success and it had always been slightly depressing for her. Her mind drifted back to the words of her matchmaker (Chloe) had said when she had given him her number.

“He is a well off man, elegant and single”.

She walked over to her car and got into the driver’s seat. She looked at her reflection in the mirror for the millionth time that day and was satisfied with her makeup. They had arranged to have dinner at Amelia’s, a new restaurant that had just opened and everyone had been singing its praises.

She reversed her car from the parking lot and slowly drove to the restaurant. She had already made up her mind what she would order after being given a good recommendation by Chloe.

She took her time and drove slowly, having in mind that her date would arrive late. He had already made reservations at the restaurant and try as she might she was not really looking forward to seeing him.

The place was packed when she arrived and she slowly walked into the building with her clutch purse in hand.

“Hello table for two under Mr. Adams”, she said to the receptionist who had a pleasant smile on her face.

She typed a few things on the computer that was right in front of her before looking up and maintaining the same demeanor.

“Right this way please”, she said and started walking towards a corner table that was next to the window.

“Mr. Adams always likes this view”, she said before taking her coat and showing her to her seat. Susan could not help but notice the familiarity in her tone and pondered on it for a moment.

“Thank you”, she mouthed and watched as she walked back to the reception. The view was indeed breath taking but she still wondered about the receptionists comment. A waiter walked over to her and offered her a wine list to look over.

“I would recommend this one”, the waiter pointed a specific bottle on the menu and smiled up at Susan “You did enjoy it when you were here last week, didn’t you?”

“I was not here last week”, Susan said with a confused look.

“Are you sure?” he asked again “You are here with Mr. Adams right?”

“Yes I am”

The waiter soon figured out his mistake and placed a hand over his mouth “My mistake, I must have you confused with someone else”

“It is ok”, Susan said “Why don’t you bring over the wine that you just recommended”

“Coming right up”

Her curiosity was without a doubt pricked at this point and she took out her cell phone from her clutch purse. She was just about to place a call to Chloe but it was interrupted by her date’s call coming through.

“Susan my love”, he said and sounded apologetic. Susan already knew where the conversation was heading and braced herself for the worst.

“I am sorry; I will not be able to make it for our date”. He went on “I have been called back to the office”

“It’s ok”, Susan replied and watched as the waiter walked over to her table with the bottle of red wine “I will however place this bottle of red wine on your tab”

“That is ok; they know me pretty well down there”

“I have noticed that”.

“Have a lovely night my dear, I will call you later to reschedule the date”, he said before hanging up the phone.

Susan watched as the waiter poured the wine for her and let out a fake smile “What a waste of an outfit”, she said out loud once he had walked away and was out of earshot.

“I should have just stayed home and watched rerun of the bridal shower”, she said again and took a sip from her wine glass. Despite her mood, she immensely enjoyed the wine and downed about two glasses before getting to her feet and leaving the restaurant. She caught her reflection on a side mirror at the hotel’s hallway and loved how her makeup was still in place.

“Leaving so soon”, the receptionist caught her by surprise just as she was about to exit the hotel.

“Sadly, I have to”

“I hope to see you again”, she said but Susan was not convinced that she really meant it.

“You shall”, she answered and let out a sly smile and walked out of the hotel with her clutch purse still in hand. She walked over to her car and sat in the driver’s seat. She could not ignore the disappointing feeling that was all of a sudden overwhelming her. Her head carelessly rested on the steering wheel and after about two seconds of thinking about her life she started her car and began to reverse without looking at her rear view mirror.

A slight thud on her bumper startled her and she immediately stepped on the car breaks and got out of her car. Her heart was beating so fast that she hoped she had not hit anyone.

Susan had hit something and she was grateful it was not a human being.  She looked around and waited for anyone to walk over to her but there was no one in sight. She took a few short strides toward the small scene and had a closer look at it. There was a motor cycle lying carelessly on the ground, she had knocked out one side mirror without meaning to. Her car was however intact and had not suffered any damage from the hit. She looked around again and tried to signal a valet driver or security guard from the front of the hotel but there was no one in sight.

“I do not need this right now”, she sighed before running a hand through her still neatly tied hair. 

Susan was just about to walk towards the hotel security when a deep husky voice distracted her.

“You do not look like a hit and runner to me”

Susan was slightly offended and amused by the comment. She turned her attention to him and gave him a searching glance.

“It was all a mistake”, she apologized and watched as the man picked up his broken side mirror and lifted it up in midair as he scrutinized it.

“This does not look like a mistake to me”, he said.

Susan did not know what was more offending his entire demeanor or his choice of words. She looked at him and wondered where he had appeared from; he had the perfect cliché look of a bad boy, with leather pants, sleeveless tea shirt that showed off his muscles and a tattoo of a skeleton on his upper right arm. She subconsciously let out a chuckle from his image and hoped that he would not notice it.

“Why don’t you give me your cell phone number and I will connect you to my mechanic “, Susan said and walked back to her driver’s seat and held her cell phone in her hand.

“Does your mechanic work night shift?”

“I do not know”

“Well there is always a first time for everything”, he said.

Susan took a moment to realize what it was that he was suggesting before placing both her arms on her waist.

“Do you really expect me to fix it right now?”

“Uuum, yes”

“You have got to be kidding me”, Susan said annoyed.

“I am not kidding you ma’am”, he let out and had his arms on his waist as well “I can take you my mechanic, he works 24hours around the clock”

“I cannot go with you to a mechanic in the middle of the night”

“Look ma’am, it is good that you have principles I respect that but you have inconvenienced me a great deal here I need to get to work very early in the morning”

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