Scornfully Yours (Torn Series) (20 page)

     “I’ll get the rest of the things, Em. Go on up and relax,” Cooper said without looking at me. He was looking a little sad.  His usual flirty self was nowhere in sight. Guess he really was fighting for Lindsey and trying to be on his best behavior. Well—I’m wasn’t on anyone’s side…I used to be on Team Brody all the way, but that went down the drain the moment I found out he ran his tractor through Cece’s rotten infested field. I’m a little reserved now.

     “Thanks Coop.” I stretched my body and yawned. The crisp autumn air and the smells of fall were floating in the air.  Sleep was calling me, but from the looks of things, that would be hours from now, I thought as I started to follow everyone towards the house.

      When would I ever get to catch up on my very much needed sleep? I wondered.


     “Who’s up for some hot tub?” Brody asked everyone.

It’s been three hours since we arrived and everyone seemed to have the same goal–to get wasted and hammered.

At ten, I decided to call it a night when a few drunk girls (who I had no clue where they came from) took off their clothes and ran naked towards the lake. Of course, some of the guys from the soccer team followed her. Ah, living the good life! I amusedly shook my head towards the screaming crowd.

I scoured the party looking for Lindsey and was relieved to have found her in the kitchen. “Hey! Can you tell me where my room is? Cooper took my bag to
room, but I don’t know where that room is, unfortunately.”

Lindsey stopped smiling then. “Um…I have no clue. I’m rooming with Amanda.”


“What do you mean? You dragged me here! Now, who do I have to room with?” There were like twenty random people here and I only knew a handful of them. The thought of sharing a room with a stranger seriously freaked me out. I should’ve just stayed home. Maybe I’d have been with Bass right now…

“You have to ask Carter and the boys. They’re the ones that arranged it.” I stared at my friend not knowing what to say.

“How could you invite me and not room with me? This just doesn’t make sense at all!”

“I know and I’m sorry. But it was just such a last minute thing and I had been paired with her months ago. I’m so sorry!” Brody then decided to join our crowd with a bottle of beer in his hand.

”Want to join me in the tub, pretty ladies?” Brody grinned at us. Hmm…was he trying to score some with Linds? Well, he’d have to try harder than that.

“Actually Brody, do you think you could show Emma to her room? She doesn’t know where it is.”

“I will. But I need you to stay put. We need to talk,” Brody spoke to Lindsey. Her smile wavered.

“Yeah, of course,” Lindsey murmured. Brody looked like he meant business and he seems to be very determined to get what he wants.

“Here you are. Everyone’s been looking for you.” Carter strolled in the room with nothing but a pair of jeans on. His tanned silken pecs and ridged six-pack all out on display.

My cheeks burned when I stared at his body a little longer than I should have.

Damn it!

“Oh, great, man! Emma wants to turn in. Why don’t you go and show her to her room?” Brody chimed.

He’s handing me over to Carter?

“You’re ready to sleep? It’s still early.” Carter’s dark gaze landed on me, burning holes, searing right through me.

“No. I want to sleep, I’m exhausted.”

Carter nodded. “Okay, then. Let me show you to your room.” He strode to exit the kitchen and to where the wooden stairs were. I followed silently behind him—not wanting to make unnecessary chitchat. The house was humungous and I would’ve easily gotten lost by the time I got to the second floor. There were three wide hallways. One straight, one to the left and one to the right. All the carpeted hallways were adorned with black and white abstract paintings. They were a striking contrast amongst the woodsy theme. I followed Carter when he turned right and made another right down a long hallway.  There were two large dark-wooden doors at the very end of it. “Here you are, Emma.”

Carter opened the doors and he ushered me into a massive room with a fireplace and a big king-sized bed with a large bay-windowed lounge area that overlooked the lake. It was gorgeous! When I looked back, Carter was just standing in the middle of the room, observing me.

“Can I have my phone back?”

He pulled out my phone from his front pocket. “You mean this?”

“Yes. Can you hand it to me now?”

“No. I’m giving this back to you once you set foot again in Santa Barbara. But for the time being, you’re phone free.”

Incorrigible man! I just wanted to kick him in the nut-sack!

I went over to where he was standing. “What the hell is your problem, Carter? I don’t get why you’re acting like a petulant kid!” With another angry whine, my finger poked his hard muscled chest. “You. Are. Being. Ridiculous.” I emphasized each word with my finger poking on his skin. Before I withdrew my finger, his hand caught it.

“You ask what my problem is?” He leaned forward, closing the gap between us.  “You. You’re my problem.”

I swallowed. “You have to let this go, Carter.”

“It’s not over until I say it is.” Arrogant jerk!

“Well, fuck you! We broke up already. You kicked me out of your house!”

“You wanted out. I didn’t. It was my ego talking then.” We stared at each other, searching. Carter gently reached out and caressed my cheek with the back of his finger. “You’re beautiful, Emma. You don’t know how lonely I’ve been without you.”

Carter was lonely? What a joke! There were rumors flying that he got it on with Amanda. I’m not stupid.

I licked my lips. Wrong move because his eyes darted there and he stared at them. “I think you should go. I want to rest.”

Carter hesitantly dragged his eyes away from my lips and brought his darkened gaze to mine. “If you want to, go ahead. You can use the right cabinet to unpack, mine’s on the left.”

I froze.

a room?

Damn it! I should’ve known Carter would pull something like this.

“You’re sleeping on the couch. I’m not sharing a bed with you!”

“Too bad, I’m sleeping in the bed. Don’t worry I’m not going to touch you, if that’s what you’re worried about!” Carter just shrugged and strode towards the bathroom. Within minutes, the shower came on.

Well, great, just mighty great. I groaned. How was I going to handle sleeping in the same room with him for two nights? TWO NIGHTS. This is insane!

I strolled towards the bay windows and stared at the moonlit lake before me. Immediately, my thoughts went to the movie I just signed up for. The thought was daunting, but at the same time, I feel ready for the challenge. I mean, what if I did nail the role? My life as I knew it would be gone. Things would drastically change for me. I wouldn’t feel so lost anymore. I would have a direction—a goal to achieve—a passion.
My passion
to act–something to give my heart and soul to, as Bass described it. If there was one thing I felt I could put my soul into, this would be it. I don’t doubt it.

I turned around when I heard the door crack open. “Bathroom’s all ready for you.”

Without responding to the infuriating man, I just strolled past him, gathered my things, and locked myself in the bathroom.

This was going to be one hell of a long night for him because I sure hell wouldn’t want to waste a blink of sleep over Carter! Hell no.

“Gotcha!” I exclaimed when I found my make-up bag. It was located in the very bottom of my clothes. I popped a Benadryl before I hopped into the shower–the tiny pink pill not only helps with my allergies but puts me right to sleep. After a ten minute shower, I got out and dressed in a pair of white cotton shorts and a large soft-pink cotton shirt with a huge heart in the middle. Once I was done, I strolled towards the bed. Carter was on his side, dressed in his sweatpants and nothing more, staring idly at the ceiling.


I went over to my side and slid inside the sheets. Without a word, I turned off the light and I sighed when my head hit the pillow. This entire week had been hectic. I’d lost a lot of sleep over Bass, Carter and the movie. But now, I was so ready to just knock the hell out.

Why didn’t he go downstairs and party with the rest of his friends? This was their wild idea to begin with and now their Captain was already in bed ready to sleep…or brood…and it wasn’t even midnight yet.

Semi-unconscious, I heard him say, “I’ve missed you, goodnight baby.” With another sigh, he rolled over and scooted closer to me. But not close enough to touch me. I think I dozed off after he sighed the second time.



When my eyes finally fluttered open, I found myself face-to-face with Carter. He was sleeping soundly and with his relaxed features, he looked like a fallen angel.

My eyes traced his naked torso and slowly made its way back to his face. I wanted to reach out and touch him so badly. It’s been so long since I have seen him so peaceful this way. Carter’s not an easy man to be with. He tends to be mercurial when it comes to the women he dates. But when it comes to his close friends and family, he’s very loyal.

But then again, I knew the score when I agreed to date him. Carter didn’t embellish his words when he dished out what he expected of me and what I should and shouldn’t expect of him.

It caught me off guard when Carter opened his eyes and gave me a beautiful smile. If I wasn’t so surprised, I would have given him the same courtesy.



“Guess you slept well, huh? You snored—
sort of
—they were like this tiny little noises coming from you, it was adorable. I stared at you doing that for hours I think.” Carter’s eyes twinkled as he smiled down at me.

Moments like these…I forget everything. He was being adorable.

“I did not!”

“Did too! Don’t worry, it didn’t turn me off if that’s what you’re worried about. I think it was sexy—
cute sexy
—but still sexy, you know?”

“Shut up, Carter!” I smacked his face with a small throw pillow. I tried to do it twice to shut him up because I was starting to redden from embarrassment. Carter caught my arm and rolled me over to my back, leaving him on top of me and almost nestled in between my legs, they were barely apart.

Our eyes clashed—dark met blue. When he pushed his hips against my pelvis, I unabashedly moaned. His erection was palpable, hard and hot against me.

“Can I make love to you?” Carter rasped out.

Shit cakes.

I stared back at him—my breath escaped me, fully. Did he just say
make love
? Love. Carter NEVER ever uses that word EVER when it comes to women he has sex with.

Carter didn’t even give me a chance to reply because his lips caught mine. And hell…I
lavished on his kiss…drowning in it while wishing for things that were unreachable.

His hands were quick as he pulled up my shirt and grabbed my breasts—kneading and squeezing them. My legs quivered as he pushed himself on me, grinding, his cock on my pussy. I moaned when he lowered his mouth to my breast and bit my nipple as his left hand sought entrance in the leg of my soaked shorts. Pushing it aside, so his hand could have full access to my wet silken mound, the back of his fingers stroked the outer part of my wet folds. The act itself made me quake in anticipation for his assault.

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