ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense) (70 page)


ight Months Later

ittle Aidan slept
in his bed, his green eyes closed peacefully in his sleep. He didn’t know anyone else was in the room with him or that it was a minor god there with him. Loki stared down at the child, mischief and mayhem in his mind. Waving his hand over the child’s head, whispering a few ancient words and gazing intently, Loki watched as a birthmark appeared faintly on the child’s left shoulder in the shape of a dragon. Loki laughed loudly, pleased with himself as the child burped and a stream of smoke exited form his tiny mouth. Aidan’s mother, thinking she’d heard someone in the room, came in to check on her baby, but not seeing anyone she picked up her child and carried him out to his fathers, content with her world.


Taken by 2 Tigers
Shifter Romance
About the Book

iza Matthews is dedicated
to her job as a rare books cataloger at a local university.  When her most recent client, an eccentric wealthy philanthropist donates his collection to the college, Liza is given the chance of a lifetime to work with him.  There’s a catch though and that catch is in the form of a surprise visit from the philanthropist’s son, Maximus.  Unlike his father, Maximus is the epitome of masculinity and with cocky self-assuredness, he definitely knows it.  Immediately upon meeting, Liza is drawn to Maximus despite his arrogance.  He’s the quintessential rich, sexy alpha and Liza knows that she wants him and he wants her, there’s just one complication: Dominic.

Liza meets Dominic in a most unconventional way.  She literally falls into his arms and once there she realizes that’s where she could possibly belong.  Dominic, a warm, handsome veteran also wants Liza to himself and Liza finds herself drawn to both men, unable to choose between them.  Then a crisis occurs that jeopardizes Liza’s safety and she soon finds out that both men harbor a unbelievable secret that maybe she would have been better off not knowing.


it possible to love more than one man? I didn’t know, but as Dominic wrapped his arms around my waist and entered me gently from behind, not only did my body welcome him, but also my heart. And as I moaned his name, he kissed my neck, all while trailing a path of pleasure down my spine with his warm, calloused hands. I didn’t know about love, but I knew about lust. And I was in lust with Dominic. At least I thought I was.

My mind tried to ponder this, but then all thoughts ceased as the pleasure of Dominic reaching down between my legs and playing with my clit rendered me useless and then a deep masculine voice that wasn’t Dominic said from the shadows, “You’ve had your fun, Dominic, now it’s my turn.”

Chapter One

it like it was yesterday. I walked excitedly into Mr. Cornwell’s office where the university was temporarily housing his private collection. I wanted to continue cataloging my finds and instead of seeing Mr. Cornwell’s short stature and weathered features, I saw a powerfully built man with his back turned to me wearing a trench coat, peering pensively at the Cornwell Rare Books Collection that lined the wall directly to my right.

Even though he was turned away from me I could tell that he was larger than most men that I had encountered anywhere. I was an avid traveler so had been most places in the world. I didn’t say this to be boastful. It was just a fact. My parents were anthropologists and hadn’t left my little brother or me to be raised by other family members or, as was popular in the neighborhoods I remembered as a child, nannies. Hence, my brother and I traveled with them across the world, learning different languages, immersing ourselves in diverse cultures.

My brother and I ultimately chose different paths. He was a shiftless, unemployed gambler constantly in trouble. I didn’t follow in our parents footsteps either; I became a librarian focused on preserving the rare collections and special discoveries of the local university where I was employed. This was also the reason I was currently in Mr. Cornwell’s office staring at a stranger. Mr. Cornwell, a good friend of the Chancellor, had made a generous gift to the university. The university gave me the exciting task of cataloging his sizeable donation.

I cleared my throat and said, “Excuse me, sir, but I’m looking for Mr. Cornwell. Have you seen him?”

The man didn’t turn around; he continued staring at the hard covers. His long graceful fingers traced across their fragile spines reverently, almost as if caressing a lover. A shiver moved up my back and immediately I looked around to see if there were a draft in the room or if watching this man caress these books affected me in an intimate way.

He didn’t turn around to speak; he just continued his perusal of what I now considered my books. “Dad’s around somewhere. If you see him, tell him that his son is waiting for him. Would you?” I was surprised. This giant was Mr. Cornwell’s son?

“I’m Liza Matthews, the rare books cataloger from the university in charge of every aspect of the transfer of the material from your father’s possession to our----.”

“I know who you are; the attractive young librarian.” He said this part matter-of-factly and I was thankful that my olive complexion tanned well. With the summer heat, my skin was a light brown and so I was sure this man couldn’t see the blush that had crept up my cheeks.

“I’m sorry. I don’t think we’ve met.”

“There was no reason to meet,” he said finally turning around to face me.

What first caught my attention were his eyes. They were the color of rich, dark molasses and then strangely enough my eyes fell to his lips. They were as full as my own and showed no hint of a smile. The guy might have been handsome, but he was clearly not the friendliest person, as he kept his expression aloof and impassive.

“Are you done looking at my mouth?” He said and his lips curled up in a sardonic smile. I decided right then that I would have rather he maintain his unfriendly expression than that mocking smile that made me immediately uncomfortable.

“Please tell your father that I stopped by,” I found his boldness obnoxious and I turned on my heel to leave, but the stranger stopped me.

“Forgive me. I was rude. Can we start again?” He walked towards me. Something about the way he move captured my attention. He was graceful in almost a predatory way. It seemed as if he were a predator stalking his prey as he came to stop only inches from me.

“I’m Maximus Cornwell. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person. You have a reputation of being one of the best in your field.”

He didn’t extend his hand. He only looked down at me with a curious expression in his dark eyes. I nervously licked my lips, very much aware of the heat that seemed to emanate from Maximus’ body to overwhelm my own. His compliment flattered me. I was one of the best, but I was too modest to admit it aloud.

I raised my hand and extended it to him, “It’s a pleasure to meet you Maximus,” and he surprised me by bringing my hand to his lips and kissing the back of it. He held my eyes as he did so; the aloof expression replaced by a hint of desire that triggered an instant physical response from me. I felt heat rush from the flesh that he kissed and race up my arm. Goosebumps appeared on my skin and he slowly brought my hand down but didn’t let it go.

I hesitated and then pulled away from him. I immediately missed his warmth and wondered if perhaps I had been in a sexual drought too long since I reacted rather embarrassingly to this stranger’s touch. I studied him again. He was so tall, I thought to myself for the second time and his shoulders were massive as well. Under the trench coat, he had on a three-piece suit, which apparently, was tailored to accommodate him since he was built like a professional athlete. I imagined he could walk out on a field any day and start playing football with no practice needed; yet, he had the grace and sophistication of a man born into money. That was no surprise given that his father was a very wealthy man, if not on the eccentric side. Very interesting rumors surrounded Mr. Cornwell, but surprisingly none had mentioned a son.

Maximus took that moment to shrug out of his trench coat and placed it over his father’s chair. He brought his hand up to push his jet-black locks away from his face and I noticed how long his hair was. It seemed to reach down to just above his shoulders.

He crossed his arms over his chest and stared at me appraisingly. I wasn’t sure what he saw when he looked at me, but I know what I saw this morning when I looked in the mirror: A petite curvy, brunette, a little heavy-chested with no interest in fashion. I pretty much wore sheath dresses and kitten heels every day because it was easy and I didn’t have to think much. Pants were too much work. They had to be ironed or dry-cleaned and I never knew what top to wear with which pants. I simplified my life by just wearing dresses and low-heeled shoes. It worked for me. I always looked professional, and admittedly boring, since a black dress and black shoes were my standard go-tos.

So I stood there, fresh-faced, without make-up, and probably blushing as Maximus studied me.

“What?” I said raising my eyebrows; done feeling flustered by him.

He raised his brows too, “Is this the point where you become hostile?”

“Is this the point where you stop attempting to be a brooding, mysterious stranger?” I said back testily. He seemed surprised by my words and then he smiled. I wish he hadn’t done that. He was even sexier when he smiled. I admonished myself for thinking that and tried to find a decent excuse to use in order to escape his gaze.

“Well, it was nice meeting you Maximus. Tell your father---.”

“Tell me what dear?” came Mr. Cornwell’s voice from behind me and I turned towards the older gentleman dressed in a suit as well and smiled.

He was a sweet man and well read, of course. I enjoyed his company, as he understood me better than most.

“I was just about to leave.”

“I see you met my son,” Mr. Cornwell said moving over to his desk and shuffling around a few papers.

“Yes, I had the pleasure of meeting Maximus,” I said trying not to sound flippant, but I felt that I failed when Mr. Cornwell looked up at me with a tiny smile on his lips.

“Maximus, you weren’t bothering Ms. Matthews, were you?”

“Never, Dad. I was on my best behavior. Wasn’t I Liza?” I liked the way my name rolled off his lips. He made it sound almost exotic and it was then that I noticed his slight accent. I assumed he had been educated outside of the United States, but not in Europe. I would guess in Australia or somewhere else on that side of the world.

“I’m not sure what your best behavior looks like, Maximus, but I can guarantee that I didn’t see it displayed earlier.” I said feeling the urge to rib him.

Most people expected me to be shy and reserved, the stereotypical librarian, but I was anything but. Maximus’ presence made me tongue-tied, but I still had my share of caustic comments to throw at him.

“Well, I’ll be sure he makes up for his behavior at lunch. Would you care to join us?”

I opened my mouth to say no and then I saw Maximus’ expression. He seemed amused, as if he expected me to say no and almost as if he dared me not to, I heard myself saying yes instead.

“Great news,” Maximus said with a small smile, “I’m actually suddenly starving. Ravished.”

As he looked at me, I wondered if he were referring to a desire for food or something else completely.

Chapter Two

r. Cornwell surprised
me by choosing a bar and grill for our lunch date. He told me he had a thing for American sports so we sat close to a bar with several flat screens. When I saw the menu sporting such items as caviar, truffle French fries and burgers that started at fifty dollars, I knew this wasn’t your average pub food, and understood why most of the clientele sported suits.

We ordered and our food arrived quickly. It smelled heavenly and I happily dug in. I sat across from Maximus as Cornwell Senior and I made meaningless chit chat, mostly talking about our favorite books from the collection. At one point, he excused himself and left Maximus and me to our own devices.

“You young people talk. I’ll be back.” He said moving to another table to greet a colleague.

Without much to say, I concentrated my attention on pushing what little was left of my food around on my plate.

“Do I make you uncomfortable, Liza?”

I didn’t bother to answer him and reached for my glass. I was still trying to become comfortable with his blunt manner of speaking. I took a sip of water, taking my time. He wasn’t going to rush me into this conversation.

“What makes you think you make me uncomfortable?” I said at last.

“You’ve barely said a word directly to me throughout our meal.”

“I have things on my mind.”

“Like what? A boyfriend?”


“So you’re not seeing anyone?”

“That’s none of your business.”

He placed his hands on the table and I realized then how large they were and he looked at me intently and said, “You’re right. It’s none of my business, but I would like to make it my business. I would like to make you my business.”

I felt my cheeks turn red and I avoided his meaningful gaze.

“Maybe I do have someone.”

“Wouldn’t matter if you do or not. It wouldn’t be much of a deterrent as far as I’m concerned.”

I looked at him and said, “A deterrent from what?”

He smiled at me and said, “Pursuing you.”

“What makes you think I want to be pursued by you?”

He leaned back and his face was impassive as he said the next words, “The way your pupils dilate when I get close to you or the way you emanate heat just being in my presence. The way you’re unable to take your eyes off my hands as if you wonder what they would feel like on your body, touching you, caressing you. It could be the way you can’t take your eyes off my lips and you know you would like to feel them on you…” His voice grew deeper as he said, “Everywhere.”

I didn’t know what to say. Was I that easy to read? He was so bold, so cocky and I wanted to tell him that he was wrong, that he didn’t excite me, but that would be a lie.

“Am I wrong?” he said as if bored and he leaned back away from me, breaking the increasingly sexually heated moment. He then smiled in the direction of his father who suddenly appeared at the table.

“Thank you for joining us for lunch, Liza. Hopefully my son wasn’t too insufferable.”

I smiled at Mr. Cornwell shakily, “No, thank you for inviting me. And I have to say, your son was actually very insufferable so thank you for coming to my rescue.”

Mr. Cornwell chuckled, assuming that I was joking and said, “Isn’t she a funny girl?”

“Hilarious,” Maximus said lightly, but his tone was distracted as he looked towards a large flat screen television hanging over the restaurant’s bar. I looked up at the television, thinking he was distracted by something related to sports and realized that it was actually the news. There was something about a tiger sighting in the suburbs and Maximus frowned deeply. Mr. Cornwell also seemed engrossed by the sensationalism.

I said, “It must have been someone’s pet. That’s a wealthy area of town. Many celebrities live there. Don’t you live in that area Mr. Cornwell? You know how certain celebrities own wild animals. I bet someone’s pet got loose and was terrifying the neighbors. Be careful when you go home tonight.”

Mr. Cornwell glanced briefly in my direction and said with a gracious smile, “You’re probably right my dear; there are so many eccentric people in my neck of the woods, but I think we’ll be safe.” He and Maximus then exchanged a look I didn’t understand.

I didn’t dwell on it and quickly forgot about it as Mr. Cornwell promptly paid the check and we walked back in the direction of the library. I had a meeting later that afternoon and didn’t want to waste too much time. I hadn’t been able to prep for it the night before, so I was looking forward to doing the prep now.

As we neared the building, I said, “Mr. Cornwell, I will catch up with you later.” I then turned to Maximus and nodded an acknowledgment of him, “It was a pleasure meeting you Maximus.”

“The pleasure’s all mine.” He said softly and the tone of his voice sounded actually genuine as if he regretted that our time together was cut short.

I tried not to read too much into it as I turned and walked quickly up the stairs, but part of me wanted to get one last look at him, so I glanced over my shoulder and saw him standing there not really listening to his father who was talking animatedly.

Maximus had his eyes trained on me as I climbed the stairs and I held his gaze briefly. My heartbeat quickened and I found myself growing warm before shaking my head at the power this stranger seemed to hold over me before I broke eye contact and walked purposefully away.

to my boss drone on and on about budgets and the fiscal year, but I wasn’t really listening. My mind was on my encounter with Maximus earlier. I had to get him out of my head, I thought to myself as the meeting finally ended and I was able to escape without making too much idle chitchat with my coworkers. I loved my job, but I hated the meetings.

I promptly headed to my car and as I approached my little sedan, I saw Maximus standing there, leaning casually against it.

“What do you want, Maximus?” I pretending he didn’t excite my body just being near.

“You don’t sound too happy to see me.”

“Are you a stalker?”

“I try not to be.” He continued leaning against my car, making no sign of being ready to move.

Before I could order him to go away, he said, “I would like to get to know you better, Liza. Outside of work. Would you like that?”

He moved away from the car then and came to stand in front of me. He reached up and trailed a hand down my cheek. The soft movement seemed almost intimate and I wanted to rub my face against his hand.

“It’s ridiculous how attractive I find you when your manner is borderline offensive and fully obnoxious.” I said instead. He was too shocked to say anything back and I liked for once that I had startled him into not being able to speak. I nudged him out of the way and unlocked my car while he just stood there a pleased little smile on his face. I then got in behind the wheel and he squatted down next to the door, looking at me through the window.

I rolled it down and said, “I might consider seeing you again. Maybe. What did you have in mind?”

He gave me a slow broad smile and I was reminded of how sexy he was again, “You’re so sassy. I think I might actually like it. How about we get together sometime this weekend?”

I pretended to think about it before answering in the affirmative.

“Your father has my personal number, I’m sure. Give me a call. We’ll make plans.” Not waiting for him to move, I backed the car up and he jumped lithely out of the way.

I smiled evilly to myself, honked the horn twice in good-bye, and drove away. I couldn’t resist the urge to look behind me and I smiled to myself at the imposing perfection that was Maximus as I completely disappeared from view.

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