ROMANCE: MY ALIEN KING: Scifi Alien Invasion Abduction Contemporary Romance (Paranormal Fantasy BBW Alien Contact Anthologies & Collections Book 1) (47 page)

              “That and the trade thing, right?” She heard her hand maiden laugh lightly.

              “Yes, that too.”

              “What is your name?” The woman stopped massaging for a moment, almost shocked that she had been asked her name by someone as significant as Meredith was to become.

              “Harmoon, my name is Harmoon.” Meredith smiled.

              “I’m Meredith, it’s nice to meet you.” There was silence for another moment as Harmoon gently pushed Meredith forward and began to rinse the shampoo from her hair.

              “Meredith, you have lovely hair. I am not surprised that the king chose you.” Meredith smiled at the compliment.

              “Thank you. Can I tell you a secret? I’m not that excited about spending the night with your king. Where I come from you can’t just decide to marry a woman without asking her first and expect her to be okay with it. I don’t even want to get married…not yet anyway.” Harmoon seemed to think about this for a moment as she walked over to the vanity and retrieved a bottle of red nail polish.

              “I think, Meredith, that you will be happy here if you just give our king a chance. He can be very persuasive.” Meredith watched as Harmoon took her hand in her long sucker tipped fingers and began to dry off her nails. “I think you might find that you like it here much more than you realize.” She smiled up at Meredith before beginning to stroke on the nail polish.

              “He said that if I don’t he will have Placan take me home.” Harmoon looked up at her again, this time her perfect heart shaped lips opened in amazement.

              “He said that?” Meredith nodded. “I have never heard of such a thing, but then again I have never heard of any of the king’s brides arguing against marrying him.” Meredith frowned.

              “No one has ever said no before?” Harmoon shook her head.

              “No one.” Meredith thought about this for a moment.

              “Why not?” Harmoon stroked nail polish over the last of Meredith’s finger nails and screwed the lid back on the bottle.

              “I believe it is because his reputation precedes him.” Meredith waited for more information but Harmoon said no more.

              “What is his reputation?” Meredith pushed. Harmoon smiled at her softly.

              “I am sure he will let you know all about that tonight. Now, let your nails dry while I fetch you a towel.” Harmoon walked away, her slender body sashaying in her form fitting dress. Meredith watched her go, her caramel colored skin looking darker the further away she became.

              “Harmoon?” Meredith called across the room.

              “Mmm hmm?” Harmoon wrestled a large fluffy towel from a pile on a bench by the door of the room.

              “If I do stay…will they put me back in that room without a door?” Harmoon giggled and shook her head.

              “Oh no! That was simply the transportation chamber, they left you there until they thought that you were well enough to move.” Meredith frowned.

              “They were watching me on a camera.” Harmoon nodded.

              “So they could know when you were well.” Meredith wasn’t sure that she bought this explanation, but Harmoon had been so nice to her that she had no reason to doubt her.

              “Then where will I live?” Harmoon held out the large towel, inviting Meredith to step out of the tub.

              “That will be up to the king.” Meredith stepped out of the water and pulled the towel around her naked body.

              “Where does his little harem usually live?” Harmoon smiled.

              “I like you, Meredith, you ask a lot of questions. Most of the king’s wives ask none. Each of the king’s wives currently has her own quarters here in the palace.” Meredith looked at her in disbelief.

              “This is a palace?” Harmoon nodded.

              “Wow, I wouldn’t call this a palace…it’s more like a Death Star.”

              “Hmm?” Harmoon looked puzzled.

              “Never mind, it’s an Earth joke.” Meredith couldn’t believe those words had actually just left her lips – ‘Earth joke.’

              “You should remember that for the king, he likes jokes.” Meredith wasn’t so sure that her intentions would be to woo the king with jokes, in fact she planned on doing nothing at all to capture his affections any more than she already had.

              The gown length sheer white lingerie clung to every curve of Meredith’s body and she wriggled uncomfortably as Harmoon tugged at the fabric.

              “There, you look perfect.” Meredith looked at Harmoon doubtfully before Harmoon stepped aside to let her look at herself in the mirror. The long lingerie clung to her overflowing breasts and showed off her white satin panties underneath. Meredith stared at herself in disbelief. Whatever makeup Harmoon had used on her face made her skin shimmer in the light. “See? I told you, you look perfect!” Meredith spun back around, she still wasn’t sold but Harmoon seemed confident enough for the both of them.  “We should go now.”

              “Go where?” Meredith had been quite content to sit and talk with Harmoon, so much so that she had almost forgotten that she had an appointment with the king.

              “To the king’s chambers. He will be returning shortly and he will want you to be waiting for him.” Meredith’s face fell. She recalled his oddly shaped body and his opalescent skin.

              “Then I suppose I should get this over with.” Harmoon reached down and took her hand gently.

              “Everything is going to be okay, I know that you will stay.” She tugged Meredith’s hand, leading her out of the room through a back door and in to a corridor that ran behind it.

              After a short walk along another well-lit corridor, Harmoon tugged Meredith in to another room.

              “The king will be here shortly so I must leave you, but it was lovely to meet you Meredith.” She squeezed Meredith’s hand and disappeared through the doorway, shutting the heavy door behind her.

              Meredith looked around the cavernous room. A bed much larger than anything Meredith had ever seen sat in the center of the room. On the floor around it were piles and piles of overstuffed pillows. At each side of the bed were empty glasses and jugs frosted with condensation that stood next to two silver plates of chocolate covered strawberries. Meredith licked her lips. Walking over to the bed she tried her best to hop up on to it like a lady but when that failed she threw herself on to it instead. The blanket was as soft as silk. She reached over and took a strawberry off one of the plates and slipped it between her lips. The cool chocolate began to melt on her tongue almost immediately. The berry was perfectly ripe and she consumed it in a single bite. Licking her lips clean she placed the stem back on the plate and eyed the rest.

              “I see you have found my little snack for you…” The king appeared in the main doorway of the room so silently that Meredith hadn’t heard him coming.

              “Mmm, they’re delicious.” The king smiled and nodded.

              “My bride only gets the best.” Meredith licked her fingers. “Now, my dear…” He walked towards the bed and Meredith could feel the sense of dread building up within her. She contemplated just how quickly she could escape through the back corridor and find her way back to Harmoon. “I believe that I have to convince you to stay?” He got to the end of the bed.

              “You can give it a try.” Meredith fixed her gaze on him.

              “Let us begin with this then shall we?” In one smooth movement the king slid off his long robe, it glided over his satiny skin and pooled at his feet. Meredith allowed her eyes to follow it to the floor, but when she caught sight of the king’s giant member her eyes would go no further.

              “Oh…” She had no more words for what she was seeing.

              “I believe I have a little more to give you than any Earth man could.” He smiled at her as he crawled up on to the bed, his already hard member gliding along the silk as he did.

              “I…umm…well…yes, I would believe it.” She licked her lips as the king lay beside her on the bed.

              “Would you like to touch it?” Meredith reached out her fingers and slid them gently over the full fifteen inches of the king’s cock. When she got to his tip she circled her fingers around his cock head before sliding them back down the length of his shaft. “You can taste it if you like.” The invitation was all she needed. Meredith leaned over and wrapped her lips around the tip of him. She could taste his pre-cum on her tongue and it tasted so much sweeter than the strawberry she had just eaten. She lapped at his tip, ensuring that not a drop went to waste before she slid her mouth down the full length of him.

              “Mmm!” She hummed against his shaft as he hit the back of her throat. Just as she was about to gag he reached his hands down and placed them gently on the back of her head. As his hands pressed gently against her head she no longer felt the need to gag, rather she felt the full length of him enter her mouth and snake its way down her throat. She swallowed around him. The fullness in her mouth made her body ache, she could feel her own wetness growing as she thought about him impaling her. “You can have me inside you too, but only if you agree to become my bride.” Meredith heard his words, she knew that it was a trick, but at that very second she wasn’t going to be fooled so easily. She slid her lips up to the tip of his cock again, the warm fullness bouncing against the tip of her tongue.

              “First you must show me what you can give to me!” Meredith sat back against the pillows smugly.

              “I can give you everything you have ever dreamed of having…” The king got to his knees and reaching down he tugged on her gown, ripping it from top to bottom in a single pull. Meredith’s eyes widened and her body arched in anticipation. The king smiled as he ran the tip of his tongue over his lips. “I can give you more than you have ever dreamed of having…” He slid back down the bed and reaching up he pulled her thighs apart with a smile.

              “Mmm” Meredith couldn’t help the moan that escaped from her lips.

              “Now let your king show you what he can do!” He slid down her panties and placing himself between her legs he ran his fingers over her mound. Meredith lifted her hips, pressing herself against his sucker tipped fingers. He slid one over her clitoris and began to rub her gently as he leaned downward. His eyes still on hers, he pushed his face in to her wet pussy. Meredith moaned as she felt his mouth on her, teasing her, tempting her. It wasn’t until his tongue began to probe her that Meredith began having second thoughts about leaving Kalar.

              The king’s warm wet tongue pressed in to her opening, at first just the tip and then came the rest. Meredith hadn’t paid any attention to the length of the king’s tongue but as he began to slide it inside of her, inch by inch, she became certain that his tongue was at least as big as his cock. His probing wetness filled her pussy, thrusting in to her, tasting her sweetness. Meredith couldn’t help but buck against him, begging him for more.

              “Mmm,” the king murmured in to her wetness as he slid his tongue out of her and immediately thrust it back inside. He could taste every drop of her moist slit and the way she tightened around his tongue made his cock throb.

              “Uhhmmm” Meredith pushed herself down on to his tongue as he began to thrust faster, his finger still circling her clitoris gently. “Uhhmmm, uh, uh, yes, yes!” She couldn’t stop herself as she cried out, her fingers gripping at the silky blanket. Every muscle in her body tensed as the king thrust more of his tongue in to her. This time he felt her tightness taking over and looking up he watched as she came around his tongue.

              As Meredith’s body settled back on to the bed, the king slid his tongue slowly out of her pulsating hole and looked at her satisfactorily. Meredith gasped as she lay on the bed, her naked breasts heaving.

              “I’m beginning to understand why no one says no to you…” she panted as the king crawled his way up her body.

              “I’m only just getting started.” His skin felt warm against hers, as he leaned over her. Meredith looked down as the king teased her with the tip of his cock.

              “Mmm, please…” She moaned as he pressed against her, hard enough to tease but too lightly to enter her. “Please!” Her cry sounded almost desperate as he rubbed against her still throbbing wetness. The king smiled down at her.

              “All you have to say is that you’ll stay and I will do anything you want.” Meredith could feel herself giving in, she wanted him inside her so badly.

              “Just show me something before I say yes?” she pleaded with the king as he rubbed his erect member against her slippery pussy lips. He shook his head slowly.

              “Mmm mmm, only my bride receives the king’s ultimate gift. You must first agree to stay.” Meredith tried to slide downward, to slip the tip of his cock inside her but as she did he reached out and held her wrists in place.

              “Ahhh, you’re not playing fair…” The king smiled.

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