Read Rune Online

Authors: H.D. March

Tags: #Romance

Rune (15 page)

She leaned back against his body. “Your bitch, Rune?”

“Yes mine.” He thrust up, in one swooping drive.

“Oh God!” She placed her hands against the tiled wall. Rune didn’t simply fill her, he consumed every part of her.

“Keep your hands there, Jess, because I have to have you now.” His hips ground against her ass, and he thrust forward, tunnelling deep.

“Please, Rune, master… please.” She didn’t care that she begged; the need in her clit tortured her, the heat circling her stomach far too intense, and she didn’t want to faint again. His arms curled, she couldn’t move, didn’t want to. His breath blew over her shoulder, his tongue slaked hot, and he nipped down.

“Shit, Rune, that hurt.”

He drew in his fangs, it was rare he got so carried away. “Sorry, little one.” His driving thrusts became more urgent, harder and faster. “Take this, Jess, my bitch of a sub.”

“Oh yes please, oh Christ, this is, I—” She reared her head back and a scream broke from her as her climax hit. It had more impact than a tsunami slamming across the shore with a devastating effect. Wiping and destroying every scrap of common sense that lay in its path.

At the same time, she heard Rune growling into her ear, his hips continued to pump against her ass. And she took it. For the last few hours afforded her, she would make use of every inch of him.

Until the time came to part.

Chapter Thirteen

Jess lay replete in bed. Rune had continued to make love, to educate her in the toy room with a variety of constraints, but not on the cross. Since she’d fainted, he appeared to have an aversion to it. But she enjoyed the cuffs, though he didn’t blindfold her again. Jess loved the teasing, the fact he gave and she couldn’t touch, the anticipation it created.

She studied him; he lay on his back, his arm linked around her, his breath coasting out in long drags of breath.

He hadn’t mentioned her punishment but knew for a fact he wouldn’t forget. Never mind elephants, he could beat them hands down.

“There aren’t many hours to dawn, before I take you home.”

Great party stopper dude, did you have to fetch that up, like now
? “Why are you taking me?”

“Because your time is up and your car is wrecked.”

“I know that, do you think I’m stupid? I meant I can get a taxi; there’s no need to put yourself out.”

She winced at the pinch of fingers in her skin.

“I’m not.”

Okay, you smooth talking bastard, what’s next?
Her eyes shot open when his fingers rimmed her ass. Please God, he wasn’t thinking of that, was he? And when he quietly probed with an index finger, knew he was.

“I want to give you anal, Jessalyn; you can take me, I know you can.”

Shit, that was news to her. Maybe he should have a chat to her asshole, because she sure to hell didn’t think it would be in agreement.

“How do you know?” Even as she asked the question, a quiver of excitement ripped into her, could she? Dare she? Yet already she knew her answer. This was her last time with Rune and she wanted to make it memorable, frigging hell it couldn’t get more memorable than having his dick invading that part of her body.

She shuddered into his finger that conducted a wicked rhythm and arched her back, at the same time as he tugged at her nipples.

“Answer me, Jessalyn.” His deep voice sent a shock of shivers over her.

“Yes, master.”

His lips took hers, in a wide demanding open mouthed assault. He continued his finger fuck, his tongue matched each thrust as it swirled and sucked. “I want this, Jess.” His words whispered over her through an eerie silence. “But if you don’t feel comfortable then I’ll understand. Anal sex isn’t for everyone.”

You can say that again.
Jess didn’t do pain and had to ask. “Will it hurt?”

He kissed across her throat, his tongue paved a path along her collarbone, dipping in. “A bit, at first, but then it will be an exquisite delight, I promise.”

Jess quietly digested his words. “Okay, I trust you.” She didn’t miss the flare of a spark across his face.

“Thank you, Jessalyn.”

Suddenly, she discovered her body flipped over, and she knelt before him on her hands and knees. His fingers filtered across every inch of her skin, and she mewled softly. “That is so good.” She canted and moaned into each sweet stroking sweep of his fingers.

“I need you now, Jess, take it easy, and relax.” His words soaked over her.

She jumped at the chill of lube against her anus; he circled it around and pushed it in on a slow thrust with his finger. And all she prayed was that his cock would slide in like a well-oiled piston. Yet she reserved judgement, because somehow she had a feeling it wouldn’t.

Slowly, he dabbed at her entrance, his hands held her hips, and he nudged against her. “Once I’m deep inside, I’ll fetch you to climax, Jess, just trust me.”

She couldn’t speak, instead nodded. Terror filled her, but she was doing this for Rune, to give him something to remember her by.
Yea a split bloody asshole shouted her common sense.


. “Yes,” she lied.

“When I push in, I’ll hit a ring, it will hurt, but push back, you got that?” His body spooned over her, his breath skated across her throat. He touched every part of her.


The tears formed and dripped down, he pressed forward the pain excruciating she didn’t think she could cope. But determined she’d leave him a lasting legacy, of fucking her ass. She would make sure he wouldn’t forget her, even if it meant being ripped in two.

“Now, Jess, push back.” His arm held her still, curled around her waist, and he drove in deep.

Jess screamed, to hell with remembering her, she’d send him a frigging photo. She struggled to shake him off.

“No, Jess, hold on I’m almost there.” His clamp held her tight, refusing to let her go.

Unexpectedly the pain faded, replaced with a burning heat. She stopped bucking trying to unhinge him. And when his fingers slipped down across her clit, rubbing and massaging she arched into his thrusts.

“That’s it, sweet bitch, take all I’m giving you, every inch.” His body remained curled over her without a smidgeon of air between their skin.

“Yes, Rune, I want it all, God don’t stop, its killing me, oh shit…” she yelped and whimpered.

“I’m not hurting you?” Rune hesitated.

“No, I’m loving it, this is so—” again the words died, and she swivelled turning her head sliding her lips over his. “I adore the taste of you, Rune, kiss me, and fuck me hard.”

“God woman, stop talking will you, your words are making me come already.” His lips seared hers, his hips ground against her ass and he thundered into her. A long growl, a howl almost filled the air, and he spilled deep inside her.

At the same time she screamed out his name.


Morning made its entrance far too soon. A spangle of approaching dawn smoothed a spread of light that erased the night from the landscape. It searched over the countryside and invaded with long tentacles throughout each nook and cranny.

Rune leaned on his side, his body cradled Jess; he didn’t want to let her go, but her time with him was up. And he determined that she’d be safe, that no more attacks would be made. He knew he’d be keeping an eye on her, his mission was to stop the rogues, and if she was implicated as the innocent, he’d guard her.

Rune refused to examine his true motive. She confused him because he didn’t want to let her go. Yet he had to, he was a loner, needing no one, least of all a bad mouthed Dom of a woman.

But his thoughts of how she made love battered his defences, along with the fact no other man had given her what he’d achieved. Was it that which made her special, he pondered. Either way, her stay at Caprice was over. She would return to her own life, and he’d watch over her from afar.

Because Rune knew that the rogue vamps would be back, they hadn’t finished with her.

And that thought scared the hell out of him.


Jess snuffled awake; slowly but surely, she opened her eyes. They were rimmed red and swollen with tiredness. “Morning,” she yawned and tried to curl back into him, except he’d moved. A cold unwelcome space appeared where his warm body had been.

“Once you’re dressed, I’ll drive you home. I’m going for a shower.” His voice cold, his words curt, and, turning, he loped across the room.

Hope you drown, you miserable bastard
followed Jess’s thoughts. Christ, she’d let him fuck her ass and now he was acting as if she were an unwanted parcel he had to deliver. She sucked in her annoyance; well, she had no-one to blame but herself. It was a job for Rune, and now, it was at an end.

And anyway, what was she fretting for? She didn’t want, and even if she did want one with Rune she couldn’t risk, a relationship, not after witnessing her parent’s disaster of a marriage. Hell, it wasn’t a marriage, more a war zone equal to some poor torn country. Except she had been the correspondent on the receiving end.

Rising, she flung the sheet back and grasped her holdall. She threw the clothes in, keeping out what she needed. Jess gave a sad smile, the general lay at the base, and she’d be back to him tonight. When she reached home, this would all appear to be a dream. Then noticed her mobile on the chest of drawers, mysteriously it had appeared, and she cursed at the dead battery. Jess had wanted to know how it had gone with LeBron but guessed she would soon find out.

She hung her head deep in thought; she’d met Rune, melted beneath his hot golden depths. Heck, she’d claimed his cock and he’d opened her up to a whole new world of loving. Yeah, she’d forget him alright. Like not, but she had to.

Anyway, she told her libido, her randy self, he didn’t want her, what he wanted he’d had, her company, her sex, her ass, and Kitty’s money.

What more could a man ask for?

She gave a loud sniff; it sounded like Rune was prostituting himself, but he wasn’t. She had wanted to experience life as a sub, along with a regular working cock. And she’d achieved that, but now he was eager to take her home, to rid himself of her.

The only problem was Rune had awoken a riot of feelings, ones she couldn’t dampen. And she really didn’t know how she was going to cope. No longer would plastic suffice, and she wondered how the hell she’d manage with her high sex drive now. Because the only man she wanted was the one intent on getting rid of her.

The door opened, and Rune strolled in, a towel wrapped around his waist.

It was time; he’d covered up, taking his wares away. No longer was his cock available. She wondered if he had a meter like a taxi lurking somewhere.

She gave a brief nod. Clutching the sheet, she snagged it off the bed, he wasn’t getting one inch of a glimpse of her. Two could play at that game.

She brushed past him as if he were a commuter in a passenger line, one she’d never seen before. The tears filtered and glistened in her eyes, and she reached the sanctuary of the shower. The memories of his love making in there roared back, and she let her emotions free, gave rein to the tears that fell. Either way, they would never be together, he’d shown he didn’t give a toss about her.

That it was a job.

Well great, she’d show him he meant nothing to her.

Returning to the room, the silence was ominous. She dressed and tied her damp hair back. Her holdall remained on the end of the bed. “I’m ready.”

He gave a brief nod, picked it up, and left the room. She watched him go; great, he could have said something, like it was nice knowing you. Corny but at least it meant he cared a little bit, even if it were a lie.

Her eyes widened when she saw the Lamborghini; shit, he had serious money, but her face gave nothing away. Instead, she trod around the car, giving the appearance she was getting into a wreck, determined not to show how his vehicle impressed her. She held down a sudden smile, fuck his equipment impressed her full stop. He didn’t need this piece of machinery as a phallic symbol.


The car continued its sweeping drive along the meandering curves of the road. Rune remained silent. She glanced over. He looked smoking hot, his shades covered his eyes, and his biceps flexed at each gear change. The top he wore showed off every sculptured muscle, ones she’d fed her hands over. She dropped her attention down to his thighs clad in bleached denim they clenched and hardened as he pressed the clutch. Neither did she miss how his fingers edged over the gear stick, recalling how those same fingers had brought her to orgasm.

She wished she could stop thinking about sex, yet couldn’t. She felt like an alcoholic on their last fix, determined to make the most of it. Sweeping around a bend, they reached the valley floor, and she noticed the wrecked tree, particles of metal remained embedded in the trunk.

“Is that where I crashed?”

He nodded. “How come you were travelling so fast?”

“I was being chased.” Then slapped a hand over her mouth and shot him a glare.

“By a black sedan?”

“You know, so why ask?”

He slid the wheel through his hands; the car cruised along. He didn’t say a word. Instead, at the sight of the drive through, indicated to pull in. Jess screamed and clutched the wheel almost upending them.

“Are you crazy, woman?” Her reaction bordered on hysteria, and he struggled to right the car before skidding into an out of control slide.

“Don’t, don’t stop there, p…please?” Jess couldn’t even look at the place.

He glanced at her and drove on past. “Why?”

“I, er, had a bad burger there.”

The car swung around on a handbrake spin. “Then we’ll have to give it another go, see if they’ve improved.”

She clutched his arm and fought with the wheel.

He pulled in and slammed the brakes on. Rune turned to her. “Now, either you tell me what happened or we go visit that place.” His golden eyes had darkened and they burned over her with a blistering intensity. “I suggest you pick your reply with care.”

Chapter Fourteen

Jess tossed him a glare of loathing, one that she usually reserved for double glazing reps.

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