ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense) (66 page)

Chapter Six

top pacing
.” Liam looked up to see Cameron making his way around the room once more.

“I said I can’t help it.” Cameron threw him a look.

“The last time you said that, you made everything a lot worse.”

There was no blame in his voice. Hell, Liam knew that if it had been him in that hallway, he would have started it. He would have started it, and it would have been Cameron who joined in. They could have ridden her together, moaning in that way that still made his breath come short a month later—a month in which they had become increasingly snappish. Trips to bars, to clubs, had all yielded nothing. Oh, there was no shortage of women who might take them up on their offer, and a few of them who had suggested it before they even got the chance…but there was no one they wanted.

They wanted her. Her. Lily.

The doorbell rang, and Cameron didn’t even pause in his pacing. A few seconds later, it rang again.

“Go get that,” Liam said softly.


“Make yourself useful, and go get that.” Liam did not raise his voice. He rarely raised his voice. But it had the desired effect nonetheless; Cameron left, and Liam was free to return to his work.

It wasn’t long before the buzzer rang.

“Yes?” God in heaven, what now?

“Boss... ” It sounded like Cameron was smiling. “I think you might want to come see this. In the bedroom.”

He knew what that meant, knew it in an instant. But it wasn’t possible. It wasn’t… He took the steps two at a time, heart pounding, flinging open the door to the bedroom and shuddered with what he saw there.

She was naked, the warm glow of the lamps glinting off her alabaster skin. He could see where Cameron’s fingernails were dragging along her back, leaving pink scratch marks. She looked over when he came in, her eyes hazy with desire, and he saw the invitation clear in her eyes before Cameron pulled her head back to his for another kiss. A coat was pooled on the floor nearby, and she was barefoot—the same way she’d left.

It was more like her to do that. She wasn’t a woman who seduced in heels, with red lipstick, or a woman in a schoolgirl outfit, playing at innocence. She
innocence, a desire so pure he hardly wanted to touch her. He took a deep breath and settled into one of the chairs. He wouldn’t touch her. Not yet. They looked over at him, Cameron’s hair honey gold in the light, hers deep brown and silky against her pale skin.


The sound of his name on her lips made him shudder, but he smiled.

“I want to see you with Cameron.” And he did. What Cameron could do with his mouth, bringing women to the edge, making them beg and moan, was what Liam wanted to see now, and his blood raced when she blushed.

“I…you want to watch?”

She was the most exquisite thing he’d ever seen. He beckoned to her, and she came to nestle in his lap, still blushing.

“Listen to me, Lily. I want all of you. And I’m going to have you.” His fingers parted her thighs and slid inside her, to the hot wetness he’d dreamed about for weeks, waking in a torment. “I’m going to take you every way you can imagine…and more.” His fingers twisted and she whimpered with pleasure. “Right now? I want to see you with Cameron. I want to watch him take you, and watch you learn to respond.” He pulled her head close for a kiss, and she moaned again. But she needed no more impetus. She wanted Cameron. How could she not?

She returned to him with a self-conscious glance over her shoulder that said that she knew he was watching her, and she was self-conscious. Liam smiled, settling back in his chair. He wanted to see her break—oh, not the rough break of a struggle, of forcing, but of a woman surrendering completely to pleasure. Women did not give themselves up like men did…not unless they had Cameron’s hands on their body, and his tongue between their legs, and the promise of Liam riding them until they came.

He watched while Cameron laid her down on the bed, saw the brief, and whispered words of reassurance. Did she remember the pain she’d felt before? She would only feel it once more. Cameron’s head dropped, trailing kisses down between her breasts and onto each hipbone, his fingers already playing, lazily, between her legs. When he began, tongue and lips moving slowly, Liam saw her arch. He remembered the feel of her on his fingers, so wet, so tight, and so hot. He was rock-hard, already clenching the arms of the chair while she put her hands over her mouth to stifle the sound.

“I want to hear you.” The command came without his volition, and she rolled her head to look at him, brown eyes soft with need. She was whimpering, biting her lip, moaning when Cameron slid his fingers into her. She opened her mouth on a breathy cry. “Good girl.” He felt himself throb, and saw her eyes flutter closed in desire.

It was a few minutes before she began to beg, but Liam had been waiting for it. He knew her, had known her the second she kissed him back, brushing her fingers over his hardness. She was responsive, unable to hide her own desire. She wanted to please. And when Cameron commanded her, with his mouth and his hands, to writhe her hips and plead with him, promise him anything if only he’d give her more… It was everything Liam had dreamed of.

He felt the familiar stab of possessive envy when Cameron slid into her to the hilt, Lily arching and crying out, pain and pleasure intertwined. Cameron would have her first, and Liam would always envy him that. But Cameron was the sweet one, the one who would hold her while she came. The one who wanted her pleasure as much as she wanted his. Cameron was the right choice, and Liam would always remember the sight of them, her lost in pleasure, hips beginning to move by instinct and need alone.

She learned quickly; she must have tightened around him, for Cameron gasped as he moved inside her. He guided her fingers down between her legs, showing her how to please herself, and her cries were coming faster, breathy. She came in a rush that surprised even her, burying her face against Cameron’s shoulder and crying out:
yes, yes, yes…

She was still in his arms for a few moments, nuzzling against him, offering her mouth and moving her hips against him as he took it. Cameron was shuddering in the aftermath of pleasure, his muscles taut. When he rolled away, not wanting to crush her fragile form underneath him, she rose on one elbow to kiss him. Liam did not need to see her face to know she was smiling. When she looked back, he beckoned to her, and she came at once.

Obedience. It made his breath come short.

“Do you…do you want…” She fumbled for the words. Her skin was still flushed. “What do you want?” She asked finally, and she smiled when she saw his pleasure.

“Have you ever used your mouth on a man?” He asked her, and she shook her head shyly.

This would be interesting. But the thought of her learning, on him…Liam stood and stripped off his shirt. He held her gaze as he kicked his boots off, and stood still for her to undo his belt and his pants, slide them down with his briefs. When he kicked them away, she looked at him, uncertain, and he took her hand while he settled back into the chair. He enjoyed the flare of pleasure in her eyes at the sight of him.

“Kneel.” A command, but his desire made it smooth, and she complied at once. On the bed, Cameron shifted to watch them, his brown eyes heavy lidded, a smile on his face.

“I don’t know how,” she whispered, and he could feel her breath on him.

“Experiment,” he told her, and God help him, he nearly lost it at the first touch of her lips. She licked over the head of him, flicking her tongue across the most sensitive part, jerking her head up when he groaned. He managed to nod, and she did it again, circling, licking. She grew more bold, taking as much of him as she could in her mouth, until he was slick with it. She gasped when he drew her away.

“Not…like this. I want to come inside you.”

The sight of the pleasure in her eyes made him want to pull her down onto the chair and have her right then, but he had other plans. He led her to the bed, and when she lay down, he guided her to turn over, and pulled her up onto her hands and knees.

“Like this.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You will.” He parted her with his fingers and slipped inside, moving slowly for a few thrusts until her hips, too, began to move. He guided her up, kneeling, and turned her head for a kiss, still moving, deep and slow, inside her. It took all he had not to press her down into the mattress and ride her hard, but that would come later. Now, he was guiding her back to the peak of her pleasure, and she was responding.

Cameron joined them, stirring back to hardness as he knelt before her and set his fingers moving between her legs. Pinioned between the two of them, the sweet pleasure of Cameron’s fingers and the feel of Liam sliding into her, Lily trembled. Her mouth was pliant under Liam’s, her fingers reaching out to wrap around Cameron’s cock, stroking him while he groaned with pleasure.

He had wanted to take his time, but he felt her trembling on the edge again already, and he lost himself in the hot, sweet clench of her muscles around him. She cried out when she felt him come, and he poured into her as she tipped over the edge as well, one hand on his hip, the other still stroking along Cameron’s cock, bringing him toward the pleasure she was promising for later that night. They collapsed, the three of them, Liam still inside her, his fingers clenched on her hip, and she made a sleepy sound of contentment, nestling back against him.

“Perfect,” she whispered.

The End

Taken by 2 Dragons
Shifter Menage Romance
About the Book

annah Wiseman has a problem
. Her mother won’t leave her alone; relentlessly urging Hannah to go to a German land of dragons and legends. This becomes stranger as Hannah’s mother is dead, visiting her in mysterious dreams. When Hannah gains an inheritance from her mother, she makes a decision to find the place her mother so desperately wants her to visit, to seek the man her mother needs her to meet.

Hannah discovers that Nathan Luther is not one man, but two attractive dragonkin. Hannah, Nathan and Luther try to break a curse that Hannah never knew existed. The trio must also learn to control their impulses, to face a future none of them ever planned for and their own fears, changing not only their own lives but the future of mankind.

Chapter One

, you must go to Furth im Wald, you must find Nathan Luther. He is the only one that can save you.”

As Hannah reached for her mother, she started to float away; always near but never close enough to touch. Why couldn’t she ever reach her mother? Straining to reach her, pushing against the incredible weight that seemed to hold her down, Hannah stretched her arm out until she was sure it would dislocate if she went any further.

“Nathan Luther, Hannah. Nathan Luther.” As her mother finally floated away into the ether Hannah woke from the dream that had been plaguing her ever since her mother passed away. Pushing her black hair back from her face she looked around her dark room.

“Seriously, Mum. This is how you haunt me? Why are you still haunting me, anyway? You’ve been dead for three months now! I have no idea who Nathan Luther is. The internet has no idea who Nathan Luther is. If the internet says they don’t exist, well then, they must not exist!” She spoke out loud, knowing that if her mother had actually been present she’d have never spoken to her that way. Hannah wasn’t actually sure if her mother really was haunting her. Perhaps it was her own psyche, her own thoughts harassing her while she slept, leftover guilt for not being there when her mother slipped away in her sleep.

She was starting to think the dream wasn’t going to leave her alone. Not until she went there. Going to her mobile phone, she flicked through screens until she found her banking application. Logging in she saw that her balance was finally in the positive. Her small inheritance from her mother wasn’t enough that she could term herself as rich, but at least she wasn’t going to starve for a while.

Curious, she looked up flights to the nearest airport to Furth im Wald and saw that she could get a hotel and a flight for less than some of her friends spent on a weekend out to the city. Making a snap decision, she booked the flight and the hotel and suddenly realized she wasn’t even sure which date the flight was for. Looking at her mobile again she saw she had less than 24 hours to pack and get ready. She thought about her best friend, Annie, as she started going through her clothes.

“She’s going to be so chuffed I’m going on an adventure on my own! Or in a mood. One of the two, but oh well, I’m going” she said as she giggled to herself.

“You are going to Germany in a few hours? On your own? With all of those hot guys, the even hotter women and without me? You little cow!”

“I take it that means you’re just a little shocked?” Hannah replied to Annie. They were sitting in a pub not far from Hannah’s apartment, having a pint before Hannah left for her trip to the airport. Hannah smiled at her blonde haired friend. Annie’s brown eyes had lit up when Hannah told her what was happening and she seemed really happy, adding to Hannah’s own sense of excitement.

“Just a bit, love. Just a bit. What brought this on?” Annie asked, taking a sip of her drink.

“You’ll laugh, you really will. That or send me away.” Hannah said with a laugh but growing serious, thinking about how to word what was happening. “I’ve been dreaming about Mum a lot. She’s the one that told me to go to Germany. I’d never even heard of Furth im Wald until I started dreaming about her. So I looked it up, it’s famous for dragons apparently. I dismissed it but I keep having the dream over and over, every night so I finally gave in.”

“Ah, right, I see why you’re rushing off then. A bit creepy but it seems that either your dear old Mum or your brain is telling you to go. Just make sure you call me every day!” Annie looked at Hannah sternly, but her face brightened as she cracked a smile. “How are you getting there? Do you want me to drive you down?”

“That would be great actually. I was just going to take the train but that takes ages doesn’t it? Thank you so much and thank you for supporting me! I really do appreciate it!” Hannah smiled at her friend. For the first time she was starting to feel nervous about her decision. Some friends of Annie’s came in and Hannah drifted into her own quiet world, imagining scenarios of what might happen when she got to Germany, wondering if there’d be pitchforks and burning torches in her future. Dismissing the thought, Hannah reminded herself Germany no longer lived in the Dark Ages. They didn’t burn witches anymore.

Hannah’s flight went well and she checked into her room without any problems. She loved the town, combining old world and new to create a unique culture that Hannah adored. She took a quick nap before heading out to explore, only to wake up panting because, yet again, her mum had been in the dream. This time, she’d been telling Hannah to go to the Dragon’s Inn.

“Great,” she said to herself, “at least Mum’s saying something different now I suppose.”

Hannah had spent most of the flight asking herself just exactly what she was doing. Losing her mind she suspected, but she’d resolved to pay attention to what was going on in her dreams since they’d brought her here. Going down to the front desk she asked if anybody knew how to get to the Dragon’s Inn. One of the girl’s there looked a bit confused that Hannah had asked for directions, but gave her what she asked for.

Dismissing the odd looks, Hannah left the hotel and went out in search of the place that she at least knew existed. Taking her time, she wandered the streets she’d been directed to go down and finally reached her destination. She understood the looks now; it was the German equivalent of a biker bar in America. Shiny chrome and black motorcycles lined the front, loud music seemed to roll out of the inside and loud voices seemed to be roaring over each other.

Hannah looked down at the white linen dress she had on, the sandals that were serviceable for walking but still pretty and wondered, once again, if she’d lost her mind. She wasn’t really going to go in there? Hannah pulled her shoulders back, took a deep breath and thought that this is where her mother wanted her to go; she must have a reason for it. Taking one more breath Hannah tucked her handbag against her side and walked in. Everybody in the place went quiet, staring at her. Lovely, one of those places.

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