ROMANCE: Military: SEALED BY APACHE (Military Soldier Navy SEAL Romance) (Alpha Male Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Short Stories) (138 page)

Classes were done in the beginning of December. So if they wanted some time together all they had to do was have Violet tell her dad she was going on a week long road trip with Janey, and Mike would tell his mom he was going with Jack someplace for a week. Then Violet and Jack could go to the cabin. To make sure there was no possibility it would not work, Janey and Jack were leaving town together for a week. They had become a couple while arranging hookup time for their friends. Violet had to admit it was perfect.

Their long range plans were simple. Four years and they were out of college and they could take off. Violet could not leave earlier due to her degree. Mike had four years with Texas before he could go anywhere also. Once on their own they could do what they want. It was going to be a rough haul, but with the cabin they figured it would be much easier.

The cabin was beautiful to Violet. A little rustic but the electricity worked and the kitchen was functional.  They had sleeping bags, food, beer and wine. They were set for the week. The view of the gulf was spectacular. They spent the evenings on the porch in blankets with wine, a radio. In the morning the sun rise was a thing to behold. Violet had never imagined romance like this outside of a novel. The sound of the ocean and salty air added an ambiance she absolutely adored. No homework, no phone calls, just her and Mike. She had dreamed about days like this since they had first got together.

They took long walks on the beach. Mike admitted it was not something he had ever thought he would like, but with her, he never wanted to leave. It had made her cry with her happiness and she thought he might have shed a few tears as well. She did not mention it though. He was the quarterback on a division team, he had his male pride. That should stay intact she thought. He had nothing to worry about in the love making department that was for sure. The passion he ignited in her never got old or never any less. They seemed to be the spark that lit them mutually on fire.

She came out of the bedroom into the living room with a little fire going in a tiny negligee top and bottom. She had saved it for the final night in the cabin this trip. It was a silky gray that clung to her breasts and rear end perfectly leaving the rest of her bare except for stockings and a garter. His jaw had about hit the floor and she thought he broke out in a sweat. She felt amazingly sexy when she was around him, never more than that moment. She had her hair down of course and he loved that too.

She walked toward him, feeling a little nervous in such an outfit. She had never worn one before and Janey had helped her figure out how to wear it. He took her hand and led her to the blankets laid out in front of the fire. They knelt and he handed her a glass of wine and he took one himself.

“A toast to the most amazing woman on the planet. You make me feel like I deserve the praise I get. I can never belief how lucky I am to be with you,” he toasted and they sipped. Violet felt tears.

“To the most amazing man I the universe. You make me feel like the only woman I the world and is if I am a princess. I love you Mike,” she said.

“I love you Violet,” he said.

They snuggled and watched the fire for a while before their closeness, as always, ignited the inner fire. They kissed and Violet was amazed at the trail of tingling that ran to her toes when they did. He slipped the shoulder straps of her top off and she arched her back, ready for his hands and lips as she undid his trousers. This time she eased him backwards. She was going to come at him from the top. He grinned his appreciation.

She kissed his powerful chest and neck. Working her way up to her lips. She could feel his hardness under her as it grew to his wondrous proportions, as if he was made just for her.

Violet kept kissing and caressing his muscular body that she had come to know so well and realized she would never grow tired of this, or him. He was groaning and squirming under him as she was begging to squirm herself.

“Ah, oh baby I can't hold out much longer!” he told her gasping.

“A little more sweetheart, hold on, oh yeah baby, so big and ready for my. I am so wet for you, oh yes here we go!” she groaned out to him as she lifted her hops and he positioned himself. As soon as his tip entered her cavern she kissed his lips. As he was plunged into her, their eyes met as their tongues tangled. The explosion of their desire and true love seemed to grow again until when the force of it passed they were both gasping. She did not want to roll off of him. She could feel is now limp member inside her and she was comforted by that. They were together in love.

Chapter Six- Busted?

Violet received a text at seven in the morning and almost did not get it. Since she was up and making coffee anyway, she decided to at least see who it was. It was Janey, 911. She frowned and opened the text. The message read: We ran into your Dad and Mikes Mom. We think they know. You had better get home. Remember if you don't admit anything they can never be sure. That was it. She thought about calling her when her phone rang. She heard Mike’s phone rang in the bathroom. Her phone call was her dad. She hesitated but slid to answer.

“Hello, Dad?” she asked.

“This is Dad, were you coming home today?” he asked. There was a curious tone she could not place and it made her nervous.

“Yeah, I was Dad what is up.” she asked.

“Bring Mike, we need to talk,” he said and hung up. Her father had never hung up on her in his life. Mike ran out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

“What the hell?” he was holding up his phone. She held up hers. He turned pale.

“Dad says to bring you home with me, we need to talk,” she said. He gestured at his phone and nodded the same.

They were dejected as they packed up and neatened the place up before leaving. They were hesitant but knew they had no choice. They held hands for most of the drive back. Reassuring themselves there was nothing that could split them up. They pulled into her Dad's driveway and looked at each other.

“Ready, we don't know for sure they know, but if they do we stay strong. Right Violet?” she nodded determined. They got out and walked up the drive. They did not walk side by side but as if nothing was wrong. The last several months had made them good at that. They went in and both parents were waiting in the living room. Her Dad gestured them to a seat. They both looked mad.

“Well, well, well...” her Dad began. She knew that was not a good sign. Mike did too, since he worked for the man.

“I really can't believe you Mike, I really can't,” Marcie said. Violet's hope was dwindling. They both just stared at them for several of the most uncomfortable seconds Violet had ever felt. Then she noticed her dad’s shoulders beginning to shake. Then Marcie lips twitched and soon they both started laughing. Violet looked at Mike bemused.

“I am sorry I can't do it. If you two don't take the cake!” Marcia said laughing. Violet's Dad agreed.

“I can't believe Mike that you would take a part of your break to work on a wedding gift for us. After as hard as you worked this season. You almost got us to the play offs. Further than we have been in years. Yet you still will work with Violet to do this,” he was shaking his head, walked over to Mike and shook his hand. Marcie came over to Violet.

“Thank you dear. I know the time you spend on your studies. Being willing to fix up the old cabin for us is..  thank you!” She exclaimed and broke into tears of happiness. She engulfed Violet in a hug and over her Marcie's shoulder she could see Mike was being hugged by her Dad. He mouthed silently to her.
I am going to kill Jack and Janey!

They managed to keep their composure and go along with it. They had breakfast with them and talked about renovating ideas. Violet did like the idea and through talking with Marcie gained an understanding of what she would like to make it her own and not her sister’s old place. She figured between her and Mike they should be able to do a good job on the place. Of course than meant that her and Mike would have to find another hideaway. When Violet and Mike left they breathed a sigh of relief, they had survived this time!



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A Tale of Love & Romance




Aubrey James





Eve clutches the armrests of her seat as the plane descends into Bengaluru. She can see flashes of lightning through the windows as the plane bumps down through the cloud cover. The dog-eared book tucked into the seatback in front of her,
LIFT: Fly with Confidence
, was of little use on the 10-hour flight from London.

Usually confident and take-charge, Eve is reduced to a quivering wreck on airplanes. She takes a deep breath as the plane drops and shakes with the descent then finally slips below the clouds.

Beneath her, Eve can see the crowded city of Bengaluru, the capital city of Karnataka in the southern region of India.  The city below seems to stretch out for miles. In the distance, north of the city, is their destination, Kempegowda International Airport.

Once off the plane and inside the airport, Eve takes a few deep breaths to steady her nerves. She clutches her carry-on close to her body, unwilling to put it down for even a second.

Tucked in beside an emergency pair of clothes and her iPad is a clay pot enveloped in bubble wrap. Taped to the front is a letter from the director of antiquities at one of the most prestigious museums in London.

Eve is to return the artifact to a small museum in Port Blair, Andaman Islands, where it originated. In exchange, the Indian government is allowing her access to several archaeological sites along the archipelago.

It is almost unprecedented access for a westerner, and Eve is still astonished that the museum in London has given up such a rare piece of history.

Granted, it isn't the museum's finest specimen. There are hairline cracks and the outside is smooth, utilitarian, rather than decorative. But Eve thinks it is beautiful, in its own way.

was also the word the director, Piers Cameron, used to describe her hair after he handed the clay pot over. His hand came down to rest on her bare knee, and she feigned an itch on her ankle in order to shift away from his reach.

The two had a complicated relationship, always entwined due to her field of study. There had been several nights, after fundraising dinners or launch parties for books or new collections, where Eve had drunk a little too much wine and ended up at his penthouse apartment.

She always avoided him for months after those encounters. And he never pursued her, seemingly not interested in a serious romantic relationship, especially not with a student at Oxford.

Not only was he the director of antiquities, his family was wealthy and well connected, and he had his eye on political office when the time was right.

The memory of Piers made her blush now, thinking of him as she hands her passport, visa and letters of access over to the Indian border control agent.

After her passport was stamped, she wrestled her suitcase off the carousel, the shrink-wrap was scuffed and torn in places, but at least it was unopened.

She was always paranoid about becoming an unsuspecting drug mule when she flew to far off reaches of the globe, but she got through immigration and customs without incident.

The arrivals terminal was sleek and modern. Rain spattered windows reaching high up to the ceiling and the angled pillars that propped up the sloping roof were visible through the glass.

It was just turning autumn, the end of the rainy season and the beginning of the warm season. The weather could be intermittent, but she hoped the rain would clear for good as the weeks progressed.

She stopped and scanned the crowd waiting on the other side of the barrier, looking for her old pal, Frank. He was her normal tour guide when she came to this part of the world, and although he was based in Burma (and formerly had been in Thailand) he offered to fly out to India and pick her up.

The Andaman Islands were much closer to the Burmese coast than the Indian side, however they were controlled by the Indian Navy so she needed a special visa, which the little clay pot in her bag had secured. But she couldn't see Frank's fluff of grey hair or the bright Hawaiian-style shirts he usually wore.

Finally, her eyes fell upon her name scrawled on a piece of torn white cardboard from what looked like a postal box. It was her full name, her traditional Irish one,
Niamh Cavanagh
, rather than the nickname, Eve, she usually went by.

The man holding the sign was so much unlike Frank it was almost comical. The only similarities were their builds: tall and broad, however where Frank had gone soft over the years for love of drink and a relaxed lifestyle, this man looked fit and muscular.

The edge of tattoos poked out through the simple white shirt he wore under a vest of what looked like, but couldn't possibly be, Kevlar. His face was set in a severe expression, but if he smiled Eve thought he might look a bit like that American actor, Matthew McConaughey. His skin was tanned and his hair, golden at the ends and darker at the roots, had a slight curl.

"Hi, I'm Eve," she said, stepping up to greet him with a smile. He forced a smile back, then flipped his board over to look at it with a confused expression.

"I'm waiting for… Niamh?" he pronounced her name like
, in what Eve assumed was an accent from the American south.

Eve laughed, but immediately regretted it, because the man's expression darkened. "Sorry," she said, holding the smile. "That's me. You pronounce my name like
, but usually people just call me Eve."

The man simply stared at her, obviously not amused. His eyes were a bright azure blue flecked with honey gold, but at the same time they seemed dark and wounded.

"I go by Eve because even in England some people have trouble with Irish names," she continued. She held her Irish passport up to the name page to prove she was indeed who he was waiting for.

He studied the page, then squinted at her as if deciding whether the passport photo actually bore a resemblance to the person standing in front of him.

"I'm Cooper, nice to meet you," he finally replied.  He snatched her carry-on bag off the floor and reached for her suitcase.

"Careful!" Eve admonished before she could stop herself. The man glowered at her.

"I'm sorry, there's just something fragile in there," she said in a quieter, more polite, tone. He wordlessly handed the bag back and started toward the doors.

Eve breathed in deeply and tried to calm her nerves. She pulled out her phone and shot off a quick email to Frank while she still had access to the airport WiFi.

"Your replacement is a bundle of fun... xx … Eve".

The email sent with a whoosh and when she looked up the man was waiting at the doors, impatiently staring back at her.

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