Seducing the Regency Dom (10 page)

Read Seducing the Regency Dom Online

Authors: Raven McAllan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Historical, #Romantic Erotica

"A new punishment, my
Tony changed directions and whisked her into a side corridor. "And where
did you get that dress? For a traditional virgin's marriage gown, it is

"I'm not a traditional virgin bride,
thankfully," Susanna said as they got to a narrow oak door. "Where
are we going?"

"Wait and see." Tony opened the door and
escorted her through it. "Should I blindfold you?"

"Well, oh my, maybe not." Two horses were
tethered nearby. "If we are to ride, I think I'd best be able to

Tony took her ankle and threw her into the saddle. “No
ladies’ seat, but you ride astride as well as any man. And I will be able to
see your legs, and imagine it's me they are clinging to, not Flossie

Susanna shot him a gamine grin, put her feet into the
stirrups and hitched her wedding dress high up over her thighs. "It's to
be hoped no guests see us. What little reputation I have will be shot to
pieces." She shivered. Tony realized she wore very little other than silk
and satin.

"I forgot, how remiss of me.
He went to the saddlebag of his horse and took out a
fur-lined cloak. "Here, this will warm you until I can. We have an hour or
so's ride ahead. Will you be all right?"

She looked surprised.
And I will hold back my questions as to our destination, even
though it goes against the grain."

"Good." Tony mounted his horse and clicked
his tongue to set it in motion. Soon they were cantering down a little used
lane. He knew his land like the back of his hand, and was certain they'd have
an easy ride.

He was right. In a little over an hour, he slowed
and waited until Susanna drew up beside him. Her cheeks were glowing with the
exertion of the exercise, her hair had come adrift from its complicated design,
and the diamond pins were nowhere to be seen. She grinned.

"My hair fell down. I have the pins in my hem.
I'm so glad I chose to dispense with a silk cloak. One more step on my road to
harlot-dom no doubt, but it's all for the good. Can you imagine what I'd look
like galloping across the fields, with that streaming behind me? Oh, that gallop
was so welcome. I needed it. To be outside in glorious countryside, with you,
is perfect. Are we here?"

"Once we round the corner. Now I do wish to
blindfold you. Will you let me?" Tony wanted Susanna to be surprised when
they reached their destination, and not come upon it gradually. "We will
double up on Jester here." He patted his horse.

"For a chance to be close to you on a horse,
you can shackle me as well," Susannah said. "Do I sit in front?"
She lifted one leg over her horse's saddle and sat sideways. "Will you
catch me?"

Tony dismounted, and wrapped his horse's reins
around a branch. He walked to Susannah and held his hands out. She slipped into
his arms and slowly let her body slide down his until her quim rubbed the
length of his cock. It responded as ever by lengthening and hardening to the
point of perfect pain. Susannah licked her lips and chuckled. The melodic sound
and the hint of her perfume teased him into even more hardness.

, you are a minx." The use of her pet name, the one
they used for play, made her eyes widen.

As he put her onto the ground, and turned toward his
horse, Susanna slipped into her subservient self. She knelt and bent her head.

"My Lord?"

Tony wanted to cry, to laugh, to salute with a
cheer. Although they played, and played hard, he'd never attempted to get
either of them into their Master/sub mode outside their comfort zone. Here,
where in theory anyone could come upon them, was very much uncharted territory.
She trusts me to know what is best.

"I like your minx," he said as he used her
hair to lift her head upward. "It pleases me. Now let me lift you onto
Jester, and blindfold you."

Within a few seconds he had Susanna settled in front
of him, with her eyes covered. If he were a painter he'd paint her like that.
Rosy skinned, bridal gown bunched up, long white shapely legs covered in silk
stockings, and her eyes covered with a thick band of velvet. If they weren't
riding he'd have tied her hands and feet with the same material.
The black gleamed dark and enticing against her pale skin and red

Tony held Susanna tight to him with one hand and
urged the horse forward at a brisk walk. His cock rubbed up against the base of
her spine.

"One day I'll take you like this. On a solid
patient horse, with you in front and my cock buried deep in you."


"No," He leaned forward and pinched the
soft skin at the apex of her thighs. "We're only minutes away from our
destination. And then who knows what will happen?"

Perverse maybe, but Tony wanted now to keep Susanna
mentally off balance. It would heighten what was to come. Something he knew was
a deep-seated need within him. It would be the zenith of all they did, and if
it appealed to her as much as it did him, he knew he could ask no more.

She leaned back into him and sighed. "I'm so
glad today, or the ‘busy with other people’ part of today, is over. Now I can
be yours as and how you wish me to."

He kissed her neck and nipped the soft skin. An
action Tony knew would increase Susanna's arousal. In the short weeks of their
engagement, he'd become adept at arousing her, whenever possible. With the
eagle eyes of their family and the Ton on them, time alone had been at a
premium. However, a few nights at Stephen and Jane's had been fun, and Tony
knew every secluded nook and cranny in every great house they visited.

Now though,
they had no need for subterfuge.

He sucked the soft skin just below Susanna's hairline
and was more than satisfied when she moaned and wriggled.

"If you spook Jester, and fall off, your arse
will be sore for all the wrong reasons," Tony said. "Remember 'tis
our honeymoon. The time I promised to introduce you to new delights."

She stopped wriggling.

He laughed.



Her world spun, as Tony lifted her from the horse.
Susanna loved the way she used all her senses except sight to discover what was
happening. The sweet smell of
and the musky dusty
smell of a stable assailed her. She wrinkled her nose. Dust and hay made her
want to sneeze.
So un-romantic.
I hope Tony is not anticipating a romp in
the hay. A sneezing fit would not add to the atmosphere
. She bit her lip as
she remembered the last time she sneezed around him. Her sneeze had surprised
them both. They had been coupled and as she sneezed and jumped, Tony was about
to lunge deep into her. He slipped out instead and his seed shot over them
both. She chuckled to herself as she remembered just how much fun cleaning each
other had been.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I'm remembering the last time I sneezed around

Tony pulled her hair in a gentle tug. "Oh yes,
one inch further inside you and it could have been very sore. Your channel
muscles are more than powerful, and might well have squeezed the life out of my
cock. We'll steer clear of dust."

"And hay?"


He took her arm and propelled her forward. The
ground under her feet was firm, and the air had taken on a slight chill. She surmised
that either the sun had gone down, or they were in the shade.
Tiny stones scrunched under her feet and dug
into her skin through the soft soles of her slippers. She winced.

"Ouch, damned shoes are too flimsy for

"Poor Xiao
Never mind, I will
minister to you in such a way you won't remember the pain. Through here and let
me help you. Now there are twenty-seven steps.

She counted. At each count Tony gave her arse a
squeeze or a gentle flick of his hand. By number twenty-seven, the flicks were
no longer over her gown, which somehow Tony had bunched up around her waist, and
were harder. Her heartbeat quickened, her skin tingled and she wanted so much
more. However, she knew better than to ask. With as much patience as she could
muster, Susanna waited for his next directive.

"I'm going to take your blindfold off now,
love. Count to three before you open your eyes."

He spun her round, and pressed on her head. Susanna
obeyed the unspoken order and sank to her knees. The material that covered her
eyes was lifted and she mentally counted before she looked around. Her gasp was
loud and long and followed by Tony's satisfied chuckle.

"Ah, I think it's to your liking?"

Susanna took in the low padded bench with its
bindings, the X-shaped cross to one side of the room, and the long waist-high
bed with ropes and shackles above and beside it.

"Ours," Tony confirmed.
our eyes only.
No one else will use this. If we play here with Stephen
and Jane we'll use a bigger room along the corridor. This is ours. Are you
ready to start our honeymoon?"

Susanna felt the trickle of her juices edge down her
legs. Her tummy was full of butterflies for all the right reasons, and her body
was on fire. "Oh yes, My Lord." She infused the words with capitals
to show she meant them in the way they had decided was correct for their play.

"Then you know what to do." He wriggled
out of his jacket and flung it over the coat hook, before he turned his back on
her, walked toward a chair next to the bed and sat down. His long legs stretched
out in front of him. The pose accentuated his lean body, and his breeches were
taught over his cock and ballocks.

To Susanna's dismay it seemed to be just an ordinary
padded chair with no protuberances in it. Then she noticed a few knobs and
levers concealed in the folds of the material. Susanna grinned. She should have
realized Tony wouldn't go for the mundane. She licked her lips and began to
untie the row of tiny bows that started at her chest and ended just above the
hem of her gown.

Tony groaned.

Susanna stood, curtsied and sank to her knees once
more. She was glad she hadn't given in to protocol, her modiste, or her mama
when they said it should close down her back, “for your husband to undo."
She knew Tony, and he had often mentioned how arousing it was to see her expose
herself to him.

As the silky material slid over her breasts, Susanna
reached up and removed the straps from her shoulders and arms. With the bows
open to her waist, there was now nothing to stop the top of her gown from sliding
downward to bunch on top of the skirts.

"Stand up, let it fall and stretch out face
down on the bed."
The words were
clipped. She surmised Tony held onto his mounting libido with difficulty. His
cock stretched the material of his breeches to bursting point, and his nipples seemed
to challenge hers to see which stood out more.

With more haste than elegance Susanna scrambled to
do his bidding. What was going to happen? Tony had promised her a very special
play session for their honeymoon but had refused to say what it entailed. If
she was on the bed, it sounded tame.

"Now, grip the headboard and spread your legs.
Turn your head to the left.”

She complied immediately. Even without the 'I am
your Master' tone, those words made her channel muscles contract and her juices
flow. With that tone ringing in her ears, they nigh on gushed.

To her surprise, Tony didn't tie her hands or legs.
Spread out as she was, with her head to one side, all she could see was the
wall, with no toys
Tony knew how inquisitive she was.
Susanna knew this was all part of their play: The wondering, and the heightened
awareness of every touch and movement. The anticipation of what came next.

She could hear something rustling, and then a slight
thud followed by another, before a metallic
sounded in the distance.
Maybe…but what else?
Her cunt clenched and she
concentrated on regulating her breathing. It was hard when her body was on
fire, and the hairs on her arms stood on end. A state she knew more often that
not when she was near Tony.

"Now, wife, shall we celebrate our marriage?
In our soon to be special way?"

"Yes please, My Lord."

The bed dipped slightly and out of the corner of her
eye she saw Tony's bare knee as he knelt over her. One of his thighs brushed
the side of her arse, and then the touch was repeated on the other side, before
he moved and his legs slid down the outside of hers.

He put no weight on her, and Susanna held her
breath. What next?

Something dropped onto her between the shoulder
blades and she flinched. Then a white-hot pain spread over her skin. More
stings and shards of heat hit her back, and she gasped.

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