ROMANCE: Military: SEALED BY APACHE (Military Soldier Navy SEAL Romance) (Alpha Male Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Short Stories) (60 page)

“You little slut”, Chloe said and burst out into a fit of giggles.

“I thought you said you need a well grounded man like Arthur”, she said as she mimicked her voice.

“I know I said that”, Susan agreed “But this was so much fun and he knows how to use his tongue”

“You know Arthur looked expectant out there”, she said with her arms crossed.

“That is why I have you”

Susan walked over to her friend’s side and gave her a nudge in the ribs with her left elbow.

“You always know how to get out of sticky situations”

“That is true”

Chloe placed a hand on her chin and looked at Susan one more time.

“This is what will happen” she started her scheming eyes widened as she relayed her plan to Susan.

“You go look for your prince charming and I will distract Arthur up front”

“Ok”, Susan agreed and sounded very excited.

She fled out of the washroom without being given the go ahead and left her friend succumbing to a fit of giggles. She walked towards the kitchen in search of her new found lover.

Once in the kitchen, it occurred to her that she did not know Jeff’s second name.

The kitchen looked busy when she got in and no one paid any attention to her. She tried to spot someone who was the least busy and made her way to a short pot bellied man standing at the far end of the corner puffing on a cigarette.

“Excuse me sir”, she said and only went on when she was sure she had gotten his attention “I am looking for Jeff, a certain tall looking man, has a tattoo on his right arm and drives a motor cycle”.

“He left for the day”, he replied.

“Do you perhaps have his cell phone number?”

“Yes I do”

The man took out his cell phone started scrolling through it with his thumb.

“Here it is”, he said and handed the phone to Susan. Who was still rooted on her spot as she watched the hustle and bustle going on in the kitchen.

“His wife called him from the hospital, she had just gone into labor”, he went on to explain before he took back his phone and pocketed it.

“I am sorry, did you say his wife? Susan asked confused.

“Yes, his wife”, he said joyfully “Baby number three, he is a sharp shooter that Jeff”

Susan could not believe it; she had just had sex with a married man who now had three kids after meeting him for the second time in a public toilet. She placed both her hands on her cheeks and could feel the anger start to boil inside her.

“Come on Victor”, Jeff’s familiar voice sounded behind her “Stop playing around with her head”

Susan turned on her heel and locked her eyes with Jeff’s he still had his catering uniform on and had a smug look on his face.

“Are you married?”

“God no”

“Why did he just tell me that your wife just called you from the delivery room?”

“Victor here is the world’s biggest cock blocker and opportunist I have ever met”, he said with a playful smile on his lips “So you are back for more? About time”

Susan had wanted to get his number and maybe plan a second and third date with him but his cocky attitude made her change her mind.

“Actually”, she started “I need to head back, my friends are waiting for me, please enjoy your night”

She started making it towards the kitchen back door but was only stopped dead in her tracks by Jeff’s arm on her wrist.

“Before you go, there is something I want to show you”


“Would you relax and listen to me”, he said and took her arm in his. He led the way out of the kitchen and towards a deserted staircase that was only a few steps from the kitchen.

“Where are we going?”

“You will soon find out”

He continued to lead up the staircase with Susan’s arm locked in his. They walked up a few floors before Jeff finally announced their destination.

“We are here”, he said and pushed open the door that led to the roof’s entrance. He led the way through it and loved the look on Susan’s face when her gaze landed on the place.

“Who did all this?”

“I did”, he answered and walked towards the centre of the roof.

The place was romantically decorated with rose petals on the floor and a candle lit table at the centre of the room


“Because I want to take you on a proper date”

“But you said you don’t do long term relationships?”

“That was before I met you”

Susan was overwhelmed with emotion and looked at him straight in the eye. There was a sincerity tone in his voice and she was not sure if he really trusted him. She turned her attention to him and placed her hands on her waist.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

“I am sure”

“I come with a lot of baggage you know and I do not have time for bull shit”, Susan tried to explain with her hands still firmly placed on her waist “I have a son to take care of and I do not have any time for games”

He pointed to the scene that was right in front of him “This is not a game my dear. Ever since that night we first met, I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind. Remember, what I said about our first date. You have to be willing to accept what fate brings your way. What else would have brought you and I together again like this? Only a fool would like this opportunity pass and I’m no fool my dear.”

They stood staring at each for a minute longer before Jeff turned her attention to her and interlocked his arm in his.

“Shall we?”

Susan smiled and didn’t say another word as he led her to the table and pulled back the chair for her.

“You are indeed serious”, she chuckled.

“You have no idea”

He poured her a flute of champagne and handed it to her.

“To us!”

“To us!” Susan echoed and let out a dazzling blushing smile.

She had no idea where they were headed but she knew it would be an interesting ride.


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Ella Hart resides in Seattle, Washington with her two children, husband and pet puddle, Mishka.  Ella has been in the Romance writing field for over 8 years, and has recently begun sharing her passion to online readers around the world.





Paranormal Romance


Ella Hart


Irina has never been to the United States until this very moment. She’d heard stories and seen pictures of ‘The Land of Opportunity’ but had not dare imagine stepping foot there. Irina has never even been outside of her little village in Russia. Even Moscow and St. Petersburg had been far away dreams for her. Now she was on a plane, on her way to one of the greatest countries in the world. Her heart was pounding and her eyes were wide as she looked down at the landing strip that was barely visible through the clouds. There were so many lights in New York City. Many more than there ever had been back home.

Her sparkling blue eyes were focused on what she could only assume was the Empire State Building. She didn’t have much of a reference as to what the Empire State Building looked like but that didn’t really matter. She thought she saw it and it made her heart flutter wildly in her chest. A grin spread across her face as she pressed her little turned up nose to the window, her long black hair falling over her shoulders.

Irina wasn't entirely sure why she was being flown to New York City. She was told there was a man there who wanted to marry her and Irina hadn't asked many questions beyond what his name was. Most women probably would have been concerned if their families tried to send them away to some foreign country but it was the way things were in Irina's village.

The summer before, her sister was sent away to live with a man in London and she'd sent Irina many letters telling her how happy she was. Irina's sister wasn't the first girl to be sent away, either. It was the way things had been for a very long time and the girls never thought to question it.

The tires of the plane hit the black top and Irina gasped, grabbing the wrist of the man sitting next to her. This was her first plane ride and every time it moved in a way that she felt abnormal, she'd all but thrown herself at the man who'd been lucky enough to get the seat beside her.

He didn't mind the way her ample bosom pressed against him. No man would have been bothered by it. Irina was beautiful by anyone's standards. She had wide hips, and dangerous curves. Her breasts were full and round and so was her ass.

When the plane finally came to a complete stop, Irina grabbed her only piece of luggage out from the carry on bin overhead. The man that sat beside her helped her retrieve the bag and she thanked him, taking a deep breath as she exited the plane through the little tunnel that led to the airport.

She was now ready to meet her future husband.

Michael liked to think of himself as an average man but the truth of the matter was that he was far from an average man. Michael was over five hundred years old and could take the form of a bear at will.

Most people didn’t know those things about him. What they did know was that he owned one of the biggest banks in the nation and had an uncanny ability to predict the stock market. Some had even accused him of being psychic.

He was a supernatural creature, for sure, but he was hardly psychic. He’d just been watching the patterns of the market for the last hundred years or so. When someone lived as long as Michael, there was a tendency to start to notice these patterns in everyday life.

Michael was a powerful man from a powerful lineage. His father was the leader of a great bear pack at one point and they controlled most of the area that would have eventually become known as New York.

They were mighty warriors, feared by humans and shifters alike. The Native Americans had written stories about them and still passed those stories down to their children. They had once been feared and respected, but unfortunately for them they were now a dying breed.

Females in the shifter world were few and far between. It was rare for a female to come along and many that had were unable to have cubs. Because of this, their kind was dying out and facing a total extinction. Without females to mate with, there were no more cubs.

Michael heard a rumor that there was a small village in Russia where human women had the ability to have shifter cubs. They had originally been an ancient tribe who mated with the bear shifters to create a hybrid breed. The race was isolated near Siberia and their blood had been kept pure over time. The clan leaders were always willing to sell their women for the right price.

Desperation led Michael to seeking this clan out and paying a handsome sum for a suitable woman. He needed cubs to succeed him and to ensure that their race would continue on. Desperate times called for desperate measures.

Michael wasn’t sure as to who he was looking for. The people in the village hadn’t even sent him a picture to go off of. All he had was a name written on a sign in big block letters. He’d taken his time and written it in Russian and English.

His eyes searched the crowd, looking for anyone who might have stopped to look at his sign. That’s when he saw her. A short woman with sky blue eyes and midnight hair. Her skin was pale as the Russian tundra and when she walked over to him her smile lit up his soul. When she started to walk over to him he was surprised to find that he was actually a little nervous. Could this beautiful creature be his new wife?

“Hello. I am Irina. Are you Michael Chandler?”

He grinned and reached out to take her hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing the back of it. “Why yes I am.”


When Michael kissed the back of her hand, Irina felt her stomach flutter in the most delightful way. He was a dream come true, it seemed. She had no idea that this man paid good money for her and she had no idea why she was brought here. There were plenty of beautiful women from her country; what made her so special?

He was handsome, to say the least. He was tall with broad shoulders and skin that was tan from years of enjoying time outside. His hair was jet black and his eyes were a strange grey color that she couldn’t quite place.

They reminded her of the sky right before a big snow storm. His skin texture was smooth and he was clean shaven. She decided that she liked him very much already. He was the closest person she had to a friend her and he seemed kind and eager to welcome her to this strange world.

“Did you have a good flight?”

Irina lit up and she nodded quickly. “Oh, yes! I loved it!” She exclaimed, bouncing up and down a bit.

When she bounced, Michael’s eyes couldn’t help but wander to her chest and his tongue darted out to wet his lips. She smelled good. Really good. Her scent reminded him of honeysuckles and it was absolutely intoxicating.

Irina put her hand in front of his face and waved it back and forth slowly.

“Are you okay, Michael?” She asked, a little worried about the faraway look that had suddenly come over him.

“Oh...Yes. I’m fine. My apologies. I was just thinking.” He said, offering her a smile and a hand.

She blushed and chewed her lower lip, reaching out and taking the hand that had been offered to her. As Michael led her to the car she spoke up.

“I..was not sure what to expect when I came here.” Irina admitted, looking up at him

“What do you mean, Irina?”

“They didn’t tell me anything about you. They didn’t tell me what you looked like or if you were a good person. They just told me I was going to live with my new husband.”

Michael unlocked the car by the time she said this and he was now gazing at her over the door, frowning a little.

“They didn’t tell you anything about me?” He asked, sounding a little skeptical.

She shook her head and settled in the car, looking around with bright eyes. She’d never been in a car this fancy before. The entire dashboard was lit up and there was even a backup camera, which really seemed to impress Irina. They had cars in her village, of course, but they were all at least fifteen years old.

Michael was a bit unsettled as he sat in the driver's seat and started to back up, suddenly concerned with how much the woman didn’t know about him. Did she even know why she was here? He glanced over at her and his heart sank a little. Irina seemed so eager but so lost.

As they pulled out of the parking garage and smiled a little. “Have you ever been to New York?”

Irina tucked some of her long black hair behind her ear and shook her head. “I’ve never been outside my village.” She explained, watching the tall buildings pass her by.

“Oh...Well, we can’t go home without one of New York’s best food option” He said, turning onto one of the main streets.

Irina’s eyes widened as they pulled out onto the bustling streets. The sun had already set and so the city was lit up. The tall buildings reached up to the night sky and the lights drowned out the stars. It was the one complaint Irina had about New York. She didn’t like that there were no stars.

They drove until they came to a small stand that was advertising pizza. She read the sign and lit up.

“Oh! I love pizza!” She exclaimed, clapping her hands together.

They got out of the car together and walked over to the stand, each ordering a slice. They stood against one of the tall buildings to eat and Michael watched the pretty woman eat her food in a very controlled manner. It was almost as if she’d been trained.

“Irina...I want you to tell me everything they told you about me.” He said, not even really sure who ‘they’ were.

She looked thoughtful for a moment and then glanced over at him. He kept asking her that question and she felt like he was after something she wasn’t giving him.

“They told me that you were my husband and you wanted a family.” She said, her words careful and over articulated.

“That’s all?”

“Yes...Am I not...Are my answers not satisfactory?” She asked, seeming almost scared.

He held up a free hand and shook his head. “Not at all. I’m just trying to understand what you know and what you don’t know.” He said simply.

She blinked at him, her long lashes nearly brushing her cheek every time.

“Is there something I should know?”

He smiled at her and put a hand on her shoulder. “You’ll understand everything in time.” He assured.

She looked at his hand for a moment and then up at him, smiling brightly and nodded, accepting his answer with ease.

It shocked him that this sweet girl didn’t seem to question anything about the situation. Then again, if the things he’d heard about this village were true, then she’d been brought up this way. Irina didn’t ask questions because she’d been taught not to ask questions. She was brought up to be the perfect wife. Do as you're told, don’t question your husband and care for your family. That was her lot in life and she’d accepted it because she didn’t know that she had any other option.

As that realization dawned on him, Michael couldn’t help but feel a bit sorry for the girl. She was staring at him again, smiling and licking a bit of pizza sauce off her finger.

“Are we going home now?”

Michael nodded and went to the car, opening the door for her.

“Of course.”

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