Seducing the Regency Dom (5 page)

Read Seducing the Regency Dom Online

Authors: Raven McAllan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Historical, #Romantic Erotica

She gave him a glowering look and he grinned. What
was it about this lady who made him tease? Apart from the fact if his Mama
thought he was interested in her, she'd stop parading all the other hopefuls in
front of him.

"Oh stop it, and watch the stage." Susanna
turned away from him pointedly, and he laughed.

"Beware of annoying your Mama."

"Oh, I do that anyway. Now,
…It's about to begin."

Tony crossed his legs at the ankles and prepared to
be bored.

"I thought Mr. Keane a fine actor,"
Susanna said an hour or so later. "And
Bride of Abydos
is considered to be one of Lord Byron's greatest epics."

Behind her he heard his Mama
on about stage presence, and commanding performances.

"Admit it," Tony said and glanced at
Susanna from under lowered lids. "You yawned. And I swear Mama

She giggled.
"Just a bit.
It does go on, I admit. However, now we have a break before the second

He sighed. Sitting next to Susanna, her light floral
scent in the air, and her bosoms pert under the low cut of her dress, his cock
was half erect and willing to go the whole way. Instead he had to make polite
conversation and be aware of their respective Mamas. A knock on the door made
him look up.
Saved by
the knock.

"Refreshments," he said as a footman wheeled
a covered trolley inside. "I though we might enjoy them here rather than
in the melee outside."

As soon as the footman left, his Mama stood up.
"How kind, dear boy, but we are going for some air. You stay and entertain
Susanna. It is perfectly convenable, as you are in full view of the rest of the
theatre." The dowagers sailed out and shut the door firmly behind them.

Tony looked at Susanna and went by instinct. He
winked. She giggled.

"They are wrong, you know." He stood up
and made a point of showing himself over the box wall. "This is one of the
few boxes that
mainly out of view of the rest of
the audience.
Especially where we're seated.
He asked this last as he lifted the bottle.

She nodded. "Is that why you chose it?
This box?"

He shook his head, and handed her a glass of ruby
red liquid. "I would have done if I'd thought of it." The wine glowed
deep and rich in the candlelight. Susanna took a sip, and used her tongue to
collect a tiny droplet that lingered on her lips.

"I assume it's from France?"

He nodded.


Tony agreed with her, but thought they weren't
appreciating the same thing. She spoke of the wine, he thought of her unconsciously
erotic gesture. "Duty paid. As to the box, it's been in my family since
the inception of the theatre, and wasn't acquired by me. However, I must admit
that privacy has its plusses."

"Oh, I agree." Susanna put her glass down
carefully on the tiny ledge provided, and moved her chair closer to his.
"Perhaps you could show me how?"

Tony started and his pulse jerked. "Perhaps you
could elaborate?"

She smiled and ran her tongue around her lips, and
then bit the bottom lip with three white teeth. "I thought you said earlier
there was a lot you could teach me? Maybe you could start now?"

Tony was sure he'd said no such thing.
will she cry wolf if I touch her? Or is this a ploy?
"You still are in agreement I don't offer
for you?"

"Well, of course." She sounded surprised
he would ask. "I will never marry a man who only wants a wife for the heir
and spare, as I have been assured you do."

He nodded, and wondered why her statement didn't sit
well with him. Was that truly his aim? When he knew once he wed he wouldn't

"Then come here." He pointed to the floor
at his feet.

She grinned. "Like a lap dog?"

"I didn't point to my lap," Tony said. "Though
if you prefer, lift your skirt and sit here." He patted his thighs.
"I leave that choice to you."

Susanna tucked her head to one side. "What
happens where?"

His cock was straining the materials of his
Thank the lord for garments
with give
. Otherwise it would be poking over his waistband. "You'll
have to wait and see. But choose quickly, for who knows how long we have."

He could almost see her mind whirring. She smiled,
long and full of promise. "Then if I have to chose, may I ask for
whichever I don't have now, I may experience later?"

His breath quickened. Had he found a lady willing to
play? "Your wish is my command."

Did he really
hear her mutter she thought it the other way round?

A noise outside the box alerted him to people about
to come in and he pushed Susanna's chair back with one foot as the door opened.
Tony rolled his eyes. He should know better than to start any dalliance in so
public a place. Anyone could enter. Their Mamas, although no doubt meeting and
chatting to their numerous cronies could return at any time.

"My lord, your mother is unwell. Lady Campion
is escorting her home." Jane came in and winked. Her deep blue silk gown
shimmered as she moved. "As far as anyone is aware Stephen and I are in here
with you. In reality we'll stay in the next box and leave the adjoining door
unlocked, to preserve the proprieties." She sniggered. "However, we
have our own agenda tonight." She shut the door behind her with a decisive

"And who arranged what, I wonder, and whose
plans were foiled," Tony said rhetorically once he and Susanna were alone
again. Did his companion color a little? In the dim light from the sconce above
their box it was difficult to tell. However, it seemed she wasn't perturbed.

Susanna laughed. "So where were we?"

Tony locked
the door to the corridor, pleased to see his companion hadn’t flinched, and
moved back to his chair. Her gaze followed his every move. As he sat, he spread
his legs, leaving a gap between them big enough for her to kneel in if she
chose. She swallowed and the soft skin on her throat rippled.
Such a small thing, but oh so exciting to him.
She was aware
of him.
And I thought she was indifferent.
"You were about to decide what happens next."

"I was, wasn't I?" She took a deep breath and
Tony wondered if her breasts would pop over the top of her gown. Was that a
dusky nipple he could see half revealed?

"Then I will sit here." With only the
slightest tremble, Susanna stood, turned and sank to her knees in between his
thighs. Her dress caught under her legs and the silk tightened over her

Tony waited without saying a word until she

"Well?" Susanna asked, as she stared at
him. Her lips were parted and her breath came out in tiny pants. In the low
light he saw how her skin shone with the soft sheen of arousal. "What

"Now if you were really interested in what we
could be, I'd get you to put your hands behind your back, bow your head and
stay silent, and not fidget. Instead I think I’ll ask you to suck my cock."

Had he gone too far? She was a young unmarried lady
of the Ton, not some demi monde who knew the score.

She lifted her hand in the air in a fluttering motion and let it drop to her
side. Then she lifted both hands to the band of his pantaloons and drew it
lower until the tip of his cock, slick with his juices, was revealed. Her gasp
was one of what? Tony hoped not disgust, but to tell the truth, he had no idea.
All he knew was that as her hands scraped his skin, his pre-cum increased.
Slowly, almost reverently, she released his prick from its confines and stroked
the length with a trembling finger.

"Well, hello." Her voice was husky.
"I'm so pleased to make your acquaintance." As he opened his mouth to
speak, Susanna bent her head.

Tony lost any idea of what he intended to say.



Susanna had no idea she could be so bold. The
butterflies in her stomach would vie any lepidopterist's collection, and the muscles
in her channel jumped around so much it was a wonder she wasn't dancing along
with them. It was one thing asking Jane for the details of what she might be
asked to do, another to actually do it. Where did her nose go? Should she use her
hands to get his prick into a position she could manage? Did she just take the
tip into her mouth and suck? What if, he came in her mouth? Should she swallow
or spit?
So many questions.
Why did she think she
could do this? Just because she needed to make him understand she wished to
experience all he had to offer.

She lifted her head. "Maybe I should just lift
my skirts and sit on your lap instead?"

"Reneging, Susanna?
I thought you had more
backbone than that," Tony said in an undertone. Outside in the auditorium
the cheers and applause indicated the drama was about to continue. Inside the
box, Susanna decided it was about to start.

"Oh, tarnation."
She sat back on her
heels and looked up at him. "I don't know what to do." She waited to
see what his response would be. He didn't give one.

"I don’t know how I do it."

"However you want to. This is your show and let
me tell you, damnable hard it is for me to let it be so," Tony said.
"It's rare for me to sit back and not direct the proceedings. Enjoy it
whilst you can."

She smiled. "I intend to."

"I wish I knew what game you were playing,

"The game of life, my lord.

He raised one well-sculpted eyebrow.

Susana saw red. Her hair color was apt. "Oh,
well, you said so." With a temerity she hadn't know she possessed she took
hold of his cock in both hands, held it still and wrapped her lips around it as
far down the length as she could. And sucked for all she was worth.

His skin was soft and slid over a rock hard core. As
her mouth tightened, and the head of his prick ticked the very back of her
mouth, his juices coated her tongue, salty and warm. Going on instinct she
hadn't known she possessed, Susanna let her teeth graze the skin, as she tasted
him. It rippled under her ministrations.

"Good Lord, Xiao
, you have the knack. If you don't
wish me to fill your mouth, you stop now." The warning was clear. "This
once I'll give you the choice."

Why should she stop? Susanna perceived she had the
upper hand. This time was for him. She hoped another time would be for her. With
one hand she tugged his pantaloons down a further inch or so to expose the two
tight balls of flesh either side of his cock. As an experiment she rolled one
between her thumb and forefinger and she swirled her tongue over the tip of his
cock. Then she pulled him hard into her mouth once more. His prick hardened as
she nipped and soothed and he held her head in place. That tight clasp, so she
couldn't move back was an inkling of how life could be. She loved it. Her legs
were damp as her juices trickled over them.

"That's it, my perfect lady. I
argh, sweet Xiao
, tis no…now." He groaned the words as his cock
swelled and filled her mouth with the results of her ministrations. Susanna
didn't even have time to think. She swallowed each and every drop of the thick
salty cum, until his cock grew limp. Only then did he release his grip on her
hair and allow her to lift her head.

"Ah…" He stopped and Susanna watched as he
moistened his lips with his tongue. "Perfect."

Applause echoed around the theatre once more, and
Susanna stifled a giggle.

"Do you think that's for me?"

"We'd better hope not, but it should be. That
was exquisite. You are a perfect pupil. Shall I return the favor? Oh I think
so." He didn't give Susanna time to answer. "Lift your skirts to your
waist, sit on the chair and hold onto the arms. Tuck your ankles around the
legs. No one can see you there except me. This is for us alone. Do you think
you'll need a gag?"

Susanna blinked. "Why would I, oh…" She
felt her body heat, and knew once more color must stain her skin. "Er,
perhaps." She knew only too often how she frequently stuffed the coverlet
in her mouth to stop her sighs and gasps alerting the household to her
activities. "In fact, yes.
But what?"


I'm not a dog.
However, in spite of
her inclination to say
Susanna sat as Tony had directed.

He tucked her gown tightly around her waist and
smiled at her. "I think this time you should watch." He stroked her
from her waist downward, slowly ruffling the curls of her quim, before letting
one finger touch her nub and caress the opening to her channel.

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