RUSH (Montgomery Men Book 1) (5 page)

Read RUSH (Montgomery Men Book 1) Online

Authors: C.A. Harms

Tags: #Rush

Just before she exited, she gave me the finger and slammed my bedroom door.

I lay there quietly, listening for the front door to slam as well, which it did. But not before something that sounded expensive crashed to the floor with a sound like glass shattering.

needed to stop fucking drinking—and allowing Beckett to drag me along on his excursions. Hell, the asshole could at least make sure what I brought home with me knew the score. It was the brotherly thing to do.


, looking up at the building that appeared to go on and on. It was enormous, and breathtaking.

I’d been working for Stockman and Wright for only two weeks when Mrs. Stockman promoted me to her assistant. I was blown away because I’d figured I would be working as the errand girl in the law office for the rest of my life. Now as I stood on the sidewalk peering up at the extravagant building before me, I wondered if I was the right person to handle this job. I’d been warned about Mr. Montgomery prior to leaving the office. He was a twenty-nine-year-old millionaire who had reached heights most men only dream of and triumphed in all things he attempted. Yet he was an arrogant asshole who walked around as if everyone owed him something. And I was about to deliver paperwork that I was sure would only place me in his line of fire.

After taking one last, deep breath, I reached for the front door and walked inside.

If I thought the outside was impressive, the inside trumped that impression. It was the most beautiful office I had ever seen. A glass elevator was elegantly placed in the center of the sprawling space, which allowed you to see it rise and fall between the floors. Just before it was a large, mirrored reception area that projected welcoming vibes. The two women behind the desk looked up and smiled as I approached them.

“Welcome to Montgomery Enterprises,” the cute little blonde said as she tilted her head to the side. “What can we do for you?”

I had never in my life been more nervous than I was in that moment. “I’m,” I croaked. The heat rose in my neck as I tried to gain control of myself. “I’m Kiera Masterson, I work at Stockman and Wright Law Office, and I’m here to deliver papers to Mr. Montgomery.”

“We can take those for him,” the brunette to her left said in a not-so-friendly tone as she held out her hand.

The fear I’d felt only moments go slowly began to evaporate as I searched deep within myself and found my own inner bitch. “These papers must be delivered to none other than Mr. Montgomery himself, by me. So if you could just point me in the right direction, I’ll do so and then be on my way.”

Suddenly I felt proud of myself, and something told me Daddy Rig would be too. My new attitude and way of living was all part of my new image, one I was still struggling with, but as each day passed it became a little easier to pull off.

“He would be on the top floor. Lex, his assistant, will greet you,” the blonde said as the brunette remained at her side scowling.

“Thank you.” I offered a kind smile, showing I was unfazed by the catty behavior of the not so-friendly-receptionist, then turned toward the elevators.

“Good luck,” the brunette said, followed by an arrogant laugh. “You’ll need it.” She stated in dismissal, but I kept my head held high, appearing unaffected by her comment. But my heart was racing and my palms were sweating with each step I took.

Once inside, I pressed the button for the top floor, then stepped back and leaned against the elevator’s side, watching as the carriage ascended each floor, bringing me closer to the man that intimidated me even though I hadn’t met him.

I jumped at the soft ping announcing my arrival as if it was a bullhorn.

As I stepped from the elevator, I was once again blown away by the beauty of Montgomery Enterprises. This level had the same welcoming feel as the reception area downstairs, only it was splashed with vibrant colors. The floor was so shiny and clean you could actually almost see your reflection in the ceramic tiles.

The clicking of my heels echoed throughout the open floor plan of the waiting area as I approached the man behind the desk. He looked up and offered me a smile as he slowly scanned me from head to toe.

I should have felt violated, yet something about the way he sized me up was different than the way men would look at me when I was with Jase. I felt at ease; it made me feel beautiful.

“Good morning,” he said politely.

As I looked at him a little closer, I understood almost immediately why he didn’t make me feel as if he had just imagined me without my clothes. It would appear I wasn’t his type.

“Good morning,” I said, holding out my hand.

He reached out and offered it a gentle shake, his smile spreading just a little wider.

“I’m Kiera Masterson with Stockman and Wright, and I’m here to see Mr. Montgomery.” His smile didn’t falter. In fact it grew wider. “Would it be possible to see him now? Or do I need to wait?”

“Oh sweetie, sweetie, sweetie,” he said, shaking his head with a laugh that made me smile. He was definitely more approachable than the girl downstairs. “Mr. Montgomery is gonna eat you alive.”

“Excuse me?” I said, no longer smiling.

He looked toward the door just across the entryway on his left, and my gaze followed his. I presumed this was the door to the office of the infamous Mr. Montgomery himself.

“First off, you need to find that inner badass and hold on to her. She is definitely needed.” I shifted my stare back to him. “Also, unbutton the top button of your blouse.” I arched an eyebrow. “Honey, you are going to need any form of distraction available. Tits and ass will be your best option.” He leaned forward as if to peer over the desk at my ass.

I was still so confused.

“You’re good in that department,” he said with a wink.

If Lex, or so his nametag said, wasn’t batting for the other team, I may have been offended. But now all I wanted to do was laugh. He was spunky; I liked him.

“If you are here from Stockman and Wright, that can only mean that someone is once again attempting to take Mr. Montgomery for money by filing another frivolous lawsuit,” Lex explained. “The moment you announce that fact, Mr. M will pull out the big guns and you’ll need to hold on to that badass inside you, thrust out those amazing tits of yours, and maybe arch out your ass too.”

This time I laughed, because he actually had me envisioning what those specific things would look like, had he convinced me to do them. “Then throw down the papers and run, sweetheart. Run and don’t look back,” he finished.

Before I could say anything in response, the door to the office on the left came open and out walked a man that made my mouth grow instantly dry.

“Lex, I need the blueprints for Argo Hemsway and where in the hell is Stewart? He should have been here thirty minutes ago.” His tailored suit fit him perfectly in all the right places as he took long, even strides across the lobby. The jacket pulled taut over his shoulders, showing off what I was sure was the strong back hidden beneath. I had never in my life seen a man that wore a suit so well.

He hadn’t even acknowledged my presence.

“His opportunity for my interest has now passed, so call him and tell him to find another investor. My time is valuable; maybe he’ll understand that now.” He was as intimidating as I had envisioned he’d be.

He then noticed me standing there, or felt my presence rather, because he didn’t even look up from the pile of papers in his hand. “And you,” he said, making me freeze instantly. “Get me a coffee, black, two sugars.”

He didn’t pause before turning around, walking back to his office, and not so quietly closing the door behind him.

“On second thought, do you have anything with a plunging neckline and a high slit on the side?” Lex asked. “You know, something to expose your thigh instead of these slacks you’re wearing.”

I ignored his question as I tried to figure out what in the hell just took place. “Does he think I work here?”

Lex grinned. “He barely knows the names of the people in this building with the exception of me and a handful of others. He doesn’t mingle, he doesn’t make friends. So don’t take offense that he presumed you were an employee,” he said as he leaned back, placing his hip against the edge of his desk. “’Cause if he would have taken the time to look up, I can guarantee he wouldn’t have dismissed you so quickly.”

I turned just slightly and looked over my shoulder at the door Mr. Montgomery had just retreated through, and my mine wandered for a moment. I had spent entirely too many years being brushed aside by arrogant men who thought I was only there for their enjoyment. They saw me as nothing but tits and ass Jase brought along for them to ogle. My opinions and needs didn’t matter; in fact, most believed women truly had nothing important to say.

An overwhelming flare of irritation ricochet through me as I decided those times were over.

I pulled my attention away from the office door and faced Lex once again. His smile almost depleted my anger.


“I came to deliver these papers.” I shook the packet I’d been holding so tightly that I crinkled the edges. “I plan on doing that now.” I arched my brow. “Are you gonna stop me?”

Lex shook his head, still smiling a little too widely than the situation warranted. “I’m sure I’ll pay for it later, but, sweetheart, I can’t let this chance pass me up. Because something tells me you may be just what the boss needs to bring him down from the pedestal he’s placed himself on. And I can’t wait to see it happen.”

He pushed off his desk and eagerly rubbed his hands together as he walked around the side and looked over at me as if to say,
Let’s get this show started.

I’d felt like I stepped into some kind of reality show. The situation was just as comical as it was strange.

And I was about to face one of my biggest fears.

I squared my shoulders and stormed toward the office door without any further hesitation.


I didn’t lift my head to even acknowledge Lex. “Unless you’ve come to tell me that Stewart Mercer has a damn good excuse for standing me up, then I don’t have time for a briefing, Lex. I have too many things to do without hearing an account of your weekend drama.”

The clearing of a throat gained my attention. I looked up and instantly felt like the air had been knocked from my lungs. I had no idea who this woman was, but she had a direct connection to my cock, which was growing quite excited.

I chose to remain seated as she took a few steps into my office, never taking her eyes from mine.

“Mr. Montgomery, first I would like to say if you want a coffee, get it yourself.” I narrowed my eyes at her, because people, whether inside or outside this building, rarely approached me like this. But she was strong and confident and oozed a take-no-shit attitude.

She was fucking gorgeous.

“I’m Kiera Masterson with Stockman and Wright. I am not your glorified errand girl. And I sure as hell am not one of the many women I’m sure would bend over backward to make you happy.” She tossed the manila envelope onto my desk and continued to stare at me with the sexiest fucking look. She was shooting for something completely different judging by her stance, but my cock didn’t get the memo.

“I’m not here to suck up to you, which I’m more than positive everyone else who enters the doors downstairs comes here to do. I am simply here to deliver that to you.” She arched her eyebrow at me as if daring me to say anything out of line.

I couldn’t control the smile that spread across my face.

Who the hell was this woman?

“Now that I have completed my assigned task, I’ll be going.” She spun around on her heel, and all my attention was focused on her ass as she exited my office.

I didn’t even give a shit that she had just obviously served me with legal paperwork. All I could think about was keeping her here as long as possible.

I pushed back from my desk, hurried around the side of it, and jogged toward my office door.

Of course just outside my office, Lex was leaning against the wall, smiling knowingly. He of all people knew my history. He knew everything I’d spent months avoiding, and of course the arrogant ass was just eating this up.

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