Rue Toulouse (14 page)

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Authors: Debby Grahl

When her tears turned to sobs, she flung herself onto the bed. She cried and cried and cried until there weren’t any tears left.

As she lay there, her emotions spent and her head pounding, a renewed anger built inside her.
Okay, Caterine, you’ve had your pity party, now get yourself together and figure out how you’re going to discover the truth and expose your enemy for the monster they are.
She stumbled into the bathroom and splashed cold water on her face. When she saw her reflection in the glass, she groaned.
Good God, I’ll give Elaine a heart attack if she sees me looking like this.

She stared down at the torn and dirty hem of her dress and shuddered as the fear came rushing back. Knowing she could never wear the dress again without thinking of the attack, she quickly removed it and threw it into the trash. She’d take a quick shower and put on one of the hotel robes. Surely by then Elaine would be there with clean clothes. She’d no sooner dried herself off and wrapped her hair in a towel when a knock sounded on her door.
Crossing the suite’s seating area, she opened the door and froze.

“Hello, Princess.”

Caterine stared in disbelief at the man leaning against the doorframe. Her mouth suddenly gone dry, she whispered, “Remi?”

“At your service.”

She opened her mouth and closed it several times before she stammered, “Wha-what are you doing here?”

“Your grandmother sent me.”


“Let me in, and I’ll tell you.”

Without a word, she stepped back to let him pass. He quickly scanned the room. “Nice, isn’t it? I’ve never stayed here, but I’ve heard it’s a great hotel. It suits you. But would you care to tell me why you’re here and not on a plane out of New Orleans?”

Caterine’s back stiffened. “I don’t see what concern that is of yours. I called Elaine and expected either Paul or her to come. So, again, what are you doing here instead of Paul?”

“You’re in trouble and need help.”

“But you don’t even know me.”

Remi smiled. “We have met.”

Caterine felt her face turning scarlet.

He chuckled. “I take it you remember.”

Remember? Oh, how she remembered. She’d relived those moments in his arms over and over again. And here he was standing in front of her wanting to help. It took everything she had not to throw herself at him. “I still don’t understand. How did you find out what happened?”

“I was on my way home when I heard Ma Chérie’s alarm. I found your hair clip and the blood on the sidewalk. What did that guy do to you?”

She looked away and in a barely audible voice said, “He held a gun to my back and tried to force me into a van.”

Remi’s jaw tightened. “That
fils de putain
left some blood. If we find him, we have a DNA sample.” He reached out and took her hand. “How did you get away from him?”

“First I swung wildly and hit him in the nose with the alarm remote I had in my fist. Then I got him with my umbrella.”

“Way to go, Princess.”

She gave him a slight smile. “And I’m pretty sure the remote saved my life. I set the alarm off while he held the gun to my back.”

“You must have been terrified. I promise we’ll get the bastard who did that to you.”

She tried to blink back the moisture that suddenly filled her eyes.

“Don’t cry.” With the tip of his finger, he brushed away the tear that slid down her cheek. “You’re safe. I’m here.”

As she looked into his deep blue eyes, everything that had happened that day began to fade away. She was taken back to the night she’d seen those eyes turn dark with passion, the night his bold kisses had ignited a flame in her she didn’t know she possessed, the hands that had made her cry out in excruciating pleasure, and how right it had felt when he’d entered her.

His voice was low and his eyes turned an even darker blue. He leaned forward until his mouth was inches from hers and said, “I’ve missed you, Princess.”

Her pulse quickening and her breath coming in tiny gasps, she whispered, “I’ve missed you as well, Pirate.”

He took her in his arms and kissed her. All her misgivings over this man vanished as soon as his lips touched hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hungrily kissed him back. If she were honest with herself, she’d admit that seeing Remi standing outside her door had been her most fervent wish come true. She had thought of nothing but him since she’d arrived at the hotel. And now here he was. He’d come to protect her and keep her safe.

She gave herself over to the heat of his kisses and the thrill of his hands as they slid over her body.

“Princess, this time I’m making love to you in a bed.”

She blinked in confusion. “What?”

“A bed. We need a bed.” He carried her into the adjoining room, where they fell upon the large four-poster. From the open balcony doors, the soft chords of a violin could be heard. The glow from the street lamps below was the room’s only illumination.

The towel around her head had fallen off, and her wet hair fanned out across the pillow. The belt of her robe had loosened and gaped open.

“God, Princess, you’re beautiful.”

“I’m not really a princess.”

“You’re my princess,

Caterine swallowed as she felt his finger slowly trace a path down her neck and across her collarbone, stopping where her open robe revealed her breast.

“If you want me to stop, you’d better say so now. Because, trust me, Princess, once we start, there’s no turning back.”

Her heart was pounding so hard she was surprised he couldn’t hear it. His nearness, the smell of his spicy cologne, and the husky sound of his voice had rekindled a flame inside her she knew she was incapable of stopping. “Love me, Remi,” she murmured as she wrapped her arms around his neck and opened her mouth to him.

As she surrendered, he groaned deep in his throat. Their tongues intertwined and his kiss became more demanding.

Desire fueled the flames building inside her. Caterine ran her fingers through his hair at the base of his neck and tugged. “Remi?”

, I know.” When his teeth gently nipped at her earlobe, she squirmed beneath him. “Remi, I need . . . ”

“I know what you need, Princess.” He removed her robe trailing hot kisses over her shoulders and breasts. “Your skin is like satin, and I’m going to taste all of you.” His hand moved between her legs. “That’s it, Princess, get wet for me.” He began to gently stroke her. “I want to watch you come.”

Breathing in shallow gasps, Caterine stared into his passion-filled eyes as the orgasm slammed through her. As she cried out with her release, Remi’s lips covered hers.

“Princess, I’d say we’re off to one hell of a start,” he murmured.

Unable to form a coherent thought, Caterine just smiled. She ran her hand under his shirt. “Don’t you think you should get out of those clothes? I want to feel your skin against mine.”

“Excellent idea.”

Anticipation coiled in Caterine’s stomach as Remi pulled his shirt over his head, and his muscled chest with its expanse of dark soft hair was revealed. Her eyes traveled lower as he removed his belt and unsnapped his jeans, the outline of his erection clearly visible.

“See what you do to me,
?” He quickly removed his boots and slipped out of his jeans. Lying back down next to her, he held her close. “Now, where were we?” He began to softly kiss her neck. Satisfaction filled his eyes when he moved his attention to her full breasts.

“Very nice.” He ran the pad of his thumb along her swollen nipple. “Very, very nice.”

“Remi,” she gasped when he took her nipple between his teeth and tugged.

“You like that?”

“Yes.” She moaned when his mouth began suckling one and then the other, giving equal pleasure to both. “Oh, yes.” She arched her back to give his mouth better access. The harder he suckled, the higher her climax built until she squirmed beneath him. “Remi . . .”

“Not yet. I can do something that will feel even better.”

“I doubt that,” she panted.

He chuckled. His hot mouth left her breasts, working its magic over her stomach until he reached the sensitive place nestled beneath her curls.

She screamed his name as his tongue began to stroke her. She dug her fingers into the mattress as the orgasm slammed through her.

Mais yeah
. That’s it, come for me. Christ, you taste so sweet.”

Caterine floated on wave after wave of ecstasy. Abandoning all inhibitions, she spread her legs and allowed his skillful tongue to once again bring her body to the peak, then send her plummeting over the edge.

He rose to his knees, his eyes hot with his need. “You’re going to kill me,

For the first time in her life, Caterine knew what it was like to hold sexual power. She smiled and raked her nails lightly through his chest hair. “Not before you finish what you started, Pirate.”

He made a low sound deep in his throat. He held her hips and sheathed himself deep inside her. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she lost herself to the exquisite sensations he sent through her with each hard thrust.

His mouth close to her ear, he reverted to his Cajun dialect, the sound of which caused the core of her womanhood to ache even more for release.

“Remi,” she whimpered as she arched her hips to meet his thrusts.

He raised her slightly and drove harder and deeper. They moved together until she felt her body tighten around his shaft. He covered her mouth and moaned with his own release, collapsing on top of her, both their bodies damp with sweat. Caterine ran her hands down his slick back, sighing with contentment.

“Now I understand what’s supposed to be so great about sex,” she whispered.

He raised his head and looked into her eyes. “What did you say?”

She smiled. “I said I now understand what’s so great about sex. I wish I would have known this a long time ago.”

He scowled.

“But I’m glad it was you who showed me, Pirate. Oh,” she gasped, as she felt him slowly begin to move inside her. “Again?”

He flashed his white-toothed grin. “Princess, now that I’ve found you it’s going to be again and again. But this time we’ll take it nice and slow.” His grin faded. “Shit.”


“Caterine, pay attention.”


“I didn’t use any protection. You do know how babies are made?”

She blinked, trying to focus on his words. “What?”

“Babies, Caterine.”

She smiled. “I’ve been on birth control pills for years. It’s okay.”

Mais yeah
.” He recaptured her lips and sent her soaring once again.


Hours later, Caterine slipped from the bed and quietly made her way to the bathroom. Unable to sleep, she decided to take a shower. As the warm spray washed over her body, she smiled at how happy she felt.
I’m going to remember this night for as long as I live. I’m going to enjoy every minute I have with Remi, and I’m not going to think about what a really, really bad idea it is for him and me to be together in this room doing what we’re doing.

Chapter Thirteen

Remi reached for Caterine. Finding the bed empty, he frowned. They’d spent most of the night making love, and he’d awakened hard and ready for more. He hadn’t wanted a woman this much since . . . he put that memory from his mind and, blurry-eyed, tried to read the bedside clock. Eight thirty. He stretched and yawned. The thought of her tight little body had him tossing back the covers.

“Caterine?” he called as he entered the sitting room. He found her asleep, curled up on the sofa. The tenderness he felt for her as he watched her sleep scared the hell out of him.
Watch it, Michaud. Remember who she is and why you’re here. Sex is one thing; getting emotionally involved can lead to a place you don’t want to go.
But when she opened her eyes and smiled, he was afraid it was already too late. Seeing him standing there naked, she blushed to her roots.

Remi chuckled, strolled into the room, and stopped in front of her. “It’s a little late for modesty, isn’t it? I’m going to take a shower. Want to join me?”

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