Security (10 page)

Read Security Online

Authors: Mike Shade

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica


Ken purred and wriggled, mouth closing on his, eager tongue pushing in. He let Ken in, fingers sliding over the smooth spine, touching and tickling. He couldn't fault Ken's responsiveness; the kid writhed, pushed into his touches and moaned. He kept kissing, kept the touches going, and enjoyed the way their bellies rubbed together.


Ken groaned. "You gonna fuck me today, Simon?" "Maybe." He cupped Ken's ass, squeezed, pinched a little. Ken bucked, gasped. "Oh, Simon. Do it again."
He pinched harder, letting his nails scrape. A low moan came from Ken, the cock against his belly jerking hard.


"You like that." He pushed a little, scratching hard.
"Fuck yes!" Ken attacked his mouth, kissing him hard. He met that hunger, pushing back hard, refusing to give any quarter. "Fuck me, Simon. Make me scream."


"Pushy, pushy." He tugged Ken closer.


"So push back, Simon, you're a big boy." The green eyes sparkled at him.


Little prick. Simon chuckled, swatted that tight ass. "Spoiled."


Ken half laughed, half gasped. "Oh, do it again!" "Ask nicely." He swatted harder.
Ken gasped again, eyes wide. "Will that get me more than being a brat will?"


"You ought to try and see." He growled a little, kissing hard enough to make it ache.


Ken shuddered. "Please."


His hand flew, smacking into that fine ass.


Another shudder and Ken's face buried in his throat, breath hot. "Please."


He struck, popping hard and fast, heating that pretty little ass. Ken held on tight, sobbing into his neck.


Ken nodded, clinging harder.


He growled, nibbling, nipping, hand burning, blazing on that skin. Ken clung and rubbed, soft sobs sounding, body starting to shake.


"Want you to ride me."


"Simon!" Ken shuddered, heat shooting between them. He groaned, licking at Ken's shoulder. "Yeah."
Ken's head dropped back, the kid moaning softly. "Gonna ride that fat prick."


"Yes. You'll ride until you make us both come." He leaned up, biting Ken's throat.


Ken's prick was still hard and it throbbed against him at his bite. "Fuck yes."


Simon leaned back, watching. "Want you." "Yeah. Now. Fuck, you're so fucking hot."
Ken shifted, sliding his abused ass against Simon's legs, moaning and shuddering.


He spread his thighs, nodding, pushing his sweats down. “Condom,” he managed to get out.


Ken reached back, pushing his plate aside and revealing the little condom packet hidden there. Cheeky brat. The glove
slid onto him and Ken shifted again, hand taking his cock and guiding it to that hot little hole.


"Fuck, yes." His head rolled, hands landing on Ken's hips.


Ken sank right down until his cock was completely engulfed, the kid's hot ass rippling around his cock. The long, slender hands wrapped around his shoulders and Ken started moving, riding him.


He leaned in, lips catching the little ring in Ken's nipple, tugging. Ken jerked, cried out and started riding harder, teeth sinking into his bottom lip. The ripples of that fine body milked at his cock and he tugged again, harder. That earned him a scream, the hands holding his shoulders going tight, fingers digging into his skin.


Ken moved wildly, ass snapping against him, making the green eyes go wide every time Ken came down. He let one hand slide back, nails scraping along the hot skin. Ken screamed again, breath coming in short gasps, body rippling like crazy around his cock.


"That's it. Fucking let go." He scratched again, biting at Ken's nipple, fucking close.


Another scream sounded, Ken's eyes rolling back in his head and the kid came hard, squeezing his cock hard enough to almost hurt. He rocked and thrust a few more times, letting go, cock pulsing.


Ken collapsed against him, breath coming in quick, sharp gasps against his neck. The kid clung, cuddling and not a smart remark out of his mouth at all. He got rid of the
rubber without dislodging his clinging one, then set to stroking and petting, relaxing Ken.


Ken was soon purring, melted against him like some huge cat. Oh, now, this was much better. He'd heat up that ass over and over for a few minutes of this.


Ken nuzzled into his neck and if he wasn't mistaken, that might have been a 'thank you' murmured inaudibly against his skin.


Simon didn't push it, rocking and holding and waiting for the shit to start again.




Ken was curled up on the couch while Simon watched some movie on the tube. He wasn't really paying attention, just making his presence known anytime Simon's hand stopped touching.


He felt fucking fantastic.


He hadn't had it rough like that in... well too damned long and it felt good. This of course made him feel guilty. He shouldn't feel this good and relaxed and... languid and sated, not without Bay around.


Bay was probably freaking out, and what was Ken doing? Getting the daylights fucked out of him and in a deeply satisfying way at that. He sighed and shifted, his thoughts bumming him out. He was obviously thinking too damned much.


He popped up and put his face in between Simon and the
television. It was his turn to do a little fucking. "Hey, Simon."


"Hey, Ken." Simon gave him a raised eyebrow. "I think it's more than time you let me fuck you."
"You do, huh? That kind of thinking's bad for you."


"Exactly. So let me do it and we can both not think." He leaned in and licked Simon's lips, lowering his voice. "I'm fucking good at it."


"Are you?" Simon pulled and twisted, tugging until they were resting together.


He wrapped one leg around Simon's waist, and slid his hands through the fiery curls. "Yep."


This time he took a real kiss, the taste of Simon growing more familiar under his lips. He'd never been with anyone but Bay long enough to know what they tasted like. The kiss was long, deep, lazy, Simon's hand heavy on him. He moved slowly, cock growing hard as his need built. Yeah. Yeah, no more thinking, just fucking.


"You're like the Energizer bunny."


He laughed, rubbing harder. "Hey, I'm going to do all the work this time!"


"You're assuming I'll let you fuck me." Simon winked, goosed him.


He moaned as Simon's hand on his recovering ass sent fire
licking through him. "Of course you're going to let me fuck you, Simon." His voice wasn't nearly as steady as he'd have liked.


"I am?" Simon chuckled, nails scraping so lightly.


He jerked hard, eyes rolling as the fire flared high. "Uh- huh."


"Are you sure?" Simon's teeth slid along his collarbone.


"Oh yeah." Eventually. If Simon stopped blowing his fucking mind.


He made a noise that might have been a whimper and dropped his head back, ass pushing back into Simon's hand. Simon smiled against his shoulder, fingers sliding into his crease. He whimpered, rubbing his cock against Simon's belly and his ass back against Simon's teasing fingers.


"Mmm... hungry, aren't you?"


"Fucking starving, Simon." And without Bay to scratch his itch... well. Simon was better at scratching a particular itch now, too, wasn't he?'


A finger tapped his hole, popping it with tiny little thumps.


He jerked with each one, moaning, cock throbbing, his balls hard against his body and aching. "Fuck... Simon."


"Mmm... You're a fucking firecracker, Ken." Simon smiled at him and the look was warm, wanting.
He laughed breathlessly. "Gonna let me go off on your ass?"


"Pop, crackle, snap." Simon chuckled, kissed the breath from him.


It got so he didn't care who fucked who as long as the breathless, dizzy, on fire sensations didn't stop. Simon was driving him mad -- teeth and body and words and hands, pushing him higher and higher.


"Please," he begged, having learned from this morning. "Fuck, please."


"Such a fucking beautiful boy." Simon growled and sat up, draping him over the strong lap, the sound of a bottle snapping open and three slick fingers pushing in deep.


He screamed, humping hard up into that invasion. His cock slid against Simon's legs, aching, making him start to shake.


"That's it. Let it go." Those fingers pegged his gland, pushing hard.


Ken shouted out Simon's name, wailed it as he shot all over Simon's legs, body going limp as he shook and rippled around those thick fingers.


Simon kept stroking, kept touching him, easing him down. "Better?"


"You're a sneak," he accused, curling around Simon's waist, not at all unhappy.
Simon chuckled, patted his ass. "Yup."


He hissed at the residual burn and snuggled in closer, eyes growing heavy. All he seemed to do here was sleep, eat and fuck.


If Bay were here? It would be perfect.




Rick paced, the doctor checking Bay out. Damn it. They were going to have to move sooner than he'd thought.
Damn kid had a seizure on him and as
as the Doc gave him the go ahead? He was going to beat Bay to death.


"Is he going to be okay?"


The doctor nodded. "He needs his meds. What was he on?"


"I don't know. Hold on." He grabbed the phone, dialed Mike. "This is Pat. Get me Alan."


They'd be using each others' middle names as pseudonyms for a while, he didn't even hesitate, pacing, waiting for Mike to patch him through.




"You ask that son of a bitch with you what meds his brother was on."


"Primary Two is in serious condition, seizing. I need fucking information."


"Hold up." He heard Simon's growl and then the phone changed hands.




"No. What was he on?" He didn't have time to play. "What? What do you mean was? Where the hell is Bay?"
"He's in with the doctor. He had a grand mal seizure. What meds was he on?"


"Jesus fuck." Ken made a small noise. "Is he okay? He needs me. Dammit, you assholes had no business separating us!"


"Ken. What. Meds. Was. Your. Mother-fucking. Brother. On." He could growl, too.


"I don't know!"


"You don't know?" He slammed his fist into the wall. "I am going to have to take him to the hospital, Ken, and those assholes looking will find him."


There was a half sob on the phone. "I don't know, Rick. Swear to God. It's Fenny something. I think. They kept changing it and I stopped paying attention. Fennytalk or fennytoe or something."


He looked at the doc. "Fenny something?"
The doc nodded. "Phenytek."


"Phenytek." He shook his head. "It's not on your med file. Why?"


"What med file? I thought doctor's records were supposed to be confidential!"


"Your father gave them to us in case we needed them." Like now. Asshole.


Ken snorted. "He doesn't have access to anything after we turned eighteen."


"Are there any other surprises waiting for me?" "No. Is... is he gonna be okay?"
"I've got a doctor here for him. Let me talk to O'Neal." "I wanna talk to him first."


"No. Bay! Let me fucking talk to my brother!"


"He's not conscious." The kid looked pale, sweaty, exhausted.


Ken whimpered. "He needs me. You can't keep keeping us separate."

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