Sara's Mates (10 page)

Read Sara's Mates Online

Authors: Becky Wilde

Tags: #Romance

“Sara. Oh god Sara, are you all right baby? Sara please talk to me sweetheart,” Chase yelled as he knelt down next to his mate.

“I'm all right,” Sara replied as she lifted her head to look at Chase.

“Where are you hurt baby? I want to pick you up but I don't want to hurt you.” Chase said as tears gathered in his eyes.

“I'm not hurt Chase. I'm just a little shaken up,” Sara placed a hand against his cheek.

Chase picked his mate up and cradled her into his arms, holding her tight against his chest and on his lap. “I have never been so scared in my life Sara. I didn't think we 77

would make it time little spitfire. I love you so much Sara. I can't live without you, you are the air I breathe,” Chase said before he bent down and placed a kiss on her lips.

Another truck screeched to halt on the side of the road.

“Is she okay?” Lucien asked as he got out of the truck.

“Yeah, thanks Alpha. Our little spitfire is just fine,”

Chase said with a smile.

“Chase did you mean it?” Sara asked.

“Mean what baby?”

“That you love me.”

“Sara how could you ask me that question? I have loved you since the first time I smelt your scent and from the first time I saw you.” Chase held her close and murmured his love into her ear.

“I love you too honey.” Tony chimed in. “I love you so much. Please give us another chance to prove to you we mean what we say Sara? Come back home with us, we'll show you how much you mean to us Sara. We have been so miserable without you honey,” Tony wrapped his arms around her from behind.

Sara felt the warmth of her mates’ bodies surrounding her. She could feel the great hole in her chest filling with love as she glanced from Chase's face then turned around to look at Tony. She could see the truth in their eyes. If she had even bothered to look more fully at what their eyes had been saying, she could have saved them all so much angst.

The love they had for her was shining for the entire world to see. How could she have been so blind?

“I love you too. I love you both so much. I'll never leave you again, I promise. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused you both.” Sara admitted her feelings with a choked little sob.

“Ah spitfire we are the ones who are sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for Sara. If we had told you we loved 78

you from the beginning we would not have had any problems at all.” Tony pointed out.

“Well that's probably not true. I would have found a way to refute your love. I've been fighting my feelings for you two the whole way. You are my mates and I love you so much,” Sara reached up and placed a kiss on first Chase and then Tony's lips.

“I hate to break up your little love fest, but I think we should get out of here, the car could blow at any minute,”

Gabe said with a smile.

“Do you know who that lunatic is?” Sara asked as Chase walked back to his truck with Sara still held securely in his arms.

“He's one of the Live Nomed pack. He won't be bothering you anymore Sara,” Lucien promised as the paramedics put the man into a body bag and loaded him into the back of their van.

“Why would he have come after me?” Sara asked with sadness in her voice. The waste of a life was such a horrible thing to see. Even if it was one who had tried to hurt her.

“He was trying to get to me little one. It had nothing to do with you. It wasn't your fault Sara,” Lucien soothed.

The police took Sara's statement as she sat in Chase's lap in the cab of his truck. She wouldn't be needed to give evidence in the court case as the detectives could not refute the evidence at the scene. It proved everything Sara had said in her statement. They were allowed to head on home.

Once back at the house, Melissa was assured by Sara that she was fine. She let her mates take her back home to the cabin they shared. Tony ran a bath and they all hopped in together soaking away the horror of the last couple of hours. Sara's muscles were beginning to cramp up after the way her body had been jarred about in the car so she luxuriated in the warm water as the jets in the tub massaged her tired aching body.


She relaxed so much she couldn't stop her eyes from closing as the heat of the water worked its magic. She was gently lifted from the tub and wrapped in a large bath towel. Her mates dried her off as she kept her tired eyes closed and then she sighed with relief when she felt the cool sheet beneath her tired body. Her body was cocooned in the heat and love of her two mates as she drifted into sleep.

Sara awoke in the early hours of the morning, hard flesh poking her from the front and back. She nearly giggled out loud when she realized her mates’ cocks were hard as warm steel. It was time she turned the tables on them.

She slowly slipped down between them on the bed until her face was level with their crotches. She took Tony's cock in a light grip to keep it steady and then she sucked the head of his large cock into her mouth. She felt his hips buck slightly as she surrounded his flesh in her warm wet heat. She sucked and laved him with her tongue until she had him moaning and bucking his hips in time to her bobbing head.

She released his flesh with a pop and then turned to Chase. She took his cock into her mouth giving him the same ministrations she had given Tony. She worked his flesh with her mouth, tongue and hand until she had him bucking his hips in time to her sucking.

“I think our mate is feeling a little feisty Chase. What
do you think about turning the tables on her?”

“Mm I think our little spitfire is in the need of some
Chase agreed.

“Come and get me big boys,”
Sara stated through their mind link, giving Chase another lick just before they reached down and pulled her up the bed until she was next to her mates, with her head positioned next to theirs.

Tony grasped Sara around the waist and pulled her on top of him. Placing a hand at the nape of her neck he pulled 80

her mouth down to his. He kissed her sliding his lips over hers in a sweet gentle kiss full of love and passion. Sara groaned and opened her mouth, sliding her tongue along his lips then into his mouth savoring his unique flavor. His taste drove her wild. She rubbed her crotch and nipples over his body in her endeavor to get closer to him.

Tony sucked on Sara's tongue as she wriggled and whimpered over him. He moved his hands down the side of her body, skimming over her silken skin until he reached her ass. He took the lush globes into his hands, kneading her flesh with his large hands.

Sara felt Chase move up across the bed spreading her legs so he could gain access to her pussy. She opened wide for him as Tony devoured her mouth. Her body was on fire.

It had been too long since she had been loved by her mates.

She growled with frustration as she tried to move up over Tony's cock so she could impale herself on his hard shaft.

Tony wouldn't let her move, he held her still.

Chase moved down between Tony and Sara's legs until he could see Sara’s moist labia. He moved in, swiping his tongue along her slit licking her from ass to clit until Sara was crying out with pleasure. He pushed two fingers into her tight sheath and felt around until his finger pads skimmed over the sweet spot inside his mate. Thrusting his fingers in and out, he moved his mouth over her clit and sucked on it until she clamped down hard on his fingers and cried out her pleasure as her climax consumed her.

Chase removed his fingers when the last of the ripples left his mate’s body. Reaching into the bedside table he pulled out a tube of lube and covered his dick with a generous amount. He probed her ass with his cock while Tony continued to kiss their mate, whilst holding her ass cheeks apart until she was once more in the throes of arousal. Chase pushed the tip of his cock into Sara's ass and held still for a moment. Once he felt her muscles relax slightly he pushed the rest of his cock into her ass until his 81

balls were resting flush with her body.

Tony helped Chase sit Sara up so he could gain access to her pussy. He laved and sucked her nipples while Chase held her hips flush to his. When he could stand no more, Tony grasped the base of his cock in a large hand and thrust in to Sara's tight pussy with one hard surge.

They all groaned at the exquisite feelings of pleasure consuming them. Chase pulled back as Tony rested in Sara's body. Then Tony pulled out as Chase thrust back into Sara's ass. They didn't start out slow and gentle. It had been too long for all of them since they had loved each other. Tony and Chase pounded into Sara's body with alternate thrusts, until they had her screaming for more.

“Oh god, please. Fuck me. Fuck me hard. I love you both so much,” Sara had tears of love and joy streaming down her face as her mates loved her.

“I love you honey, so much,” Tony replied.

“I love you too little spitfire. Never leave us again Sara, I couldn't stand it,” Chase panted between thrusts.

“Oh you feel so good. I'm gonna cum. Faster, make me cum,” Sara cried.

“Oh yeah baby, milk our cocks. Make us cum with you baby,” Tony said as he slipped a hand down between his and Sara's body. He slid his finger over her clit and sent her into paroxysms of pleasure.

Tony and Chase roared their release as Sara's body clamped down hard on their cocks, sucking the cream from their balls. They all collapsed in a tangled heap gasping for air, waiting for their strength to return.

Chase removed his cock from Sara's ass and strode towards the bathroom to clean up. He came back with a warm wash cloth. He pulled Sara off Tony's cock and put her on the side of the bed. He gently lifted her leg and cleaned their seed, lube and Sara's juices from her body.

When he was done, he threw the washcloth in the hamper and he slid back into bed next to Sara. He pulled the covers 82

back up on the bed. Tony and Chase spooned Sara with their large bodies. Making sure they didn't crush her but keeping her surrounded by their warmth and love. They all drifted back to sleep.

Sara felt like she was floating. She felt so safe and warm. She didn't want to move from between her two mates. She loved them so much; she had never felt so loved, cherished and secure.

She smelled coffee and twitched her nose as warm moist air tickled her nose. She swiped her nose with a hand then snuggled back down into the embrace of her mates.

“Wake up sleepy head,” Tony whispered into her ear then kissed her temple.

Sara opened her eyes to bright sunshine and blue sky.

She yawned and stretched as she smiled to Tony and then Chase.

“Good morning,” she said in a sleepy husky voice.

She sat upright, once her surroundings sank in. “Wait a minute. What are we doing outside? Where the fuck are we?”

“Have your coffee first honey, than you can ask all the questions you want. You know you aren't civil until you've had at least one cup of coffee,” Tony stated with a smile as he handed her a mug full.

“Mm thanks.” They sat quietly while they drank their coffee and Sara took the opportunity to study the topography of her surroundings.

“We're at the lake. Why are we here?”

“We wanted to have breakfast in a tranquil setting this morning little spitfire,” Chase tried to hide his grin, as the grumpy look eased from Sara's face as she finished her coffee.

“That's nice.”

Tony and Chase moved around in front of Sara taking one of her hands in one of theirs staring at her intently.

“Sara we love you so much. You are the air we 83

breathe, our hearts and souls,” Tony said as he stared into her eyes.

“Sara would you do us the honor of becoming our wife? Please marry us?” Chase asked in a quiet voice.

Sara didn't speak as a smile of pure joy spread across her face as she looked from Tony to Chase and back again.

She moved her legs to the side of her body until they were curled up. She then rolled to her knees, oblivious to the comforter falling away from her naked body. She launched herself at her mates until she slammed into their solid chests.

“Yes, I'll marry you. I love you both so much. You've filled my heart with so much love and joy. I felt so empty until you two great, sexy, obnoxious brutes came storming into my life. I could think of nothing better than spending the rest of my life with you both,” Sara stated as she kissed first one then the other of her mates.

“You have made us so happy Sara,” Tony whispered against her lips. Tony broke the kiss and allowed Chase his turn.

“I love you spitfire,” Chase whispered against her lips.

Sara stood up intending to clean up in the lake with a quick swim. She stopped suddenly when she noticed Chase and Tony sniffing the air near her. She then took a step back as they both bent to sniff near her crotch.

“Oh that is so gross. What are you doing you do that for?” Sara asked in indignation.

“Do you want kids Sara?” Tony asked her.

“Eventually yeah. I love kids.”

“That's good little spitfire, because you're going to be a mom in about nine months time,” Chase announced as he watched her face.

“Well hell, I can see nothing is going to be a surprise living with two fucking werewolves is it?” Sara said with a mock scowl.


“What did we tell you about your potty mouth Sara,”

Tony growled as he followed her step for step backing her up towards the lake.

“Hmm now let me remember. Oh yeah you said you'd spank me if I didn't stop swearing didn't you? Guess you'll just have to put that punishment on hold for a while. You wouldn't really hit a pregnant lady would you?” Sara taunted with a smile.

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