Secrets of the Night Special Edition (120 page)

She mumbled in her sleep and stretched, then slowly blinked her eyes open.

"'Morning, sleepyhead.” He gave her a light kiss on the cheek.” You came to me when I needed you. Before then, I was ready to go outside, kill myself.” 

"My God, what if I hadn't arrived in time!” She closed her eyes for a brief moment and shuddered.” I don't even want to think about it.”

"Having you with me made all the difference in the world. You know that, don't you?”  Filled with love for her, he looked long and fully into her eyes.” I don't think I could have borne the pain without you.”

She stared at him.” Your skin--it's not pale anymore!” Raising up on one elbow, she gave him a curious look.” But how do you feel?” 

He met her look and smiled.” Like a mortal.” Sighing, he squeezed her hand.” Things won't be easy, you know. After all these years as a vampire, when I lived by night and slept by day, when I had to . . . to feed on others, so that I could exist.” He shook his head as painful memories surfaced.” But I can face any problem, as long as I have you with me. And that reminds me . . .” He paused, unsure how to proceed, wondering if Stevie loved him enough to share the rest of her life with him.

"What, sweetheart?” 

"Will you marry me?” he asked in a rush of words.” Please say 'yes. 'You must know how much I love you, and I don't think I can live without you.”

Her eyes shone with love.” Galan, I never dreamed I could love anyone as much as I love you.”

"Then you'll marry me?” 

"Did you ever doubt it?”

"Ah, Stevie, my dearest!” Eager lips traced a path from her neck to her mouth, his lips homing in on hers. He kissed her long and hard, so afraid the bloodlust would come upon him again. But no, this feeling was wonderful, glorious! as passion burgeoned inside him and became an all-consuming need to make this woman his own.

"Sweetheart!” She slipped her arms around his neck, and he reveled in her fierce embrace, her sweet lilac fragrance, the brush of her silky hairs against his neck--all these treasures that meant more to him than a fortune in gold.

His kiss deepened, his longing at the breaking point. Ah, to make her his own, here, now! To know all the warmth and sweetness that surely must lie within her. How he wanted to make love to her, but not now. Only as his wife.

Drawing on all his willpower, he found the strength to ease back.” How can you care for me,” he rasped,” knowing what I was?” 

She ran her finger tenderly down his cheek.” I think I've always loved you, from the first time we met. Of course, I wasn't aware of it then,” she said with a smile.” And how could I stop loving you, even after you told me you were a . . . a vampire,” she said, feathering kisses down his face.” You can't just turn affection off and on like a faucet. And even if that elixir hadn't worked--if you'd stayed a vampire--I'd still care for you.”

"And still want to marry me?” 

"Yes!” She kissed him again, a long, slow kiss that told him all he wanted to know.” Honey, don't ever doubt my feelings.”

"We'll have to marry right away,” he whispered.” Can't wait much longer.”

"Is two weeks too long?”

"Two days is too long.” He sighed.” But I'll try to bear it. After all, I've waited almost one-thousand years for you. I suppose a little while longer won't matter.”

That settled, she lay silent for a long moment, her forehead creased, her fingers moving restlessly on the blanket.

He peered at her.” Darling, what did I say that bothers you?” 

"Nothing you said now, but something I've wondered about . . .”

"So tell me.” 

"Linette,” she said quickly, as if discarding a burden.

He shot up in bed.” How do you know about her?” 

"I've had dreams,” she began with a puzzled look, “about you and me, but sometimes--"She paused, biting her bottom lip--"sometimes you called me Linette.”

Gradually, he sank back down, his mind working, wondering what to tell her, how to tell her.” What are your thoughts on reincarnation?” he finally said.

"I have an open mi--"Comprehension showed on her face.” So you're telling me--"

"That you were Linette, a woman I loved almost a thousand years ago.” He hugged her close, her body soft and warm against his.” Honey, didn't I just say I've waited a thousand years for you? I meant that in more ways than one. You are the woman I loved so long ago. And you must have dreamed of our past life together.”

"But have we met in other lives?” 

He shook his head.” Only in this one.” He shook his head.” Don't ask me why, but I think . . . I think . . .”


"I believe it's because the time wasn't right before, that it's only now that we were ready to meet again. Call it fate or divine intervention . . . who knows?”  He smiled.” One of the mysteries of life.”

She snuggled closer to him.” I'm glad I was the one for you. Can't imagine loving anyone else.”

He kissed her again.” Nor can I.”


* * *


"Married? My little girl's getting married?”  Stevie thought her dad sounded happy when she phoned him the next day, and she hoped this might be the beginning of a reconciliation between them. Still, they had a long way to go in mending their differences.

"At the risk of sounding trite,” he continued,” who's the lucky guy?” 

"Galan Kent, the most wonderful man in the world.” She laughed, leaning back on the sofa.” And I guess I sound trite, too. But Dad, he's an awfully nice guy.” She raised her hand to watch the light sparkle on her three carat emerald cut engagement ring Galan had bought this morning at Tiffany's. She never thought she'd own such an exquisite ring. Must have cost Galan a fortune, but he'd told her money was no object.

"Do you want to get married in
New York
?” her father asked.” Naturally, I'll pay for the wedding.”

"Dad, Galan and I decided to have a simple wedding here in

. I appreciate your offer of payment, but we can manage.”

"Stephanie . . .” A trace of hesitancy tinged his voice.” What does this--Galan, did you say? --what does he do for a living?” 

She should have known he'd ask that but supposed it was a legitimate question.” He's a writer. Non-fiction. Recently sold a book to a big
New York
publisher and got a large advance. Believe me, Galan's a guy who can do anything he sets his mind to. He told me he intends to make a living from writing, so I don't doubt he'll do just that.”

"I see.”

She twisted the telephone cord around her finger. Too bad if you don't like that idea, Dad.

A long pause, then she heard him sigh.” Stephanie, I know things haven't been as amiable between us as you or I would like--"

"And you know why, don't you?” 

"Yes. So let me say something now, as long as we're being frank with each other. I want to apologize for taking that bribe all those years ago. Only time I've ever done such a thing. So happens I needed the money for your mother's medical expenses, but of course, that's no excuse. I wasn't thinking right, what with her cancer and all my worries. It's been on my conscience all this time. I know it's upset you.”

"The understatement of the year,” she replied.” But I do understand your worries about Mom. For now, how about making amends for that lapse in judgment? If you made a donation to the homeless, that would make me very happy.”

"Since when have you taken such an interest in the homeless?” 

Since you accepted that bribe, she wanted to say.” I've worked with them here in
for a long time. So, what do you say, Dad?” 

A pause, then he spoke.” I'm due a payment from a wealthy land developer, a German fellow who bought a large tract of land west of the city. When I receive the money from him, I'll give a substantial portion to the Presbyterian Outreach program for feeding the homeless. Does that satisfy you?” 

"Very much.” Leaning back, she put her feet on the coffee table, happy she and her dad had finally reached an understanding.

Her father coughed.” Now about your college education . . .”

"I got my student loan, and I intend to go to law school, after all. That way I can combine the practice of law with helping those who can't afford a regular attorney's fees.” Take that however you want.” Galan thinks it's great that I want to become a lawyer and do pro bono work.”

"Speaking of needing--if you need more money for tuition, I'll gladly give you whatever is necessary, no strings attached.”

"Galan and I are working out the money angle between us, but I appreciate your offer. . .”

"See you at the wedding,” she said after a few minutes of family news, anxious to see everyone again.


* * *


Two weeks later.


"Never thought we'd get away by ourselves,” Stevie said on a balmy evening in April, a few hours after the reception. Outside the window of their
Miami Beach
hotel, the glimmering aqua waters of the
Atlantic Ocean
lapped up on the shore. An ocean liner bedecked the horizon, a far distant speck on the sea. Their luxurious room with its king sized bed was just about the grandest she'd ever seen and one she'd never forget, for she knew this room would spawn memories to last her the rest of her life.

Tomorrow they'd leave for a tour of Europe--
, and yes,
. Just for the fun of it, they'd decided to visit the manor house she'd lived in during her trip through time. But tonight was all she could think about, all she wanted to think about, this night with Galan.

Her eyes shifted to her new husband. In her white short-sleeved satin wedding gown trimmed with
lace, she fingered Galan's silky tie, smoothing her hands across his broad chest. She focused her gaze on every feature--his dark, curly hair, those angular cheekbones and ebony eyes whose look was only for her.

She slipped her finger under his tie knot, loosening it.” Anyway, I'm glad I got to see my family again and that you had a chance to meet everyone. It was a nice wedding, don't you think?” 

Warm hands caressed her shoulders as he eased her closer, and his touch alone was enough to send a rush of desire through her, a need to get in bed with him this very minute.

"A very nice wedding,” he said,” and you were the prettiest bride I've ever seen.” He kissed the top of her head.” I enjoyed meeting your family, too. But honey, I can think of better things to do than talk about the wedding.”

She drew back in mock surprise.” Oh, you don't want to talk? Then what do you want to do?” 

Galan returned her to his embrace, murmuring against her hair.” Three guesses.”

"One guess is all I need.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body to his, catching his faint sandalwood aroma, his heartbeat.” Make me yours,” she whispered next to his ear.” Let me show you how much I love you.”

"Yes!” He released her to close the draperies, shutting out the world. As he turned away from the window, his gaze settled on her again, his expression leaving no doubt of his intentions.

Stepping behind her, he unzipped her gown, letting it fall in a silky heap at her feet, followed by her slip. He placed a light kiss on her shoulder, then moved in front of her, frowning in concentration as his fingers fumbled with her bra until he finally succeeded in releasing the flimsy bit of fabric.

Without a word, he tossed the bra aside and knelt, his eager hands drifting down to her garter belt and underpants, his fingers sliding along her hip. He slipped the satiny garments down her legs as his fingers caressed her skin in silent adoration. She closed her eyes with dreamy expectancy. A rush of heat traveled over her body, finally settling in her feminine core.

"Stevie, Stevie,” he whispered.” I never thought I could be so happy.”

"Me, either!”

While he clasped her hands, she stepped out of her dress and underclothes. Standing back, he observed her, his eyes reverently assessing her, as if she were the finest
vase, an exquisite floral bouquet, the Mona Lisa.

"You're lovely,” he said.” Beautiful!”

Her cheeks warmed.” It's nice to know I'm appreciated.”

Self-conscious at her nudity, she hurried over to a chair and perched on its edge, jerking stockings and shoes off, kicking them to the side.

Thankful for the dim lamplight, she rose from the chair while he reached for her, his voice low and urgent.” Honey, please!”

"Hey, not so fast.” Stevie removed his tie, sliding it from his neck and tossing it on a chair, where his jacket already resided.” And your shirt.” Her fingers traveled down his hard chest, her movements clumsy with impatience. A tuft of curly black hair peeked over his undershirt, sending her excitement skyrocketing to the stratosphere. After she helped him pull his undershirt off, she moved her hands up his muscled arms and across his broad back, loving the feel and scent of him. Unbuckling his belt, she let her hands linger on his lower abdomen as her fingers inched teasingly downward.

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