Sacred Burial Grounds (An FBI Romance Thriller (book 2)) (59 page)

“I’ll be happy to wear our family color for your wedding.”

“Thank God, you just saved us from dressing in red, white and blue,” she started laughing at the entire idea and had all three men joining her.

Family was an awesome thing.




It was a relaxing dinner filled with love and laughter. Ethan Blackhawk couldn’t help but consider himself a very lucky man. Now his grandfather was back in his life and his brother was back by his side. Then there was his woman. Every time he looked at Elizabeth, his heart skipped a beat, and he was completely lost in her. Not only had she accepted him as he was, but she even took in his family without any trepidation. Her willingness to stand with him as he rebuilt his family touched his heart, almost as much as her helping him create their new family did.

“I think it was a perfect evening, Ethan,” she said, leaning against his body and watching Timothy
Blackhawk and Callen Whitefox leave their home. “I think your grandfather had a really good time.”

“I believe you're right,
baby,” he grinned as the older man blew his wife a kiss, and he couldn’t help but feel such love for his wife. “You know that in a matter of days, you managed to charm the old man into loving you.”

“He’s a Blackhawk,” she stated. “I just have skills when it comes to your gene pool,” she said, patting him on the ass.

“Apparently, you do.”

As they stood on the porch together and waved good bye to his grandfather
and brother, he was ready to spend some quality time with her.


“Let’s go sit on the couch and make out,” he whispered in her ear, “and what I mean by the words
‘make out’ is hot, sweaty, wild sex.” Blackhawk bit her earlobe. “I don’t want there to be any confusion on my intentions for the evening.”

Elizabeth turned to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Mr. Blackhawk, are you suggesting we go in there and fool around when your brother will be back in less than thirty minutes? That nearly isn’t enough time for me. I like it fast, Cowboy, but that’s just pushing it a little too close for me.”

“Mrs. Blackhawk,” he said, nipping her lower lip, just before he dove into her mouth, stealing her breath with a deep kiss and then finally surfacing for air. “My brother doesn’t want to leave granddad alone at night, so he’s staying there until Wyler comes back from his hunt. So, once we lock the door and set the alarm, we have the entire house to ourselves.”

“Then why are we wasting time?”

Ethan started kissing her. It was the kind of kiss that made them both breathless and wild, as he backed her into the doorway. “You set the alarm, and I’ll lock the doors. You, me, couch, two minutes max,” he mumbled into her mouth, as he kissed her again. He couldn’t help it, his wife was addicting.

Elizabeth broke the kiss, and pushed him. “Go!”

When Ethan had finished and so had Elizabeth, they ran for the couch. He tackled her with extreme care, being aware of her belly. As she lie across his body on the couch, he felt the need swell even more in his body. “It’s ten at night, and I have you for the next eight hours. I turned off my phone, and I am not answering the door. You and me only,” he whispered, as he started nibbling on her ear and kissing her throat.

Elizabeth ran her hands up his body and across his chest,
unbuttoning his shirt. “I’ve missed touching you,” she whispered, and began kissing her way across his tattoo of the raven. Her hands slid lower and she continued, “Exploring you,” she kissed lower, and explored more until she found his belt and unbuckled it to continue her path. Her mouth left wet kisses down his belly, and when she found him hard and ready, she blew warm breath across him.

“I’ve missed being touched,” he said
, grinning wickedly.

Elizabeth wiped that grin right off his face. As she took him in her mouth, she ran her tongue over the base of his erection before she began sliding him in and out of her
lips. When she scraped her teeth across him, she heard him moan and arch into her for more. Cupping him and sucking harder, his whole body vibrated in want and need.

“Baby, I won’t last if you keep that up,” he
begged, desperately.

She lessened the sucking, but kept stroking and massaging him. It gave her great joy to watch her very controlled husband be driven wild. Together they had lots of sex, and she knew the difference between, ‘you better stop’ and ‘oh god, stop’. She had plenty of time to continue. Ethan Blackhawk was nowhere near close enough to madness in her opinion.

He swore he was going to explode at any second, but he just didn’t want her to stop. Her mouth lured him in and kept him trapped beneath the pleasure. “Elizabeth please,” he arched again, and instead of easing off, she increased the pressure with her mouth and went harder and faster. Pushing him to the point where he had to force her to stop, or he was going to break apart.

Elizabeth grinned as he pu
lled her up his body forcefully. The wild look in his eyes made her warm and ready for him.

“Very wicked mouth,
Elizabeth.” He kissed her hard, pouring all the lust into her from his own body. Then he began pulling off her clothes. First came the shirt and then her bra. The look in his eyes promised so much more to come before the night was over. Blackhawk returned to the kiss, giving her just enough time to catch her breath, and then force her to feel like she was drowning again.

He was trying to torment her, and making himself crazy
in the process. He flicked open her jeans, and ran his hand inside them, not even dropping them. If he did he’d take her right then, and he wanted more time with her first to get her ready for him. His fingers found their mark, and she moaned into his mouth as he kissed more, taking all of her like a greedy, starving man. Sliding his fingers into her slick wetness, he could feel her body accept them and tighten around them in delicious want. His idea of seducing his wife was just making him crazy and out of control. He was making love to her like a desperate, hungry man, and she was the only thing to satisfy his need.

Elizabeth unzipped him the rest of the way, pushing his pants down until he was just in his boxers. “Lose them,” she whispered.

“You too!” Blackhawk went back to the kiss, as he got completely naked.

Elizabeth did what he asked
and then felt him stop the kiss to turn her around. He was biting the back of her neck, and his body was fully aroused and pushed against hers as she leaned into him.

Blackhawk pulled her hair from the ponytail and wrapped it around his wrist to use it to control her. It ripped a gasp from her mouth
, when he pushed her to the couch, “Knees Elizabeth,” he whispered roughly into her ear, as he then ran his lips across the tattoo of his name. Leaving kisses there, showing ownership.

Something in him went wild. His wife was on her knees on their couch with her back to him. The tattoo of his name possessively gracing her back, and her hair wrapped around his wrist just pushed him over the edge. He couldn’t control the wildness he felt tearing through his body. Gone was the gentle control, and in its place was a newly discovered wildness that grabbed his body and threatened to never release him. The possessiveness and need to own her completely took over
, and he found himself being more forceful than he’d ever dared in bed before.

Elizabeth couldn’t move
. Her husband had her pinned over the arm of the couch by the hair and with his body. He was planning on taking her, and it made her crazy. “Now Ethan, please!” She was pretty sure she was going to burst into flames if he didn’t help her ease the need building in her.

He slid against her moist opening, teasing her as he
leaned over her body. “Beg Elizabeth,” he whispered in her ear. “How bad do you want it?”

Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she almost lost all words. “Please
Ethan, I want you.”

Before the last word was out of her mouth, he pushed into her. She tried to move forward to brace for the invasion, but he held her with her own hair, trapped. “Now, Elizabeth?”

“God yes, Ethan!” Elizabeth shouted, as he started moving. When he yanked her up so her torso was pressed against his to move in and out of her, Elizabeth was lost. She slid her hands down to his muscle corded hips and dug her nails into his flesh just to hold onto him. When he bit her on the neck, just hard enough to make goose bumps cross her flesh, she didn’t think she’d last much longer. It was so delicious, and she prayed for control and that it wouldn’t ever end.

“Oh God, Lyzee,” he moaned softly in her ear, as he
felt the bite of nails into his flesh. “So damn good, baby!” Blackhawk felt her tightening around him, and he reached around to stroke her, just enough that she shattered like glass. He held onto her, holding her to his chest, as he continued to move his hips, pushing past how tight she’d become as she climaxed.

“Ethan,” Elizabeth shuddered, as she
finally was able to breathe again.

“I need more, Elizabeth,” he hissed, bending her back over. He placed his hand on her back
- over his tattooed name and held her to the arm of the couch, as he moved in and out of her in long deep strokes. There just would never be enough of her. He just wanted more and more every time they came together, and he didn’t know how much more he could want her, without dying from the need of it all. “Again, baby.”

Elizabeth could feel the tightness building back up
in her body. The feel of her husband in control, sliding deep into her body and taking her into sensory overload was just too much. Elizabeth was just about there, and she could feel the control slipping. When her husband’s ragged breath came, there was no doubt how close he was to the edge.

“Oh God, baby
!” Ethan Blackhawk felt her quake at his words and again clench down on him, as he moaned her name, and he was lost. He erupted as he took one last slide into her body, hard and fully. He couldn’t focus, and everything around him went silent much like the center of the storm. There was a possibility he may have shouted her name, but he couldn’t remember. All he could feel was the sensation of the bliss, wrapping itself around him and threatening to squeeze him.

Elizabeth felt herself being pulled backwards as her husband collapsed on the couch. Both their bodies still connected
, as they fought to regain their breath. She was pretty sure she forgot how to speak. When she finally found her voice, she had to know. “Are we dead?”

Blackhawk started shaking with laughter. 

“I think we finally did it. We killed ourselves. Now I just need to figure out if it was a double homicide, a joint suicide, or a little of both.”

Blackhawk grinned smugly.
“I think we’re still alive, but barely.”

Elizabeth reached behind her to stroke his cheek, and when he kissed her palm, she melted. “I love you.”

“Mmmmm. I love you too, baby.” Ethan Blackhawk kissed her shoulder. “Want to go up to bed?”

Now it was her turn to laugh. “Is that to sleep, or
repeatedly be jumped by my husband?”

Ethan helped her sit up, and when she wiggled on
his lap, still buried in her body, she answered her own question. Just watching his flushed wife, with tousled hair, grin wickedly at him, started him back up again.

“Never mind Mr. Blackhawk. I think I already know the answer to that,”
she giggled, and then she ran for their bedroom.

Like always, Ethan Blackhawk gave chase.








Chapter Seventeen ~

Tuesday Morning



Ethan was having a truly excellent morning. Not only was his night filled with him and his wife rolling around in bed, but his morning started the same way and culminated in the shower. He even made it downstairs before his wife to make her breakfast and coffee.

He almost forgot that they had a killer causing havoc, until he saw the missed call from Gabe, and the voice mail informing him that their meeting was bumped an hour earlier. That gave him twenty five minutes to have breakfast with his wife, kiss her goodbye and call in to the morning meeting on his way into the office. Budget meetings were boring and unfortunately for him, Elizabeth did the last one, so he was up to bat.

When his wife joined him in their kitchen, he swore he couldn’t breathe. She just had that effect on him. “Hello gorgeous,” he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and kissing her. She was wearing her usual jeans and fitted shirt, but this morning her wild hair was piled on her head in a chaotic mass of ebony curls.

, my, you are chipper this morning, Mr. Blackhawk.”

It must have been all the vigorous exercise I seemed to have gotten last night,” he answered, kissing her again and this time it was just a sweet kiss. Blackhawk rested his forehead against hers. “I wish I didn’t have this meeting.”

eah, so you could jump me again!” Elizabeth squeezed his ass and couldn’t help but laugh.

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