Read Semper Fidelis Online

Authors: Morticia Knight Kendall McKenna Sara York LE Franks Devon Rhodes T.A. Chase S.A. McAuley

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Semper Fidelis (18 page)

Light flashed over Akim’s face and the man jerked away. He watched as Akim sat straight and looked out of the passenger window. Kelley glanced around, noticing a small truck headed their way. The moment had passed and he wasn’t going to get a kiss from this beautiful man.

He put the vehicle in gear and took off across the base toward the office complex. When he stopped at his office, Akim jumped out, striding away. Kelley watched, keeping his gaze on Akim for a long time. He wondered what hell the kid would go through if his family found out he was gay. It wasn’t his problem to deal with, though he desperately wanted to help. Kelley shuffled into his office and cleaned up his desk. After thirty minutes of paper pushing, he’d made enough of a dent to call it a night.

Once in bed, he tossed and turned, thinking of the dark haired, olive skinned beauty. Having Akim would be impossible. It wasn’t meant to be and he sure as hell wouldn’t press it.


* * * *


Kelley missed home. The first pitch of the baseball season would be thrown later in the night and he’d miss it. Well, miss the live version. Tonight he couldn’t stay up late. Not really… He could, but he’d been so busy he’d not been sleeping well. What he really wanted was to be there in person. They were having a game on base this weekend but it wasn’t the same. Seriously, they would be playing in the dirt on a small patch of ground that didn’t come close to a regulation size field. He been recruited to play on the officers’ team and he had a feeling they would take a beating.

Kelley snuck outside to get in some batting practice. He didn’t have a stand to set the ball on so he was tossing the ball in the air and trying to hit it, like he used to do playing back lot ball with three of his friends growing up. He wasn’t doing great. In fact, he sucked at this—it had been a long time since third grade. The next toss he missed the ball so badly the he found himself spinning on his heel, chasing empty air. Hearing someone laughing behind him, embarrassment and anger surged through him and he spun around. Seeing Akim, all the emotion drained out of him leaving behind just the heat. He took two steps toward Akim and stopped. What the hell was he thinking? Akim wasn’t a man he could pull into a rough hug and kiss him. He wasn’t at home.

“Let me.” Akim held out his hand and Kelley tossed him the ball. Akim backed up, settling into a classic pitcher’s stance. He twisted his body, releasing his energy through his hips and arm. The ball flew off his fingers, slicing through the air straight into the sweet spot and Kelley swung, knocking the ball over a tent and then some.

“Shit, that would have been a homerun.”

Akim nodded and laughed. He ran over and picked up Kelley’s other baseball, winding up for the next pitch. The ball sailed to the perfect spot again, this time Kelley didn’t hesitate and it flew even farther. He jogged over to Akim and bumped his shoulder. “Hell, man, if I didn’t know better, I would swear you were American born. That’s some pitching arm you have on you.”

Akim stiffened beside him. Kelley hadn’t meant to insult Akim. He blew out a big breath and glanced down, wishing that Akim would look at him.

“Hey, I’m sorry if I said something wrong.”

Akim shook his head once and took off walking. “I will get the balls.”

“Hey, you don’t have to. They were—”

Akim had already disappeared around the tent, leaving Kelley totally alone and confused. What had he said that had made Akim mad? “Hell,” Kelley grumbled as he headed back into his office and stripped off his shirt. He pulled off his pants too, standing in only his boxers. He swiped his underarms with a damp cloth and some deodorant. Kelley always kept spare clothes in the bottom of the filing cabinet and he bent low to get them.

The door swung open behind him and he spun. Losing his balance, he fell to the floor, knocking his head against the desk. The intruder rushed over, sinking to the floor beside him. A hand landed on his arm and Kelley glanced up, seeing that it was Akim. Heat shot straight to his groin. Akim’s gaze drifted lower over Kelley’s chest to his belly then to his boxers.

For a long moment Kelley watched Akim watch him. The man’s gaze had locked on him, staring as Kelley’s dick hardened, tenting his shorts. Akim’s hand didn’t stay on his arm—it drifted over to his chest and his pec, gliding over his nipple. Kelley sucked in a breath and fought to stay still. He wanted to pull Akim down on his lap and see how sweet the man tasted, but Akim had to make the first move. The touching was great, but could be explained away. A kiss was different. If Akim leaned in just a bit then brushed his mouth over Kelley’s, there was no mistaking that meant business.

Akim used the tips of his fingers to trace the line of hair running down the middle of Kelley’s torso to the top of his boxers. Akim stopped moving and finally looked up, his dark eyes almost black with passion. Kelley lifted his hand and smoothed his rough finger pads over Akim’s cheek, moaning at the softness.

Rough guys were fine and he’d been with bears before, but he had always been attracted to smaller men—twinks. They lit up all of his buttons and fired them off one at a time, leaving him wishing for more.

Akim closed the distance between them, his lips just a soft press against Kelley’s mouth. The permission was given and Kelley didn’t hesitate to rise to the challenge. He grabbed Akim’s waist and pulled the smaller man onto his lap but that wasn’t enough. He needed something more. Kelley twisted a bit and suddenly he was on top of Akim, his dick pressing into Akim’s leg, the man pinned under him. Akim moved his legs and Kelley was afraid he’d pushed too far, but Akim hooked his ankles around Kelley’s legs, pinning them together.

Kelley cradled Akim’s head so he wasn’t being pressed into the hard floor and joined their lips, licking at Akim, praying the man would open. He didn’t disappoint and soon Akim and Kelley’s tongues were swirling around each other’s, their hips rocking slightly, creating a delicious friction.

It had been so long and he was going to blow. Kelley pulled back and broke the kiss. Akim whimpered, sending a smile to Kelley’s lips. He wanted to keep going, but on the floor of his office wasn’t special enough for Akim. Of course, they didn’t have many options open to them.

“Akim, you are so beautiful.” Kelley nibbled on Akim’s neck, his hips flexing to grind against the man again. He pulled back enough to see Akim’s eyes—they were full of lust, mirroring his own desires. Kelley searched Akim’s gaze for any hesitation—there wasn’t any. “You know what I want?”

“Yes,” Akim hissed out.

“You are making this too easy and too hard—fuck, I’m so hard for you.” Kelley brushed his lips over Akim’s jaw. “The first time I saw you walking down the hall outside this very room, I wanted to touch you.”

“Please,” Akim begged.

“Not here. Anyone could walk in. The interrogation room—number three—doesn’t have a camera. I have the key.”

Akim pulled Kelley down for a kiss, his tongue swiping inside Kelley’s mouth then pulling out quickly. He pushed in again, his tongue speeding up, driving Kelley wild.

Kelley hopped up and pulled Akim with him, pausing for a quick kiss before taking a step, almost stumbling over something. He looked down and saw the two baseballs.

“I got your balls,” Akim said.

His gaze shot to Akim’s and he growled, pulling the man close. “You’ve got more than my balls.” Kelley pulled him into a rough kiss, holding him tightly as he reached into his top drawer and grabbed a condom and packet of lube. He was about to shut the drawer when he grabbed another condom and smiled at Akim. The man was beaming, his eyes twinkling with merriment as he handed Kelley his trousers.

They acted above reproach as they made their way down the hall to the interrogation room, entering like they were conducting real business, not literally fucking around on the job. Kelley steeled himself not to take a quick glance around the hallway to see if anyone had noticed them. Keeping his posture casual, he opened the door, ushering Akim inside, acting like he’d done this a hundred times before. As soon as Kelley used his key, locking the door from the inside, Akim was on him, tugging at his clothes, stripping off his button-down and T-shirt, pushing his pants and skivvies to the ground. Before Kelley could catch Akim’s arm, the man had dropped to the ground and his mouth found Kelley’s cock, lips sliding down on him. Abandoning his plans, Kelley let the man lave attention on him. Akim’s mouth was heaven. Just the right amount of tongue and suction and the tiniest scrape of teeth to keep him on edge, driving him crazy. Kelley ran his fingers through Akim’s hair, holding him close. The man moaned around Kelley’s dick and sucked harder.

The edge was so close, but he wanted to have Akim underneath him, ass cheeks pressed against his hips. Or face to face, staring into his eyes. Anything, really—as long as he was with this man, position didn’t matter.

“Stop,” Kelley commanded. Akim pulled back, his eyes troubled. Kelley dragged him up, tugging at his clothes. “Get undressed. I want you naked and ready for my cock.”

Akim’s face was red as he stripped. When he was naked, Kelley moved closer, taking in the beauty before him. Akim was beautiful, striking. Cupping the back of his head, Kelley drew him into a very gentle kiss. “I promise not to hurt you. I’ll go slow, but I want you.”

Akim nodded and moved to turn around, but Kelley stopped him. “No, I want to see your face when I take you.”

Kelley kissed Akim again, slow and sweet. He slid his hands down Akim’s body to his cock, moaning when he took the man’s dick in hand. He was thick but not too long. It would feel so good to be underneath this man, allowing Akim to plow into him. Maybe next time… What he wanted right now—what he needed right now—was to sink into Akim’s heat.

With lube covering his fingers, Kelley slid one digit across Akim’s perineum to his tight pucker. He pressed in slowly, waiting for the pressure to ease. Kelley let his forehead rest against Akim’s shoulder, gently working his fingers in and out of the man underneath him, his breath a soft puff on Akim’s pec. He alternated kissing and licking the silky brown skin and cradling his face.

“Mmm, you’re so hot and tight. I want you so much. You’re so beautiful and delicious. I could do this forever. I know we come from different worlds, but I don’t think that really matters. There’s something here that keeps drawing me back to you.” Kelley pushed his fingers in, hitting Akim’s prostate. The man arched into him, his head falling back and his eyes closed. Kelley’s eyes swept over Akim and he shuddered. “Hell, I’d have no problem being with you every day for the rest of my life.” Kelley worked at opening Akim’s hole, loving how responsive the man was—he was like putty in Kelley’s arms.

“Wrap your legs around my waist,” Kelley said, helping Akim up, settling him slowly over Kelley’s cock, before sitting them both down on the edge of a gray metal chair, ignoring the sudden cold against his ass. Akim held on tightly as Kelley positioned his dick. He eased Akim down, his whole body shaking as he slid into the velvet heat. “Are you okay? Do you hurt too much?”

“No,” Akim growled. “Want more.”

Kelley chuckled and wrapped his hands around Akim’s waist, lifting and lowering him, taking pleasure in his ability to manhandle Akim. He could feel Akim quiver in his arms, the fingers gripping his biceps tighten. It seemed like they were both about to blow when Akim looked up at him, their gazes connecting. It was like he could see directly into Akim’s soul as they drew closer to the edge. Akim bit his lip and squeezed his eyes closed. Sweat dripped down Kelley’s back and across his chest where Akim pressed against him, but he kept pumping Akim’s body up and down. His orgasm wouldn’t wait. Kelley grasped him tight, holding him close, digging his fingers into Akim’s taut muscles. He closed his eyes and tried to stay upright as his balls emptied. Pleasure sizzled across his nerve endings and for a moment, consciousness faded until Akim slipped off his lap, crumpling to the ground. Kelley stripped off the condom before dropping down beside him, cupping Akim’s face and smoothing his thumbs over his cheeks. “That was beyond good. Hell, that was amazing—you’re amazing.”

“Yes. Amazing.” Akim leaned in and kissed him, pushing Kelley to the floor onto his back. He kissed down Kelley’s chest to his legs, not missing any part of Kelley’s body with his mouth and tongue. “Roll over.” Akim’s accent wasn’t as thick as before, but Kelley blew it off, thinking that maybe he’d misheard.

Akim kissed up his leg to his butt and pushed at Kelley’s legs, forcing him to spread them. Akim slid his tongue over Kelley’s crack and over his pucker. He was going to get hard again. Akim had spent long enough kissing his chest, hips, legs and feet that he was almost recovered. Akim licked over his taint again and again, getting him wet.

The rip of foil surprised Kelley. He wasn’t fully recovered and his dick was only half hard. But Akim didn’t hesitate and Kelley didn’t deny him access when the first of several lubed fingers breached him, stretching and working to relax his ring of muscles. The fingers disappeared, replaced immediately by Akim’s hard cock. It felt so good he almost sunk back down to the floor, but he held his ass up, pressing back against Akim, encouraging him on. Pain mixed with the pleasure flooding Kelley’s senses as Akim breached his ring. Kelley bit his lower lip to keep from whimpering as Akim stilled. Gentle hands rubbed his lower back and over his butt cheeks, helping him relax. He sighed and focused on bearing down, allowing Akim to slip in further. The man was a great lover, finding the right position to leave Kelley gasping for more in seconds. It was as if Akim had been making love to Kelley for years instead of minutes. He knew exactly how to work his body, dragging the head of his cock across Kelley’s prostate, backing off the minute he was about to come, then repeating the process. The minutes felt like hours as Kelley finally sunk onto his forearms, dropping his head between his arms in surrender. Only then did Akim reach around to grip his cock in a lube-slicked hand, jacking him in time with his thrusts until he exploded, spraying the floor with cum.

He was absolutely satisfied. He didn’t want this man getting away from him. If they were back in the states, he’d ask Akim to date exclusively. With Akim an Afghani national, it was almost an impossible dream. It would take longer, but somehow he was going to find a way to keep this man.

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