ROMANCE: Military: SEALED BY APACHE (Military Soldier Navy SEAL Romance) (Alpha Male Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Short Stories) (34 page)

As if she turned into an animal, she arched her back longingly, pressing against his body, while his hands searched for the bra clasp that held her bombshell self under wraps.  Once he found what he was looking for, she felt a huge sense of release, as his arms opened up from behind her, only to cup her overflowing breasts and squeeze them gently, but passionately.  As his lips found her nipples, she felt a delicious shock of emotion that made her release a deep sigh almost resembling a purr. 

He lifted his head to look at her, and smiled.  Was it a minute or an hour – she had no idea.  She completely lost all track of time, as she waited, yearned, almost begged him to touch her again and again, until she exploded. 

As if following her hint, his hand released her breasts, and traveled down, to the already wet spot between her legs.  Starting off slow, making circles around the soft lips that trembled under his fingertips, his touch became firmer, harder, until she started moaning with pleasure. 

Quickly, he withdrew his magical fingers, only to lift her fleshy thighs and quickly lower his trousers.  She arched her back again and bucked her hips, allowing for just the tip entrance, until he pushed hard and slid all the way inside.  As he did so, she bit his lower lip, feeling him eating her up from the inside with a sweet pain, breathing heavily down her neck. 

Faster and faster, they rocked to and fro, completely in tune with each other’s body, when finally, she felt an orgasmic release of pleasure wash all over her.  His fingers dug deeply into her skin, as he released a final moan. 

She sat like that, in his lap, motionless for a couple of seconds. 

“What have I done?” She couldn’t get the thought out of her mind. 

He gently caressed her back, and kissed her shoulder. 

She got up and started getting dressed. 

“You’re gorgeous, this is the first time I think I could actually say it.” He looked at her.  “I never thought I would be able to say it, honestly.  But there it is.”

“This is all wrong, this can’t happen.” She was fixing up her dress and her disheveled hair.  “What have we done?” She bound his hands again.  He didn’t budge as she did so.  Without saying a word, without even looking at him, she left the room. 


The following morning, she woke up in her office, which was nothing unusual for her.  But what was unusual was that her phone was ringing at 7am. 

“Dr.  Hadley speaking,” she answered. 

“Dr.  Hadley, I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time.  This is Mr.  Black.”

“Oh, Mr.  Black!” She was immediately shaken awake.  Mr.  Black was the person responsible for the entire project, the person who was to give thumbs up or thumbs down to anything that took place there under her command.  And furthermore, this was the first time that he had actually talked to her personally.  Before that, she just received written instructions from him on how to proceed. 

“How may I help you, Mr.  Black?” She tried to sound as calm as possible. 

“Well, you see Dr.  Hadley, it’s been more than two weeks, and honestly, I was hoping that your little guinea pig would provide more insight into the world of shapeshifting.  But, from what I can see reading your findings, there’s still nothing of consequence.  Please correct me if I’m wrong.” His voice was dead cold, as if he was trying to murder her with politeness. 

“Oh well, sir… you see, the thing is, there were a few issues…”

“Issues? What issues? Why wasn’t I informed of them?”

“Well, we thought we could handle it, and we did, we did, so no problems anymore.” She knew she didn’t sound as convincing as she wanted to. 

“Well, I’m afraid that your time is up, Dr.  Hadley.  You’ve got another week to bring forth results and do the final round of tests.” She knew that the final round was vivisection.  She’d have to cut Thorben alive.  “Are we clear?”

“Yes, Mr.  Black.”

“And if there are any more issues, contact me immediately.” He ordered, just before hanging up. 


When she looked through the window of Thorben’s room, she could see that he was walking around freely. 

“Who authorized this?” She asked the nearest guard. 

“Dr.  Maddison.” She got her reply. 

“Always meddling,” she thought to herself.  But in a way, she was happy it happened.  She was just kinda annoyed it wasn’t her who made it happen. 

She ordered the guard to remain at his post, in front of the door leading to a small room, which in turn lead to Thorben’s room.  Subconsciously, she knew it would be a good idea not to put security cameras or microphones in his room.  And boy, was she happy she chose not to. 

Without even considering the safety procedures, she entered his room.  He didn’t seem surprised to see her, but he immediately picked up that something was wrong. 

“Are you ok, doc?”

“We have one more week, Thorben.  Then it’s all over.”

“One more week for what?”

“For the tests, for the results.  For everything.”

“Well, why so glum? Do your poking and prodding and then let me go finally.” He didn’t want to get closer to her for fear of making her uncomfortable. 

“You don’t understand, Thorben.  You’re not going home.”

“What do you mean?”

“All the preliminary tests are done.  We’re just left with the last one, which is… vivisection.” She whispered the last word. 

“Vivisection? You mean you want to cut me up alive??” He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. 

“You know, I’ve endured some pretty serious stuff here, not to mention the kidnapping, the binding, keeping me locked up here like an animal.  But then I got to know you and I thought to myself, you could never be like those other heartless people.  You wouldn’t do those things.  You wouldn’t because you’re you.  And I believed I got to know you.  Now, I’m not so sure.” He turned his back to her. 

“It was all before, all before you came along.” She was desperate for understanding. 

She still wanted the fame and the acknowledgment, but not like this.  Not at the expense of Thorben’s life. 

“Please believe me, you have to believe me… I don’t want to do this anymore, but I don’t know how to help you.  I can’t get you out by myself.  It’d be crazy to even try!” She felt tears coming on. 

Suddenly, she felt his arms around her.  It felt safe.  It felt like she’d always been destined to be in his arms and nowhere else.  The least of all in this facility run by the government she was so fond of working for, just a few weeks ago. 

“Hush, hush.  It’ll be fine, doc, don’t worry about it.” He caressed her gently.  She felt that as long as he was holding her like this, nothing could touch her. 

But she knew this wasn’t true.  There were numerous doors from where they were to outside, where they wanted to be.  And there were keys to those doors she didn’t have.  Keys she’d have to go through hell for. 

“We could do this, together, you and I.  What do you say?” He cupped her face and raised it to face his.  His eyes shone with the same kind of fire she had seen the first time.  She knew there was nothing that could deter him from escaping.  Maybe, just maybe they could do it. 

“I have to think about it.  We need a plan.  We can’t just go rushing out there blindly.  We’d both die.  They don’t care about you or me.  They’ll just find another doctor and capture another shapeshifter.  We have to outsmart them.  We can’t fight them, there’s no way we’d win that way.” She was trying to come up with a plan. 

“I can take them on, don’t you worry about that.” She could see the hairs on his back lifting up, and she knew what he meant.  Maybe that was the way to go.  But still, fighting wasn’t an option.  Even one extraordinarily strong bear wouldn’t be enough to defeat an army of gunmen.  There had to be a better way. 

“Let me think about it for a while, I’ll come back later tonight, when they all go home.” She wanted to kiss him, but knew it wasn’t the time nor the place. 

After a whole afternoon of studying the facility corridors, emergency exit doors, shortcuts and different ground layouts, she was on the verge of giving up.  Then, it hit her. 

First, she’d forge Dr.  Maddison’s signature on one of the forms, she hadn’t really done that since faking her mom’s signature for report cards, but hey, it’s a skill one never forgets.  The form would state that one of the final tests includes an outdoor exercise with the shapeshifter in his bear form, in Area 12.  It had some contraptions which were once used for torture, so she figured no one would get suspicious.  She’d get Thorben to change beforehand, then she’d cuff him herself, making sure he’d be able to break them off once she gives him the signal. 

Now, in order for the guards not to get suspicious, she’d need a few of them with her.  Heavily armed, of course.  Five would be enough for no one to get suspicious, but still for Thorben to be able to take them down one by one once they’re near Area 12. 

Once there, she herself had the key to the final exit, through which they can pass together, him in his human form, so as not to arouse any suspicion, because the guards at the final gate have little to no idea what’s going on inside different areas, so they’d have no reason to suspect her, being a doctor, and Thorben would just get one of the cards from the guards they incapacitate. 

“Perfect!” She thought to herself proudly.  It was already late in the evening, and she thought it’d be a good idea to share her plan with Thorben and see if he could spot any holes that might backfire. 

Two heads are always better than one.  Or at least this was what she came to believe just recently. 

She entered his room, and whispered of her sweet plans of escape.  He listened intently and agreed with everything she had said.  He could see no holes in her plan, and only hoped that everything would go as she had calculated. 

“Because otherwise,” he added, “I’d just have to fight my way out of this hellhole.”

Whether she was ready to admit it or not, she loved his manly talk of violence.  She loved to hear him say how he’d kick everyone’s butts, how no one would be left alive or kicking, because he’d be doing it all for her. 

“We can do this and we will do this,” he lifted her up in the air, only to bring her down forcibly and press her hard against the wall. 

“But not before I take what I marked as mine,” he whispered wildly into her ear. 

Under any other circumstances, she’d be appalled to hear anyone speak of herself being marked as someone’s, but there was a raw, animalistic passion that awoke something unknown inside of her, something she never knew existed before she met him. 

He skillfully unbuttoned her blouse and undid her bra, so that without this support, her breasts dropped out right into his warm palms.  Her breasts mesmerized him.  He showered them with kisses, while squeezing gently, as she moaned with pleasure. 

He turned her around, keeping her equally pressed against the wall, only this time, he demanded with his fingers, that she spread her legs.  Her back arched, her neck pulled backwards, her inner thighs shaking at the thought of what was to come.  Then, suddenly, she felt him falling down to his knees and lifting his face towards the place that was most exposed.  Without any introduction or foreplay, he stuck his tongue deep inside her, spreading her cheeks as he did so. 

She could feel his insatiable hunger, and she couldn’t fight it anymore.  She felt the same way.  They were both the same: animals disguised as humans. 

Suddenly, he stood up behind her, pressing against her with his hardness.  She could feel it between her legs, between her quivering thighs.  Waiting, she was waiting what felt forever. 

He pulled her hair back strongly, sending a pleasurable wave of pain from her head, all the way down to her toes.  He licked her earlobe and whispered.

“Do you want it?”

All she could do was moan in agreement. 

“That’s my girl…” He kept biting her earlobe, pushing on inside, huge and hard.  She tried to match his pace, with her fleshly body that he caged with his hungry fingers.  Her hips rocked him hard through a climax, leaving them both gasping for air. 

When he moved away, she could still feel her thighs trembling, her entire body going through some kind of left over convulsions.  She had to sit down before fixing up her dress yet again and returning to her office. 

“It’s been a long day.” She smiled at him.

“I’m sure it has.” He smiled mischievously back at her. 

“As soon as I have everything prepared, we’re going.” She kissed him on the forehead and was about to leave.

“Wait!” He urged her to stop.  “Wait.  You never told me your first name.” He told her, and surprisingly, she realized he was right. 

“You’re right.  I never did.  Well, it’s Rose.” She blushed. 

“I’ve never heard of a more fitting name,” he took her by the hand and kissed it, before allowing her to leave the room that changed her life forever. 


As she had expected, forging Dr.  Maddison’s signature was surprisingly easy.  Lastly, she just added her own and stamped the paper.  Pushing it between piles of other papers, she realized that only the keenest of eyes would be able to tell the difference. 

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