SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories) (57 page)

Tate had never had a woman react so quickly to his touch. He could smell that she was already turned on. It was something that werewolves were able to do, he could also smell when a woman had just had sex. It was something that he had to learn how to deal with as he became an adult. It was something that humans took for granted, not only was he learning about sex, but he was growing up in the city where human woman always smelled of sex.

He gently moved his hand down her chest until he was at her breast. Slowly he cupped her breast and it overflowed out of his hand. He felt her take a sharp breath as the muscles in her body tightened. He had no idea when she had last been with a man, but he knew it had to have been a long time. She had worked with Accalia for years and there was no chance that she had been given any free time.

“There is so much you don’t know about me,” Tate whispered in her ear.

“It doesn’t matter,” she said, trying to calm her breathing, “none of it matters.”

She heard a deep growl come from within Tate, but it did not scare her. Instead, she found that she was turned on even more. Tate began fumbling with the buttons on her shirt until he was able to unclasp them one by one. Sheldandra’s shirt burst open, revealing a light pink lacy bra. The lace strained against her hard nipples and Tate could not help but run his thumb over one of them. Her dark skin contrasted beautifully with the light pink and Tate could tell that the material was struggling to contain her large breasts.

He looked up at Sheldandra with a smile on his face as he ran his hand over the lacy material. He wanted to lay her on the ground and take all of her clothes off, but was afraid of how she would react. He knew they were in a part of the park that few people came to, especially this late in the evening, but he also knew that she would be afraid of getting caught.

Suddenly Tate heard a low growl coming from deep within the woods, he quickly turned and could smell the werewolves that worked for Accalia’s father. As he looked at the edge of the woods, he could see the shadows starting to emerge.

He turned to Sheldandra, “Run,” he said sternly.

Sheldandra had no idea what was going on. She had not been able to hear the growls and of course she could not smell the werewolves. She looked back at him confused at what he had just said to her.

“Sheldandra, run. Go home and lock your door. I will come to you as soon as I can,” he tried to make her understand before it was too late. But when he saw the look on Sheldandra’s face, he feared it was already too late.

Tate turned and saw three wolves walking out of the woods followed by one man. Tate recognized the man as Langda he was in charge of the workers of Accalia’s family. Many of the werewolves that lived in the city worked for Accalia’s family and they were intent on her becoming the princess just as much as her parents were.

“This is what you have chosen instead of Accalia,” Langda began.

“Run,” Tate said one more time to Sheldandra before he turned back to Langda.

She did just that. Sheldandra took off running through the park as fast as she could. She wished that she was not a big girl, she wanted to be back in her apartment safe and away from those terrible looking creatures. Sheldandra’s legs burned and her heart raced but she did not stop running until she was back inside of her apartment with the door locked behind her.

As she stood staring at the door, she wondered what had happened to Tate. It was obvious by what the man had said that Accalia was involved in it somehow, but Sheldandra did not understand how she could have known where they were. Tears began to stream down Sheldandra’s face. She wanted to go back and find Tate, but she knew that he would be angry with her if she put her life at risk. She closed her eyes and prayed that he would be okay.

“I could smell your slut a mile away,” Langda smirked at Tate.

“You have it all wrong,” Tate tried to reason with Langda. This was not what he was expecting. He was planning on being safe before anyone ever found out about Sheldandra, now he had not only put his own life at risk but hers as well.

“I have it wrong,” Langda laughed, “then you tell me what exactly were you doing out here with her?”

Tate had no words, his mind was racing and all he could think about was getting back to Sheldandra. It did not matter to him what Langda or the other werewolves did to him, but he knew that as soon as Accalia found out what had happened she would kill Sheldandra or have it done.

“That is exactly what I thought,” Langda remarked, “Out in the park hiding with his human whore all the while he is supposed to mate Accalia. I wonder how she will feel when she finds out it was her assistant that you had out here. I’ll make sure to tell her when I bring her your heart on a platter.”

With that the werewolves lunged at Tate and he quickly shifted into a wolf himself. He jumped at the wolves wrapping his mouth around the neck of one and ripping hard at it. He could taste blood as he heard the wolf whimper. Another jumped on his back and bit him hard he shook it off and turned to face the wolf. It was a medium sized wolf, not fit to fight Tate, but full of anger. Tate lunged at the wolf and ripped at it repeatedly. Soon the wolf fell to the ground, but it was not before another one attacked Tate.

Tate struggled to take the wolf down, but finally he heard a yelp and stepped away from it. His fur was dripping with blood and he did not know if it was his or the other wolves, his body hurt but the battle was not over. Langda quickly shifted and jumped on Tate. He bit at his body and ripped at his fur. Tate fell to the ground and with the weight of Langda on his back, he struggled to get up. All he could think about was Sheldandra and how afraid she must be, suddenly he got a burst of energy and sprang to his feet. He threw Langda off of his back and heard him hit hard against a tree before turning to see his neck twist in a strange way. Langda slid down the tree and lay crumpled on the ground.

Tate did not have the energy to shift back into his human form, he was going to have to take the chance of going to Sheldandra in his current wolf form. He slowly began limping through the park, making sure that he stayed in the shadows. He knew if anyone saw him covered with all of that blood they would shoot him for sure. A regular bullet would not kill him, but in the condition that he was currently in, it could cause enough damage with his other wounds to cause his demise.

Sheldandra was in her apartment waiting for what seemed like an eternity. She had cleaned up the apartment and taken a shower to try and keep her mind off of what she had seen. She reminded herself that Tate said he would come to her and if he said he would than he would.

While she showered she had thought about what a strange night it had been, she wondered what would have happened between her and Tate if the man and those awful looking monsters. She could not imagine what they would do to Tate but she had faith that he would find a way back to her.

Accalia had called twice for Sheldandra but she was afraid to answer. She had even banged on the wall so hard that it made a picture fall. Sheldandra was as quiet as she could be and even turned off all of the lights so that Accalia would think that she was not at home.

Suddenly there was a thud against the door and Sheldandra turned, quietly and slowly she began making her way to her door. Before she reached the door there was another thud and she began to shake. She had never heard a sound like that before and all she could think of was Tate struggling to knock.

Without even thinking she opened the door and fear flowed through her as she saw a large white wolf that was covered in blood. Sheldandra stood looking at the wolf and suddenly she saw the most beautiful blue eyes. The eyes that were exactly like Tate’s. The wolf stepped toward Sheldandra as if it were asking permission to come into her apartment. She stepped to the side and let it in quickly closing the door behind it.

As she turned to look at the wolf she saw that he had laid down on the floor and was struggling for breath. Blood was pooling on the tile next to it and she knew it needed help. She quickly gathered all of her medical supplies and went to work. After she had the wolf cleaned up and had stitched a few spots. She lifted its face. She could see the gratitude and love in its eyes.

Sheldandra did not leave the wolf as it went to sleep, but cleaned its fur with a wash cloth gently. She could not explain what the connection with the wolf was but she knew there was one. She fell asleep laying on the floor next to the wolf petting it.

Suddenly Sheldandra could feel a hand sliding down her arm. She jumped up, afraid that someone had come to harm the wolf. What she saw had her rubbing her eyes and shaking her head. She thought she was dreaming, but sitting in front of her was Tate.

He did not have a shirt on and was only wrapped in a towel. “I used your shower,” he said, smiling down at her, “I hope you don’t mind. I thought maybe you would want to get out of the floor and into your bed.”

Sheldandra sat up and looked around, “Where is the wolf,” she said terrified that someone had taken it. As she looked at Tate she saw the stitches behind his ear and across his stomach and her eyes widened. Those were the exact places she had stitched the wolf.

Tate stood and reached out his hand for Sheldandra to take. She took it and stood. Tate could see the confusion on her face, but all that mattered was that he was with her. “We can talk about it all in the morning,” he whispered as he kissed her on the neck.

Tate led Sheldandra down the hallway to her bedroom and as she entered, she could tell that he had already been in there. The blankets were pulled back, the fan was on and there was a glass of water next to the bed. All of her candles were lit and soft music was coming from her stereo.

She turned to look at Tate and found that he was standing much closer than she had expected. He met her by pressing his lips against hers and gently pushing her backwards toward her bed. As Sheldandra took a few steps back, she could feel the edge of the bed bump against the back of the thighs. She finally felt safe and even though she did not know if she were awake or if she were dreaming she was happy that Tate had found his way back to her.

She reached up and wrapped her arms around Tate’s neck. He quickly began to remove her pajamas that she had changed into. She found herself wishing that she had put something much sexier on but she was more worried about Tate when she dressed than anything. She wore a simple white gown that had lace around the neck and nothing more.

As Tate pulled the gown over her body, he looked down at her and dropped it on the floor. He could see the fear in her eyes, fear that she were not good enough, fear that he would not love her body and most of all fear that this was not really happening.

“I am here,” he said, wrapping his arms around her once again. She could feel his tight muscles against her body and his skin against her breast made her purr. She looked up at him and bit her bottom lip, “Prove it,” she said with a smile.

That was all that Tate needed. He pushed Sheldandra down on the bed and began rubbing his hands up and down her body. First, he grabbed her breasts and flicked at her nipples with his thumb. He could already smell that she was becoming wet and even though he did not want to rush, he wanted to taste her and feel her. He wanted to hear her moan his name and scream in pleasure.

Tate allowed the towel to drop from his waist and climbed onto the bed. He positioned himself between her legs and began kissing her nipples one at a time. He would kiss them, then flick them with his tongue before taking them into his mouth and sucking hard on them. Sheldandra was loving everything that he was doing to her and began letting out small moans as he teased her body.

He moved his head down her body and began kissing across her stomach. Sheldandra moved her hands and placed them over her stomach. She wanted to hide all of her fat from him, but he took her hands and pushed them to the side then continued to kiss down her body.

As he moved lower he pushed her legs further apart before pushing his face down between them. She could feel his tongue on the outer lips of her pussy teasing her. Sheldandra let out a moan as her body tingled with excitement.

Tate slid his hand between her legs and parted her lips before flicking her clit slowly with his tongue. Each time he would pause for just a second making her want more then he pressed his mouth onto her pussy and began licking feverishly. Sheldandra wiggled under Tate’s grip moaning out his name as he worked on her clit.

As he continued to suck and flick at her clit, she could feel his finger pressing against her entrance. It had been so long since she had felt a man inside of her just the idea of him, pressing his finger into her made her cum. All of her muscles tightened and she held her breath. Tate did not stop but continued to lick her clit and pushed his finger inside of her causing her to orgasm once again before the first one had even stopped. He could feel her pussy walls pulsating against his finger and imagined how wonderful it would feel wrapped around his already throbbing cock. He slid his finger out of her and added another. He would have to take his time when it came to putting his cock in her and he wanted to stretch her a bit before trying to force himself inside of her tiny hole.

Tate pumped his finger in and out of her while he sucked hard on her clit sending her over the edge once again. This time when her breathing slowed, he slid his fingers out of her and raised his head. Tate climbed up her body, kissing her as he went until their faces met. He kissed Sheldandra gently allowing her to taste her own juices in his mouth as he lined his cock up with her entrance.

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