ROMANCE: Military: SEALED BY APACHE (Military Soldier Navy SEAL Romance) (Alpha Male Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Short Stories) (29 page)

Jenna could see the raw pain in his eyes. His eyes were full of a longing which she understood. He longed for family. She also lived with constant anguish of losing her loved ones and tossing and turning at night wondering if the void would ever be filled again. Instinctively, she moved closer to him to give him a comforting hug.

She realized that he was still wearing wet clothes and that his skin was as cold as ice, but he was oblivious to it.

“You must be freezing!” she exclaimed.

“I’m fine. Drink your hot chocolate,” he told her, more concerned for her comfort than his own.

Jenna ignored his orders and rose to her feet, taking his hand so he would rise too.  They were both standing and facing each other when Jenna began took off is drenched t-shirt, and then rubbing his hands between hers to warm them. He obviously knew how to completely dissociate from pain and cold, but not heart ache, as she looked deep into the sadness and despair in his eyes.

“Chase isn’t worth it; he is who he is” she told him.

Colt was surprised that her statement made him feel immensely relieved. He didn’t want to ask her about the specific details she endured today, as it should be in her own time and in addition, he couldn’t pull himself away from the moment. Her warm touch made Colt realize just how truly cold he was. He savored the feeling of her warm and soft hands attempting to warm his hands and arms, rubbing swiftly.

It had been a long time since he had enjoyed the warmth of a woman’s touch and desire began to build up within him. His body trembled and he suddenly felt his head spinning from the recent revelations. He also felt like a man under a spell. He had to sit down, and she helped him gently into the deep, cushioned leather chair.

She worked faster to relieve him of his wet clothes at this point his pants were all that remained. He simply couldn’t wear them any longer, and if he wasn’t going to get out of the wet clothes himself, she would have to do it for him. When he was fully undressed, she wrapped the soft throw blanket from the couch around his cold, shaking body.

She snuggled in to him, held him tightly, and rubbed both her hands against his massive chest, in order to create friction to warm him up. Realizing it wasn’t helping reduce the involuntary shuddering Colt was enduring, after a few minutes she peeled off the borrowed sweat shirt she had been wearing and wrapped her warm, smooth, voluptuous chest over his mighty body, pressing him deeper into the large, leather chair, as she lay on top of him to offer as much warmth as possible. A hint of blue was starting to appear on his lips, and all inhibition had left her.

The feeling of her warm, soft body pressed up against his, her insistent hands rubbing his back and shoulders was almost too much for him to bear. She couldn’t help but enjoy the masterpiece of a body she was working to warm. The chiseled ripples of his muscles, in every location she touched were extremely arousing. She smothered his body with hers again, pushing soft warm breasts into his chest, now rubbing his neck, deltoids and lats, forcefully. He found himself becoming ever more aroused. Sensing this, she looked up at him and stared directly into his eyes for the first time that evening. Her golden eyes shone with deep concern and tenderness.

She opened her mouth slightly and gasped as he pulled her even closer toward him, rubbing the small of her back and moving his hands upward toward her shoulders first, and then toward her full, bare breasts. Jenna saw the sudden change in his expression, and realized a pure moment of raw desire for him just as it was for her. She also sensed in him a hint of vulnerability that she now was fully entering into as well. This combination exhilarated her and she found herself losing control with a near stranger, yet somehow there seemed to be a connection that words could not explain.

But it did not scare her. She involuntarily sighed from the thrill of his touch.

“You are so…beautiful,” he finally whispered in her ear, teeth softly chattering.

Jenna smiled, parted her legs and wrapped her body and arms even more tightly around his. He responded by moving closer to her to the point of her feeling his large, engorged erection against the sweat pants he now regretted leaving on the bed for her.

Jenna gasped at the feel of his manhood and this time he was unable to resist kissing her. He covered her mouth with his hungrily, while one hand cupped and squeezed her perfectly sized breasts and the other hand on her lower back drew her closer. Jenna moaned under his lips and ran her fingers through his hair, while gently pulling him towards her so as to deepen the kiss. Then she leaned back pulling him to her as she fully wrapped one of her legs around his back. The blanket dropped and was forgotten about immediately.

Colt lifted her in his arms easily, despite her being on top of him and carried her to the bedroom where he gently laid her on his bed, and removed the greatly oversized sweat pants she wore. He positioned himself on top of her, covering her naked body with his. He continued with the same assault on her lips and then showered her neck with kisses while she held onto the back of his head as if she was afraid to let him go.

“Kiss me everywhere,” she longingly whispered while willing his head gently towards one of her hard, aching, pink nipples.

He covered it with his warm, wet mouth, grazing his rough tongue over the tip, while she arched her body upwards so that he could fit more of her breast in his mouth. He sucked hungrily at her nipple and breast until Jenna wrapped her legs around his thighs. He knew exactly what she wanted and would be more than happy to give it to her, but he was having too much fun teasing her.

It felt as if Colt's hands were everywhere, her back, breasts, bottom, thighs – everywhere but where Jenna wanted them to be. Their actions so far had been more than good, her desire burned through her like a forest fire, wild and uncontainable. The ache inside her, a sweet pain if there ever was one, built with every touch of his hands which, she noticed, had got much warmer.

Cole ran his lips across her belly and down towards her waiting, wanting sex. Thrilling her as he trailed his tongue from naval to pubis, yet Cole was in no hurry, he wanted to savor the moment and teased Jenna by kissing his way down her thigh, deliberately avoiding her most sensitive parts.

“Oh, please...” Jenna begged in a breathy little voice. She could feel his smile against her left knee, followed by a jolt of intense, thrilling pleasure as he almost hammered his face against her crotch. The pressure inside Jenna was building fast, a dammed lake filled to the brim with aching need, every tiny movement of Cole's tongue across the tight, throbbing bundle of nerves added a little drop.

Cole reveled in the exquisite, heady taste and smell of the woman who writhed beneath his mouth. Her hands came down, gripping his hair and she pushed his face harder against her privates. Her whole body jumped each time he lapped at her and he could tell she was on the verge of a huge orgasm.

Jenna heard her breathing get faster, felt her heart beating harder and her thighs tremble ever so slightly as she exploded in pure ecstasy. Her breath caught as the almost painful waves of delight washed through her body which was wound as tight as a coiled spring. Eventually she relaxed with a groan of pure pleasure, Colt's face grinning up between her thighs.

“Wow!” She said.

“Yeah.” Cole growled, nipping and licking at Jenna's belly as he made his way back up to her breasts. His mouth found the puckered cylinder of her right nipple and he pulled it into his mouth, gripping it between his teeth and lapping at the tip as he had just done lower down. The feeling was amazing and she dug her nails into his shoulders, kneading his tight muscles.

He moved to her other nipple and sucked it with the same vigor while his hand cupped her curved hips and moved them closer to his. After what seemed like forever to Jenna, Colt plunged himself deep into Jenna’s hot, wanting vagina savoring every inch of her with each thrust; her copious juiciness, and tightness.

Jenna moaned loudly and called his name, the tension building up in her body like nothing she had ever experienced before. Colt kept going at a slow, steady place and despite the pressure building up in his own body he took his time, savoring every thrust.

He kissed her lips again, this time harder than before and whispered in her ear. Her mind was so blown at this point she had no idea what he said, living an ecstasy that words could do no justice to. Jenna's muscles clenched as they neared climax and when it finally came, it was a heart stopping explosion, her muscles clenching and drawing him deeper inside her.

Colt felt Jenna clench so tightly around his manhood it was as if their bodies were one and it was impossible to tell where he ended and she began. The painful pressure in his lower abdomen and back climbed up into his chest and Jenna heard his breathing change to a difficult rasp before he slammed his hips forward. Cole growled and bucked as Jenna clung to him, needing this from him, wanting it too. This was her purpose, her body was his and she thrilled in the knowledge he could lose himself so completely in her.

Neither of them dared move, they remained in perfect union, desperately trying to extend the feelings. Eventually they separated and held each other, legs still intertwined. They fell asleep in each others arms, experiencing a bliss neither had previously known, making love, and enjoying a deep, inexplicable soul connection. This was what they both had longed for, and now finally experienced in the strangest of circumstances. 


The next day Colt woke up early and left Jenna in his bed with a promise to return as soon as he could. He headed straight for Chase’s yacht. While parking alongside the dock, he noticed three goons quickly slipping away. Knowing this meant trouble for Chase, he entered the yacht without being noticed by the men leaving.  

The yacht had been ransacked and he found Chase blindfolded, and tied to a chair and joined to an explosive set to go off in five minutes, which was ticking away leaving him to wonder each second if it would be his last. Colt considered his options, and for a moment, even considered leaving him there to die. The goons had beaten him up mercilessly.
Dammit Chase, what have you gotten yourself into this time?
He worked fast to detonate the bomb, and after two intense minutes, he succeeded.

He untied Chase who looked defeated, possibly even a changed man but never allowed him the opportunity to prove himself. Besides, he had sealed his own fate and Colt would have nothing of it. Chase mumbled a thank you, and after being untied he made as if to attempt a hug. Instead, Chase’s face was met with Colt’s solid, right fist after which he turned to leave to get back to Jenna.

Before leaving, he said “I’m entitled to my half of the inheritance, brother, or I will make sure you rot in jail for the rest of your life, you lying piece of shit twin.”

Colt left the Marina and never looked back.


It had been one year since he saved Chase’s life. Colt sat across the dinner table from the most beautiful woman in the world. Chase had obliged to follow Colt’s orders, and had made arrangements with his lawyers to give Colt half his empire and land.  

“So tell me Colt, what are you going to do to top the rescue of a year ago, after unsealing Chase’s deception, on this day, our one year anniversary?” Jenna asked him playfully with a sexy voice and a twinkle in her eyes that made his heart flutter.

With that, he drew from his pocket the most beautiful diamond ring she had ever seen, followed by a proposal that sealed their fate.

The End

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The Bear Prince


Wild Pitch

In Heat

Her Bear Guardian

Virgin Blood

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The Lion Billionaire Boss

The Billionaire Dragon Child



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Oliver drove through the streets that afternoon with a lot weighing on his mind, he had finally had the much dreaded conversation with his father and he knew he was right. 

He stared at the ring on his middle finger once he was stuck in traffic and thought of what it represented.  He was the one true heir to the throne which came with a lot of pressure. 

Other than making daily decisions about what was best for the clan and settling disputes, Oliver also had other requirements expected from him. 

Leading a clan of people was one thing but leading a clan of bears was another. 

He did not want to date any other women from the clan and this was more than enough pressure on him.  Given that he was now at the ripe age of 35, Oliver was expected to find a mate who would continue with their family lineage.  According to their tradition, he would not be able to succeed the king without fulfilling this requirement.

He could feel the bear part of him crave for raw fish but his human side wanted a big spicy beef burger.  He decided to ignore the beast in him and lean towards the humane part.

He drove through the streets and found himself staring at different women and wondering whether they would be the perfect Queen.  A slight chuckle escaped his throat when he thought of what his father would say about his choice of criteria in choosing the future Queen.  Oliver decided to get a burger from one of his favorite joints and proceeded to drive towards it.  He parked in the parking lot and stepped out of the car.  The place was not crowded that day and he was guaranteed of quick service.  He walked up to the counter and approached a young beautiful lady who stood behind it and fed him a plastic smile.

“Good evening”, he said as he looked up at the menu “I would like number four please”

“That would be $4.99’

He went through his pockets and pulled out a few crisp dollar bills before handing them to the girl.  His order was ready in a minute and the whiff of beef and fries from the bags he had just been handed played on his nostrils.  He walked out of the building and went straight to his car and was just about to get into the driver’s seat but something caught the corner of his eye. 

He slowly made his way to the building that was opposite the burger joint and wondered why he had never noticed it before.  He walked through the doors of the place with his burger still in hand and went straight for the reception.

“Hello”, he said to the young receptionist who looked bored and had big spectacles on her which Oliver doubted were meant for improving het eyesight.

“Hello”, she answered flatly.

“I noticed the kind of services you offer and I am very much interested in them.  Would you care to give me more details?”

The girl looked disinterested and reached down in one of her drawers.  She pulled out a few brochures and placed them right in front of him.

“We offer the following services”, she started “Pregnancy tests, abortions, surrogacy, adoption, OBGYN visits, delivery and infant clinics”

“You do all that here?” Oliver asked curiously as he took one look at the size of the place and wondered if it had all the facilities it claimed to have.

“Yes we do”, she answered.

Oliver looked at the brochures he had just been handed and took one in his hand.  He said a polite thank you before walking out of the clinic and heading over to his car.  He had now lost his appetite and placed the burger on his backseat.  An idea had just crept up on him which he knew would solve all his problems.  The answer was staring right back at him, he only needed to get a surrogate of his choice who would carry his baby and future king to the throne.

There were plenty of ups and downs in this plan, he did not know if his father would approve of it and there was always the fact that his baby would grow up not knowing who his mother was.  However, it would save him the trouble of having to explain to the surrogate their little secret, a risk he was more than willing to take.

He took out his cell phone from his pocket and dialed a number that was on his speed dial.  He listened to it ring and someone picked it up.

“Hello”, a deep voice sounded on the receiving end but it was not who he was looking for.

“Hello Robert, is father around?”

“He is taking his nap sir”, came the reply.

A quick look at his wrist watch reminded Oliver of his father’s daily power nap at around that time where he gave the butler his phone to answer.

“Would you please tell him I want to see him when he wakes up, it is quiet urgent”

“I will relay the message”

The hunger pangs in his stomach seemed to have been awoken with all the excitement and Oliver got back to driving around the streets heading nowhere in particular.  He spotted a playground from a distance that was littered with kids all around and decided to have his burger there.  He walked towards a lonely bench that had a woman seated on it looking lost.

“Mind if I join you?” he asked politely.

“I do not mind at all”

Oliver took the seat and looked straight ahead at the children playing and thought of the plan he had in place.  He would soon enough have a son too and the thought of playing with him on the playground crossed his mind a few times.  He took out his burger and looked at the woman seated next to him.

“Care for some?”

“Don’t mind if I do”, she said and moved closer to him.  She took a big bite off it and went on to sip his coke before handing them back to him.

Oliver had expected her to decline the offer but her daring side made him let out a wide smile.

“I am Oliver by the way”


“Nice to meet you” Oliver answered and took a sip of his soda “Is your kid here with you today?”

“No, I am watching over my boss’s kids”, she answered.

“So you are a nanny?”

“Yap”, Michelle agreed “I have been for some time now”

“How long, if you do not mind me asking?”

“About five years”

Oliver leaned on the bench and went on to look at the kids on the playground as he devoured his burger.  A thought then crept up on him and he looked at Michelle curiously before asking his question.

“Can I ask you something Michelle?”

“Yes please”

“Have you ever been a surrogate?”

“No I have never”, Michelle answered and the look of confusion could not be missed from her face “Why do you ask?”

“I am looking for one”

“If that is the criteria you are going to use my friend”, Michelle started as she shook her head in clear disapproval “You are in for a rude shock”

“What criteria?”

“Picking up a surrogate from a bench park in a playground”, Michelle answered “No offense but there is no difference in you picking up a whore from a street corner”

“I beg to differ, there is a huge difference”

Michelle let out a sarcastic chuckle before turning in Oliver’s direction and looking at him curiously.

“Ok, humor me”, she said “Suppose I agree to this proposal, what is going to come next?”

“We will first set a date and time for a meeting where you will come over and meet my father”


“Yes father”, Oliver answered.

“So you are not married?”

“No”, he said “I am single as God knows what”

“I just assumed you and your  wife have been having trouble conceiving, this has now taken a whole different turn”, she  turned to her side and gave Oliver her full attention before going on “So why would a single man hire the services of a surrogate?”

“I simply want what I have been looking for quite some time”

“Which is?”

“A family”

“But you will now have a family without the wife”, Michelle pointed out.

“Isn’t that a better deal?”

“Depending on how you look at it”

“This is the funniest thing I have ever had”, she let out “So how much are you going to pay the surrogate”

“Why would you want to know? Are you interested in the position?”

“Say that I am how much will you pay me?”

“There is a lot to consider”, Oliver answered as he looked at Michelle and went on “For starters I will need you to quit your current job and will compensate you for the income you would have earned if you were normally at work”

“So you would not want me to go to work?”

“No working”

“Ok, go on”

“I will also take care of all your medical bills, offer you accommodation, food and all the medication you will need during the pregnancy”

“So you will basically walk into my life and take control of it?”

“More or less”, Oliver answered “And on top of all that, I will give you a bonus for the long tired days and make sure you have a stress free life.

Michelle was lost in thought for a second more as she thought of what Oliver had just told her. 

“What about the sex?”

“Excuse me?”

Michelle looked at Oliver with a shy smile and went on “You know how pregnant women are always horny? How are you going to take care of that?”

“We will simply have to take advantage of modern technology then”

“A dildo?”

“Among other things”, Oliver pointed out “Come on it will only be for 9 months”

“That is like two decades in sex years”, Michelle answered.

“Which brings me to my next question”, Oliver said and looked straight into Michelle’s eyes before asking his next question “Do you have a boyfriend, do not take any offence in this but I will not want you having sex with someone else while carrying my baby”

“So would you rather I have sex with you?”

“I wouldn’t mind”, Oliver said so casually that it made Michelle burst out into uncontrollable laughter “Don’t get me wrong, I will not pressure you into anything”

“You are just too funny”, Michelle answered.

“But you still haven’t answered my question”

“No, I have no boyfriend.  I am as single as sin”

Oliver let out a hearty laughter and could not remember when the last time he had laughed that much in one day was.  People around him always submitted to him and their friendship would have strings attached.  Michelle however felt like a breath of fresh air.

“So what do you think about my proposal?”

“It in a very interesting one”, Michelle answered “But do tell me one thing, do you do this often?”

“Do what often?”

“Do you approach good looking women on bench parks and make this kind of proposal?”

“No, I don’t”, Oliver answered “It was actually an impulsive offer”

“So you want to tell me you have just thought about the offer after seeing me?”

“You could say that”

“You have made my day”, Michelle let out yet another hearty laughter and went on to stare at him.  He got to his feet and looked down at her before taking out a business card from his wallet that was safely tucked in his back pocket.

“Please let me know what you think?”

“What if I have made up my mind already?”

“I would give you more time to think about it”, Oliver replied.

Michelle stretched her hand and took the card from him and read through it before looking up at him.

“I will think about it”

“My cell phone number is right there, I am reachable any time of the day or night”

“I think I would rather call you in the night”, Michelle answered “From the many titles visible on this card I can tell you are hardly available in the day”.

“You might be right”, he answered “I have to go”

Oliver said and looked at his wrist watch, “I hope I will hear from you soon”

“You will”

“Good bye Michelle, it was nice knowing you”, Oliver said and slowly walked away from her but looked over his shoulder once and offered her a smile.

Michelle watched him walk away and threw a glance on the business card, her mind replayed the conversation they had just had and she could not believe what he had just offered.  There was something about him that however made her feel scared and unsettled.  She had noticed a color shade in his eyes that didn’t look human.  It had however changed every time he laughed at her jokes and would go back to its usual color whenever he regained a straight face.

Michelle looked at his business card again before looking at the now lonely road that he had disappeared to.  She smiled for the hundredth time that day as her mind thought of all the pending bills and student loans that would be taken care of if she agreed to his proposal.

“Put a baby in me Mr.  Oliver”, she said to herself “Baby carrier on the way”



Michelle sat in the hospital room and took in her surroundings.  She could not remember when the last time she had visited a gynecologist was.  She hated hospitals and the strong disinfectant clinical stench that was heavy in the air made her nauseous.  A text message made her phone vibrate and she looked down on it and smiled.

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