Sacrifice of the Septimus: Part 1 (Afterlife saga Book 7) (4 page)

“Oh hell
, he totally did.” I replied giving her that ‘yes your brother can be an idiot sometimes’ kind of look.

“Men! Seriously, what was he thinking?” She scowled and I decided to give him a break and point out the only saving grace he had.

“In his defence, he did say that she only just turned up minutes before I walked through the door and I do feel kind of bad for trying to strangle her.” This is when Sophia laughed. Trust the Demon in the room to find this part funny.

“Well I can’t say I blame you. Did he at least explain who she is?”

“Uh…well…no but we kind of…”

“You just had sex didn’t you?” And that was Sophia. She just came right out and said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world…what was I saying? Of course it was, she had her own damn orgy room for Christ sake!

“I…we…I…” She laughed as I struggled to find the right answer and thankfully gave me a break.

“I get it.” She said first patting me on the back before smoothing out the none existent wrinkles on her designer dress. It was a stunning midnight blue colour, cut with a sweetheart neckline, capped sleeves and continued down into a tight pencil skirt outlining her lush curves. It was finished off with a thick white sash tied around the waist into a classic bow to one side. To be honest just looking at her white high heeled shoes and I was scrunching up my toes in my comfy trainers, ones that had definitely seen better days.

“Get what exactly?” I asked finding myself straightening my twisted T shirt that was simple black and had a faded peace sign on the front that I had worn so much it was one wash away from losing the design altogether.

“Nothing gets the blood pumping quite like a fight and nothing calms that blood quite like ending that fight in bed…and knowing how often you two lock your horns, then it’s a natural assumption, or in this case a certainty, given that very human blush you are sporting.” She laughed when my hands flew to my cheeks and found them hot.

“Fine! So we had sex.” I snapped when she smirked at me.

“Glad to hear it! Centuries later and Zagan is still a beast in the bedroom…real Demons always are.” This time I received a wink and I had to sod caring about my blush as I knew a comment like this and it would only get worse.

“Right well now we have today’s awkward sex chat out of the way can we move on to you telling me exactly who this woman is.” Sophia’s reaction to this surprised me. She threw her hands up in the air dramatically and then let herself fall backwards onto the sofa saying,

“How to explain Ranka.”

“Sophia?” Okay so now her reaction had me really worried. She nodded to the seat opposite her and I lowered myself into it slowly not taking my eyes off her.

“Where to start,” she muttered to herself, letting her head fall back to the sofa and looking up to the ceiling as if that held the answers.

“Ranka has been with us from the beginning.” This shocked me.

“As in…the very beginning?” I asked and Sophia nodded.

“Since all our first memories even began, the memory of Ranka will be there to find. I would like to say she has served my family since that very first day but this would be a lie…or at the very least a gross exaggeration of the truth.”

“What are you trying to tell me, Sophia?” I asked shaking my head, not really understanding what she was saying exactly.

“She only ever served Dom.” At this I closed my eyes as it finally dawned on me.

“Please Sophia, tell me I don’t have another bitter ex-lover on my hands.” I asked still not being able to open my eyes to the truth.

“No, that’s not what I am saying…
  I winced at the way she said this last bit.

“Please just put me out of my misery.” I pleaded.

“They have never slept together, not given how my brother has always respected her.” Sophia finally said and even though it was the answer I wanted to hear, it also wasn’t. I knew there were people in Draven’s world he respected and as for the ones I knew, I could count on them be loyal and trustworthy. But the problem with Ranka was that I didn’t know her and had to trust Draven’s judgement…

One that had been wrong before.

“So I should trust her?” I decided to just come out and ask it but Sophia’s response I wasn’t expecting. She took a deep breath, leaned forward so her elbows rested on her knees and interlocked her hands under her chin. Then her eyes slowly met mine and she said,

“I’m not saying that.”

“Then what are you saying?”

“I am saying that you need to be careful. Just because she is loyal to my brother that does not mean she is also loyal to those he cares deeply about...tell me you understand what I am saying here.” Oh I knew what she was saying alright.

“She’s in love with him.” The words were hard to say but not as hard as the reality was to swallow.

“My guess, she always has been, which makes her as powerful an ally to Dom as it does an enemy to you. Oh and just so you know, Dom knows nothing about this little chat of ours and would be, shall we say, less than happy to find out about it.”

“Got it.” And I really did. Draven hated me keeping things from him about as much as I hated him keeping things from me.

“Right, we’d best get to that meeting then.” Sophia said, obviously feeling better now I was pre-warned. However she was the only one as I was just left with more questions. Lucky for me then the place Draven held his meetings was a good ten minute walk away.

“Before we go, just tell me this.” I said stopping Sophia before she could walk out the door.

“Does Draven know how she feels about him?” Again this was one of those questions I wasn’t sure I wanted to know the answer to but being foolish me, Hell I asked it anyway.

“Who knows but himself. I tried to tell him once and he turned his back on the problem. But even the simple act of turning the other way is often a sign of acknowledgement. All I know is that shortly after this her position changed and he started sending her away on more missions, until years would pass without her return. So, now you know you no doubt think as I do, but with Dom…” She paused and released a big sigh before finishing with a frustrated,

“…as I said, who knows.”

Well this definitely gave me enough to think about. Okay, so scrap that, more like this gave me a shed load of worry to obsess about!

“Oh I know that look.” Sophia said giving me a warm smile.

“And?” I asked after my own big sigh.

“And, in regards to Dom, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.” I raised one eyebrow and hated myself for what I felt I had to point out next,

“You do remember Italy. You know the place where he hid from me when I was running to Hell and back trying to bring him back after he made me think he was dead.” She winced and closed her eyes, no doubt against the memory. I felt shit for saying it but something like that amount of pain didn’t just evaporate under the new light of day, even if I was waking up every morning with him breathing next to me. It was one thing being led to believe that you could lose someone you loved, but being allowed to believe it had happened when it hadn’t, now that was a cruelty they surely only reserved for the lowest levels of Hell. Because I knew now that even Demons and those serving sentences of eternity in Hell…well,

They still loved.

Sophia put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed trying to reassure me of one simple truth,

“Yes, he did. And it was horrific. And it was torturous. And it brought only pain. But Keira, for that time he
in Hell…just a personal one he locked himself in to save the person he loved most in this world…
I looked away as I swiped away the single tear that fell but Sophia’s hand on my arm made me look back to her.

“You of all people should know of the dangerous paths a person in love is willing to travel…after all, how many times have you nearly sacrificed your own life for his?”

“It’s not the same thing.” I said in a small voice that grasped desperately at holding it together.

“Yes, Keira, it is. You were his life. You are his life. And he gave you up so that you may live yours without fear of what our world has in store for you. Because we all know it isn’t over. And with the prophecy hanging over all of our heads we all look to our leader, my brother, to be
saviour but at the same time he looks towards his and again Keira, that’s you…
you are his saviour.”
She said this holding me by the shoulders trying to get me to understand and I think if I was honest with myself, it was the first time I did. She then watched as the last tear fell and I nodded when she pulled me to her. Then she whispered in my ear,

“So remember that and hold it with you and wear it like amour, for it will keep you safe in more ways than one…that you can count on, my sister.”
  After this I hugged her back and whispered the words she knew I would say,

“Thank you, my sister.”

“Come on, we’d better go before that grumpy bugger gets even grumpier being without you.” She said rubbing the remaining tears from my cheeks and added,

“Plus there’s no way of getting that new car if he thinks I made you cry!” I laughed and asked,

“Which one is it this time?”

“A sexy red Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG.” Okay so I had no idea what that was but just hoped I made all the right ‘impressed’ noises.

“You have no clue what that is, do you?”

“Uh, not really but it sounds shiny…anyway should we go.” I said walking past her and giggling at her groan of Keira frustration.

“Let’s,” I smiled at her sarcasm but then just as we were leaving through the door something else popped into my head,

“Oh, I was meaning to ask.”

“Of course you were.” She replied dryly and I gave her a fake laugh,

“Ha, ha…are you trying to imply I ask too many questions?” After asking this ridiculous question, because of course I did, I followed her as she looked down at my feet.

“If the dusty shoe fits.”

“I will have you know they may be old but they are very comfy.”

“Oh I am sure…a few more years and they will be classed as antique…that is if the glue holds ‘til the end of the week.” She said walking off down the hallway.

“Hey! I only had to glue a tiny bit of one of the soles.” And I won’t need to bother with the other, not now it’s lost to the ‘sea of lost soles’, also known as under Draven’s enormous bed.

“Yes I know, Pip told me why you needed the glue. I can just picture it now what my brother would have said at the sight of you sat on the floor gluing your shoes because they are falling apart.” At this she burst out laughing and I could only hope this amusement didn’t lead to her telling Draven.

“There is nothing wrong with that. Besides I would buy a new pair only the style has been discontinued.” If I thought by telling her this would have made it any better, I was mistaken.

“Yes and here’s a hint. If you have owned and worn something enough for it to become discontinued, then it’s a clear sign to say goodbye as it’s most likely as old as dirt…just less sturdy…
  She muttered this last part when giving my shoes one last look of disdain. I huffed and crossed my arms across my chest as we continued walking, sulking for my poor, over loved shoes….this was until I remembered my question and therefore received my answer,

“Oh I nearly forgot my question.” I couldn’t see Sophia’s face as she was walking in front of me but I didn’t need to, to know that she was smiling.

“Ask away.” So I did just that,

“What does ‘Parfait’ mean?” I asked wanting to know what it was that Draven had called me before he left. At hearing this Sophia stopped and looked back at me, giving me a beaming grin before she made my day…

“It’s French for…








Chapter 4

French Perfect




I quickly found myself beaming, despite the usual bad news about bitches being drawn to Draven like deluded angry moths. Ones with teeth, tits and nails ready to claw you down at just the flick of over glossy hair. Did I sound bitter? Either way, one thing was on my side and that was I was now so used to dealing with these supernatural slags that pretty soon I would need a t shirt, saying ‘Supernatural Slag Slayer’ or ‘Bitches Beware of the Chosen One’…nah too long, beside it also made me sound like some gangster Jedi.

But like I said, despite being able to add another hater to the list I was happy and what wasn’t there to be happy about. Draven loved me, wanted to marry me…
and most of all thought I was perfect…
French style!
  Oh yeah, I was one happy Afterlife camper alright. In fact, I was so happy that I forgot every question about Ranka that I was going to ask Sophia and we soon found ourselves standing outside the doors that led us to the council meeting.

“I would ask if you’re ready for this but given that daft grin you have been sporting all the way here, then I would say making you wait any longer would just be cruel,
even for a demon.”
  I rolled my eyes at her and she laughed as she opened the door. I let her walk in first hoping all eyes but Draven’s would be on her. I will admit that I didn’t even give the rest of the room a glance as the only sight I soaked in was the object of both my heart and desire…

Dominic Draven. 

And in turn he found me. Just plain jane, little old me but with that one look it was as though I was exactly as Sophia had said I was…

His Snorting Saviour.

I almost snorted just as the thought popped into my head. Thankfully though I remained queen like and graceful, gliding across the room all the while saying over and over my mind’s mantra, ‘Be the swan, be the butterfly, be the swan, be the butter…’ Half way through my last butterfly I stumbled and Draven was up and out of his chair before I found the floor. His hands caught me first and as he started to pull me upright, he also made sure that he drew me closer and closer to his tall, intimidating frame. I don’t know what it was about this single moment but I had the strangest feeling of Déjà vu that it sent a shiver through my body, one Draven took for something else.

His grin was all bad boy and no doubt thinking a multitude of naughty
delicious things. So much so that it made me blush and in turn caused his dark eyes to flash scorching purple flames. In this moment something came over me and looking back I was only left wishing that it hadn’t. But once again my mouth took over before my brain fully engaged and the words came crashing out, 

“You think I am French perfect?” I blurted this out and he stopped to look at me for a few seconds in utter amazement before he erupted into laughter so loud it sent the room into silence. Everyone was looking at Draven as though this was the first time they were really seeing him…no, that’s not right…

It was the first time they were seeing
‘My Draven’

The one only I really knew. So why did I wish I could take this perfect moment back, when seeing Draven this happy usually brought me so much pleasure. Because I couldn’t help where my eyes led me to and the pain I saw there was trying desperately to be hidden. Only I knew. I knew exactly what it felt like when trying to hide that kind of pain. So I kept my eyes on her waiting for her to look up at me as I knew she would, when really all I should have done was look away. Even as Draven led me to my seat, one that was always kept empty for me beside him I still looked, waiting for it to come as I knew it would.

And then it did just as I lowered myself to the chair. 

I sucked in a deep breath of pity when she finally did it because there was no other reaction. I may not have liked her simply because of our positions in life but I wasn’t cruel. She had been by Draven’s side from the beginning and I but a drop in an ocean of time. Yet what she saw now in Draven, as he continued to laugh, was something she was forced to witness and it was something she had
accomplished before,

Draven was happy but more than just that…

He was free.

And he was happy because of me. Not her.

Yet when our eyes met there was something different hiding there, beneath the surface. It was something I wasn’t used to seeing as for once it wasn’t the hatred I was expecting, like I had received from the others. No, her eyes told me a different story and it was one of…
As though this was the point she was finally to let go of it all, as she had finally found the eternal answer to her suffering. The answer she had been searching for.

She wanted Draven happy. Which meant only one thing. She really did love him. I don’t know why but this was even more crushing to witness than back when I thought she was like all the rest. The others I had dealt with but this…this was horrible and I didn’t know how to fight it. Because how could I fight a love that matched my own? For sacrifice was the ultimate test in love and she was willing to sacrifice her own heart for the sake of his.

Just like I had done.

No, it wasn’t just horrible, it was excruciating.

I suddenly ripped my eyes away from her because I couldn’t bear it any longer. It was as if she had struck out and stung me. Before I knew what was happening I was out of my chair and excusing myself, leaving Draven behind. I heard the mutters of concern wave through the room but ignored them all…all but the one I had no choice but to take notice of.

“Keira? What’s wrong? What is it?” Draven had followed me out of the room and was standing in my way of escape before my eyes could follow his movements. His hands steadied me around the waist as I had walked into him not anticipating his impossible quick movements.

“Uh…its nothing, I’m just a bit embarrassed that’s all.” I said coming up with an excuse. He raised one eyebrow at me and I knew he didn’t believe me.

“What? It’s true. I mean you’re not the one that almost landed on her face in front of all those people and then blurted out the first thing that popped into her head!” I said laying it on thick but feeling bad that I was lying to him. At this his eyes softened and his hands started to rub my arms as he said,

“Alright love, I get it.” Then he encased me in his arms and I gladly walked into him, basking in the level of comfort he unknowingly provided.

“But you know everyone in that room is family and are very much used to your quirky and unsteady ways.” At this I made a shocking sound and pulled back to smack his arm. Little good it did me as he just laughed again and forced me back in his arms.

“I will give you ‘quirky ways’ mister, just wait when those quirky ways put you on a sex ban.” I hid my grin when I heard him sucking in a sharp breath as if I had stabbed him in the ribs.

“Then this gross misjudgement must be rectified at once.” He said in a serious tone that I couldn’t tell if he was joking or not…well that was not until he turned around abruptly facing the door we just came out of.

“Draven what are you…?” I cut myself off when the mortifying truth of what he was doing came to light. Soon I was the one sucking in that sharp breath when he opened the door, stood in its frame and addressed everyone with his news,

“Let it be known that my wife is
at all
quirky and is very steady on her feet. Meeting dismissed.” Then he closed the door with only the sound of Pip bursting into hysterical laughter after shouting,

“Yeah right!”

“I can’t…believe…you…just…did…that,” I said as slowly as it was taking my brain to process what Draven just did. By this time he had walked back to me, grabbed my hand and was currently pulling me away from his important council meeting.

“I have better things I wish to be doing.” I was afraid to ask…
well, almost.

“Like what?”

“Making sure you never want to use the words ban and sex in the same sentence again,” he replied calmly and I pulled back on my hand so he had to stop. Then I looked up at him and asked in a shy quiet voice, one near trembling with how much I wanted him,

“How?” This was when I received the best answer he could ever have given me. Getting close to my lips and looking deep into my eyes he said,

“By fucking you hard and fast and making you scream, begging me to never stop…
that’s how.”

And my reply was a quiet but croaky…

And you know what, he was right,


I did beg.













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