ROMANCE: Military: SEALED BY APACHE (Military Soldier Navy SEAL Romance) (Alpha Male Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Short Stories) (137 page)

“When he came in he was with a beautiful blond woman closely followed by a young man she quickly recognized.

It was Mike!

“Hello darling, I am glad you could make it. This is Marcie McNeil, Mike’s mother and we wanted to talk to you both. You know Mike don't you honey? Good, please Mike, have a seat.” he said as a preamble. Mike and I exchanged nervous glances. Did Dad know? She wondered. No, she decided quickly. If he did he would not be smiling like he was. She imagined neither would Mrs. McNeil. She sat next to Mike and their parents had the floor in front of them.

“Well you two. Marcie and I have been dating now for a while. Shortly after the university drafted you Mike,” Violets Father began.

“Yes and it has been a wonderful time. Neither of us wanted to involve our children though unless we thought it was something that could last,” Marcie McNeil said smiling.

“Now that we are secure in our relationship we wanted you two to be the first to know, we are engaged to be married!” her Father exclaimed with a grin.

Violet froze and her mouth dropped in surprise. She did not dare look at Mike as she stared at her Father. Married, what the hell, she thought. She realized the two parents were becoming nervous with the lack of comment and she jumped to her feet with a smile. Mike quickly followed suite.

“I am sorry you two, it is just such a surprise,” Violet said. She went over to Marcie.

“I am glad Dad was able to find someone. You let me know if you need any help keeping him in line,” She joked reflexively. Marcie grinned and they hugged. Mike congratulated his coach and as Violet went to give her father a hug. Mike hugged his mother. As happy as she was for her Dad all she could think of was, Step siblings? What the hell!

Both she and Mike managed to be pleasant and supporting through dinner. When it was over she expected drinks in the living room but she was surprised again.

“Well kids, we have a college affair we have to get too. Oh hell, I did not plan this well, to nervous I guess. Honey could you give Mike a ride home. We are going to be late as it is,” he asked her.

“Uh, sure dad. I could give him a ride home. No problem,” she answered. They walked them to the door with more congratulations and hugs. Then Violet and Mike were standing in the foyer staring at each other.

“I..” Mike began.

“I...” Violet repeated. Finally Mike threw his hands up.

“Ok, what the fuck are we supposed to do,” Violet did not know why but it struck her as funny and she started laughing, after a moment so did he and they leaned against each other with their arms entwined. When they calmed down Violet could think a little better.

“I guess we are going to have to be sneaky, really sneaky,” she told him.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Well do you want to stop what we have?” she asked bluntly.

“Hell no,” he replied.

“Good. That means a careful as we were going to be, we have to be more so. Like I said, sneaky,” Violet finished. He nodded.

“This is going to be hard to do, do you think we can?” he asked generally worried.

“See this face Mike, this is my determined face. We can do this” she told him fiercely. He nodded and gave a fierce grin in return.

“Yes ma'am, we are going to do this. I don't know if it would be that big of a deal but, we are in Texas. People are a little intense about some things. It does not bother you does it. The stepbrother thing?” He asked. Violet thought a moment and shrugged.

“Look at us, I am a black woman and you are about as white as you could be. It is obvious we are not related,” They both laughed about that one, he admitted she was right.

“This all is sort of funny. I am betting in the future it won't be though,” He correctly pointed out, she thought.

“Then we deal then. Do you want a ride home?” she asked him.

“Sure, do you mind stopping at the school. I left books in the library. I had planned to get them earlier but then the family stuff turned into road trip here. I got no warning either,” He explained. She was fine with that and they went to the campus. The admin building parking lot was packed. Fortunately where they needed to go was the other side of the campus so when they got to the library there was not one there.

They went in and he found his things. Then of course Violet decided she needed a source book for her psych class. She had to hunt, way back in the stacks before finding what she wanted. She thumbed through it making sure it had what she needed.

'You know what Violet?” she glanced up.

“What’s that?”

“You’re beautiful. We are in the back of the library, the dusty area were few dare to tread. You are dressed to the nines in a beautiful dress, and your brow is furrowed as you look through a book. You...are...beautiful, and I love you,” he finished. That had never been said to Violet from a man she had dated. She could see he was serious too. She tossed the book over her shoulder and moved towards him. She threw her arms around him and he returned it. She groaned a happy groan.

“I am so in love with you too Mr. Mike McNeil. I won't let anything stand in our way,” she told him with a rising passion. Her desire seemed to flame up from deep within and they kissed. He too seemed to feel it and they ran their hands up and down each other’s body. His shirt came quickly off and she felt her dress slip off of her shoulders. She did not pause. She had forgot they were in the public library at the University. They lowered to the ground and his lips found her breasts as soon as her bra was removed. She arched her back gasping with her hot need for him. She could not help herself and did not want to. His hand slid her dress all the way to her knees and then inserted under her panties to her needful place. She groaned and squealed softly as he worked magic with his hands driving her desires into a flaming lust. Like the last time, when her entered her it was a miraculous explosive need that turned into pleasure that filled them both to overflowing until they were spent and gasping in each other’s arms. As they lay there she was so comfortable she almost forgot were where they were.

“Oh the book you are looking for is not over there,” A loud voice could be heard. They both scrambled to their feet putting their clothes back on. She knew the voice.

“Really I took that class last year,” The voice said. It was her roommate Janey.

“Janey,” she whispered to Mike. His eye brows went up as they gathered their things. He remembered her book, picked it up, and they went along the back of the stacks to the other end of the library. They waited there.

“The whole school will know tomorrow that the coach is getting married and to who, we can't be seen,” Mike whispered unnecessarily. Violet nodded as they stood waiting. They heard the murmur of voices and then a louder one.

“I'll be damned. It wasn't there last year. Well, sorry about that, glad you found it despite my help,” Janey told whoever she talking to. There was silence then and after a while they decided it would be safe to leave. They walked towards the front and Janey stepped in front of them.

“Hello you two. You really need to be more careful. Violet here told me you guys were keeping everything hush and then I see you both in the library headed for the back stacks. I think you both owe me for deflecting trouble,” She told them. Her hair was loose and she was wearing sweats and a jacket. Violet sighed.

“I did come here for a book,” She began.

“And stayed for the romance, sure the stacks are used for that all the time. You guys need some originality. Your clothes are a dead giveaway,” she informed them. Violet and Mike looked at each other and began adjusting their clothes.

“You will not believe the night we have had. Oh by the way, Janey Nichols, this is Mike McNeil,” She told her friend.

“Nice to meet you. Thanks for keeping our secret,” Mike said.

“No problem. Violet need a good man and you will do, to be sure,” Janey returned.

“Guess what Janey, our parents are getting married and it will be all over school tomorrow,” Janey covered her mouth to keep the giggles from getting her. Finally she got control while Mike and Violet stared at her.

“Sorry, I know it is not as funny to you guys. But if you knew that, why were just doing what you were doing. You two like to live dangerously don't you. I never knew you were such a risk taker Violet Andrews. It seems like Mike is rubbing off on you, which is cool. I would suggest no more school rendezvouses. Unless that was a goodbye sort of thing?” she asked directly.

“No,” Violet and Mike said at the same time. Janey smiled.

“Good, don't let society dictate your happiness. It should be safe for you two to go now. Be careful for god’s sake. The stakes just got higher. It should be more fun that way,” She told them and disappeared down the aisle. Mike looked at Violet.

“She is a little weird,” He told her.

“Just a little?” Violet asked with a little giggle. They went back to her car and was able to get him home without incident.

Along the drive they discussed some more what they should do.

“I am glad you have Janey in you corner. Weird or not I bet she will be a big help. My friend Jack knows, sorry I had to tell someone, I was too happy. He will keep a secret though. Even more now,” he explained. Violet would have said something about him telling his friend, but she had told Janey. She understood. Sometimes you have to tell somebody. When they reached his home, they kissed quickly and promised to work on ways to keep their romance alive despite the hurdles. Then she went back to the dorm. She fully expected Janey to read her the riot act.

“Hey sweety,” She heard Janey say as she walked in and hung up her coat.
I made a drink for you. Sounds like you could use it,” she said.

“Thank you Janey, it has been a wild night. Dad and his Mom sat us on the couch. I felt sure they knew about us. Then they dropped the bomb!” she exclaimed and gulped her drink and gagged a bit. It was a little harsh but she could feel herself relax. Janey nodded. She was being more serious now.

“How do you feel about it? Beyond your situation. Just as a daughter, are you happy for him?” she asked Violet. Violet smiled.

“Yes I am. They seem good together as far as I can see. I hope it works out. I just don't want it messing up what I just found,” She heard a wine in her voice and Janey came over and put her arm around her. He voice was softer.

“I know you do honey. I will help all I can. You two just need to curb yourselves around here from now on. Do you really love him Violet, does he love you?” was her question of concern. Violets voice trembled on the verge of tears. She nodded to both questions.

“So much it is amazing Jayne. We both are so, well, he said it to me first. In the stacks. I almost tackled him!” she told her friend. Janey hugged her and shared her happy tears. They had a celebratory drink, Janey insisted and it helped Violet after the library scare. Soon after they decided to call it a night. A new week stated in the morning. Violet was surprised she was able to get some sleep.

Chapter Five- The Perfect Solution


The next few months were strange. Everyone on campus knew Mike's mother was marrying the coach. Everyone knew she was the coach’s daughter. So they would hear comments from people when they were talking in class like, is your sister helping you with your homework. They found that even going to have their usual dinners in the cafe or coffee was not a problem. Mike pointed it out to her a few weeks after the engagement was announced.

“It is weird but this might have helped us keep things quiet,” He said while they walked across the quad. They were careful never to hold hands or stand to close.

“How do you mean?” Violet had asked.

“No one expects us to date because we are going to be “related.” If this hadn't happened, everyone by now would say we are dating because we spend so much time together,” he said. She knew he was right. Of course it caused them problems because they had to come up with stories about where they were going separately and meet up somewhere different. The mystery was fun, making the arrangements were a little tedious. It turned out that his friend Jack was good at sneaky and had connected with Janey. They made a pretty impressive team.

Violet was also going to football games now. She had rarely gone before except to support her dad. Now she went and sat next to Marcie and watched her son, Violets lover, play football. He had become the starting quarter back in record time and was making all the right moves. Violet did not show all of her excitement for him, but she could for Marcie and her Father. The more she got to know Marcie, she loved her. She was perfect for her dad and was a great mom to Mike. Violet just did not need her for her mom. Janey had suggested breaking them up, but both Mike and she had vetoed it. Their parents were so happy, they couldn't do that to them. No idea was too weird for Janey.

By the time December came around Violet and Mike were about to explode. It was getting harder and harder to find alone time together. Then Mike suggested a family cabin. It was two hours away on the gulf coast. It had once belonged to his mom’s sister but since they passed Marcie had not wanted to go there. In fact, before she got her current job they had thought about selling it. Since they did not have to she had given the keys to Mike and told him it was his. Just don't do anything stupid. Then Jack and Janey had got imaginative.

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