SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories) (22 page)


“I’m sure I have a suit for you here somewhere, or we can skip them altogether.”  He tauntingly started to open his robe.

“No!  That’s quite alright!”

She exclaimed her protect louder than she intended which made him laugh uproariously.

“I wouldn’t do that to you.  Well, not until you ask all sweet-like.”

It was Taylor’s turn to shake her head, which caused her long blonde hair to shimmer around her face and shoulders.  It was all Draco could do to keep himself from taking her at the kitchen table.

“C’mon, what will a swim hurt?  I’ll let you shower afterwards so you’re all presentable again.”

Taylor chewed the last bite of her salad thoughtfully.  It had been a long time since she felt the cool water swirling around her skin.  Had it been any other situation she would not have hesitated, but Draco had made it clear he had other intentions.  But still, it was her job to keep the client happy, right?  A swim could not hurt anything as long as nothing else happened.  Even as she thought them, she knew those were fatal words.

Chapter Eight

Taylor slipped out of her suit and into the tiny bikini that Draco had handed her.  She could not help rolling her eyes at her own reflection.  It was everything Draco had probably imagined.  The two tiny blue triangles on top barely contained her nipples, and she was grateful she had recently had herself waxed because the triangle below would not have hidden even one stray hair.  She sighed deeply.  She was about to put on display everything she had promised herself was not part of the job.

As soon as she stepped out of the guestroom, she saw Draco’s eyes widen as he dropped his bathrobe on the plush black leather couch.  Fortunately he had slipped swim trunks under his robe, so he did not reveal his full self to her.  She could have sworn she saw a twitch in the vicinity of his fly, but she swatted the thought right out of her mind.

“This way madam,” he gestured grandly to the door imbedded into the wall of glass.

She was afraid to walk too close to him, as though his libido might be contagious and she would pounce on him.  He refused to budge and she found herself passing within inches of his body.  His biceps rippled as he slid open the door, and the cut of his abs looked positively bitable.  Even the whiff of his soap and cologne was intoxicating.  She felt the butterflies in her stomach turning somersaults, and she took a deep breath before stepping onto the sunlit porch.

Draco stood nearly a foot taller than her, and he had almost a perfect view down the front of her chest as she passed underneath him.  He bit back a groan as her full breasts shimmied in time with her walk.

She set down her lemonade and stepped gingerly into the cool water to let her skin slowly grow accustomed to the temperature.  Unfortunately, Draco had other ideas and jumped in head first from the other end, resulting in a huge tidal wave that overtook her petite frame.

She came up sputtering and he surfaced laughing.

“Gotcha, didn’t I?”

She swept her long hair back from her face with her palms and glared at him.  He swam over, and sat down on one of the steps so that he was about eye level with her breasts.

“Aw c’mon, don’t be mad.  I’m just having some fun.”

She maintained her glare as she slowly climbed out of the pool and grabbed her lemonade glass from the table.  She deliberately walked back over, stepped all the way down into the pool until she was eye level with his deep brown eyes.  And she raised her glass over his head and poured the remaining ice cubes straight down his back.

He let out a sound that could only be described as a masculine squeal, and vaulted forward away from the offending cold.  Unfortunately, his motion forward was straight into her and he swept her under the water with him.

They both came up sputtering, with their faces just inches from each other.  Up close Draco could see just how silky smooth her complexion was and Taylor could see the dark stubble that prickled his chin.  He looked at her long and hard, and in one motion, wrapped his arms around her waist and crushed her lips with his own.

The suddenness of it all took her breath away, and as she fought to find her footing on the slippery pool floor, she found herself wrapping her arms around his neck.  He took that as a sign of acceptance and kissed her harder, letting his tongue dart between her lips.

The solidness of his body against hers and the probing tongue took away all of her remaining doubts and she felt her body return his desire.  Still locked together at the lips, he picked her up at the waist and carried her deeper into the water, until she had to tighten her arms around his neck to keep herself above the surface.

He slid his hands downwards from her waist to her thighs and slowly wrapped them around his own waist.  Clinging together in the cool water, Taylor felt her body heating up in ways that she had not felt for a long time.  Draco slid his hands back up her thighs until he was supporting her by gripping her ass.

“Draco?” Taylor finally broke the kiss.

“Yes?” he murmured back as his lips and tongue traced taunting paths down her neck and throat.

“Wh-What are we doing?”

“Taking a swim, that’s all,” he tried to reassure her.

“Liar,” she whispered into his ear, letting her lips brush against him.

Chapter Nine

He groaned out loud this time, and dug his fingertips into the smooth skin of her ass, just underneath the edge of her borrowed swimsuit.  She raked her teeth along his earlobe and let her fingers tickle the back of his neck.  Almost instantly, she became aware of the throbbing bulge that pressed up against her from underneath.  It seemed to be growing exponentially, and even in the water she could feel herself getting wetter with every passing second.

He pulled down and forward at her hips, grinding her against his swelling cock.  They both groaned deeply and she dug her heels into his ass as she squirmed against the sensation.

He wrapped one arm around her waist and held her in place while the other hand slid around front to tease her more directly.  He pressed up his fingers against the tiny triangle that covered her awakening pussy.  When she moaned softly, he started drawing slow tormenting circles.  Even with all of his money and all of his power, he needed something from her in that moment.  He needed her to want him -- not to want his position or his bank balance, but to desire him as a warm human being.

“Draco…” she moaned with her eyes half closed.

“Tell me what you want,” he prompted, his deep baritone voice vibrating through her ear.

She whimpered as his fingertips continued to torment her against the very spot that was the source of her desire.

“Tell me…” he murmured against her neck.

“You, Draco, inside me,” she finally relented.

With a practiced move, he slipped his fingers inside the tiny bikini bottom and easily slid two fingers inside her wetness while pressing his thumb against her aching clit.  With just a few motions in and out of her body, she was sinking her teeth into his neck as she clung to his broad shoulders and whimpered through her explosive climax.

As she shuddered through her aftershocks, she became aware of his throbbing cock pressing up against her pussy.  Her hand slipped downward between their bodies and made quick work of the button fly on his swim trunk.  His throbbing cock sprang out and twitched between their stomachs.

Taylor gasped at his length and girth, wanting desperately to feel him stretch her in every direction in a whole new way.  But instead, she wrapped her delicate hand around him and stroked loosely, eliciting a pained groan from his throat.

She grinned as she realized she was now in the power position.  She tickled him with her fingertips and teasingly stroked him slowly and loosely.  His hips thrust upwards towards her, trying to make her move faster but she maintained her slow rhythm and loose grip.

She bent towards his ear and whispered throatily, “Now it’s your turn to beg.”

He pulled his head back and looked at her hungrily.  “Do you know how long it has been since I begged anyone for anything?”

She looked him square in the eye and tightened her grip.  She stroked him hard and fast for just three strokes and then returned to the slow and loose.  Then three more hard and fast, and then again back to the slow pace and loose grip.  As she tried the cycle one more time, she felt his fingers dig into her ass hard as he bit his lip.

“I can keep this up all afternoon.  Remember you bought me an afternoon off so I’m in no hurry.”

She continued to alternate the hard and fast with the slow and gentle.  After about the sixth cycle, she felt his knees buckle slightly but he still kept quiet.  She dropped her hand altogether and still staring at him squarely in the eyes; she raised both arms and slowly untied the strings that held the triangles over her nipples.  When her firm breasts swung free, his eyes dropped to watch them float on the surface of the water.

Taylor resumed her pattern on his cock, but now his eyes watched her breasts shimmy and bounce with her movements.  Hard and fast followed by slow and loose, and every time her arm moved, her breasts would bounce.

She could feel his cock twitch in her hand at the end of every hard and fast cycle, and she started lengthening that part, hard and fast for longer, before switching back to the slow and loose strokes.

“Dammit woman,” he breathed, “you’re killing me…”

“All you have to do is ask,” she giggled as her fingertips tickled the head of his cock.

“Fuck,” he rasped, “c’mon, finish me.”

“What was that?” she teased.  “You’re finished?  You want me to stop?”

“Stroke me off, finish me,” he demanded.

Even his begging sounded like orders.  She gripped him tightly and stroked for only seconds before his eyes closed and she felt that final swell and twitch and then he grunted loudly as the water spotted with his seed.

Chapter Ten

After Draco’s breathing slowed and his cock stopped twitching, he eased her arms and legs down from around his body, and buttoned up the fly of his swimsuit.

“How about a nice clean shower?” he offered.

Taylor nodded and walked towards the steps to leave the pool, knowing full well that his eyes were following her every move through the water.

“I’ll join you shortly,” he promised.

She wrapped the thick beach towel around her dripping body, and headed back to the guestroom where she had originally changed.  She ran the shower until the water was nice and warm, and then stepped under the stream still clothed in her swimsuit.  After she removed and rinsed the borrowed swimsuit, she carefully hung it up to dry on the towel bar.

The bath products that Draco kept for his guests to use were several degrees nicer than the items she used at home.  She lathered up her long blonde hair until she could no longer smell chlorine and then rinsed carefully before finger combing the conditioner through her locks.  She hazarded a guess that the simple bar of soap probably cost more than her last haircut, and she inhaled the lavender scent deeply as she slid the bar over her skin.

A cool breeze across her back startled her, and she looked over her shoulder at a naked Draco in the shower with her.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Just finishing what we started,” he grinned down at her.

His wet hair hung in dark curls around his eyes as they flashed with desire.  His broad shoulders and hard muscled chest still gleamed with droplets of water as he stepped forward and let the shower water mingle with the pool water.  He was only inches from her, and the release she experienced in the pool seemed to have only intensified her physical desire to feel the rest of him.

She turned fully around and closed the gap between them, pressing her soft full breasts up against the hardness of his stomach and chest.  His hands played down her spine like the keys of a piano and she could not stop the shiver that coursed over her skin.

Draco tangled one hand through her long wet hair and pulled her head back as he lowered his lips to hers.  As his lips parted and his tongue sought hers, she could feel his desire twitching and throbbing between their bodies.  As long and thick as it felt in her hand, it felt even more intimidating with no cloth between his cock and her body.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and gyrated her hips against him, eliciting a deep moan from his throat.

“Taylor,” he rumbled.

He slid his lips from her mouth to her neck, letting his teeth rake against her skin.

“I’m ready to pin you up against this tile wall,” he threatened.

A sudden flash blinked behind her closed eyelids and she pulled back.  “Oh, like if you went to jail for your crime?” she smirked.

“Wait, what?  Jail?  Wh-What are you talking about?”

“You do remember that I’m your lawyer, and you are charged with assault?  You’re out on bail right now.”

“What does that have to do with anything?  I know you and your boss can make that all disappear and we’ll be good to go,” his breath tickled the valley between her breasts as his hands roamed over her hips and backside.

It was like someone had turned on nothing but the cold water.  She gasped and stepped back from the sensory assault of his body.

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