Read Sally's Bones Online

Authors: MacKenzie Cadenhead

Sally's Bones (13 page)


I've been very fortunate to have a good number of talented, generous people give their time and energy to
Sally's Bones
. Many thanks…

To Nicole James, the very best agent a girl could ask for. Your hand-holding, straight talk, and unflagging support is as appreciated as the home you found for

To my fantastic editor and fellow dog-lover Rebecca Frazer, whose storytelling insight brought
to a whole new level; and to the terrific team at Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, especially Kelly Barrales-Saylor, Kristin Zelazko, and Aubrey Poole. Thank you all for giving so much of yourselves to this book.

To the brilliant T.S. Spookytooth for his incredible illustrations—I am in awe of your superpowers.

To an exceptional group of writers and artists who, from the start, were my most trusted critics and tireless cheerleaders: Heather Upton, Stefanie Pintoff, Alison Sheehy, Susan Ludwig, and Doreen Marts. And to Jim McCann for coming up with the tagline, which still makes me smile!!

To my mentors, Kimberly Benston, Sue Benston, and Joe Quesada, who taught me about storytelling in its many forms.

To Jim Casey, Joe Fumarola, and the Crew for keeping me honest and making sure I didn't slack off.

To my amazing parents, Julie and Ian Cadenhead, and to my family and friends for simply being the best.

Above all, thank you to my partner in crime, Dan Buckley; my bun in the oven; and my puppy/muse, Smudge. Respectively, you believed in me always, whether I did or not; you let up on the nausea when it was time to revise; and your adorable antics inspired this story in the first place. With you three, I hit the jackpot.

About the Author

MacKenzie Cadenhead is a former dramaturge and was an editor for Marvel Comics. She lives in New York with her family, Dan, Phinn, and Smudge.

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