SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories) (25 page)

She stepped towards him until her chest was only inches from his.

“Did you want more?” she asked innocently.

“More?” his embarrassment was only growing at her apparent innocence.

“Surely you have something else to teach me tonight…”

“Oh, okay then.  Sure.”

He lay back down in the guard position and motioned for her to assume the opposite position.  This time as she arranged herself as he asked, she made sure to touch him a little more intentionally.  Her hand grazed his thigh as she rested it against his side.  Her breasts brushed against the fly of his shorts as she moved forward to kneel over him.  She heard him inhale sharply but pretended not to notice.

He locked his ankles around behind her and she wriggled just a little, feeling his thighs tighten around her waist.  Tony tried to focus on the movements at hand as he guided her body through the motions but then got too caught up in his own re-focus and soon found himself in an even more precarious position.

He now had his ankles locked behind her neck and her breasts pressed firmly against his protected cock.  He exhaled loudly and tried to maneuver himself into a less compromising position.  But the friction of their bodies and the feel of her strong runners’ legs under his hands only made the swelling more uncomfortable.

Annie was so caught up in trying to tease Tony that it took a few minutes for her to register his strong hands on her bare midsection since her tee shirt had ridden up, not to mention the proximity of his entire body.  It was in that moment that she realized she was teasing herself just as much.  And it was in that same moment that she knew what was going to happen in the near future.

Both Annie and Tony found themselves tangled together, flushed and panting.  She turned her head slightly to face him and as she watched his face closely, she drew a slow figure eight against him with her hips.  His pupils dilated until his eyes looked black instead of deep brown.

His ankles released their lock hold on her neck and his hands slid slowly from her trim waist to her firm ass, and he pressed her down against himself.  She drew another painstakingly slow figure eight with her hips and his fingertips dug into her flesh.

His legs deliberately made their way apart from around her as one of his hands slid up her back until it rested at the nape of her neck.  She felt the tingle from her hair line all the way to her painted red toenails as she dug her fingertips into the mat below them.  And he pulled her face towards him until they were an inch apart.

“Tony?” she asked in a hushed tone.

And he crushed his lips against hers.  Her lips parted as she moaned softly, and his tongue grazed her bottom lip.  In a move that she imagined could have only happened in the movies, he used his legs and rolled their tangled bodies to one side until he was lying on top of her and between her open thighs.

He ground his hips down into her and she gasped at the unnatural hardness against her pussy.  It took a moment to realize that she was not feeling him, just his protective cup, and she bit back a giggle.  The giggles stifled completely when his teeth nipped her lower lip and she gasped again.

She ran her hand over his smooth head and raked her nails down his back, eliciting a groan from him.  He stared as her full breasts rose and fell with her heavy breathing and could not resist brushing the back of his fingers across one stiffening nipple.

The clock on the wall dinged out the time and his head snapped around, pulling both of them out of their lust-fueled fog.

“Annie!  Oh my god, I… I’m sorry… I don’t know what…”

She grinned up at him from her spread-eagled position.  “So…  same time tomorrow?”

He ran his palm over his smooth scalp, brushing away the droplets of sweat.

“Um, yeah, sure…”  He clumsily pulled himself off of her body and hurried out of the training room to duck into the men’s locker room.

She jumped up from the mat, grinning to herself.  The thought of her boyfriend Ken never crossed her mind as she considered following him to wherever he had retreated.  Her entire body felt electrified and although she knew what she would be doing later that evening, she also knew that it was only going to take the edge off until she had Tony naked and grunting inside her.

Tony slammed the stall door shut in the locker room and ripped down his shorts and cup.  His cock sprang out of its confinement and seemed almost angry at him for letting her leave.  He wrapped his fist around himself and pumped hard as he pictured her heaving breasts.  He had to brace himself against the wall as he exploded into his own hand.

When Annie got home, she did not even bother to shower.  She left her workout clothes in a pile on the bedroom floor and crawled into bed completely naked.  Her finger could not get to her pussy fast enough and within minutes, she shuddered through her climax with thoughts of Tony’s hard body against her.

The next day, neither of them could focus on the work that had to be accomplished before the training session.  Annie stared at the legal briefs she was supposed to be writing as though they had all been written in ancient Aramaic.  And Tony got his ass handed to him in nearly every single sparring match he attempted.

After work, Annie stared into her gym bag, debating on the outfit.  She knew the tee shirt and leggings had gotten his attention but she also knew that the tank top and running shorts would send him over the edge.  She fingered the short nylon shorts, knowing that if she wore those, it was ‘game on’ as far as Tony was considered.  Without his hard body pressing up against her, she could think more rationally.  But as soon as the memory of his large hands and tight abs flitted through her mind, her pussy begged her to make the decision it longed for.

Tony found himself almost breathless as he waited for Annie’s session.  At great risk to his physical body, he removed the protective cup before her appointment.  If she decided this was the day to learn how to fight, he was in for a whole new world of pain.  But, on the other hand, if she decided this was the day to learn how to fuck, he would be ready.

She played it safe this time, and showed up to training in her tee shirt and leggings.  Her pussy had had a long argument with her brain but this time the brain won.  She had a boyfriend who was sometimes at home for her, and she could not be jumping on the first hard body she came across.

Tony led her down the hallway and into the training room.  He made sure to follow with enough distance that he could watch her ass sway as she made her way there.  He took another good long look as she bent over to put her things on the floor.

He contemplated having her try out the punching bag in the corner but his cock won the internal argument to continue with the wrestling style moves.

He had her start in the prone position on the floor and lay down on top of her.  He cursed himself inside his own head as his voice shook during the instructions.  He carefully manipulated her legs until they were wrapped around his neck.  He knew she had to be feeling his twitching cock but her face stayed as smooth and as calm as she could manage.

He even started questioning whether he was losing his mind, whether he was the only one in this fantasy.  Then he remembered her response when he kissed her, and he grinned to himself.  He was a professional fighter, and had to get the upper hand in this fight.  He could not lose his self-control with this blonde woman.

He ground himself down against her, and relished the gasp that escaped her lips.  He brushed his hand against her pussy through her skintight leggings and his ego soared as she raised her hips to force the contact.  He withdrew his hand as she struggled to maintain her calm demeanor.

Annie groaned loudly in her head.  She knew she was sinking fast into the pool of lust for this man and she was almost past the point of pulling herself out.  Her self-control seemed to be melting and forming a pool of moisture between her legs.


With one hand still trapped in the hold position, she slid her free hand down between their bodies to brush against the hardness that teased her.  He groaned loudly and rolled his hips against the tormenting fingers.  She brushed against his cock again, letting her fingertips dance across the thin nylon material, tickling and teasing every inch she could reach.

He was not going to be undone by this woman and he shifted his weight so that his own fingers could access the warmth between her thighs.  He pressed softly, drawing tiny circles all around what he knew was her throbbing clit.  As her hips writhed, his fingertips danced around her clit, teasing every need in her body until she felt like she would explode.

They both panted, still not speaking a word.  The clock behind them dinged the hour and he dragged on fingertip across her throbbing little button.  He was rewarded with a low groan that fell from her full pink lips.

He withdrew from her body and made a hasty exit out of the door.  She waited half a beat and followed him quickly, through the doorway to the men’s locker room.

She waited silently on the bench of the locker room.  Soon after, she heard the rustle of his clothes on the floor and then the slipping of skin on skin.  His soft panting told her exactly what he was doing, and she could not resist spreading her own legs and slipping her own hand into her leggings to find the source of her own tension.


When she heard his guttural grunts, she felt her clit pulse against her finger as her body shuddered through its own climax.  The stall door swung open and he caught full sight of her spread out on the bench with her hand inside her clothing.

She looked him dead in the eyes as she withdrew her hand slowly.  She walked over to him and brushed one glossy fingertip over his bottom lip before departing without a word.  Tony felt his cock swell again and he shook his head, seemingly helpless against whatever she dished out.

The next day, Annie chose the tank top and running shorts.  Even with the sports bra style binding effect of the tank top, there was no doubt she had been gifted with full breasts, and the shorts accentuated her long and lean runners’ legs.  She smoothed her ponytail before getting out of the car, and nearly sprinted through the puddles to the door.

She lounged back in the chair, making sure her legs were stretched out in front of her.  She was rewarded soon enough since Tony almost tripped over his own feet as he came through the door.

“Ready, coach?” She smiled up at him.

He beckoned with his head, afraid that the hoarseness in his voice would give away his lust.  She swished by him, making sure to brush her hand against his leg as she passed.  He shook his head at his lack of self-control and followed her down the hall and into the training room.  He hoped that his partial erection was not visible through his shorts, at least not to the young woman behind the front desk to their right.

When he held open the training room door for Annie, she brushed her hand against his taut midsection as she passed.  He watched as she bent over to place her things on the floor, her legs visible from the white ankle socks peeking out of her tennis shoes to the lower curve of her ass.  He even suspected that she was not wearing panties but he had the strong feeling he would find out before the session was over.

“So what this time, coach?”

He took a deep breath and cleared his throat.  “Did you want to work on the escape moves some more?”

“Sure thing.” She grinned with no hint of innocence or flirtation, just a huge invitation.  She stared directly at him, and reached over to lock the training room door with a reverberating click.

He assumed the guard position on the floor and she slid into her position.  And she did slide, her breasts brushing against the length of his body from his groin to his chest.  He squeezed his eyes shut, letting himself feel her body against his, and when he opened them again, she was face to face with him, blinking and waiting.  He knew she had to have felt the lack of a protective cup.

She tried very hard not to let it show, but she had been painfully aware that he had omitted that portion of his attire.  Even in just a semi-hard state, she could feel that his cock was nearly double the size of anything she had experienced before and her body shuddered at the possibilities that ran through her mind.  She dug her fingertips into the mat on either side of his shoulders and she waited for him to react or move.

He slid his hands up her bare thighs until they came to rest just at the hem of her shorts.  He carefully and deliberately guided her body into the right position as he locked his ankles around her neck.  Her brain screamed at her that she was moments away from something irreversible but all her pussy kept saying was that if she moved a few inches down, her mouth would be right over the growing bulge in his shorts.

She did not even realize she had been squirming until he inhaled sharply.

“What?” Her head snapped around as best as it could in that position.  “What did you say Tony?”

“I-I-I didn’t say anything,” he stuttered.

“I thought I heard something.”


He tightened his grip on her body and asked her to attempt one of the escape movements he had given her.  She writhed against him and felt her body shudder as his cock pressed against her through their clothing.  She wriggled harder, trying desperately to remember any of the actual moves through the fog of her lust.  In her struggles, she had not realized that she slipped backwards down Tony’s body until she felt his hard cock brushing against her sensitive breasts.

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