Sanctuary (Freaks MC Book 2) (12 page)

I.. I don't know.”


No, no! Next week, there's a run on Friday. Changeover at a truck stop north of Portland. I... I don't know the time.”

There now. That wasn't so hard was it? Now one more thing. The girl who was attacked. I want a name.”

The sick fuck laughed, confirming what Samson already suspected. “What do you care about some used up old whore? Bitch didn't even put up a fight.”

Samson sighed. “I guess I should just kill you nice and quick. But.. Fuck it... I lied. Tiny, give this piece of shit a taste of his own medicine.”


~ oOo ~


While the body of the deceased enforcer was being dispatched to the nearest Serpiente clubhouse, Samson was leaning on the bar with a large Jack in his hand. Unlike Tiny – who was playing pool and laughing with his brothers – he would need a while to rid the sound of the man's screams from his ears. Torturing and killing an unarmed man, even that sick fucker back there, would never sit well with him. He'd never shy from what needed to be done, but every time he did it, it felt as though another piece of his humanity died with his victim. He threw the last of his drink down his throat and held out his glass for a refill. There was no way he could go home to his girl tonight – she would see what he'd done in his eyes – so he might as well get shitfaced.

Vaguely, he became aware of someone standing to his left. He turned as a tall brunette leaned up against the bar next to him. Almost unconsciously he did his usual 'tits, ass, legs’ check, and she gave what she probably thought was a coy smile. “Hi, Samson.”

He gave a half smile. “Something I can do for you, sweetheart?”

No.” She smiled again and moved a little closer. “More what I can do for you. Yaz said you might need some company.”

Again he checked her out, more carefully this time. He'd never been particularly fussy when it came to the women that hung around the clubhouses, but he did have preferences, and even if he hadn't have promised to keep his dick in his pants, this one would have been all wrong. First and foremost, she was way too young, probably little more than twenty, and while she was, without doubt, attractive, she had that 'hungry’ look in her eyes that most of the younger ones had. When, on the rare occasion he had taken a young girl to his bed, he'd always made a point to give her a wide birth after that. The last thing he needed was some stupid little tart mooning after him, hoping that he’d mark her as his.

He also liked his women to be real. Real tits, lips. Everything. Samson loved women. Fat ones, thin ones and those that came in between. He would never understand why they would want to change stuff about themselves. His eyes fell on her cut-rate silicone cleavage. “Nah. I’m good.”

He glanced over to where Yaz was leaning against the wall watching him carefully. Pushing himself away from the bar, he walked slowly over to her. “Yasmine.” He bent and kissed her cheek, smirking as she stiffened. “What’s up, darling? Worried I’ll jump ya? Nah don’t worry, I ain’t going there again. Even if you weren’t the VP’s old lady. I know where you been.”

“Fuck you, Samson.” She hissed. “Why don’t you go and fuck your little hippie. Let’s face it, your tastes were always a little….shall we say, vanilla.”

What can I say. I’m an old-fashioned guy. I like a nice…clean girl.” He grinned as her jaw clenched. “Now why don’t you run along. You know Bugs don’t like to have you out of his sight for too long. Who knows what you’ll get up to.” He straightened up as she turned and hurried to where her old man was standing talking to Wolf.

Despite the fact that she couldn’t stand him, Samson knew she would never say anything to Bugs about their little exchange, and even if she did, the fact that she had disrespected a patch wouldn’t go unpunished.

Suddenly he didn’t want to be there. The music was too loud, the stink of cheap perfume too strong. Maybe he’d take Yaz’s advice after all and go home to his girl.


~ oOo ~


Emma stretched and opened her eyes. “Deke?”

Hey, baby.” He stroked her hair but made no attempt to move from his position, perched on the edge of the bed. “Go back to sleep.” Unable to face her, he'd ridden for over two hours, trying and failing to clear his head, until finally, admitting defeat, he had come home to his little witch.

She raised herself onto her elbows and squinted at him in the dim half-light. “You do know that sitting watching someone while they sleep is creepy as fuck, right?” When he didn't answer, she reached up and touched his arm. “What's wrong?”

Everything. It was all wrong. She shouldn't be here with him. She was too good. “Nothing. Go back to sleep. I'm gonna take a shower.” He bent and kissed her. “I won’t be long.”

Deke. I know there's stuff you can't talk about, but don't shut me out, please.” Emma sat up and leaned against his back.

He sighed and stood up. “There's nothing wrong, Emma. Go back to sleep.”


~ oOo ~


She knew as soon as she woke up that he hadn't been to bed. Sighing, she dragged herself out of bed. “Deke?”

He was on the balcony, smoking a joint. “Out here.” He ground the roach into the ashtray and walked a little stiffly inside. “Coffee's on.”

Thanks. What's going on, Deke?”

He shook his head. “I don't think I can do this, baby girl. I'm sorry.”

Emma sank onto the sofa. “You better have a real good reason to hit me with a statement like that first thing in the morning, big guy. Cuz trust me, if this is a case of cold feet, I'm not going to be impressed.”

It's not.” He sat next to her and took her hand. “At least, I don't think it is. Yesterday, I... Something happened. It made me realize, that I can't be with you. Not how you want. It ain't that I don't want to. I do. But I ain't like my brothers – those with ol' ladies – I can't... Shit. I just can't do it, Emma.”

It was too early for this. She stood and poured herself a coffee. “I'm really trying not to lose my shit, here, Deke.”

“I'm sorry.”

Yeah, you said.” She took a sip of the coffee and grimaced at its bitter taste. “If you don't want to be with me, I guess there's nothing I can do about it. Would've been nice if you'd decided this before I sold my house, but hey. Shit happens.” She turned to face him. “You still here?”

Emma.” He closed the gap between them and she fought the urge to throw her arms around him. “Don't be like this.”

How would you like me to be? C'mon, Deke. Tell me. How the fuck am I supposed to react? You can't keep blowing hot and cold all the time. You either want to be with me or you don't. If you don't, just walk out of that door and don't come back.” She slammed the mug on the counter. “For once in your fucking life, be straight with me. Why can't you do this? What was it that happened yesterday that made you realize, all of a sudden, that you're making a mistake?”

He looked away. “I can't tell you that.”

“Then go.” She pushed past him into the bedroom and, pulling his clothes out of the dresser, threw them in his direction. “And take your fucking stuff with you.”


~ oOo ~


There was no way he was going to ride far with a garbage bag full of clothes bungeed to the back of his bike, and the clubhouse would be locked up this early. Knowing that it was probably not the smartest thing to do, he pulled up outside Tiny's house.

Beth was sitting at the kitchen table with Luke attached to her breast. She frowned as he dumped the bag on the floor. “Do I need to ask?”

“Just need somewhere to stash my stuff.” He picked up Abi and kissed her cheek. “I ain't staying. As soon as I've spoken to Wolf, I'll be outta your hair.” Usually she would have told him he was welcome to stay for as long as he liked, but this time Beth just nodded and turned her attention back to her baby. He put the toddler down and poured himself a coffee. “I'm going for a smoke.” He didn't need Beth to be pissed at him as well.

The chickens were running loose in the yard, enjoying the early morning sunshine. Samson grabbed a handful of grain from the bin and, squatting down, held out his hand.


Hey, Princess. Wanna feed the chickens with me?” Back in the kitchen he could hear Tiny and his old lady talking in low tones – he guessed about him – and by the sound of things, his brother was trying to calm Beth down.

Abi studied him for a moment then held out her hand for some corn. “Doose.”

“Yeah. I'm a douche, Princess. But I'm trying real hard not to be.”


~ oOo ~


Angrily, Emma wiped away her tears. Fuck him. She pulled out her suitcase and started to stuff her clothes inside. Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him. She'd given up everything for him. Fucking piece of shit. Well, no more. He wanted out, fine. She had enough money in the bank, she'd find another house as far away from him as possible. Fucking Deke. Fucking asshole. Sobbing loudly, she sank back on the bed. Fuck her life.

The doorbell rang but she ignored it. She was in no mood to speak to anyone right now. It rang again. And again. Taking a deep breath and brushing away her tears she walked to the door. “Yes?”

“It's Tiny.”

Reluctantly, she opened the door. “Deke's not here.”

“I know, he's at mine, probably getting shit from my ol' lady right now.” Without waiting for an invite, he walked in and headed for the kitchen. “You gonna tell me why all his clothes are on my kitchen floor?”

Ask him.”

I'm asking you. You kick him out?”

Emma shrugged. “He wants out. I'm not going to stand in his way.”

Tiny picked up the coffee pot and looked at it suspiciously. “Samson make this?” She nodded and he put it back down. “You got tea?”

Yeah. You want a cup?” Without waiting for an answer, she pulled the box of teabags from the cupboard. “Why are you here, Tiny?”

He made a face and sat down at her kitchen table. “Sit.” She ignored him and filled the kettle. “Why does he want out?”

“I don't know.”

You ask him?”

What do you think? If you want to know, I suggest talk to him.”

As she made the tea, she could feel his eyes boring into her back. “You pissed?” Jesus, could he not speak in full sentences?

“Oh no, I'm just peachy. I'm always fine with selling the house I've loved for ten years and moving hundreds of miles away from my friends to be with the man I love, just to have it thrown back in my face.”

You might want to lose the attitude, girl.”

No actually, I don't. I don't know why you're here, Tiny. And frankly, right now I'm not interested in anything you've got to say. In fact, I think I'd like you to leave. I need to finish packing.”

I ain’t going anywhere till you've heard what I gotta say. Sit down.” She put the mugs on the table and sat down. “You gonna split?”



I don't know.”

Tiny leaned back. “Don't think that's a good idea, girl.”

“I don't much care what you think. Deke doesn't want to be with me, so I've got no reason to stay.”

He say that?”

Not in those words, but it's what he meant.”

Wanna know what I think?” She shrugged and he continued. “He's freaking out.”

How very insightful of you.”

You got a smart mouth on you, girl.” He frowned as she pushed her seat back. “Stay where you are, I ain't finished talking.”

I'm sorry if I've offended your delicate sensibilities, but I've had a kind of a rough morning.”

The corners of Tiny's mouth twitched. “When you were in Idaho, he didn't have to worry 'bout club shit. Here, it's different.” He shook his head. “I dunno how to explain it. The man he is with you, an' the man he is for the club. He don't know how to separate the two.”

Emma looked at the mean faced man sitting opposite her. “Why are you here?”

I dunno. Samson is my brother, an' you might be a sarcastic bitch, but he likes you. Figured you'd do something stupid if someone didn't stop you.” He peered into his mug. “This got real milk in it? I ain't drinking soya shit.”

It's real milk.”

Good.” He took a sip. “Me an' Beth... We lost a kid.” His expression clouded. “She wasn't ours – not really – but I loved her as much as my own. I didn't deal, put all my shit onto Beth. I drove her away. Samson brought her back. I owe him.”

I'm so sorry, Tiny.” She could feel the pain coming off him in waves. “But I don't know what I'm supposed to do. He doesn't want to be with me.”

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