Secrets of the Fall (3 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow

eyes flew up, realizing how complex Donovan Dynamics really was. Nat did
mention to me that they received lots of contracts from the U.S. government and
maybe even from other countries. Mr. Donovan had truly built up one of the most
impressive internet and intelligence companies I’ve ever seen. I didn’t even
think there were any companies out there that could compare to what they could
do. No wonder why it was a multi-billion dollars corporation.

did they have what it takes to get Nat and Mr. Donovan their founders back?

led me into a conference room that looked like any conference rooms I’ve seen
on television.  A basic meeting room with tinted glass walls, a large round
table in the middle, a white board in front, and a small bar in the back.
Nothing too fancy nor too plain. When I walked into the room, the five people
sitting around the table stood up.

glanced over at Drew, and he had a straight business-like face on, completely
different than I’ve ever seen him. “Gentlemen and ladies…” he nodded at some
men in their early forties and fifties wearing dark suits and a woman in her
late thirties or early forties with sleek auburn hair to her shoulders, red
lips, and a grey skirt suit. “This is Summer Jones.”

I said, feeling self-conscious amongst this group of distinguished-looking
people. They all looked like they could be my professors at USC. My hands automatically
went to straighten my skirt, but Drew came over, put one arm around my waist
and led me to meet and greet each person.

he said, “This is Kevin Soboski, Director of International Operations,” he said
in front of a large man with brown cropped hair and a strong jawline.  After
greeting Kevin, Drew moved to a medium-sized man slightly balding and wearing
glasses named Joseph Conrad. I greeted him and we both mentioned how his name
sounded like the classic novelist, but he said he was far from anything
literary. He was a techie, and his entire world revolves around high-tech
espionage equipment and security systems.

Frost,” a man with spiky grey hair and a large build said with a deep voice. He
shook my hand. “Not the poet,” he said again, when I opened my mouth to ask. “I
handle logistics and sensitive information.”

I’m Timothy Childs,” Tim said. “You already know that. I handle U.S.
operations. But I’m helping with coordinating this entire operations.”

but the best for our boss,” the woman said with a deep and firm commanding
voice. She came around and shook my hand before crossing her arms and walking
to the front to join Drew. “I’m Karen Waters…I’m working with Tim and Kevin
with getting clearance, getting documents and everything from the country so we
can move in further. In other words, I’m the one handling the details, the
legalities so to speak, and the relations.”

stood up straighter while I listened to Karen talked about some of the
complexities of the mission. What it was and how Donovan Dynamics got involved.
“You see, we got a contract from a Turkish company to help build their company
security system. They specifically asked for Mr. Donovan. When he arrived there
with a few of our international-based team members, instead of finding a
company building, they found an abandoned warehouse.”

was a set up,” Karen went on, “by an international cyberspace crime ring.”

elaborate setup,” Tim added. “We couldn’t even detect foul play. Everything

as I said,” Karen continued. “The entire operations went south. Apparently it
was a kidnapping scheme to obtain Mr. Donovan to open a vault somewhere.”

obtaining a black book,” I said. “Of clients’ intimate information.”

Karen went on. “Only there isn’t one physically with Donovan Dynamics. He
didn’t keep a black book.”

they wanted Nat,” I said

leverage to get Mr. Donovan talking,” Robert Frost chimed in.

stomach churned with nervous anticipation, hearing about Nat.

Nat had gone through any torture, anything like that, I couldn’t bare hearing
about it.

looked over at Drew, and he had a stone face expression. I’ve only seen him
once or twice before with that expression.  Once when he was determined to win
a race on the beach, and another time right after hearing about his mother
Nadine Donovan’s suicide attempt on Fourth of July. I knew Drew was worried
about Nat and his father, too.

took a deep breath and prepared myself mentally and emotionally for any further
news about Nat.
Oh God, please let Nat be alive and fine. And please let Mr.
Donovan survive, too.

moments like these, you could taste your own mortality. You could feel
everyone’s own mortality.

spoke up, commanding the room with his undeniable stage presence. “Have we
located Nat and my father yet?  Any progress on this?”

said, “I saw a light go off in the distance and another online. They seem to be
heading across borders, but the good thing is…the signal is still on them, and
it’s moving. Which means…”

said, “They are still alive.” I saw him punch the air and bend over onto the
table. When he stood up, there were tears in his eyes, and I went over to place
my arms around him. Tim was there, patting Drew’s shoulders too.

okay, son,” he said. “It’s okay. We’re all happy about the news and hopeful for
something better.”

took a deep breath and contained himself. “How the hell are we going to get
them out of there?”

have some inside help,” Karen said. “Locals there. But we also have our own
version of Special Forces. Men who used to be in Special Forces and Navy

than the lights and some blurry images, poor audio, and satellite mapping, we
can’t get into the details without someone reporting back to us,” Joseph said.
“It’s difficult at the moment to know what is exactly going on.”

can we know for sure, and when can we get them out of there?” Drew asked.

trying as hard as we can,” Tim said. “Our teams there and here have been
working thirteen hours straight or more these past few weeks. We are as
dedicated towards finding Mr. Donovan and Nat as you are. Believe me, the
survival of this company depends on it.”

looked at Tim and everyone else in the room and he stood up straighter. “Tim,
Karen, Joseph, Kevin, and Robert, thank you for all your efforts and
dedication. I appreciate it, and I’m sure if Nat or my father was here, they
would be appreciative of your efforts, too. But we need to get them back here
as soon as we can. If it takes another Special Forces to move in to get the job
done, then we’ll hire them. When it comes to the safety and lives of my father
and brother, I’m not taking any chances.”

team looked at each other, and Drew crossed his arms, taking full control of
the room. I could see the star quarterback in him rise at the moment, the
charming natural leader whom guys liked to hang out with and girls wanted to go
to bed with. I could see Nat in Drew…the resemblance strong as Drew looked more
and more like a sexy young billionaire CEO in training.

get a second team of ex-Special Forces hired and dispatched today.” He looked
at his watch. “We don’t have much time. The day is almost over. So, let’s get
to work.”





s tired as we were, we spent the rest of the
day and night in that conference room with the team, working on getting another
team of Special Forces assembled and ready to go. By the time Drew and I walked
back to his car, it was almost time to get up for breakfast.

“Look Summer,”
Drew said. “I’m too tired to drive to my parents’ house. There’s a nice hotel
nearby. How about we just go there?”

“Sure,” I said.
I wasn’t in any mood to talk or do anything except sleep then.

“Good,” Drew
said, starting the car. We pulled out of the parking lot and within three
minutes was pulling into the valet parking area of the Four Seasons.

“The Four
Seasons?” I asked.

“Yup,” Drew
said. “The nearest nice hotel. I can’t put you up in anything else. Plus, it
was so close by.” He grinned a tired grin and leaned over to give a quick peck
on my cheeks. “We should rest while we’re here, Summer.  Take care of
ourselves. Be good to ourselves. I know we’re under a lot of stress, worries,
and what not, so the best thing for that is to be kind to ourselves when we
could. So here we are.”

I couldn’t help
smiling at Drew and the sweet side of him that came out in the most unexpected
but appropriate times. He was a gem, and spending time today with him only made
me love him more.

“When did you
plan this?” I asked.

“When I took a
break between meetings,” Drew said. “My mind’s going in all different
directions. It’s like I have to keep going. I’m driven to see this through.”

I nodded and then I remembered. Drew had made
reservations sometime before in between meetings with the Donovan Dynamics
team. Having no experience with special forces or global intelligence, I
stepped back and watched the team worked. I was tired as dirt, but the energy
in the room was electric, with Drew taking charge and moving things along, I
could not believe this was the same Drew Donovan who was a manwhore player and
don’t-give-a-damn-about-the-Donovans-empire all this time. It was a complete
transformation, and I have to say, it turned me on immensely. Drew was on fire,
taking charge of Donovan Dynamics…a natural born leader in the boardroom as he
was leading the football team. Why haven’t I noticed that before? Why didn’t I
ever noticed things like that with Drew before…except only how he related to
girls. Did all I cared about from Drew was his body and how I lusted over it? Was
that the basis of my love or lust for him? He was so different from Nat, yet
today, I saw how Nat and Drew could definitely be brothers. They both had that
Donovan charm, that easy leadership and masculine strength. Even now, as
bone-tired Drew must be, he was going a hundred miles per hour.


“Adrenaline?” I

“That, plus, I
know we have to do the right thing and bring them back quickly, whether or not
that’s the plan.”

My head shot up
then and a look of alarm went past Drew’s face. “What do you mean whether or
not that’s in the plans?”

One of the
valets came out and asked if we needed help with anything right then. “Nah,
man,” Drew said, looking relieved. “I got it.” Drew walked to the car and
grabbed my luggage, while hoisting his bag over one of his shoulders, carrying
our luggage into the nice lobby. We were immediately checked-in as smooth as
silk. No waiting, no need for an intensive inquisition.

“Mr. Donovan?” a
pretty young girl with her black hair pulled back into a ponytail and wearing
the hotel business suit came towards us.

Drew had his
back towards her, but turned around as soon as he heard her name. “Yup, that’s
me,” he said grinning his megawatt smile. The girl blushed and looked down
slightly when she noticed Drew, but quickly recovered.

“Oh, you’re so
young,” she said appreciatively. “Donovan Dynamics?”

“Yes,” Drew
said, straightening up. “Just came from there. Is there anything you need?”

“Oh,” the girl
said. Her name tag indicated her name as “Holly”. “I thought you’d be older,
being an executive there and all. You’re very cute.” She smiled, her green eyes
focusing on his lips.

I wanted to
smack her. Did she not see me? Did she realize how rude she was ignoring me as
a person, but also ignoring me as Mr. Donovan’s companion and possible
girlfriend? The nerve of some people…

She turned her
pretty head to take a good look at me before lifting her head up further and
dismissing me. With a small smile and crinkling her green eyes excitedly, she
said to Drew, “We have special rooms for our guests from Donovan Dynamics. I’ll
take you there, Mr. Donovan,” she said licking her lips and visibly fixing her
hair. She turned and walked in front of us, purposely swaying her hips a bit
too much for someone who was supposed to just walk us to our room.

I watched Drew as his eyes fixed on Holly’s butt
walking seductively in front of us. Her strutting had its desired effects, and
I wanted to jump in front of Drew, push Holly out of the way, smack her one,
and turn around to smack him one. Just when I thought I’d do it, Drew slipped
his arm around my waist, squeezed me, and leaned over to whisper in my ear.
“Can’t wait to get to our room, Summer. I know you’re exhausted, but I can’t
wait to get you all alone with me, naked, and…” he stopped. “Whatever will
happen between us, will.”

I almost stopped walking as reality hit me in the
face. Was I with Drew? Was I going to be with him? Nat is still alive so I
shouldn’t even think about being with Drew. All of a sudden, I felt sick. What
was I doing? I went from missing Nat so much and being in such despair and
grief over losing him…to sleeping with Drew and now about to share a room with
him and probably ended up sleeping with him again. As much as I wanted him, as
much as I was jealous with the flirting Holly was doing with him, I had to have
some control.

I stopped. “Drew,” I said, turning to him and stopping
him. Holly was a few feet away and haven’t noticed us not following her. “I
need to get a room of my own.”

“What?” Drew asked. “You don’t have to do that. I can
sleep on the sofa. Why? What did I do? Why don’t you want to stay with me in
the same room?” He searched my face earnestly. “What’s the matter?”

“Drew, I do, but that’s the thing…now that I know for
certain that Nat is still alive, I can’t be with you.”

Drew looked like he wanted to punch something or
someone. Then he took a deep breath. “It’s not that…I want to be in the same
room with you to watch over you. Be there for you.”

“Can you honestly say you won’t try anything if we
share a room?” I asked.

Drew didn’t answer for a while, but then he said,
“Contrary to what you think of me, Summer, I’m not an animal. I have some
control. If you don’t want me to touch you or kiss you at all while we’re
sharing the room, I won’t.”

I stared at him, at the sensual curve of his lips…lips
that I couldn’t seem to get enough of. “Promise?”

“Scout’s honor that I won’t push you to do anything
you don’t want, Summer. You’re in control. I’ll do whatever you say.” He looked
at me, his eyes softening. “I just want to make sure you’re okay…that you’ll be

“Alright,” I said. “We’ll share a room.”

“Good,” Drew said as we began to catch up to Holly who
had stopped in front of a set of double doors.

“Here we are?” Holly said, opening the doors and
handing Drew the key. “The Presidential Suite.”

My mouth fell open as I looked at Drew.

Holly walked in and opened the drapes a little more.
The room was stunning with a hallway, an extra bedroom, a living room, and a
balcony that looked out to the city. There were fresh flowers everywhere,
including trays of fruit, breads, and cheese.

“If there is anything you need, Mr. Donovan,” Holly
smiled a seductive smile, “Just picked up the phone and it will go directly to

She gave me a hard look, lifted her chin, and left,
closing the doors behind her.

I nudged Drew. “The Presidential Suite?”

“It’s the only room they had under the Donovan
Dynamics account. The rest of the rooms were booked.”

“How? Is there some kind of convention for Donovan

“No,” Drew said. “No convention. Our operations and
what we do are discreet. We didn’t get too many rooms, and of the rooms we got,
they were either the Presidential Suite or one of the other suites.”

“That’s nice,” I said. “Donovan Dynamics is really
doing well.”

Drew shrugged. “I guess. I tried to stay out of it as
much as I could…it was mostly Nat’s thing, but Dad had me at the office once in
a while when we were growing up. Even Rachel. We all know a few things about
Donovan Dynamics. Not as much as Nat, though, but Rach and I aren’t completely

“But the Presidential Suite at the Four Seasons?”

“Must be because I’m a Donovan,” Drew said. “Plus,” he
took off my sweater and led me to the soft chenille sofa that felt heavenly
when I sat down. “We need our rest. What better place to rest than here.” He
laid down on the sofa and indicated for me to lay my head on his chest.

“Drew…” I said. “You promised.”

“I promised not to kiss you or touch you if you didn’t
want it,” Drew said earnestly. “But all I’m going to do is give you a massage.”
Drew looked innocently at me. “Do you want that at least?”

The idea of that sounded heavenly to me…being massaged
by Drew’s strong hands. His hands, used to gripping a football with such
control and precision, always knew how to massage me when I needed it. After
having sat in Drew’s car for hours, then participated in meetings all night at
Donovan Dynamics; I felt how stiff my back and neck was. I was beginning to get
a headache too from lack of sleep.

“That’s alright, Drew,” I said. “You need to
sleep…more than I do…”

“Hey, it’s okay,” Drew said. “My mind’s too wired to
go to sleep right now so I could massage you. It’ll help me settle down. I need
something to do with my hands.” He smirked, “Besides working. I need to relax,
too, and I can’t think of a better way than to massage you.”

“Drew…you promised,” I said.

“I know,” he said, turning me around and pulling me up
on top of him so that my face was resting on his chest and he was kneading my
back. Drew had always acted fast.

The next thing I knew, I was sound asleep on his
chest, happily snoring away while his fingers twisted and pounded the stiffness
out of my shoulders and neck. As attracted as I was to him, as much as I wanted
to explore his body with my hands and lips, I felt comfortable and safe in
Drew’s arms, with his arms wrapped around me, holding me, massaging me. It was
the first time since we’ve had sex that I didn’t feel insta-lust with him, but
a feeling of comfort and safety…the way I felt with Nat, whom I’ve always felt
was my protector since we were kids and he stood up to bullies for me.

I drifted off into deep sleep, too exhausted to
protest when Drew bent down and kissed me on my temples. It was chaste enough,
and in a small way, I was a bit disappointed.

“Sweet dreams, my Princess,” Drew whispered into my
ear. “I will always protect you, always…even if I have to hide the truth to
keep you safe. I love you more than life itself, but what I’m about to do…I
hope you will forgive me when you understand why I did it.”

Did I just dreamed Drew apologizing for something he
was about to do?

Then I heard him talking to himself while I almost
drifted off completely. “I made a promise that I’ve broken already today. I
went against my promise, but it made you happy and hopeful, ready to live,
ready to keep living. Oh God, why must it be this way? Why can’t I tell you the
truth? Why? I hate myself already for having to put her through this, but…if
she only knew, she would understand. Dear Summer, please forgive me.”

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