ROMANCE: Military: SEALED BY APACHE (Military Soldier Navy SEAL Romance) (Alpha Male Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Short Stories) (32 page)

“You look relaxed today”

“Is that a compliment?” Oliver asked.

“I think so”

Michelle sat up in her bed and thought of the sexual desires that had all of a sudden overwhelmed her.  She had tried to use vibrators before and dildos but it was not the same, it was not want her body really wanted.  She looked up into Oliver’s eyes and his gorgeous smile only made her situation worse.

“Please do me a favor”, she said.


“Would you lie down next to me?”

Oliver thought the request was rather odd but he could not compare it with the other odd demands Michelle had been throwing her way during the pregnancy term.  He took his shoes off and slowly slipped in between the covers and lay next to her.  He placed a hand on her waist and pulled her closer to him cautiously.  Michelle loved the masculine feeling that he had brought in her bed and his scent overwhelmed her.  She wanted him to hold her but wanted more than that.  Michelle was afraid of being too forward and direct with him but above all was afraid of being rejected.

She decided to roll the dice however and turned on her side, she then pulled him closer to her and placed a wanting kiss on his lips.  Oliver did not reject her and in fact welcomed the idea.  He let his hands rub her breasts as the other stroked her back as he tried his best to be gentle with her.

“Don’t do that”, Michele said after pulling away from their kiss momentarily.

“I am so sorry are you Ok? I hope I did not hurt you”

“Don’t be too gentle with me Oliver”, Michelle answered and completely ignored his question “I want you and I want you really bad”

“I hear you” Oliver answered and immediately got to work.  He made sure she was nice and comfortable in a good sexual position before ramming into her and making slow thrusts.

“Harder Oliver, faster”, Michelle pleaded.

“Are you sure”

“Of course I am sure”, Michelle answered.

Oliver obediently did as asked and went on to thrust harder and faster.  He loved the look on Michelle’s face as he went on to thrust into her and only tightened his grip when he was about to climax.  He was careful not to let his weight down on her as he threw himself to the side of the bed right next to her.

“That was amazing”, Oliver said.

“I am going to let you catch your breath before we go for a second round”, Michelle said.

The two spent the rest of the morning having more steamy sessions and only emerged from the room when hunger got the better of them.  Michelle took a quick shower before walking out of the room with Oliver and headed down for lunch.

“I am so hungry”, Michelle announced and was the first to sit on the dining table.  She let out a sigh of anticipation as the different aromas filled the air around her.

“That was really good”, Oliver said and tried to make Michelle concentrate on something else other than food.

“It was”, she answered with a shy smile “I don’t know if you are up to doing it again later?”

“I am”, Oliver answered “I must confess, I have thought about it for quite some time now”

“Really? Wasn’t that tormenting?”

“You have no idea”, Oliver answered “But I can proudly say reality is much better than the fantasy”

Michelle again let out a shy smile and could feel her lady parts get excited.  She looked at the dining table and a few ideas started forming in her head.

“I have a funny request”

“I have been at the receiving end of those lately”, Oliver answered with a cheeky smile.

“Can we have it on this table?”

Oliver had not expected her to make that suggestion and was immediately taken back by it.

“I thought you said you were hungry?”

“I am”, Michelle answered “But we could do it after lunch”

David walked into the room immediately and they had to change the subject.  A maid trailed him pushing a trolley right behind her and parked it in front of them.  She went on to serve the meal for both of them and chose to give Michelle a generous serving.  They went on to devour their meal but Michelle could tell there was something on Oliver’s mind.

“Something on your mind Oliver?”

“A lot actually”


“How would you feel about extending the contract?”

“For how long? Michelle asked the subject matter had really caught her attention.

“For the first six months”, Oliver answered “I think it’s good for the baby to be on exclusive breast milk until then”

“I think so too”

“Is that a yes? Will you stay?”

Michelle nibbled on her food before looking up into Oliver’s eyes and saying what was on her mind.

“I want to stay forever”, Michelle said “I want to raise my baby with you, I want to terminate the contract”

Oliver had clearly not seen that coming and got to his feet.  He paced around the grand dining room and Michelle could tell he was in turmoil.

“I am sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything”, she apologized “It’s just that I have gotten so attached to you and the baby”

“Please, do not apologize”, Oliver said and resumed his asset.  He stretched forward his hand and took Michelle’s hands in his.

“Michelle there is something about me that you need to know before you make such a decision”

“What is it?”

“I am going to show you in a minute but you can only make your decision then”, Oliver answered “And you have to promise me not to scream”

“I promise”, Michelle answered back merely out of need but she knew she would scream if needed to.

She watched as Oliver got to his feet and took a few steps back from her, he then gave her a last look before shutting his eyes and facing the ceiling.  Michelle looked at the transformation that took place right in front of her.  She wanted to scream and run but something inside her held her together.  Oliver was in another form now, not human, His oval face had widened and earth brown fur had grown on it.  He had claws in place of his hand and feet and had broad shoulders.  His teeth were also different and his nose had elongated from his face.  The whole of his body was covered with fur which took Michelle back to her dream.  Oliver had transformed into a bear right in front of her.

Michelle tried to feel scared but could not; instead she got to her feet and walked over to where he was.  She could hear him breathing and letting out a few groan like sounds as she walked.  She stopped right in front of him and directed her hand to his face before cupping his bear like cheek and stroking it lovingly.

“I love you Oliver”

The words seemed to have an effect on Oliver as he turned back to his human form but was in the nude.

“I love you too Michelle”, he replied “I have loved you since they day I saw you sited in the playground”

They locked each other in a tight embrace before Oliver taking a step back and cupping Michelle’s cheek.

“How about I fulfill your funny request now?”

“How about it” she answered and loved how he carried her towards the dining table.  Michelle felt complete after seeing Oliver in his other form, as much as she had never been a believer of true love; she now had a different opinion.


The End

Shift-Her by Ella Hart


“Wakey, wakey!” Dr.  Hadley clicked on the glass window with her perfectly polished nails.  This was her most important test subject ever, and there was no way she was going to mess this up.  No way. 

She knew exactly how things would play out.  She’d start off with some psych tests, she couldn’t just jump straight to drawing blood.  The poor thing might get frightened.  Not that she cared much, but she needed it to be in perfect condition, so that her tests and other examinations would give the best results. 

Yes, she definitely had to go carefully about this one.  It wasn’t like he was one of their white lab mice that come by the dozens.  They had hard enough time catching this one, which she still wasn’t sure how it actually happened.  But then again, she didn’t really care.  She knew that she was there to do a job, a job the government would be paying her a handsome amount of money and the overly ambitious Dr.  Hadley was more than happy to oblige.  As long as she didn’t have to come up with a specimen on her own.  As it turned out, she didn’t have to. 

She was still looking through the safety glass, at the sleeping silhouette hiding in plain sight behind it.  She figured it’d be a good idea to keep the lights dimmed.  The poor thing just suffered a serious trauma, after all.  Being taken just like that, away from everyone who knew and loved you, being drugged and thrown into… well, she didn’t exactly know what this was. 

The info she got regarding the exact location and specific purpose of this place was unknown, even to her.  She was just told that her scientific experiments could take place here, safely guarded from any prying eyes that might jeopardize the whole operation.  And seeing this was the last thing she wanted to have happen, she was more than happy to turn a blind eye and sign the papers just like that.

Hidden in half-darkness, she was still looking at the sleeping silhouette.  Somehow, she already liked him.  Without even speaking to him.  She never had a human test subject before.  Well, human.  How human is to be determined and that was exactly what she was there for. 

She continued thinking about the psychological assessments she’d start off with.  She needed to check for signs of either introversion or extroversion, though these could be determined with a fair amount of difficulty under the circumstances.  Then, she had to check for his intelligence, aptitude and achievement levels, later focusing on specific abilities, such as cognitive ability, memory or problem-solving skills.  For these purposes, she was thinking that a Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale test would do just fine, she’d add maybe the Thematic Apperception Test and of course, no psych test would be complete without the good old Rorschach.  She was thinking of including a few more, but she’d cross that bridge once she got to it. 

For the time being, she needed to contact her subject, she needed to make him trust her, to confide in her, to reveal all his secrets to her.  Especially the one that led to him being captured in the first place. 

It was already late in the evening, and she knew that all other doctors and technicians had already gone home.  No one was interested in this project to the extent that she was, and why would they be? After all, once her findings were published, she’d get all the recognition she ever wanted in the medical world, and all these other, helpers let’s call them, would be remembered just as clogs in the fine machinery that is Dr.  Hadley’s brain. 

Sure, she’d thank them somewhere within the covers of her book, but all the glory, all the accomplishments, all the findings and the subsequent results regarding bear shapeshifters would be reserved solely for her. 

These were the thoughts that were swarming in Dr.  Hadley’s head, as she was looking through the glass, like a curious Alice, who couldn’t wait to cross over. 

“Yes, it’s just a matter of time,” she thought to herself.  “I just need you to wake up, so that we can get this show on the road.”

As if reading her thoughts, the silhouette stirred.  She pressed her face against the glass, longingly, expecting for the moment to finally arrive.  The moment she’d been waiting for all this time.  And it seemed that her wishes were granted, as the silhouette moved more and more energetically, finally jumping to his feet and looking around him. 

She quickly grabbed the notebook from her bag and got ready to write down the subject’s initial response to finding himself imprisoned for no apparent reason. 

As he kept looking around him, wordlessly, she could finally take a good look at her catch.  His face was almost perfectly symmetrical, his jaw was sharp and cheekbones prominent.  His entire was body was firm and strong, she could see this much despite the fact that he was wearing a ruffled shirt and pair of pants.  What she saw was a sun-kissed Adonis, slender and defined, and she couldn’t help but congratulate the team on getting such a prize. 

“Yes, yes, you’re all pretty handsome, but when you need to commit, then what do you do?” She pulled herself out of her daydreaming and remembered all her previous, failed relationships with equally attractive men. 

She had no idea what it was about her that made men go crazy about her ripe breasts, wide hips, luscious curves and Rubenesque figure so much that they couldn’t keep their hands to themselves, but when it came to settling down, they’d disappear quicker than you could say Jack Robinson. 

Well, no more of that.  She promised herself that much.  Now, she’d be focusing on her career, leaving nights of wild passion behind her… at least for the time being. 

Her gaze returned back towards the confused shapeshifter, who was still eerily quiet.  He didn’t even try to make a sound, which she had to admit, surprised her.  She had expected him to shout, to curse, to threaten, anything to show his hatred for the imposed position he was in.  Anything but this. 

She knew that he couldn’t see her through the glass, as it was a mirror on the other side.  But, there was a speakerphone, which she decided to put to use.  She pressed the button and tried to speak as calmly as possible. 

“Hello there.”

The voice shook the shapeshifter and he immediately looked towards the window.  For a second, she was afraid he could actually see her. 

“I’m afraid that for the time being, we have to keep you there, but I promise, you’ll be let out as soon as possible.” She sounded kind, but authoritative.  Almost like a mother scolding her child for eating too many cookies. 

“Listen lady,” he spoke with a slight accent that made his deep husky voice even sexier.  “I don’t know what you did and why I’m here, but I warn you.  Bad things are going to happen if you don’t let me out, and I do mean bad things.”

Her finger was on the button again. 

“I’m afraid I can’t do that.” She concluded.  “We need to sanitize you and then you’ll be taken to another, more spacious room.”

“Are you deaf, lady? Who said about being taken to a different room? Let me out, now, and no one gets hurt.” His voice was still calm. 

“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t call me lady.  My name is Dr.  Hadley and you and I will be socializing a lot these days.”

“I don’t care who you are or what you do here.  I’m asking you nicely: let me go and I’ll pretend this whole thing never happened.” His finger was shaking commandingly against the glass. 

She had a feeling that he could break the glass easily, if he wanted to.  This made her extremely uneasy, so she decided to call it a night. 

“Well, alright.  I see you’re in no mood for talking to me, so I’ll leave you alone and we’ll try again tomorrow.” Her finger released the button. 

“Hey lady!” He yelled at the window.  “Next time I see you, you won’t have this window to hide behind!” His eyes were burning with a fire she had never seen before, as his nostrils flared. 

She wasn’t really hoping for such a start of this experiment, but she couldn’t change anything now.  It was enough for one night. 


She slept at the office that night, not wanting to waste time driving home and back to the lab.  Stirring a little sugar into her tar black coffee, she went to check on her new, favorite test subject.  What awaited her, was something she didn’t expect.  He was sitting, bound to a chair.  In front of the door was a guard.

“What is the meaning of this?” She demanded.  “I want him released at once! Do you have any idea how important he is to this experiment??”

The guard replied meekly. 

“Orders, Dr.  Hadley.  The guy beat up three of the technicians who went inside, wanting to sanitize him.  One has a mild concussion, but the other two weren’t so lucky.  He bit into Jones’ arm, almost tearing the limb off! And Kinley’s face is severely bruised, his nose broken and right eye completely shut.  It all happened in less than a second, so Dr.  Maddison ordered him to be bound at all times.”

She could barely believe what she was hearing.  She marched on in, and pressed the button. 

“Why did you hurt those people? They didn’t do anything to you!” She sounded angry. 

“Oh, the nice lady’s back!” She never heard sarcasm spoken so plainly.  “Let me ask you something, did I do anything to hurt you or them, so that you had to lock me up like a wild animal in a cage?”

“But, you are a wild animal!” She managed to bite her tongue before saying this out loud. 

“Well, no, but you don’t understand…” She spoke apologetically. 

“What don’t I understand?” The chair shook beneath him.  “That you’re keeping me here against my will, for whatever reason you see fit? I swear, when you undo these handcuffs, I’m going to kill you all!!”

She realized there was no point in talking to him now.  Maybe not even tomorrow, which was why she decided to go home and have a good night’s rest. 

The next couple of days, she was just looking at him through the glass, without even going near the speakerphone button.  Something told her she needed to give him time. 

Any animal could break.  Any animal would break, if only you gave it enough time. 

Once those few days passed, she decided it was time to try and do the first psych test.  When she saw him through the window, he was still bound.  He looked tired, even depressed.  She knew they had been feeding him well, it’s just that he refused the food.  It was all to be expected, though. 

“Hi there,” her voice rang through the room, electrifying him. 

“Oh, it’s the nice lady again.” But his voice lacked much of the defiance she had heard a few days ago.  “Come to talk to me some more? I didn’t hurt anyone else, promise.  Not that I had a chance to…” He lifted his palms as much as the constraints allowed him. 

“Well, yes.  I’d like to talk to you for a while, if you’d like to.”

“If I’ve learned anything in the last couple of days, it’s that at this point, my wishes don’t matter much.  But I plan on changing that very, very soon.  In the meantime, why don’t you come in? It’s not very nice hiding behind the glass like that.” He sounded almost playful, but she knew it was all just a charade.  He’d twist her neck in a second, if he could. 

“Well, I remember what you said the first time we met.” She replied. 

“Oh, that!” He laughed.  “Trust me, you’re safe.” He shook his handcuffs again. 

“Well, alright.  I’m coming in.” She wanted to be as clear about this, more to let the guard in the corridor know what’s going on than anything else. 

When she entered his room, she could feel his scorching gaze licking her entire body, from head to toe.  She was even a little happy that she chose to forgo her doctoral garb just for the day, opting rather for a nice body-con dress that hugged her curvaceous figure perfectly.  Not that she’d ever admit it to anyone. 

“Boy, doc are you a sight for sore eyes!” He sounded like a mischievous schoolboy who had a crush on his new teacher. 

She loved the attention, but she was determined not to show it.  Instead, she chose the path of formality.

“So, this is what we’ll do… Oh, you know what? It just occurred to me that I don’t know your name!”

This was actually a lie.  They knew perfectly well who he was, and where he came from.  His name was Thorben, and he, just like his ancestors, belonged to the Thor bear clan, just like his name suggested.  But that was beside the point.  She wanted to hear it from him, as this would signal the start of him trusting her. 

He looked at her quizzically. 

“I really doubt that.” He replied, with an emphasis on the really part.  “You’re trying to get me to believe that you’d organize this whole fancy process for someone you know nothing about? Na-ha! No sale, lady! I let you come in here to talk to me, but don’t piss me off by thinking I’m stupid.”

She was caught red handed there.  And she knew it.  The only way she could get him to trust her was to comply.

“You’re right, Thorben.  That was… not the way to go and I apologize.  No one here thinks you’re stupid, quite the contrary!” She was afraid she overdid it, but he kept on listening. 

“So, as I was saying,” she continued with a silent sigh of relief, “I was thinking of doing something called the Rorschach test.  Would you like to do it?”

He didn’t like that she was talking to him as if he were a child. 

“If you keep this up, I’ll break these chains, I swear and do stuff to you, you’d never forget.” He said, in a way that made her shiver both with fear as well as with pleasure.  “Stop treating me like a freakin’ child and talk to me like a normal person.  Well, as normal as this whole thing, whatever it is, gets.  If you won’t, then get the Hell out of here and leave me alone.”

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