Shane's Fall (The Escort Series Book 2) (13 page)

“You want a taste?” she asked as she pinched her nipples.

When he nodded, she leaned down enough so that he could reach her left breast. He sucked as much as he could in his mouth and then licked the turgid tip. She closed her eyes at the sparks that coursed straight down to her clit and she began rubbing against him. She offered him the other breast and he gave it the same arduous attention as the first. When she pulled back, he released her with a pop and then dropped his head back on the bed, his eyes closed, his frustration becoming more obvious. Climbing off of him, she worked her now soaked panties off and threw them to the floor.

“Shane,” she whispered and he opened his eyes. “Can you make sure I’m ready?” she asked. He glanced at her thighs and saw the moisture glistening there.

“Yes, but you’ll have to untie one of my hands,” he said softly. She looked up at his hands and then crawled up the length of his body. But instead of releasing him, she shifted her body so that her core was directly over his mouth. A startled sound left him at her brazenness, but his tongue instantly searched out her clit and began loving it. Electricity jolted through her and she braced her hands on the headboard so she didn’t put all her weight on him. His expert tongue had her moaning in exquisite agony within seconds and she began rubbing against his face shamelessly. She felt his teeth close over her bud and then he sucked hard. She came apart instantly and screamed his name as pulses shot out from deep inside her womb and spread throughout her entire body. The pleasure continued for several long moments as the tension in her body eased and she barely managed to pull off of him before her muscles went lax.

As she tried to recover from the soul stopping orgasm, she saw her moisture still coating his lips. When his tongue flicked out to lick it off, she felt another wave of desire surge through her. She worked her way down his body and then went searching for the condoms she knew she would find in his nightstand drawer. His body was still tight with unspent passion and she was careful as she rolled the condom over his leaking cock. Her own lust was back in full force and she had no more desire to tease him. She positioned him at her opening and then sank down as far as she could. She loved how her body burned as it stretched to accommodate him. Even with her slickness to ease his entry, it was still tight and she had to lift herself up and down his length several times before his dick slipped past the last bit of muscle trying to bar his entry. She gasped as he slid all the way inside and then went still so she could just enjoy being connected to him in this way again.



It took everything in Shane not to thrust up into her. After she had worked him all the way inside of her, a look of contentment had taken over her features and had he not been so tightly strung with his need to find his own release, he would have taken his time to commit the image to his mind.

“Savannah,” he finally growled. She opened her eyes and then seemed to realize he was in need of relief because she began to move. Slowly at first, experimenting to find the pace that would work for her. He itched to touch her breasts, to suck them into his mouth as she rode him while his hands knotted in her hair, forcing her head back so that he could control her movements. But she was in charge and as much as he was loving every second of it, it was also torture. He’d been shocked when she had ridden his face and the feeling of her orgasm coating his mouth had been like nothing he’d ever known. He knew he would have bruises on his wrists from all the pressure he was putting on his arms. Maybe if he had invested in cheaper ties, he’d be free by now.

A moan slid out of him as she began to ride him more quickly. He felt her sleek hair brush his thighs every time she dropped down harder on him. When she angled her body back and supported her hands behind her on his legs so that the head of his cock kept hitting the same spot deep inside her, he gave up the battle and began meeting her thrusts. Either she didn’t notice or didn’t care at his level of participation because she was working his cock in and out of her in a frenzy now. He could feel her inner muscles tightening on him.

One of her hands reached around her body to start stroking her clit and he actually bit his tongue at the sight. He wrapped his hands around the bindings since he had nothing else to hold on to and pounded into her as hard as he could. He felt her orgasm rip through her and then she was crying out in relief. The second he felt her body clamp down on his, he gave it up and shot into the condom. She kept riding him well after his release as little aftershocks quaked through her body and then she relaxed and just hung there, head back, eyes closed, her hand still covering her mound. At some point she pulled free of him and removed the condom from his sated body but he was too worn out to care. And when she released his wrists, he didn’t even have the energy to move so he just kissed the top of her head when she snuggled up against him and then went to sleep.


Chapter 13


Savannah glanced at her watch as she finished the final progress report form. It was nearing three o’ clock on Sunday afternoon so she still had time to get home and get cleaned up before heading to Gabe and Riley’s for dinner. She’d come into work nearly three hours ago to finish up the paperwork that she had left behind when she’d left early on Friday so she could grab some groceries and head to Shane’s to cook him dinner. The school was eerily quiet and had been since the custodian popped in to say goodbye an hour earlier. Truth be told, she would have been done much sooner if her thoughts didn’t keep drifting back to where they always did.

Shane had assured her that he had liked everything she’d done to him, even when she’d seen the red marks on his wrists the next morning. She’d nearly started crying at the thought that she had caused the damage but when he started telling her in explicit detail what he’d been thinking as she had owned him, her dismay had quickly turned to desire and they didn’t even make it to the bedroom – she was glad his dining room table proved to be so sturdy but she knew that eating on it would never be the same again.

She laughed out loud and then signed the document in front of her before adding a personal note about how much she enjoyed having the student in her class. The evaluations weren’t really meant to be very formal considering how young the children in her class were, but she liked using the opportunity to share with the parents how well their son or daughter was doing and always tried to add some extra information on personality, creativity or anything else that would let the parents know that she didn’t just view their child as another faceless body that she was charged with watching for a handful of hours each day.

As she began cleaning up her desk, she stilled when she heard what sounded like footsteps in the hallway. Silence was all that greeted her. She waited another second but heard nothing, so she finished organizing her things. Her meetings with parents were scheduled over the next couple of weeks and she was looking forward to them since this would be the first time she would be doing them herself versus when she just sat in on them while acting as a teacher’s aide during her schooling.

Grabbing her purse and jacket, she closed her classroom door behind her and then headed to the stairwell that would take her down to the first level of the large building. As she reached the bottom step, she heard the distinctive snick of a door closing from somewhere above her. The school had four floors total so there were several flights directly above her. She froze and waited but didn’t hear any steps or movement.

A chill went through her as visions of all the horror movies she watched with guilty pleasure flashed through her brain. Served her right for enjoying watching some young group of dumb college kids get tormented and ultimately picked off one by one by a crazed serial killer in some tiny, backwoods town. She hurried through the door and then began the long walk down the corridor that led to the side of the building where employees parked. She kept looking over her shoulder but saw nothing and heard no one. Fear niggled through her, but she forced it back and increased her pace. She had nothing to be worried about, she assured herself. The school was locked and the wealthy, upscale neighborhood of Queen Anne wasn’t exactly teaming with criminals. She exited the school and saw that her car was the only one in the parking lot.

As she reached the car, she noticed it was tilted at a strange angle and then realized why. She went around to the passenger side and sure enough, the front tire was flat. She bit back a curse and then reached for her phone. She knew Logan was at work and it would be hard for him to get away. She wasn’t sure what Shane was up to – he’d been non-committal about whether or not he would join them for family dinner and had mentioned something about needing to study. If he was even at home, it would take him a good thirty minutes to get to the school. A tow truck was another option, she supposed. She started searching for the nearest garage on her phone, but then stopped when she realized the solution was right in front of her. She had a spare, she had the jack and other tools needed to change the tire, all she needed were the steps to do it and a little elbow grease. It wasn’t like she had some big, monster SUV where the tire weighed almost as much as she did.

Feeling empowered, she searched for instructions to change a tire on her phone, then dug out everything she would need from the trunk. Every once in a while as she worked, she’d get this feeling of being watched but when she looked around there was absolutely no one – not even another car. The school was set back from the main road in a way that she couldn’t even see the traffic from her position, so it seemed unlikely that someone could be watching her. It still creeped her out though and she tried to work just a little bit faster. But the feeling never quite went away and her constant checking of her surroundings ended up slowing her pace dramatically.



“What happened to you?” Riley asked as she pulled open the door and saw all the black grease that clung to much of Savannah’s clothing. She never would have guessed that changing a tire would be such a messy process although she’d been supremely proud of herself when she’d gotten the task done. She now knew why mechanics always seemed to be covered in a perpetual layer of grime. She’d thought her hands had taken the worse of it and had figured a wet wipe would solve the problem, but then she had looked down at her shirt and pants. As she had lifted and handled the two tires, each had left muck on her favorite shirt and the knees of her pants were covered with dirt and debris from kneeling in the parking lot.

“I had a flat,” she muttered as she carefully kept her hands from touching any part of the pristine white door of Riley and Gabe’s apartment. “It took a lot longer to fix than I thought it would, so I didn’t have time to go home and change. I was hoping I could borrow a shirt?” she said.

“Of course,” Riley laughed and Savannah frowned at her obvious enjoyment of her predicament.

“Why didn’t you call someone?” Riley asked as she led her into the bedroom. Gabe and Riley’s dog, a Pit Bull named Bella, jumped off the couch and weaved dangerously in between the two women as they walked.

“Hi sweetie,” Savannah said to the dog. She turned her attention back to Riley. “I figured it would be faster just to do it myself.”

“And was it?” the other woman asked with a snicker.

“Shut it Riley or say goodbye to your nice clean walls,” Savannah threatened as she reached out as if to rub her still grimy hands on the pretty yellow paint that the couple had used on the living room wall.

“Okay, okay,” Riley said in mock surrender, her arms raised.

“What the hell happened to you?” Gabe said as he walked out of the bedroom and towards them.

“Don’t ask,” Riley warned him. She stopped to give him a quick kiss as he passed, but a brief touch of the lips turned into something more and Savannah had to finally cough to remind them she was there and then reached out threateningly towards the wall again.

“Sorry, sorry,” Riley said as she pulled free of Gabe and grabbed Savannah by her elbow, one of the few clean areas on her body. Gabe watched them curiously, then headed towards the kitchen, Bella now trailing him. Riley led her into the bathroom which was huge. It had a wide vanity with dual sinks. There was a nice walk in shower, but also a jetted tub that actually sat up against a window. She could only assume that the frosted part of the glass offered enough privacy so that the occupant or occupants could still enjoy the view without putting on a display for anyone strolling in the wooded area below.

“Dinner’s not for another twenty minutes – why don’t you take a shower? I can lend you some clothes.”

“Yes please,” Savannah said gratefully. Riley pulled out some towels for her and then left her alone. She showered quickly and found the clothes Riley had left for her on the countertop. Riley was curvier than her, so she didn’t quite fill them out in the same places that Riley would have, but they were clean and that made her supremely grateful. No amount of scrubbing had removed all the oil from her hands, but at least she could touch things now. She’d have to remember to ask Riley for some wipes so she could clean her steering wheel.

As she exited the bedroom, Bella came to greet her and this time she dropped down to her knees and gave the happy dog the attention the sweet animal deserved. She could feel the scars that still littered the animal’s body. Gabe and Riley had suspected she’d been used as a bait dog for dog fighting and had been cruelly dumped next to a garbage can in an alley, blood oozing from dozens of bite wounds. Luckily, Gabe had found her and Riley’s background as a veterinary technician had gotten the dog back on track for a full recovery. Bella had repaid them a dozen times over after attacking Riley’s ex when he had tried to abduct her and threatened her with a gun.

Hearing a soft lilt of laughter, Savannah glanced up to see Gabe standing behind Riley as she was trying to stir something in a pot on the stove. The big man’s arms were wrapped around her and his mouth was by her ear, whispering naughty things, no doubt, from the way Riley was blushing. When Riley turned in his arms and started kissing him, Savannah felt envious. The twosome just couldn’t seem to get enough of each other, and not just physically. Even when they weren’t in close proximity to one another, they were still connected. She’d heard Gabe talking to Riley on his cell phone on several occasions during breaks in their training sessions and the deference in his voice always moved her. And when he closed the call each time by telling Riley he loved her, she found herself wanting that same bond with Shane.

Riley finally noticed her and reluctantly pulled back from Gabe. “Better?” she asked Savannah as Gabe allowed her to turn back to the stove. His hands lingered on her waist for another moment before releasing her and grabbing some plates from the cabinet.

“Much,” she said. “Thanks.”

There was a knock on the door and Savannah’s insides locked up. It was wrong to hope it was him – it could be a neighbor stopping by to borrow something or to drop off some mailed delivered to the wrong box. But in her heart she knew who was on the other side of that door and she hurried to open it.

“I’ll get it,” she said quickly and then she was drinking her fill at the sight of him. He seemed surprised to see her opening the door and his nervous stance seemed to relax for a moment as his eyes drifted up and down the length of her body. She wanted to throw herself in his arms and give him a proper welcome, but that wasn’t allowed. Even if Gabe and Riley both knew something was up between them, their relationship wasn’t something that could be shared. It hurt, but she knew that was the way he wanted it.

“Hi,” she said as she opened the door.

“Hi,” he returned. He was wearing black slacks and a blue dress shirt and a light whiff of cologne brushed over her senses as he moved past her. She felt his right hand briefly caress her hip in greeting as he entered the apartment, a move she felt in her bones, but knew Gabe and Riley wouldn’t have been able to see. The fact that he had even done it made that little spark of hope inside her flare up.

As he moved further into the apartment, she saw his body tighten as he met Gabe’s cool stare from where he stood by the dining room table. Riley was silent and stiff as she stood in the kitchen, her cooking temporarily forgotten. They’d both known he might be coming, but it was clear that none of them knew who should make the first move. She was glad when Shane finally moved forward and then reached out his hand to Gabe. Gabe didn’t even hesitate to take it. He pulled Shane in for a brief, but hard hug and then patted him lightly on the back.

Savannah closed the door and watched as Shane went to the kitchen and stood in front of Riley who had turned around, her back now to the stove. The air was tense between them and she knew they were both remembering the cruel way he had treated her at the diner. Savannah felt a sigh of relief when Shane reached out and pulled Riley into his arms for a hug. He whispered something into the woman’s ear. Riley let out a soft, choking sound and then nodded and closed her arms around the taller man. Gabe, who had been watching the pair carefully, clearly ready to intervene on his girlfriend’s behalf if needed, relaxed and then went to work setting the table. Maybe, just maybe this would work out, Savannah thought as she went to help Gabe.



Dinner was awkward and quiet at first as everyone tried to get their bearings. The dining room table actually seated six people and it would have made sense for Riley and Gabe to each sit at the ends. But it seemed like the couple couldn’t even bear to be that far apart, so Gabe and Riley had sat on one side, putting her and Shane on the other.

It physically hurt to sit next to Shane and act as if they were nothing more than acquaintances linked through her brother, especially after she remembered the way he’d taken her early this morning. He’d been slow and worshipping, bringing her release twice before he sought his own. His mouth had languished everywhere and he’d whispered things in her ear about how beautiful she was and how much he needed her. She had tried to remind herself that his words were part of being a good and experienced lover, but her heart only wanted to believe he’d ever said those kinds of things to her. And now, to sit next to him, to be so physically close but not be able to acknowledge what he meant to her made her ache.

“So, I heard Savannah knocked you on your ass last week Gabe,” Shane said out of nowhere and everyone froze as if he had yelled the words. Not only was he trying to ease the tension in the stilted room, he’d referenced that Savannah and him had had a conversation, a clear sign that they were more than they were pretending to be. She held her breath as Gabe lifted his eyes to meet Shane’s smirk. She saw Riley hide a smile and then Gabe chuckled.

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