Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride (21 page)

Read Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Erotica, #Gay, #motorcycle, #BDSM, #discipline, #prostitute, #homophobia, #coming out, #biker

Lucifer straightened up, rubbing his ass through his
pants and shifting his weight from side to side. “That’s one hand
of steel,” he moaned.

Tooth bit back a groan. “You need to learn how to
defend yourself. From pervs like me.”

turned around with a big grin on his flushed face. “Oh, yeah? You
gonna teach me some moves?” He pushed Tooth’s chest without much

I should, shouldn’t I?” asked Tooth, grabbing a
strand of Luci
hair. It suddenly occurred to him how weird it was, but before he
could see recognition of his ulterior motives in Lucifer’s eyes, he
bent over and quickly yanked the kid over his shoulder.

Lucifer yelped and stirred in on his arm, but wasn’t
kicking. “What are you doing?” he demanded.

It was fun, but holding him was also a good
opportunity to feel the leanness of Luci
fer’s thighs. And an erection poking against
Tooth’s shoulder. Now that was unexpected.

Tooth laughed, walking toward the door. “Bringing
you back to our camp. You are gonna be roasted until you’re
succulent and soft.”

kept wiggling around, but it was easy to hold him nevertheless. “My
brother wouldn’t eat me.”

Shame on him then. You’re quite a catch,” said
Tooth, willing his own erection to fade. At least the bright
sunlight in the corridor seemed to disperse some of the lusty
atmosphere as he carried Luci
fer toward where Bell should be coming from.

“I was about to call for backup!” Bell yelled from
the first floor and laughed. “But I can see you managed with one
skinny boy in the end.”

Tooth waved at him and let Luci
fer slide off.

looked down over the railing. “At least I’m not so fat no one can
pick me up!” he yelled to his brother.

“Why would I want anyone to pick me up?”

You would be like this hippo ballerina from
chuckled Tooth, his arousal finally dispersed.

Lucifer pouted and leaned even
farther over the railing, leaving Tooth to
stare at his ass. “What do you mean ‘why’? So your next boyfriend
can fuck you against the wall.”

“You little fairy! Just wait till I get up there!”
Bell yelled and his steps quickened on the floor below them.

“What? You threatened by the thought of a big, fat

I’ll give you a big fat co
—” Bell stopped talking halfway, probably
realizing what he just said. “Fuck!” His yell resonated throughout
the corridor, making Tooth chuckle. Slowly, Tooth leaned down to
Lucifer’s ear.

“That’s five more when we get home.”


Chapter 13

It was strange for Luci to have people around who
actually took
interest in him. The only person he really missed from the Vanilla
Lounge was Rick. And Suzy, but he’d lost hope that she could be
still alive. It had been almost three weeks since he’d been dragged
into the clubhouse kicking and screaming, but he’d settled in so
quickly it scared him. He didn’t want to get so attached since this
peaceful life could end at any moment, yet he couldn’t help getting
used to the banter with Bell, going on some wild target practice in
derelict buildings. Bell was also the only person who was willing
to sneak him alcohol. He wasn’t a dream older brother by any means,
but they were getting to know each other. And despite being an ass
at times, Bell did put in the effort to meet up, so Luci tried not
to be too stubborn either.

Just yesterday all three of them
—him, Bell, and Priest—had played pool
together. Luci was pretty shit at it, but they still had fun. He
didn’t expect much from his dad, so any crumb of interest was worth
bending over for. For once Luci felt like maybe, possibly, he could
be wanted around for more than his cocksucking mouth.

And then there was Tooth. Oh God, Tooth. Tooth was
the best. Always around, always somewhere in the background. Luci
did everything he could to make him happy. Cleaned, made the beds,
did the laundry for them both, cooked whenever there was an
opportunity. Luci tried to not make it a habit, but whenever he’d
crawl into Tooth’s bed, Tooth didn’t kick him out. Luci would never
embarrass Tooth by telling anyone about it, but he was so grateful
for the scraps of affection, even if they weren’t sexual for Tooth.
In some
fucked-up way,
despite not missing kneeling in bathroom stalls and pretending
interest, Luci felt an itch he couldn’t scratch no matter how much
he masturbated. Being able to fall asleep under Tooth’s hot, heavy
arm made everything better.

Another aspect of being close to Tooth was the
secret arrangement they had. Luci’s dad would probably flip if he
found out about Tooth’s concept of discipline, but he
had told Luci that he’d given
Tooth free reign over what Luci was and wasn’t allowed to do. And
with that free reign came pleasure and fun, as well as punishment.
Those aspects mixed too much for Luci to ever disclose it to Tooth.
Tooth’s methods were never too severe, and after the smacks Luci
got on the hands, and the bruises that followed, Tooth said it
would be easier to keep things discreet and keep the strikes out of
visible places on the body. Which meant spanking on the ass. Luci
did not oppose.

Luci got spanked for lying about drinking

He got spanked for making dirty comments to Milk,
who went pale and fled instead of answering.

He got spanked for trying to spy on Tooth in the

Instead of resenting Tooth for his strictness,
each time the flicker of excitement sparked into a bigger flame.
Anxiety wasn’t an issue when he knew Tooth was trustworthy. The man
kept his word and always stopped the spanking after the
number of slaps he promised. He
would never strike Luci in anger, which made Luci pleasantly
relaxed around him. But the truth was that Luci was beginning to
anticipate the spanking. So much so that an evil part of him was
considering misbehaving just to get it. He knew it was fucked-up,
but when Tooth spanked him, adrenaline rushed to his head, his
heart beat faster, and at the mere thought that Tooth was paying
his ass any attention at all, his dick would get interested as
well. Once, the spanking got so intense Luci barely knew who he was
anymore. Not because it was so painful, but because Tooth used his
bare hand, striking him through just a pair of briefs. It was long,
slow, and Luci never knew when he would be touched, which sent his
senses into overdrive. That bare hand.
hand. So close to his barely clad ass. Luci’s
imagination went wild with ideas for what could have happened
afterward. He’d offer himself up then and there.

But it wasn’t only about Tooth being super hot,
with muscles of steel and green eyes that reminded Luci of
succulent leaves in the summer. It seemed that the guy genuinely
liked spending time with him, always interested, always ready to
help. He taught Luci how to play chess and encouraged him to work
out together. Tooth found it especially important that Luci knew
self-defense and
taught him a few simple moves that could send the attacker into a
world of pain. The nuts, eyes, nose, the knees, the neck, all good
places to strike. It had been difficult at first, but after two
weeks of daily training and Tooth’s attempts to fake-attack him,
defense was becoming second nature.

They also spent some time at the clubhouse gym,
which seemed like a good place to socialize with the other bikers,
who at some point started being more curious about Luci than
anything else. In any other circumstances,
Luci could be afraid to talk back to them,
but with Tooth at his side he felt invincible. His loud mouth
actually gained him some notoriety, and a few of the conversations
turned into friendly banter, making him feel more at home than he
had imagined possible.

Despite his best efforts, the most he got to see
of Tooth was his muscled ass. Tooth had such a great body, chiseled
and strong like an ox’s. And Tooth didn’t only train because of
vanity, he needed to maintain his strength and agility to be good
at the job he did for the Nails. He was so reliable too.
had never met a guy
so committed to doing things right, at least according to a certain
code, because Tooth was, without a doubt, a criminal with a
seemingly bottomless bank account. Luci didn’t want to ask for too
much, but rather than asking his dad for money, he usually told
Tooth what he needed, and he was never once refused.

Their daily morning workout was a series of
exercises one of the brothers, a former fitness instructor,
had come up with. Tooth was
doing lots of weightlifting, while Luci spent most of the time
doing cardio. He loved it, especially since from his spot on the
treadmill, he had a great view of the weightlifting

And what a view that was. Tooth in his jogging
bottoms and a tight T-shirt, lifting two dumbbells, which were
collectively probably heavier than Luci. Every now and then, Luci
could swear he saw the outline of Tooth’s dick in those pants, and
he was dying to find out more about the exact look of the thing.
Big? Small? Thick? Cut? Uncut? Surrounded by hair as bushy as on
Tooth’s head, or smooth? Luci licked the sweat off his top lip.

Finally, Tooth left the dumbbells on the floor and
made a few jumps while shaking his hands to relax them. “I’m done,”
he said, stretching. The front of his shirt was clinging to his
as if it couldn’t
stand being apart from that warm skin. Luci was jealous of that
damn fabric.

Yeah, me too.” Luci smiled and slowed down the
machine before turning it off. “I guess it
’s shower time?”

Tooth snorted and put the gym towel around his neck,
walking into the small bathroom next door. “Definitely. I smell
like a pig.”

Luci followed with his own towel and made sure to
walk close enough to smell Tooth. He didn’t mind the scent one bit.
He’d lick some of it off actually. “Wanna shower together? Save
some water… It’ll be quicker,” he said innocently, watching the
muscular back move so gloriously under the shirt.

Tooth gave him a gentle shove and laughed. “No
perving. Can’t believe you have such an innocent face.”

Luci moaned but obediently stayed outside giving
Tooth a longing look. “I wouldn’t be perving. I would just be
quick. In and out.”

Tooth frowned at him. “No in-and-outs here,” he
said, but then off went the shirt, and Luci was hypnotized by
Tooth’s chest, not too hairy but not too smooth, with dark nipples
begging for Luci’s attention.

Despite all his professional experience, next to
Tooth Luci felt like a schoolboy having his first crush on the
straight quarterback who would never notice him. “I didn’t mean it
that way…” He tried to look at Tooth’s face, but it was virtually
impossible with all the muscle on show.

“What way did you mean it?” asked Tooth, leaning
against the doorframe, all sweaty and butch, and oh, that body
would soon be naked and wet from the shower. And Luci would be out
here, silently howling by the door.

“I could um… shower with my eyes closed. How’s that
work?” Luci knew they were now wasting more time than they could
possibly save by showering together, but pushing for it was
impossible to resist. Not to mention that if Tooth ever actually
agreed, Luci would open his eyes, see the Holy Grail of dicks, and
then get spanked for it. Perfect. Two birds with one stone.

It was such a shame he’d never get to suck it into
his mouth, lap at the balls, long and slow. If Tooth were gay, or
bi, or even curious, he’d gladly kneel on the hardest floor and
give that cock the attention it needed. Luci always believed every
cock had something that made it stand out, be sexy in its own way,
be it curved, long, small, thick, cut, uncut. He loved them all.
Whatever Tooth had in his pants, it would be glorious to see

But Tooth shook his head. “No way.”

Luci sighed and put his hands on his nape. He knew
that was it. There was no point trying to be cocky anymore. “You’re
just afraid you’d be tempted.” He stuck
out his tongue.

Tooth snorted and started slowly closing the door.
“In your dreams.” It was only when Luci
had lost all hope that Tooth’s hand reached out
and gave his nipple a little twist.

“Hey!” Luci moaned in shock and backed off, but
before he could slap Tooth’s wrist, the hand was gone behind the
door. All he got was a laugh from the bathroom.

He put a hand over the pink flesh and gave the door
a longing look when he heard a furious stampeding on the stairs.
Milk rushed inside, red-faced, and he did freeze when he faced
Luci, but this time, he stayed. “Err... is Tooth in there?”

“He’s in there.” Luci pointed to the door and
stepped away.

Milk rushed to the door and opened it wide.

“What the hell?” yelled Tooth from inside.

Luci tried to peek in, but sadly, Tooth was still in
his jogging bottoms. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

Milk looked between Tooth and Luci, biting his lip.
“That drug chick we lost three weeks ago? She’s here.”

Tooth frowned. “What?”

“Suzy?” Luci blinked and already turned toward the
exit. “Is she all right? What happened?”

She’s upstairs,” said Milk, jogging back to the
staircase. Tooth followed them both, and they quickly made their
way to the lounge, which seemed to be drowned in chaos, even though
there were actually only a few people present. In the midst of all
that commotion, on a leather couch sat Suzy, dressed in a pair of
jogging bottoms and a hoodie. She was pale, and her blue hair lay
flat on her head. Luci
had never seen her in such a pathetic state.

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