RufflingThePeacocksFeathers (6 page)

Read RufflingThePeacocksFeathers Online

Authors: Charlie Richards

Tags: #Glbt, Gay Paranormal, erotic Romance

“Mmm. Now, doesn’t that look like a pretty treat,” Rueben growled.

Lifting his gaze to Rueben, Lamar saw the feral lust covering his expression as he stared at his bobbing, dripping shaft. He held his breath as Rueben lowered his head, scarcely able to keep from begging his mate to suck him.

Finally, Rueben stuck out his tongue and swiped his erection from base to tip, swirling around his glans. Lamar moaned and his hips jerked of their own accord at the exquisite sensations caused by the opposing cool and heat. Rueben pulled Lamar’s head into his mouth and sucked lightly, making him crave more.

“P-please,” he stuttered, unable to hold back. The sight of this big man, his mate, gently suckling his cock head, was too much to hold back his babbling pleas. Especially when Rueben lapped his bobbing shaft back to the base, then reached his balls and nipped the wrinkled skin of his sack. “Oh my God,” Lamar whispered hoarsely, spreading his legs wider to give his lover more room to play.

Rueben lifted Lamar’s left leg and draped it over his shoulder, opening him for easy exploration—and that’s exactly what he did. With teeth, lips, and tongue, Rueben nibbled, licked, and sucked Lamar’s cock, balls, and crack. Lamar twisted and writhed as his lover’s tongue ate his ass, making him wetter and slimier than he’d ever been before. He didn’t know if he liked it or not, but couldn’t stop from begging the man, “Don’t stop! Please, don’t stop!”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Rueben said, his words muffled.

Lamar’s back arched when he felt Rueben’s tongue breach his ring of muscle and delve into his hole. His ass clenched on the invading member, wanting to hold the slick appendage inside him.

Humming, Rueben vibrated the sensitive tissues.

Lamar’s balls rolled in their sack, pulling tight to his body. “Oh, so close. P-please. Please, please, please,” he babbled. His cock twitched, slapping against his abs, smearing strings of pre-cum across his skin.

When Rueben pulled his tongue free, Lamar whimpered at the loss. It nearly, instantly turned into a moan as Rueben replaced it with his finger. Rueben swiped his tongue up Lamar’s throbbing dick.

“Guess I should have asked sooner,” he mumbled huskily, “but are you clean?”

“Y-yes,” Lamar gasped. “I’m clean.”

“Good. Want to taste you.”

“Gah!” Lamar howled as Rueben swallowed him to the root.

Rueben rubbed his finger over Lamar’s prostate, sending shockwaves up his rectum and through his balls. Lamar’s testicles seemed to turn inside out as they emptied, shooting cum up his dick and into Rueben’s waiting, sucking mouth. His mate continued to suckle softly, heightening the bliss, coursing like fire through his veins.


Slowly, Lamar came back to himself. He felt like he was floating as endorphins pinged through his system. A jolt to his system that caused his softening prick to begin filling again made him realize Rueben had two fingers in his ass and gently rubbed his prostate ever few seconds.

Lamar moaned and cracked his eyelids. He looked down and spotted the smug smile on Rueben’s face at seeing Lamar’s renewed erection. “Oh, what fantastic recovery time,” Rueben crooned. “I like it.”

Chuckling around a grunt, Lamar rocked his hips, encouraging the man’s attention. “Because of you,” Lamar admitted.

“Flatterer.” Rueben grinned cheekily. “You got enough energy to ride me, sweet stuff?”

Lamar’s jaw dropped as he remembered Rueben’s injured leg. “Oh, yeah. You shouldn’t be putting any stress on your leg. Maybe I should just suck you off, too,” he offered. He licked his lips, wanting to taste his mate, but felt disappointment at the same time. He really wanted to feel his mate’s dick in his ass, too.

Rueben released him and rolled toward the nightstand and his bag. “Not a snowball’s chance in hell, honey. I’m going to shove my dick in your ass and you’re gonna ride me like a cowboy.”

Blanching at that analogy, Lamar couldn’t think of a single time he’d ever desired to be a dusty, dirty, sweaty cowboy. Still, he really wanted to feel his mate buried deep inside him, so Lamar cleared the image from his thoughts and focused on pleasing his lover.

Thankfully, Rueben must have missed his expression. He rolled a condom onto his thick cock where it jutted from a bed of dark red curls. After popping the lid on a bottle of lube, Rueben slicked up his dick, then spread some more onto his fingers.

“Come here, baby,” Rueben urged, reaching for Lamar. “You can ride my fingers as I finish getting you ready. You’ll love it.”

Lamar didn’t doubt it. His mate sure seemed to know what he was doing. With concise movements, Rueben guided Lamar to straddle his waist. For a split second, jealousy surged through Lamar at all the other men who, at one time, must have occupied his mate’s bed. Then, Rueben thrust two lubed fingers into Lamar’s chute, and all thought fled.

Rueben found Lamar’s prostate without trouble, gently stroking it as he worked him open. A third finger slid in beside the first two. Lamar moaned, loving the stretch, the slight burn that eased into fire that set his nerve ends a-tingling.

Rocking on Rueben’s fingers, Lamar fucked himself shamelessly. His dick—already hard and leaking again—slapped his belly as he rocked. The thick digits felt amazing, but it wasn’t enough. “Now,” he demanded breathlessly.

“Hell, yeah,” Rueben growled.

Lamar couldn’t silence his moan as Rueben pulled his fingers free.

“Hang on, baby.”

For a split second, Lamar wondered if Rueben threw endearments at every lover. Then, his mate’s thick cock pressed against his hole and Lamar didn’t care anymore. All he desired was becoming one with his mate.

Finding his voice, Lamar ordered, “Stay still.” Without waiting for acknowledgement, he used his weight to sink onto Rueben’s shaft. The burn as his ass muscles stretched beyond what Rueben’s three fingers had prepared him shot fire up his rectum. “Amazing,” Lamar groaned through clenched teeth.

Rueben grunted. “Oh, God, you’re tight.”

Fully seated, Lamar panted, “You’re just huge. Holy shit.”

“Damn, baby. Lift up a bit and I’ll rock up into you.”

Lamar stared down at his lover. He traced his hands over the firm pecks, the deep ridges of his abs, then tweaked a nipple. Rueben hissed. Lamar smirked. “Oh, no. You have to stay still. I don’t want you hurting yourself,” Lamar said. “You said to ride you, so now you gotta take my pace.”

Rueben’s green eyes widened, then dropped closed. “Then move, baby. Please, move. I’m dyin’ here.”

Chuckling, Lamar gave in to his mate’s pleas. “No dying,” he crooned. “Then you’d miss out on me sucking your cock, or eating your ass, or pounding into me as we shower together.”

As the words rolled off his tongue unchecked, similar to the way his body took over—rising and lowering on Rueben’s cock—Lamar prayed he wasn’t scaring the man away. Fortunately, Rueben didn’t seem in the least bit coherent. He was too busy saying, “Yeah, baby, right there, just like that, faster, harder…”

Lamar, spurred on by his lover’s cries, planted his feet, and did exactly as Rueben wanted. He rose and fell swiftly, riding his man’s dick.

“Oh, shit! Close!” Rueben groaned.

Rueben reached up and gripped Lamar’s erection tightly, providing exquisite pressure to the organ. Lamar rocked between the hard ridge of flesh filling his ass and the amazing pressure around his cock. His balls pulled tight once more, heralding another mind-numbing orgasm. Lamar wanted, needed his man to come with him. He tightened his sphincter muscles rhythmically as he rose and fell.

Through slitted eyelids, Lamar watched Rueben throw his head back and roar his release. Rueben’s dick swelled and flooded the condom deep inside him. Unable to resist the siren call of his mate’s arched neck, Lamar pressed their chests together and sank his canines into Rueben’s neck.

His mate groaned and shuddered beneath him. The noise was music to Lamar’s ears, telling him Rueben had come again. Lamar couldn’t hold off his own release any longer. He spurted, filling the space between them, painting their stomachs and chests with his seed.

For several seconds, both men just lay there, Lamar’s weight heavy upon his lover’s. He carefully licked his mate’s neck clean, relieved to see that it wouldn’t be exceptionally noticeable. Lamar hoped Rueben wouldn’t mind that he hadn’t warned him.

To Lamar’s relief, when he lifted his head, he discovered Rueben smiling languidly at him. “That was amazing,” he slurred slightly. The way his eyelids drooped showed the pull of sleep had a firm grip on his lover.

Lamar pressed a soft butterfly kiss to smiling lips. “I’ll be right back with a cloth to clean you up,” he whispered.

“Thanks, sweet,” Rueben mumbled as he trailed the fingers of his right hand through the cum Lamar had painted over his chest. He winked and brought the white cream to his mouth, sucking it from his fingers. “Mmm.”

Heat streaked across his chest, and Lamar felt his dick try to stir. Shaking his head, Lamar snickered. “Be right back.”

Hustling into the bathroom, Lamar grabbed a cloth. He turned on the water, waiting until it ran warm, then quickly soaked the cloth and cleaned himself. Rinsing only took a moment. As he shut the water off and turned toward the doorway, Lamar mentally felt his peacock trill happily in his mind. It was almost as if he could see his peacock fanning his tail and showing off its colorful feathers. He shivered and swallowed hard as an odd sense of peace flooded him.

Shaking it off as residual endorphins from his multiple orgasms, Lamar returned to his lover. Seeing Rueben jerk his hand away from his groin and his half-erect cock, Lamar lifted a brow and smirked. “Need help with something?” he teased.

Rueben actually flushed, his chest turning a pale pink color. “Condoms not made to withstand two amazing orgasms like the ones you gave me.” He seemed to regain his bravado and smiled cheekily while reaching down and cupping his testicles. “I dripped and didn’t want to get it on the bed, but I bet it’d be even better if you licked me clean.”

Lamar snickered and placed one knee on the bed, leaning close. Because the man smelled so good, Lamar did as Rueben asked. He swiped his tongue from the man’s anus, over his balls, and up the crease of his groin, pointedly ignoring Rueben’s semi erection.

“Feel better?” he crooned. He lifted the warm rag and rubbed away the remaining fluids.

Rueben smiled sleepily at him and heaved a sigh. “Perfect,” he muttered.

Lamar hesitated, uncertain if he would be welcomed to stay in Rueben’s bed, since he was human.

Fortunately, Rueben took the decision from Lamar by grabbing his wrist and tugging. “Come here.”

Lamar obeyed and crawled into bed. Rueben turned him, spooned up behind him, and draped his top arm over him. “Night,” Rueben whispered, kissing the back of Lamar’s neck softly.


From the other man’s even breathing, Lamar knew Rueben had already succumbed to sleep. Unable to resist the strange peace that still permeated him and the pull of slumber, Lamar also drifted into dreamland.





Chapter Seven



Rueben heaved a sigh and dropped his head against the headboard. For good measure, he lifted his head and banged the headboard again. He had no idea what the hell had happened. He and Lamar had had a wonderful night together. When they’d woken, they’d cuddled, made out, then had a fantastic frottage session.

That had been three days ago. After Lamar had left, claiming a need for a shower and a change of clothes, the man hadn’t come back. While taking his own shower, Rueben had missed a call from Lamar. His lover had claimed that something had come up and he needed to run out to see his buddy who had a problem. Lamar hadn’t elaborated, and when Rueben had called him back, the blond hadn’t answered and hadn’t called him back.

Normally, being blown off like that, Rueben would have chalked it up to a fantastic one-night stand and moved on. Now that he knew his brother was fine—Ricky had dropped by his motel room and they’d chatted for over an hour about their lives, although Ricky had been careful to keep clear of giving any reason for why he’d been in the area—Rueben should just head home to Portland. He’d already received one call from his physical therapist, asking when he would schedule an appointment.

Thinking about that, Rueben was actually surprised at how good his foot felt. Between his fall in the bathroom and the vigorous sex, he would have thought he’d be popping
to keep his foot from throbbing. He felt pretty grateful and hoped it wasn’t a sign that he’d reinjured it.

“Damn it,” Rueben muttered. “I should just go home.” He rubbed his hands over his face. “It’s obvious he isn’t interested in talking to me,” he grumbled to himself, scooting toward the bed’s edge. He grabbed his crutches and levered himself to his feet…or foot.

“Then, what the hell am I doing?” he grumbled.

His confusion didn’t stop him from leaving his room and hobbling down the hallway to the room where his brother still resided, at least, for one more night. Ricky had told him he planned to leave the next morning and return to work in San Francisco. It wasn’t often Rueben got to hang out with his brother without them sniping at each other, so the dinners they’d shared together the last couple evenings had been really, really…nice.

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