Rumor Has It: A Bad Boy Romantic Comedy (30 page)






No one knew about my time in a mental institution. I’d never told anyone, not even Michael. My mother knew of course, but she was too embarrassed to ever mention it to anyone and she hated talking about anything serious. She wanted to pretend like it never happened.

It was impossible for me to forget. For a long time I wished I had someone to talk to about it, but I didn’t think it would be Luke. The circumstances were a mess. Not that it mattered. I had nothing to lose. I’d sworn I’d never speak to Luke again, but here I was.

Being attacked by Michael had left me deeply shaken. I’d never forgive myself for being naïve enough to trust him. I’d been a fool to declare Luke the enemy and run into the arms of Michael. Luke was right about him; he was entitled and arrogant. He thought he owned me.

Luke was harder for me to understand. I could tell he was struggling with what to believe, though I felt as if he was leaning towards trusting me. What is too little too late?

Then there was the baby to consider. I’d prepared myself for the worst case scenarios: Luke rejects me; Luke pretends like the baby couldn’t possibly be his and cuts me out of his life; and the worse scenario of all: Luke thinks I planned this to trap him.

“I’m not my mother,” I blurted out. “This baby wasn’t planned. It’s not part of some scheme. I don’t want your money.”

“I know you’re not trying to trap me,” he said with a hint of irritation.

Was I supposed to feel bad for expecting the worst? That’s all life had taught me.

“Don’t be ridiculous. It’s my baby too. You’re going to need money. Let me take care of you.”

Luke kissed my forehead. I found myself leaning into him. Pregnant with Luke’s baby. It was surreal. A shiver cut through me. I wasn’t sure if it was from adrenaline, fear or Luke’s kisses. Maybe it was some combination of all of the above.

His hand slid beneath my shirt and rested on my stomach.

“Gen, I’m sorry. This whole situation is… beyond words. I should have taken the time to listen to you at the hospital. I know your mother can’t be trusted, but when I found out she was pregnant I didn’t want to believe she could do something so crazy as induce a miscarriage just to manipulate me.”

“She was never pregnant,” I said carefully.

We’d been down this road before. If I was going to have Luke’s baby, we had to find a way to get along. We may never be able to trust each other enough to be a couple again, but for the sake of our baby we had to be civil.

Suddenly, Luke was kissing me. His lips were firm and soft on mine. I froze. Anger still stirred inside me. It wasn’t that easy for me to forgive or forget how he’d doubted me.

I kissed him, then slowly pulled away. I was still shaking from the encounter with Michael.

“Could I use your bathroom?” I asked. “I need to clean up. Could I take a shower?”

“Of course.”

Luke stood and took my hand. He led me down the dark hallway to the staircase. I paused when we reached the spot my mother had come to rest. For some reason I expected to see some sign of her presence; a blood stain on the floor, or a piece of clothing. There was nothing. The floor was clean. Moonlight cast a dull glow off its surface.

A shiver rocked me. I squeezed Luke’s hand and pulled close to him. He hesitated only briefly before leading me upstairs to his bathroom. He turned on the light and showed me where everything was, then turned to leave.



“I know this sounds silly but, could you stay with me? I’m still kind of shaky after tonight. I don’t want to be alone.”

I left unsaid the fact that I was still worried about my mother popping up to cause trouble. The last time I was alone in Luke’s penthouse disaster struck.

“Sure. I’ll just… uh, sit here?”

Luke’s bathroom was huge. There was a glass incased, walk-in shower against the back wall and a huge marble tub against the right side of the room. He sat down on the edge of the tub and turned slightly away from me. He’d seen me naked before, but I appreciated the fact that he was giving me a bit of privacy.

I looked at the broken strap of my dress and frowned. There was no fixing it and I couldn’t afford to replace it. I’d have to throw the dress away. A part of me felt relieved. When Michael had seen my outfit earlier, he demanded I lose the sweater. I’d ended up going out in an outfit that was much more revealing than I was comfortable with.

I peeled off the dress, rolled it into a ball and tossed it in the corner of the room. I was happy to throw it away. It would forever remind me of being attacked by Michael.

I stood barefoot in my underwear. Luke was looking at his hand. He stretched his finger and rubbed his palm. His knuckles had dried blood on them. At first, I’d thought it was Michael’s blood, but I was starting to suspect it was Luke’s. It looked like his knuckles were split. He must have hit Michael really hard.

I smiled with satisfaction. Good. Michael deserved it.

“Does your hand hurt?” I asked.

He glanced up. His eyes drifted over my body once, then he looked back down. Luke swallowed hard and stared at his hand. He looked as if he was having trouble keeping his focus off my half-naked form.

“It’s fine,” he replied.

“It looks swollen. Is it broken?”

“No. Don’t worry about it. Are you okay? That asshole didn’t hurt you, did he?”


At least I didn’t think so. I looked over my body expecting to see bruises or scrapes. With the exception of my new curved belly, I looked the same as I always did.

I touched my stomach. We needed to have a serious discussion about what was going to happen next. Now that Luke knew I was pregnant, I felt relieved. A huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. He even seemed happy. Of course, it could have just been the shock of discovering he was going to be a father.

I wouldn’t have to worry about money. Luke would take care of me. There was still a lot to discuss though. Where would I live? And what were we going to do once my mother found out?

I swallowed hard. Suddenly, I desperately wanted into the shower. I peeled my underwear off and stepped inside the glass-incased shower. I turned on the faucet. Jets of hot water hit me from three different angles.

I closed my eyes and let the warmth wash over me. In spite of the heat, I still shook.

I leaned into the water let run down my face and over my body. A hand slid across my stomach. I opened my eyes and looked down. Luke’s hand was swollen and bruised. He’d come by his injuries defending me.

I smiled. I hated to admit it, but it felt good. No one had ever stood up for me.

Luke pressed his chest against my back. I leaned into him. He rested his head on my shoulder and kissed my neck. I closed my eyes and felt his other hand slide across my waist and come to a rest on my stomach.

In that moment, all I wanted was to play pretend. Could we pretend that my mother was nice, normal and supportive? That my pregnancy was planned? That we were a couple in a trusting relationship with no drama?

I placed my hand over his.

Could we pretend that his penthouse at the top of the world was mine? That I belonged here beside Luke?

Luke grabbed a wash cloth and started to bathe me. I went limp as he lifted my arms, washing my hands and fingers. The cloth slid around to my front. He ran it over my breasts, squeezing and kneading them slowly. Soap bubbles ran down my cleavage, tickling my skin.

The cloth passed over my stomach and down between my legs. I groaned as Luke started to massage my pussy. The cloth moved in slow circles over my clit, focusing on my g-spot.

His hard cock pressed against the back of my thigh. I wanted to turn around and touch him, but I was frozen. I needed him to take control.

As if reading my mind, he grabbed my hips and spun me around. I opened my eyes. Luke was staring down at me searchingly. What was he trying to see? Did he still suspect I was lying to him?

I pressed my body against his. It was like striking a match. The distance between us disappeared as our desire took control. For now, distrust could take a backseat.

Luke kissed me hard. His tongue slid in and out of my mouth. I ran my nails down his chest, scratching him. Luke’s hands found their way around my waist to my ass. He squeezed, then lifted me into the air.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and groaned. He pushed me against the shower wall. The wall was slick, but Luke held me firm. He squeezed my ass as he positioned himself between my legs.

The anticipation was maddening. I wanted him to fuck me so hard that it erased all the feelings of doubt and mistrust between us.

Luke stared deeply into my eyes as his cock found the sweet spot between my legs. A cry escaped from deep inside me. His thrusts came fast and hard. My pussy stretched around his throbbing cock as he pounded into me.

The hot water hit Luke’s chest. Drops clung to his chest hair and ran down his muscles. I placed my hand over his heart. It beat like a bird trapped in a cage.

Luke pumped into me harder. I squeezed him between my legs.

“Come for me, sweetheart,” he growled in my ear.

My body reacted to his voice as if on command. I fell into his arms as he finished inside me.

We clung to one another as the water ran over us. I rested my head on Luke’s chest and listened to his heartbeat.

Eventually, Luke turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. He selected a white towel and wrapped it around me. The towel was so big it made me look like a child. I hugged the soft fabric around me.

Luke dried off quickly then took my hand. He led me into his bedroom. The room was dark, but light enough to see that it was empty. I was relieved to see we were alone. If my mother had shown up, I think I might have lost my mind.

Luke pulled back the sheets on the bed, then took my towel. I spun free from it like a mummy being unwrapped. I smiled and slid between the silk sheets.

Luke laid down beside me. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. I drifted off to sleep to the gentle beat of his heart and the warmth coursing between my legs.






Genevieve’s legs twisted together with mine beneath the sheets. Her skin felt as soft as velvet pressed against mine. I held her until her breathing slowed and I was sure she was asleep. I then kissed her forehead and slipped out of bed. I moved slowly so as not to wake her.

She moaned in her sleep and turned over.

The sound of her voice made me want to stay. I was crazy for leaving. I had a beautiful naked girl in my bed and I was walking away. But I didn’t have a choice. There was business to attend to.

I had to protect Genevieve and our baby. The only way I’d secure our future was by getting rid of Val. The specter of our relationship couldn’t hang over my future with Genevieve.

Val needed to go away. Permanently.





I put my hand in my pocket and felt the blank check. Still there. I was paranoid about losing it. If Val wanted money, then that’s what I would give her. The thought of rewarding her for her bad behavior made me angry, but I had no choice. If I was going to move on with Genevieve then Val had to be out of our lives. She only valued me for my wealth, so I doubted she’d have any trouble taking my money and running.

The question was: how much? What was it going to cost to make Val go away?

I cracked my neck and got ready for battle. I felt like I was walking into the boardroom. Hostile negotiations are my specialty. Though normally, I’m used to dealing with sane opponents.

The elevator door opened on her apartment.


I was met with silence. I checked my watch. It was the middle of the night. Was she out with someone? Maybe she was already in bed. I stepped into her apartment. The elevator dinged shut behind me. I walked down a long dark hallway and stopped. A man’s coat was lying in the middle of the floor along with a belt. A loud thump followed by a giggle echoed through the room.

I walked to Val’s bedroom door. It was cracked open. The first thing I saw was Val’s back. Her long blonde hair was pulled up in a messy knot on top of her head while she bounced up and down on top of someone. It was no secret to me that Val slept with other men. Our relationship was never serious, so I didn’t care. I always looked the other way and pretended not to notice when she come over to my place wearing new jewelry, or an expensive handbag. I knew the men she slept with bought her these things.

Val was not subtle about expecting gifts. She’d asked me repeatedly to buy her jewelry, designer clothes, to pay for her rent. Once she even asked me to buy her a car. I laughed it off and gave her a couple thousand dollars to spend however she wanted. She’d frowned at the ‘paltry’ sum.

All in all, I wasn’t surprised to see Val had run into the arms of another man, but it wasn’t until that moment that I realized what a fool I’d been to accept her lies. There was no proof she’d ever been pregnant and even is she was expecting a baby, there was no reason to believe I was the father. God only knew how many men she’d slept with while dating me. Besides, we’d always used protection.

I cleared my throat. “Sorry to interrupt…”

The man beneath her yelled, “Shit!”

He pushed Val aside and jumped out of bed. I was surprised to see that I recognized his face.

“Trent? What the fuck are you doing here?”

“I know what this looks like…”

“It looks like you’re fucking Val.”

“Look, I know you told me to stay out of it, but you know how I am. I thought I could reason with her and well, one thing led to another.”

Val stretched out naked in bed. She made no effort to cover up. She rested against the headboard and picked up a glass of champagne from the bedside table. She sipped her drink and watched with a pleased expression as Trent and I argued.

“We were just together earlier tonight. Did you drop me off and head straight here to fuck Val?” I asked.

I couldn’t believe Trent could be so stupid. Actually, yes I could believe it. He was notorious for acting impulsively. He followed his dick around like it had a mind of its own.

“I thought I could help. I came here to talk some sense into her.”

“‘Talking sense into her,’ is that what you call it?”

“Luke, man, I’m sorry. I know this wasn’t cool of me. It just happened.”

Not cool

I started to laugh. It was a ridiculous understatement. Trent was making this a lot easier for me. I no longer felt bad about paying Val to go away forever.

“Listen, Val, we need to talk.”

“I know baby. Are you mad at me? I’ve been so depressed since losing our baby. After you stopped returning my calls, I didn’t know what to do. When your friend showed up and promised to help sort things out, I was so happy. He told me you’d sent him.”

“What? That’s not what I said,” Trent objected.

“He said,” Val continued without missing a beat, “that you were best friends and that he could make things right between us. I was so relieved that I kissed him. I never expected him to kiss me back. It’s been so long since I’ve felt the comfort of a man. I just lost control. Before I knew it, he was taking off my dress and leading me into the bedroom.”

“Un-fucking-believable. Nothing she said is true. I came here to talk and she threw herself at me.”

I rubbed my face. I didn’t believe either version of their stories. The truth was probably somewhere in between. Not that it mattered anymore. I just wanted to pay off Val and get this over with.

“Leave,” I said to Trent.

“I don’t want to go with you pissed at me.”

“We’re not going to settle this now. I’ll deal with you later. Get out.”

Trent sighed and started to dress. He glared at Val as he left. I waited until I heard the elevator door open and shut before I made my offer.

“Baby-” Val started.

“Just listen. I want to make you happy.”

She perked up. I could tell she expected me to yell. Surprisingly, I wasn’t that angry. Trent was an idiot. It was going to take me a while before we were cool each other again. As far Val, she was behaving exactly how Genevieve said she would. I was slowly realizing Gen had been right about everything. Val had made a fool of me; I just didn’t see it until now.

“You know, all I want is to make
happy,” she said. “You already do so much for me.”

“I’m going to do something that’s going to make the both of us very happy. I’m going to give you what you’ve always wanted.”

“All I ever wanted was you.”

She crawled across the bed naked towards me. She reached up to touch me. I stepped back out of reach. I pulled the blank check out of my pocket along with a pen.

“What’s that?” she asked.

“What you’ve always wanted: money. This is your retirement plan. A one-time payment. You’ll never have to work again. You’ll be set for life.”

She frowned. “Why? What’s the catch?”

“The catch is you stay out of my life and away from Genevieve forever.”

Val crossed her legs beneath her and sat back. “My daughter?” Her eyes grew wide. “You expect me to turn my back on my own flesh and blood? I’d sooner cut off a limb.”

She pulled at her hair, readjusting her ponytail. Her long pink nails pulled and picked at her hair in a way that reminded me of a bird. She pursed her lips and batted her eyes at me. Val’s face looked strange. Her eyes were pulled tight and her lips looked bigger. She’d had fillers or injections or something since I’d last seen her. It was distracting.

She blinked twice; her blue eyes were cold and calculating. Then it hit me: she didn’t care about Genevieve; she was negotiating. She had the advantage. I was negotiating from a position of weakness. If she didn’t know, then she strongly suspected that I would pay anything to make her go away. I was at her mercy. I’d have to play this smart. I needed Val to think she was in control.

“Obviously, your daughter means the world to you,” I said, trying to keep a straight face. “It’s not my place to dictate your level of involvement in her life. I apologize.”

“You don’t have to apologize. Genevieve can be difficult. You know she attacked me twice?” Val sighed dramatically. “I don’t know what to do with that girl. I’d kill anyone who hurt her. Being a Mama Bear isn’t easy.”

She took another sip of her champagne. “So, how much money are we talking?”

She was all business now.

“Give me a number,” I said.

She tilted her head to the side. “Thirty.”


“Thirty million.”

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