ROMANCE: Military: SEALED BY APACHE (Military Soldier Navy SEAL Romance) (Alpha Male Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Short Stories) (56 page)

She chewed her lip, focused on his beauty.  She never thought she’d sleep with a man like this.  When Kitty imagined what her love life might entail she always pictures herself with a tubby man named Ed who was either unemployed or a mechanic.  She’d settled her whole life and she didn’t see why her love life would be any different. 

Chad’s hand came to rest over hers and he smiled down at her.

“We should get started.  I’d hate to keep you up too late.” He murmured, assuming she’d want to return to her own bed after they did their business.

Kitty looked up at him, confused by the statement before a look of understanding came over her. 

“Oh…right…” She murmured, pulling her hand away and walking over to the bed.

Once she was settled in the smooth silk sheets she looked up at him as he sat beside her.  He looked almost sad and she couldn’t help but wonder why.  She was surprised at how much she hated the fact that he was sad.

They were both silent for a long time, trying to decide the best way to start this.  Chad was the one who spoke first.

“So…Is kissing okay?”

“I suppose it would help get things moving.”

He nodded and scooted just a little closer, wrapping one strong, tanned arm around her and pulling her close.  They stared into each other’s eyes for a moment before Chad reached out and brushed some of her honey colored hair out of her face and leaned down to press their lips together.


When she felt his lips on hers, Kitty expected to see fireworks.  She expected it to be the way kisses were in the movies, explosive and life-altering, but it wasn’t.  It was even better.  The passion in the kiss was surprising, considering the fact that they were acting out of obligation.  They’d signed a contract and now it was their duty to fulfill those obligations.  They were both silently reminding themselves of that fact. 

Even if this was purely because of the contract, they could still have a little fun.  Chad put his hands on Kitty’s shoulders and pushed her back until they fell into the soft mattress together, Kitty’s legs hanging off the edge just slightly. 

She gasped underneath him and wriggled happily, enjoying the feeling of his weight on top of her.  He pressed his hands into the bed and leaned down to kiss her neck and chest with happy moans.  He was delighted to taste her skin and enjoyed the tight coil of pleasure that was starting to squeeze his loins.  Every time she moaned or he managed to elicit yet another breathy plea from her, he felt it coil tight and tighter.

Chad’s hand came up to rest over one of her ample breasts, sighing happily as his finger brushed over her nipple through the sheer fabric.  The sensation sent a shiver through Kitty and she arched her back, painted lips parting in a desperate whine. 

The nectar was already dripping from her delicate petals and she could feel it starting to coat the inside of his thighs.  She’d never expected sex to feel this good.  Most of her married friends made it seem like an obligation.  If this was what sex was, then she wasn’t sure she wouldn’t be able to stop after she became pregnant. 

His name fell from her lips lip a prayer as she wrapped her arms around him and held him close, gasping softly when his teeth scraped the delicate skin on her neck.  Her legs were beginning to quiver as the molten pleasure that started between her legs began to move out and spread through her body.             

Kitty’s eyes slipped closed and she ran her fingers down the back of his neck, feeling hard, cool scales.  She opened her eyes briefly and saw scales starting ripple underneath his skin and make themselves visible.  They were a golden hue that reflected the moonlight whenever Chad turned his head just right.  She should have been startled by the sudden appearance of the scales but she felt pride instead.  She was turning him on so much that he was losing control of his human form. 

When she came to that realization she felt a wave of confidence crash over her.  He
her.  He wasn’t tolerating her and she wasn’t his last resort.  When he ran his fingers over her soft belly and ample breasts he lost control.  It was the most amazing feeling in the world and one that she never thought she’d ever feel.  For a long time, Kitty didn’t believe that she deserved to be confident, but every day Chad was challenging that belief. 

A sudden surge of pleasure interrupted her thoughts as Chad slipped two fingers inside the warmth of her dark, velvety cavern.  He let out a soft groan and she cried out, reaching down and grabbing the towel that was still around his waist.  She gave one firm yank and the flimsy terrycloth fluttered to the ground, revealing Chad in all of his glory. 

She looked down and the sight of his sizable member made her moan and blush.  Her head fell back onto the bed and she grabbed the robe she wore, opening it to allow him even more access.  She was rewarded when he dropped his head and began to suck hungrily at one of her nipples, his thumb brushing over the delightful bundle of nerves between her legs. 

Kitty cried out again, letting out a sob of pleasure and holding him to her chest, rocking against his fingers in a desperate attempt to get more of what he was offering.  Finally, she pulled him away from her breasts and kissing him hard, panting and pressing their foreheads together.

“Enough teasing!” She cried out, her eyes glossed over in pleasure.

Chad smirked a little, gripping her hips and pulling her closer to the edge of the bed.  His own feet were still planted firmly on the ground and when he yanked her closer, her ample bottom was nearly hanging off the edge and she was only kept on the bed by his firm grip.  She cried out and wrapped her legs around his hips, trying to look up at him. 

Chad shifted the sheer robe around until her could line up his member with her warm entrance and slowly slid into her inviting body.  Kitty’s head fell back into the sheets and her back arched sharply.  Her mouth was open in a silent gasp, her fingers digging into the sheets so desperately she was almost afraid that she might tear the thin fabric. 

Kitty wasn’t surprised when it hurt a bit at first.  Chad was definitely well above average and she’d never had anything inside of her aside from her own fingers.  What was surprising, however, was how quickly the dull pan faded into overwhelming pleasure. 

His hands were cupped her ass and he pulled back before thrusting into her with one tentative thrust.  This was far from his first conquest but there was a desperate need inside of him to make her feel good.  He wanted to show her that he could be a perfect gentleman outside the bedroom and fulfill her every desire within it. 

When Kitty let out another desperate noise, begging for more, he was happy to oblige.  Every move he made was intended for her and she knew it.  His thrusts were deliberate and earth shattering.  Every time he moved inside of her she felt herself climb higher and higher.  She was dancing among the stars and when she finally felt her orgasm crash over her she could swear she saw universes being born. 

Bright flashes of light clouded her vision and she held onto Chad desperately, her mouth open though no song came out.  She felt him release inside of her, filling her until the pearly liquid spilled over onto the sheets.  Chad was whispering her name over and over again, leaning on her desperately as he tried to regain his own composure. 

Kitty was shivering underneath him and then she started laughing breathlessly, holding him tight.  He forced himself up and looked at her with a cocked brow, his face and body covered in a thin sheen of sweat. 

“Are you alright?”

“I amazing!” She said, still giggling.  “I hope…I hope that I’m not pregnant.”

“Why?” He asked, eyes wide.  That was the whole damn point, wasn’t it?

“Because I want to do this again.”


Kitty and Chad made love any time they got a chance to.  They managed to christen every room in the house before they finally found out that Kitty was pregnant.  It was about a month after their first little…Encounter and it wasn’t a doctor that delivered the good news.  Chad was eating a breakfast that consisted of a nearly twenty-ounce steak when Kitty wandered downstairs.  The second she entered the kitchen he could smell the change in her body chemistry. 

They got confirmation from a doctor specializing in species interbreeding about a week later.  They were both more than thrilled about the announcement, though there was also a bit of hesitation and fear.  Neither of them wanted to ignore the other or go back to being ‘business partners’.  So they didn’t. 

Kitty and Chad never talked about the fact that they spent the night in the same bed more often than not, even though they weren’t required to, according to the contract.  They didn’t talk about the fact that they still made love and even went on dates.  They certainly didn’t talk about the fact that as the months wore on, they were falling in love. 

Their relationship wasn’t the only thing that changed, either.  Kitty often found herself watching the news reports of creatures being brought in and killed by hunters and she was repulsed by it.  The fact that Chad was a creature was still in the forefront of her mind and the news reports always made her worry.  Instead of wanting to be a hunter, she suddenly found herself wanting to be as far away from them as possible.  She wanted to protect her little family from the hunters. 

This realization forced her to rethink everything about the situation she found herself in.  She didn’t need the money anymore.  This whole relationship hadn’t been about the money for a long time and she wasn’t sure how to cope with that fact. 

She was six months pregnant and having a crisis of identity.  Her entire existence revolved around being a hunter for so long that she wasn’t sure what to do with herself now that the option was off the table. 

It was well past midnight and Kitty found herself in the downstairs study that once was her ‘room’.  Over the last few months she’d slowly been integrating her stuff with Chad’s and she just didn’t feel like she needed her own space anymore.  She wanted to spend as much time with Chad as possible

Kitty stoked the fire she’d lit and curled up in the large, comfy arm chair, rubbing her belly and humming softly, singing the child some of her favorite songs.  Kitty never was a fan of traditional lullabies and opted to sing her baby Beatles songs instead.  Blackbird was always one of her favorites. 

Chad’s heightened senses alerted him to the fact that Kitty was out of bed.  He could smell the fire burning and hear her singing.  There was no doubt in his mind that she was downstairs worrying about something.  She seemed to worry about everything these days.  He slid out of bed and put on a robe, making his way downstairs.  He yawned and walked over to the study, settling on the ottoman situated in front of Kitty’s chair. 

“What’s going on Kitty? Why are you down here so late?” He asked worried, reaching out and taking her hands so he could rub her knuckles. 

“I’m just…Thinking…” She murmured, not looking up at him. 

She felt ashamed and guilty and all she knew was she wanted to tell him everything.  Maybe now was the time…If he was angry and tossed her out it would hurt less.  It was time to rip the Band-Aid off.  There was no reason for Kitty to believe he would be mad; it wasn’t like she’d actually done anything wrong but she was still nervous.

“Chad…I want to tell you what I was planning on doing with the money…” She whispered, her chest tight. 

“Okay.” He said, offering her a small smile to encourage her. 

She was silent for a long time before taking a deep breath, eyes searching the Persian carpet as she tried to find the right words. 

“Ever since I was little…I wanted to be a hunter.  Right before I went in for recruitment, I found out that I was half dragon and that kind of killed my dream, right?” She swallowed thickly, too nervous to look up at Chad.  “After I graduated college and started my photography business, I found a man in California who could fake all my records and my blood test and help me get past the recruiting physical.”

Chad was silent, his mind racing and his heart breaking.  If that was what she wanted he wasn’t going to stop her, but the idea that the woman he’d come to love might come back and kill him and his child was almost too much to bear. 

“You’re going to take the money and…Become a hunter?” He whispered softly, looking up at her with eyes that said everything he wasn’t.  He was hurt deeply. 

“I don’t want the money.” She whispered, looking up at him, cupping his cheeks.  “Before I met you, I thought my only future was as a hunter.  I thought that it was the only place where I was going to be able to make a difference.” She paused and searched his eyes, praying that he would understand. 

“Before I met you I never knew how to love myself.  When I was a kid I hated my body and as I got older I started to hate the person I was.  I hated that I was shy and fat and I hated that there was dragon blood running through me.  Now, I’m learning to love myself because of you, Chad.  I’m learning to love myself because you love me.  It was something I never thought I’d ever find.  I didn’t think I deserved love and you showed me I was wrong.” She whispered, tears in her eyes. 

A look of relief came across his face, though his own eyes misted over with tears and he put his forehead to hers, closing his eyes a moment. 

“I do love you, Kitty.  I love you more than I could ever tell you and I was so afraid that…All you wanted was to finish up this contract and get out of here.  I was so scared of you leaving.”

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