RufflingThePeacocksFeathers (2 page)

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Authors: Charlie Richards

Tags: #Glbt, Gay Paranormal, erotic Romance

“Rueben?” Draven asked, his brows shooting up. A slight smile curved his thin lips and he started toward him. The huge, goateed guy next to Draven murmured something to the ex-detective as he followed, and Draven whispered something back.

Relieved the guy remembered him—they’d only met a few times—Rueben nodded. “Are you here looking for my brother, too?”

Draven grimaced. “I guess I don’t have to ask why you’re in town.”

Rueben leaned against the doorframe, taking the weight off his healing appendage. “Is that a yes?”

Exchanging looks with the two men with him, Draven’s gaze lingered on the big goateed man in the biker leathers.
Wait, is Draven part of the biker gang with the other men?
Either way, Draven seemed to wait until the big man gave a nearly imperceptible nod before turning back to Rueben.

“I think you should come with me,” Draven suggested cryptically.

Rueben felt his heart skip a beat. “Is he, is he…shit,” he hissed, running a hand through his sweaty hair.

“Nice going, dude,” the slender, dark-haired guy standing next to Draven muttered. He popped Draven on the back of the head.

Draven pinned a heated look at the man. “Not nice, beloved,” he growled.

The other man rolled his eyes. “Neither is freaking Ricky’s brother out.” The man turned to Rueben and held out a hand. “I’m Vail Tamang, this is Kontra Belikov. Your brother’s not dead or injured. There’s just…extenuating circumstances. We’ll explain everything inside,” he said, smiling encouragingly.

Rueben nodded, finally able to suck in a deep breath. Sure, he didn’t always get along with his brother, but he didn’t want anything to happen to the guy. He always hoped that someday Ricky would be able to accept the fact that Rueben was gay. So far, it hadn’t really happened.

“Let me get my stuff,” Rueben said absently, turning around and hobbling back to the weight bench. Tossing his towel over his shoulder, he settled his weight on his crutches and turned toward the waiting men.

Draven held open the door, his expression concerned, but wasn’t looking at Rueben. Instead, he stared at Kontra.

As Rueben hobbled across the pool area, he heard the guy introduced as Kontra grumble, “This just got a hell of a lot more complicated.”






Chapter Two



If he had to listen to one more slur, Lamar Jaworski thought he’d strangle Ricky Malone. The guy was the most close-minded, bigoted human he’d ever met. Not that he’d ever tried to tell anyone about paranormals before, but gods above, why did he have to be so stubborn?

Lamar managed to unclench his jaw long enough to snap, “Didn’t your mother ever teach you that if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all?”

Ricky curled his lip, but before he could spew another round of vitriol, a knock sounded at the door.

Lamar strode to the room’s entrance, grateful for any interruption. A deep inhale at the door told Lamar that Yuma and Sam were on the other side. He opened the door and sneered, “Welcome to the shit-fest.”

Yuma’s brows shot up.

Sam snickered. “He’s still being an ass?” the big bull shifter asked.

Lamar scowled, more than ready to be done dealing with this man. “Of course.”

“Maybe some food will cheer him up,” Yuma suggested, always the optimist.

Lamar leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. He didn’t think it likely, but they could hope.

Sam placed several bags of takeout on the small, round table. He turned and frowned at Ricky who sat on the bed, his back against the headboard, arms wrapped around his knees. The human glared right back at Sam.

Yuma huffed, placing his hands on his hips. “You know, this would be so much easier if you’d just mellow out. We don’t want to keep you here anymore than you want to stay here. All we need is your word that you won’t tell anyone about us.”

“Right,” Ricky snapped back. “You want me to keep my mouth shut about the biggest conspiracy…

“We could kill you, instead,” Sam stated gruffly. “How’d that be?”

Ricky’s face drained of color.

Lamar sighed and stared at the ceiling as if the answers on how to get through to this idiot would be written there. “What do we have to do that will convince you, huh?” he growled. “We’re decent guys. We try to do the right thing. You freaking out is putting a strain on everyone and making this ten times harder than it needs to be.”

Taking the plate Yuma handed him, Lamar fixed his gaze on Ricky. “Think about it. What, in the history of mankind, would make us believe that if shifters’ existence became common knowledge, we’d be left alone?” Lamar snarled. “Every human minority group in existence has been persecuted at one time or another. Some still are.”

Ricky actually blanched at that.

For a second, Lamar wondered if he’d finally gotten through to the man.

“You don’t follow the laws. You think you can do whatever you want because you’re stronger and faster.” Ricky didn’t meet his eyes. “You’re a danger to society.”

Damn it.

Beyond words, Lamar turned his focus to his food. “What is this?” he asked absently, poking the plastic fork at the noodles.

“Pork lo mein, curry chicken, and ham fried rice,” Yuma replied. “You want some? Surely you must be hungry.” He directed the last comment at Ricky.

“How do I know it’s not poisoned? Sam just threatened to kill me,” Ricky grumbled.

Yuma snorted. “’Cause if we were gonna kill you, we’d have done it ages ago.”

Lamar’s brows shot up at Yuma’s snarky remark. It wasn’t often anyone irritated the penguin shifter. To keep from adding his own threats, Lamar forked some pork lo mein into his mouth.

Sam handed Ricky a plate of food, lifting a brow in challenge. It only took Ricky a moment to dig in. Lamar hid his smirk by taking another bite of food.

Lamar nearly jumped out of his skin when another knock sounded on the door.
Shit, why am I so jumpy?
Then he realized it was probably because he was locked in a room with a human who’d be happier if he didn’t exist. That would jangle anyone’s nerves. Setting down his plate on a nightstand, Lamar crossed to the door and inhaled deeply.

The musky, spicy male scent emanating from the other side of the door nearly made him moan. His dick went ramrod straight in his jeans. He rested a palm on the door, pressed the heel of his hand to his crotch, and barely suppressed a grunt.

Oh sweet merciful heavens. My mate is on the other side of this door.

Fear and wonder flooded Lamar in equal measure. The thud of another knock, combined with Kontra calling gruffly, “Lamar. You there, buddy?”

“You gonna open the door?” Sam called to Lamar.

Lamar forced himself to straighten, sucked in a fortifying breath, and twisted the lock. After turning the knob, he backed into the main part of the room, quickly getting out of the way. Kontra appeared first, followed by Draven and Vail.

“Damn it, Draven. What’s the meaning of this, leaving me here with…
?” Ricky griped.

“Relax,” Draven droned dryly. “Be nice. We’re all trying to help you.” He grinned and turned to look at someone still making their way into the room. “Besides, I’ve brought someone here to see you.”

Lamar could hear an odd
. His heart tripped in his chest. He knew whoever was moving steadily closer was his mate. He heard the man’s warm, deep voice even before the guy appeared.

“Hey, Ricky,” the man greeted. “You have a number of people worried about you. This where you’ve been holed up, brother? With all these sexy studs? Somethin’ you wanna tell me?” When he came into view, a big grin creased the redhead’s square jaw, and his green eyes twinkled.

Sweeping his gaze over the man’s tall, broad shoulders, seeing the way his chest filled out the black tank top he wore, Lamar ached to touch. His fingers almost twitched with the need. Then he took in the rest of the man. His short red hair was damp and plastered to his skull, his tank top clung, as did the slate-gray work-out shorts. Lamar fought his urge to help the man into the nearest shower and wash every inch of his sweaty body.

Until the guy’s words finally registered in Lamar’s lust-fogged brain.
Brother? This guy is Ricky’s brother? Damn it! He’s probably just as bigoted as Ricky.

Ricky’s eyes widened. “Rueben, what the hell are you doing here?”

so that’s my mate’s name
—smile faded. “Come on, man. We may not always see eye to eye, but when you didn’t report in, your chief listed you as missing.” He shrugged. “Just because you hate that I’m gay doesn’t make you any less my family.”

“Shit,” Ricky grimaced. “I just want you to be happy.”

Listening to the two men, Lamar couldn’t help feeling a little awkward, and from the way his friends looked anywhere but at the two men, not to mention their scents, he knew they were just as uncomfortable.

Fortunately, at that point, Rueben grinned largely and his gaze rested on Sam and Yuma. “Hello, again. So, did Ricky switch teams? Is
your boyfriend?” he asked, looking at Yuma.

Yuma shook his head, his lips curving into a wry grin. “No, your brother seems to be completely stuck on the wrong side of the fence.” He shook his head. “Too bad, really. He’s just Sam’s type,” he said, poking his friend, still settled in his chair happily eating his Chinese.

At that, Sam snorted, cutting a look at a now-frowning Ricky. “He’s kidding, dude.”

Suddenly, Lamar found himself the recipient of a smoldering stare from his mate. “How about you, sweet stuff? Are you available? My foot may be busted, but I can still give you a hot night you’ll never forget,” he said, winking lasciviously.

Lamar’s heart pounded in his chest at the knowledge his mate found him attractive. He opened his mouth, searching his stuttering brain for an appropriate response.

“You horn ball,” Ricky interrupted. “Always thinkin’ with your dick. You’ll fuck anything on two legs. Anything male, anyway,” he added in a grumble.

Completely unremorseful, Rueben grinned widely. “That just means I’ve had plenty of experience.” He swept Lamar’s body with a heated gaze. “I know how to please my lover.”

Clenching his jaw, Lamar struggled to control his responses. He was a private person, for the most part. Even when the gang had gone to bars to pick up men, Lamar had rarely indulged. Rueben was obviously not that way. It sounded like he was a player. Lamar hadn’t ever thought his mate would be virginal, but internally he grimaced. He wasn’t sure he could handle having his sex life as gossip fodder.

He needed time to think, and he couldn’t do that around the heavy pheromones this guy was putting off.

Clearing his throat, Lamar murmured, “Tempting offer. Perhaps I’ll give it some thought.” He shifted his gaze to Kontra and saw his alpha’s questioning look. “I’d like to take a walk.” Although he said it as a statement, his alpha recognized it for what it was. A request to head to Vail’s father’s place who lived in the forest, and shift and stretch his peacock’s wings.

“Of course,” Kontra said. He looked at Sam and Yuma. “Why don’t you two head out, too.” Which meant,
Go with him.

Lamar didn’t mind, at least not much. He’d need someone to talk to.

Surprisingly, Vail grinned. “I’d like to visit my dad for a bit. You okay here, babe?” he said, resting a hand on Draven’s shoulder.

“Of course,” Draven responded, cupping Vail’s jaw and pressing a quick kiss to the man’s lips.

looks like a fantastic idea,” Rueben murmured.

Rueben gripped Lamar’s arm in a firm grasp and tugged him close. Taken by surprise, Lamar didn’t fight him. Seconds later, he found himself pulled tight against the much bigger man’s solid chest. Rueben wrapped his free hand around the nape of Lamar’s neck, lowered his head, and claimed Lamar’s mouth possessively.

Instinct to submit to his mate caused Lamar to open quickly to Rueben’s questing tongue. Rueben plundered his mouth, tilting their heads to get deeper. Lamar gripped Rueben’s biceps, not caring that he was clinging as he sucked Rueben’s tongue.

When breathing became paramount, Rueben jerked up his head and stared down at Lamar, his expression somewhat dazed. “Fucking hell, you are sweet. I’m in room one-oh-eight, baby. Swing by when you’re done with your walk.”

Lamar stiffened. His face flamed. Mate or not, he couldn’t believe his behavior. He eased away. For a second, Rueben’s grip tightened, then released him.

“I’ve got to go,” Lamar mumbled. Unable to meet anyone’s gaze, he turned and hustled from the room.

Even though Lamar heard footsteps behind him, he didn’t stop. He ducked into his room, which he shared with Sam, and grabbed his helmet and leathers. Hearing the door open behind him, Lamar turned and spotted Sam leading Vail and Yuma.

The big bull shifter pointed at the corner of the bed and ordered, “Sit. Explain.”

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