Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride (20 page)

Read Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Erotica, #Gay, #motorcycle, #BDSM, #discipline, #prostitute, #homophobia, #coming out, #biker

Tooth frowned. “Where are you two going?”

Bell smirked, and Tooth didn’t like the look of
those full lips. “It’s a surprise for Luci.”

Tooth leaned back, his eyes drifting to
fer. There was
something fishy going on here.

I can go, right?” Luci
fer asked, already getting up.

You don’t need to ask him.” Bell snorted and
grabbed a few strands of Luci
fer’s freshly straightened hair. He rolled it in his thick
fingers with a frown. The brothers couldn’t be more different. Bell
dusky skinned and big boned, Lucifer pale and slim.

Tooth exhaled, holding on
to his warm cup. He was suspicious of
Bell’s sudden change. “Can I join you two? I have no plans

“I suppose.” Bell shrugged, but Lucifer paced in
place with enthusiasm.

Tooth couldn’t help but smile at him. “Give me
fifteen minutes. Will you wait in the lounge?” he asked Bell.

“Yeah, yeah, finish your bacon, old man.” Bell
snorted and stomped off without closing the door.

Tooth cleared his throat and finished the coffee
in one swig. As silly as it was, he didn’t want
fer to think of him
as some old fart. “I’m only thirty-two.”

“I know, daddy.” Lucifer started laughing as he
pulled on his new hoodie. It was simple and black, but so soft to
the touch that Tooth would love to slide his hands inside. Instead,
he slapped Lucifer’s ass.


laughed and trotted off to the corridor, leaving Tooth with a
coffee to finish and a tingling in his hand that he wished could
last longer.




Tooth took a quick shower, dressed in his regular
clothes, and arrived downstairs with his hair still wet. He tied it
into a braid so it wouldn’t make him look like a drenched cat. It
would have been an issue if he were to ride his bike, but they
ended up taking the car.

Bell finally revealed they were going to do some
target practice, and Lucifer was excited like a kid on Christmas
about getting a gun. Even if just for a few hours.

“You got a bodyguard now, Luci,” Bell laughed as he
drove the car over gravel to an abandoned shopping mall.

Tooth snorted and looked over his shoulder at
fer, who kept
popping his head between the front seats. “His personal guard

“He’ll need that with those arms like twigs.” Bell
snorted, and it got him a punch on the arm.

“At least I’m not fat,” Lucifer said.

Bell parked with a screech of tires. “You little

Tooth laughed, leaning his forehead against the
window. Bell wasn’t exactly fat, but he wasn’t chiseled either. Big
but unsculpted. “Run, Luci
fer! Run!”

Lucifer rolled over on the
backseat to exit from the door farthest
from Bell and managed to get out before Bell automatically locked
all the doors. His laugh still resonated in the empty parking lot
when Bell got out to chase him down.

It was such a good feeling to see the boy so
carefree and genuinely happy. Tooth grinned at Bell and gently
punched his shoulder. “It means a lot to him that you’re doing
this, you know.”

Bell smiled but his gaze followed Lucifer all the
way to the abandoned building. “Well, he’s gonna change his mind
once I catch him,” he said, but there was no malice in his voice.
Bell grabbed his backpack and they made their way through the
parking lot as well.

The boy was nowhere in sight, and in the two-story
shopping mall, there were plenty
of places to hide in. It was a sunny day, and the
windows—some intact, some just partially glassed—were shining
bright. They frequently used this spot for target practice and
occasionally as a holding place or hideout, but with the police
paid for turning a blind eye, they could easily access the mall
through a hole in the fence.

“Lucifer, are you playing hide and seek?” yelled

“Jeez, what a kid,” sighed Bell with a slight

Let him have his fun. He’s had it tough so far.”
Tooth approached the wire mesh fence and smiled, noticing
it had been tampered with.
Someone was already inside.

“Tough? Having sex every day and doing nothing with
his life? I’d hardly call that tough.” Bell shook his head and
squinted when they heard footsteps over some metal stairs far

Tooth gritted his teeth and squeezed Bell’s
shoulder. “He won’t tell you what really happened, you know? But
he’s afraid. It’s obvious he’s been mistreated, so cut him some

Bell went silent as they walked along the
, locked-up shops.
Tooth hoped there was some train of thought behind the lack of

I just…”
Bell made an incohesive gesture with his hands in the air.
“I wanna strangle anyone who’s put a dick in him.”

Tooth sighed. Well, it
progress. “I can second that,” he said as they
approached the ruined stairs to the main doors of the mall. It used
to look quite grand, with colorful panels on the outer walls and
black marble on the stairs. Most of the stone has been since
removed—Tooth suspected—without authorization, and they walked on
white dust and debris covering the concrete steps.

I bet that’s what’s made him all
-up.” There it was
again. Good old Bell, oblivious to how the world worked.

Tooth groaned. “Come on, you can’t believe that,”
he said, walking through an empty
doorframe, the glass that belonged there crunching
underneath his boots. “He found his mother’s corpse, and then lived
in the streets.”

He should have come to the clubhouse,” Bell said,
clearly forgetting that it was him who didn’t move a finger to look
for Luci
fer all those
years ago.

Tooth shrugged as they walked along the empty stores
and past a dry fountain. “Maybe he thought the streets were safer.
You saw yourself how eager Priest is to spend time with him.”

There he is.” Bell pointed
at a shadow far away down the corridor and
sped up. “Go from that side,” he whispered and already turned the
other way, hunched like a predator, but with a silly grin on his

The shopping mall was built in a semi-circular
plan, so if Luci
didn’t flee to the second floor, they were bound to catch him if
they approached him from both directions.

Tooth waved at
Bell and went down the corridor, his eyes scanning all the
ghost stores, the broken escalators, in search for the brilliant
blond hair. The mall smelled of dust, except for places where the
glass on the ceiling was broken, letting in fresh air and water to
feed the plants slowly starting to overtake the building. It was
like walking through a post-apocalyptic world.

And there it was. Tooth’s prey fled into an
abandoned store through a hole between two rotting pieces of wood.
Quick, but not quick enough. Tooth managed to spot the boot-clad
foot before it disappeared in the shadow.

Tooth ran straight for the store that used to sell
stuffed toys and rushed to get in, breaking the withered planks in
the process. They fell apart as he kicked them in, and for a
strange moment, Tooth really was a wild animal about to catch a
rabbit. His mind registered everything, from the dust dancing in
the rays of light coming in through the ceiling, through the stuffy
smell, to
the low noise
of an old metal shelf creaking with movement.

A rat escaped from a
ripped-up, decomposing teddy bear, and it
distracted Tooth for a second. But once he was back to scanning the
store, he noticed a shadow sliding along a row of

“I can see you,” he growled, slowly approaching his
phantom prey. His breath quickened, and so did his heartbeat,
making his head feel light and heavy at the same time.

There was a loud inhale on the other side of the
shelf, and a slow creak of sand and debris. Lucifer was trying to
move quietly, but he was definitely there. Ideas of what he could
do with the boy once he caught him flooded Tooth’s mind and
wouldn’t go away no matter how hard he tried. But when he turned
around the corner, Lucifer was gone.

A quick glance toward the entrance assured him he
didn’t have to run that way, and instead
he turned his attention to the darkest corner of
the abandoned store. There was a shadow behind a counter, and when
Tooth got closer, he realized it was a door. This place had to have
a back room, or something of this sort. He sped past the counter
and blindly walked into a narrow corridor behind the door. His
fingers touched steel, and as he moved forward, he recognized there
were lockers on one side, but his mind was completely focused on
listening for the familiar sounds.

Instead of
farther in the old staff room, the sound of movement
against the grit on the floor came from behind Tooth. He turned
around and there Lucifer was, crawling away slowly under the
counter Tooth had passed. The boy was only a shadow, but there was
no doubt it was him.

Tooth’s lungs emptied, and everything seemed to
slow down as he ran back to the door in three long steps, his
heartbeat furious in his ears as he grabbed Lucifer’s hips and
pulled him up. Luci
squealed, but it was no use. In one well practiced move, Tooth
pushed him against the wall and pulled his hands behind his back.
The furious rhythm he could feel in Lucifer’s wrists made Tooth
want to grind against his prize.

In the darkness, somehow it seemed less of a
crime, especially
he had caught the boy fair and square. Instead of getting closer,
he lowered his head and discreetly sniffed the sweet golden hair.
It felt incredible to have him like this, defenseless, against the

The whimper Lucifer gave him went straight to
Tooth’s balls. “Oh, my God, you perv, you love it, don’t you?”
fer let out a
nervous laugh and wiggled in the grip. “I’m not a girl, you

Tooth bit his lip, his eyes straying lower, to the
shadow of Luci
fer’s pert
butt. “Did you just call me a perv? Say that again.”

Lucifer chuckled, managing to pull away slightly,
only to get pulled right back into place by Tooth. “Perv.”

Without thinking, Tooth stepped back and slapped
Lucifer’s ass hard enough for it to jiggle. He had to keep his
breath in for Luci
not to hear it tremble.

yelped in surprise. The dark, dusty space felt almost like another
universe, an alternative reality where Tooth would actually be able
to pull down Lucifer’s pants and fuck that tight ass after the
buttocks became hot from smacking.

You’re being bad again,” rasped Tooth, resting his
chin on top of Luci
skull and feeling the shapely head mold to his neck.

Lucifer’s heart pounded so hard
Tooth could hear it.

It’s my nature…” Luci
fer whispered and made a slow move with his ass
against Tooth’s groin. Tooth backed off again and delivered a sharp
strike with his hand, strong enough to have his palm tingle. He
would probably come within seconds if he only could grind against
Lucifer’s naked ass.

“I should spank it out of you.”

I can’t help being bad,” Luci
fer mewled when Tooth pulled him away from
the wall and bent him over the dirty but sturdy countertop. Tooth
couldn’t help his surprise at how light Lucifer was every time he
was handling him.

That was two strikes. Three more,” said Tooth, and
as much as he tried to think of it as punishment
fer needed, his mind
kept straying somewhere he could never go. “Keep your hands on your

The speed with which Luci
fer followed the order had Tooth biting his lip
hard. Lucifer’s head was flat against the counter with his forehead
on the wood, while the pliant body was splayed out for Tooth to
use. He had to hold back a groan when Lucifer slightly parted his

Tooth’s dick had
few morals and quickly filled, making his jeans
feel far too tight. “You’re running from me. Why?” groaned Tooth,
stepping back and forth just to tease Lucifer. The boy would be
fantasizing about the slap but completely unaware of when it would

I… I…” There it was. Too focused on what was
happening to answer. “It’s a game…?” The question mark in
fer’s voice came
only right at the end.

Tooth gave his ass a merciless smack, imagining the
flesh beneath the denim blooming with a red flush. God, this was so
hot. “Yeah.”

Lucifer let out an inarticulate groan and tensed
up, raising to his toes. Tooth could see his buttocks clench in the
tight jeans. The boy wasn’t running anywhere though, and in Tooth’s
fantasies, it was a sign Luci
fer liked it. He savored the last two smacks, leaving his
hand on the pert ass for a second too long. And just like that, it
was over, and Tooth was left with a raging erection behind an
unwilling boy who was bent over because of a ‘game’. Tooth really
needed to get laid. Soon.

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