Sara's Mates (8 page)

Read Sara's Mates Online

Authors: Becky Wilde

Tags: #Romance

“Oh ahh please. Chase, Tony please give me more. I need you both so much. Fuck me please,” Sara screamed out as pleasure consumed her.

“We are baby. Don't move Sara, I don't want to hurt you,” Tony growled, grabbing Sara's hips stopping her movement when she tried to impale herself on Tony's cock.

“The only way you could hurt me now is if you stop.

Stop treating me like fragile glass and fuck me,” Sara yelled.

Her words seemed to snap her mates of their control.

Tony slid out a bit then slammed back into Sara's ass until he was buried to the hilt. They slid their cocks back out of her body at the same time, until just the heads were still inside her body. Then they both slammed back into her depths. They pounded into her together, filling her with so much pleasure it was agony. Then she was almost empty as they withdrew from her again.

They set a fast and furious pace, pounding in and out, in and out, until Sara was whimpering and writhing between them.

“It's too much. You're going to kill me with pleasure,”


Sara cried out feeling her orgasm come closer and closer.

“Ah but what a way to go little spitfire,” Chase panted out with laughter.

“I'm close, I can't hold out much longer. Cum Sara,”

Tony growled as he reached a hand down in between Chase and Sara's bodies until he found her clit. He grasped her clit between his thumb and index finger and pinched her sensitive flesh.

“Ah oh, I'm cumming,” Sara gasped. Her body felt like it was on fire. She felt warm tingles travel down her legs to her toes and then back up again to the apex of her thighs. Her muscles tightened slowly then clamped down hard on the two dicks buried in her body. Sara whimpered out her pleasure as she felt her bodies cream drip out of her pussy to cover Chase's cock and balls. Her mates roared out their satisfaction as she milked the cream from their bodies.

All three collapsed onto the bed, panting for breath as they returned back to earth.

“You are amazing my little spitfire,” Chase gasped as he leaned down to kiss her lips.

“I'm so glad you are well again Sara,” Tony said as he too gave her a kiss. Then he picked her up and all three headed to the private bathroom attached to the guest bedroom.

Chase filled the tub with water, adjusting the temperature to so it was not too hot for their mate. When it was half full all three climbed in to the tub to soak.

“Can I ask you both a question?” Sara asked after enjoying the bath for a few moments.

“You should know by now you can ask us anything baby,” Tony replied.

“Well Rachel said to me that you two should have been the Alphas of this pack and that Lucien had fought and killed him for the position. I was wondering if what she said was true.”

Chase began the long explanation, “In a way yes, but 62

not the whole truth Sara. Our father had lost his mate, our mom, six months previously to him being challenged by Lucien. He was starting to go insane with a broken heart.

Tony and I knew he was not right in the head and we should have challenged him for the position of Alpha but to be honest, neither of us wanted to be the Alpha of the pack.”

“We were not prepared to challenge and kill our own father. We had been out running with the pack on the night of a full moon, when our father tried to kill us.” Sara gasped in surprise at the thought of a father trying to kill his children. “We would have let him, even though it is a wolf's instinct to fight for survival, the human side of us could not kill our own father. Lucien saw what was happening and realized we were not going to accept our father's challenge, so he stepped in and fought our father.”

“Obviously he won the challenge and the right to lead the pack. Lucien, Rafe and Gabe's father was the original pack Alpha; but he handed the honor over to our father when he retired. Lucien’s father thought his sons were not quite ready for the responsibility and my father would hand leadership over to Lucien when he was deemed ready.

Lucien's father realized his mistake when he came back for a visit and found the rightful Alpha in place, but by then it was too late for our father.”

“We knew our father was not right in the head Sara and we were happy to let Lucien take his rightful place.

That may seem hard and cruel, but our father wouldn't have survived much longer without our mother. He was already dying a slow and painful death without his mate. In reality it was probably a godsend that our father died the way he did. ” Chase finished quietly.

“What is going to happen to Rachel?” Sara asked.

“Lucien has banished her from the pack. He had Damian and Luke take her over to the Live Nomed pack. It turns out the new Alpha Omegas are her true mates. She is 63

currently being punished by her mates for what she did to you. When they think she has learned her lesson, they will claim her as is their right,” Tony said feeling satisfaction that Rachel was miserable right now.

“Well I hope they aren't too hard on her, she can't help the way she was,” Sara finally said in a worried voice.

“You are too kind hearted and soft little spitfire,”

Chase growled. Then he took her mouth in a passionate kiss. When he pulled back he was pleased to note the glazed look of desire on Sara's face. Grabbing a wash cloth he lathered it and quickly washed Sara from top to bottom then pulled her onto his lap for another wild kiss. He drew his mouth from hers, grasped her about the waist and turned her so she was sitting on his lap with her back to him.

Chase lifted her hips up and slid her down until her ass was hovering over his cock which he had lathered with body wash. He slowly pulled her down as he thrust his hips up until he was buried in Sara's ass. He held her still on his impaled cock as Tony moved in close.

Tony kissed Sara's lips, seducing her into opening her mouth rather than demanding entrance this time. When she opened to him he slipped his tongue in tangling it with her own. He thrust it in and out of her depths until she was sucking on his tongue. Aligning his cock with her vagina, he thrust into her channel until his balls were resting against her body.

Sara started rocking, sliding her hips back and forth as she slid her body over her mates cocks. She was the one in control this time and it filled her with a heady feminine power, confident in her own right as a female that she could arouse and pleasure her mates.

As she slid forward onto Tony's cock, the angle of his penetration had his dick sliding over her clit giving her increased sensations. She increased the pace until her hips were moving at a fast pace swinging forward and 64

backwards on the cocks buried in her body.

“You feel so good Sara. I can feel the muscles in your ass clamping down on my cock. That's it baby, milk the cum from my cock,” Chase growled in her ear, then plunged his tongue into the canal.

“Yeah honey. Keep sliding that little clit on my cock.

Every time you do, your cunt grips me a bit tighter. Oh god Sara, I'm gonna cum. Suck the cum from my cock with your pussy baby. Oh yeah,” Tony yelled as he felt Sara's pussy tighten around him. All three of them climaxed together; their pleasure enhanced as they felt their mate's body spasms within each other.

When they were able to speak again, Sara giggled nervously as she realized there was more water on the floor of the bathroom than was left in the tub.

“Oh shit, Tessa is going to kill me for making such a mess of her house,” Sara said with a groan.

“I don't think she'll care honey, she is going to be so grateful to you for saving Lucien from ingesting poison and from becoming extremely ill; she will be worshiping you for weeks to come. Besides she has pack members come and clean the house so she probably won't even know,”

Tony said with a sated smile.

“We'll you're right about one thing. She's not going to find out because I'm going to clean this mess up since we made it,” Sara washed her body once more then stepped from the tub to dry off.

She never did get to clean up the mess in the bathroom. She wriggled her ass as she dried off, oblivious to her mates’ eyes following her movements. She bent down unconsciously to dry her legs, her ass practically in her mates’ faces. Next she knew she was being carried back into the bedroom with the bathroom floor forgotten.



Chapter Eight

Sara found great joy learning the ways of a werewolf.

Tony and Chase taught her how to change by concentrating on an image of a wolf in her mind; relaxing her muscles and letting her wolf's natural instincts take over. The first few times she changed were the most painful. She could feel her bones twist, contract, and her muscles reshape her features until she stood on all four paws covered with glossy black fur.

She was in absolute awe of Chase and Tony when they were in wolf form. They were two of the biggest wolves amongst the pack. Their silver fur sparkled in the moonlight taking her breath away.

Sara realized the first time she saw them as wolves; she was irrevocably totally in love with her mates. She was hesitant in voicing her feelings as she had no idea how her mates felt about her. She knew they cared for her but they had not told her they loved her.

The days passed into weeks and then months. Sara was content being kept busy during the day with the legal work for the pack as well as being near her sister. She was satiated at night by the loving her mates bestowed on her.

On the night of a full moon the pack was gathered for a run, all the members had stripped off their clothes preparing for the change as Sara stood frozen in embarrassment. She realized she would also have to remove her cloths for the change.

“Don't worry little spitfire, you'll get used to seeing everyone naked. You have to take off your clothes before you can change Sara,” Chase replied knowingly superior.

“I don't think that's a good idea, everyone will see me naked,” Sara said horrified at the idea of everyone looking at her form and body.


“It's not like they haven't seen a naked female before honey. Come on baby, no one is even looking this way.

You know you love to run in wolf form, there is nothing better than running with the pack, you'll love it Sara,” Tony soothed.

Sara glanced around realizing he was right. No one seemed to be taking any notice of her. She quickly stripped out of her clothes, envisaged her wolf and changed her form. Tony and Chase changed beside her, towering over her in their wolf forms. She was such a small wolf she was hidden from view by her mates.

As one voice, the pack members threw their heads back howling out their beautiful soulful voices to the light of the moon. The emotion filled calls filled Sara with such joy she threw her head back and joined them with her own voice. If she had been in her human form she knew she would have had tears of joy streaming down her face. With a last howl, Lucien gave the signal it was time to run.

Sara took off at a slower pace with her mates just in front of her. She was busy taking in the sights, sounds and scents all around her. She had never felt as free and elated as when she ran along behind her mates. Tony and Chase fell back until she was once more running between the two large male wolves. They steered her until they came upon the small lake near the middle of the forest. They drank their fill and since Sara was the smallest of the three of them she moved back from the lake first.

Sara came across the scent of a rabbit and followed the trail until she found the rabbits burrow. She was in awe of her own abilities, her wolf's abilities, being able to follow scents she had not even been aware of as a human.

Her mates joined her, following as she explored in her wolf form, protecting her, nipping at her heels when she would have taken a direction they didn't like; until eventually they were back to where their clothes had been left. They changed back to their human forms, dressed and 67

retreated to their cabin.

Sara headed straight for the shower, stripping off her clothes she reached in and turned the faucets on. Adjusting the temperature to her satisfaction, she stepped in, letting the warm water stream over her head and down her body, easing her tired aching muscles.

I guess I wasn't as accustomed to the change she thought. With a sigh she grabbed a cloth squirted body wash on to it and washed her body. She was in the process of washing her hair when she felt a slight cool breeze run over her warm wet skin. Opening one eye to a mere slit, she saw Chase and Tony climbing into the shower with her.

Luckily it was a huge recess with three shower heads and a built in bench at one end; plenty of room for the three of them.

“Can't I even have a shower in peace? Do you two have to follow me everywhere?” Sara asked frustrated at the lack of privacy.

“What's the matter Sara? Why are you so grouchy?”

Chase asked concerned.

“Nothing, I would just like to have a few minutes peace every now and then, without you two buffoons following me.”

“You're just begging for a fight aren't you baby?”

Tony asked through narrowed eyes as he picked up a cake of soap and began washing his body.

Sara followed his movements with her eyes and when he reached his crotch she saw the erection he was sporting.

As impressive as his cock was, Sara just wanted a few seconds of alone time. Fed up with them, she quickly rinsed her hair. Retreating from the shower, she dried herself off, redressed, and headed out the front door of the cabin.

Why was she feeling so grouchy? She mused to herself. There was no particular reason she could pinpoint.

She wandered the path which headed to the main house.

Deciding since she was headed in that direction, she would 68

do some legal work. She climbed up the steps of the Alpha house and headed towards her office.

She had just booted her computer up when she smelled the delicious scents of her mates. Thirty seconds later they were standing in the doorway of the study leaning nonchalantly against the door. Their massive arms crossed over their chests as they watched her.

“What the hell do you think you're doing little spitfire?” Chase asked as he walked towards her with a predatory gleam in his eye.

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