Shane's Fall (The Escort Series Book 2) (12 page)

Ten minutes later they were on his couch, her wearing just his shirt and him wearing a pair of sweats. He’d thrown together a couple of sandwiches and she’d rummaged up some sodas for them. He hadn’t missed her sending a text, presumably to Logan to let him know she’d once again be out all night. He felt a pang of guilt, but forced it down.

Once they were settled on the couch, he turned on the TV. He noticed she kept glancing at the arm of the couch where he’d fucked her long and hard just a few hours ago. When she found him watching her, she blushed. He laughed and kissed her, then began searching for a movie.

As he pressed the play button on the remote, she said, “Okay, I gotta know - what’s with all the romantic comedies?”

“What?” he said.

“You’re like obsessed with chick flicks. What’s that all about?” She was completely serious.

“Are you kidding me? They’re for you.”

“For me?” she asked.

“Yeah, I figured…”

“What? That just because I’m a girl, I only like to watch ridiculous movies about love and happily ever afters?” He heard the teasing in her voice and smiled.

“Okay, what kinds of movies
you like?”

She sat back against the couch and took a huge bite of her sandwich. “Violent ones – the more deaths, the better.” He was sure he was gaping at her. “I really like the natural disaster ones – you know, meteors destroying the world, tidal waves, earthquakes…as long as the body count is high.”

Shane laughed and it felt so good, so foreign that he did it again. At her mock look of outrage, he tried to stifle himself, but failed and laughed some more. “Have at it,” he said as he handed her the remote and then swung an arm around her shoulders. It took her only a couple of minutes to find something about the world being threatened by aliens and when the bodies started dropping like flies, she relaxed against him. He chuckled again and then started on his sandwich – she never stopped surprising him and he guessed, and hoped, that she probably never would either.



“Savannah, you need to focus,” Gabe said to her and she snapped herself out of her reverie and focused on the big man in front of her. He’d been showing her the basic technique for a move that was supposed to allow someone of her size to drop a man even as big and strong as Gabe. Her thoughts had been where they almost always were now, on Shane. They’d spent the entire weekend together both in bed and out of it.

He’d taken her downtown to see the sights and they’d even gone up in the Space Needle, something she hadn’t done since she was a child. She’d lived in Seattle almost her entire life, but had somehow forgotten how beautiful the city was and how much it had to offer. They’d shopped at the busy marketplace and then gone to the small aquarium on the waterfront. After lunch, they had hopped on one of the ferries that crossed over to Bainbridge Island and then they’d explored a couple of beaches. At one point he had even taken her hand as they walked and she’d never felt more complete and at peace in her life.

“Hello? Savannah?”

“What? Sorry,” she muttered and then shook her head to clear it. She heard her phone ding with a new text and she wanted very badly to dart around Gabe and run over to the bench where she’d left her stuff to see if it was another dirty message from Shane telling her what he was going to do to her the next time he saw her. She smiled sheepishly at Gabe and then tried to focus on her stance so that she was mimicking his. She watched as he awkwardly tried to explain her position versus that of her imaginary attacker.

“Hold on,” he said and then looked around the gym. “Hey Jim, can you come here a second?” he motioned to a guy lifting free weights against the back wall. “I’ll show you what I mean on Jim.”

“Gabe, it’s okay. You can show me on me.” Gabe studied her for a moment and then shook his head at Jim as he neared the mat.

“Are you sure?” he asked. She nodded and he said, “Thanks anyway, Jim. We’re good,” but his eyes never left hers. He was trying to make sure she was really okay with him putting his hands on her. And for the first time, she really was. They’d only had a few sessions, but her trust in him had grown with each one. She’d also found herself less nervous in a crowd and had even managed friendly “hellos” and polite conversations with a few of the male teachers at work. The shift had been so subtle that she hadn’t really realized it until now.

Gabe reached around her tentatively at first to position himself as if he were attacking her, then relaxed when she didn’t have a meltdown. A shimmer of self-pride went through her and her first thought was that she couldn’t wait to tell Shane about it. She forced herself to focus on Gabe’s instructions, and then went about learning how to bring a man nearly twice her size to his knees. Another check in the victory column, she thought to herself and then proceeded to ask Gabe if she could knock him down again.



“You knocked Gabe on his ass and I missed it?” Shane said in utter disbelief as he watched Savannah cutting up vegetables on the butcher block island in his kitchen. Apparently his menu of sandwiches and take-out food no longer impressed her, so she’d brought sustenance with her in two overstuffed, cloth grocery bags. He had cringed when he saw her pull vegetable after vegetable out of the bag but then felt relief – and a little bit of drool – when she dropped two huge rib eye steaks on the counter.

“Twice – it was awesome.”

“Two words Savannah. Video,” he said holding up one finger to count off with. “YouTube,” he said as he added a second finger to the first.

She laughed and tossed the vegetables into a skillet. “There was no way I was going to get my phone out with Gabe around – not after all those dirty texts you kept sending me.”

“I wanted to send a picture too, but figured it might offend your innocent sensibilities,” he said teasingly and ducked when she threw a piece of red pepper at him. It felt right having her in his kitchen, not because he expected her to cook for him – although he was okay with that since his “specialty” dish involved a box of mac-n-cheese, a couple of hot dogs and a microwave – but because he liked how at home she looked. It was like they were two kids playing house and it was wrong on so many levels because it just added another complicated layer to their already unhealthy relationship.

“Shane, can I ask you something?” she said as she stirred the vegetables in the skillet.


“Would you come to family dinner on Sunday? It’s at Gabe and Riley’s place.”

“Savannah,” he began but she cut him off.

“Logan won’t be there – he has to work. And it’s not like we’d go together or anything. I just think Gabe and Riley would really like to see you.”

Shane stood and thrust his hands into his pants. He so wanted to make things right with his friends, but that would just fuck everything up even more. It seemed like the more he pulled away, the harder they fought to keep him. It didn’t make any sense.

“Think about it,” was all she said as she kept her eyes on the food in front of her.

On edge now, Shane paced around. He finally went and got himself a beer from the fridge.

“Can I ask you another question?” she asked, not looking up at all. He hated her timid tone. He didn’t want her to feel like she had to walk on eggshells around him.

“Sure,” he said quietly.

“Will you let me finish what I started in the hotel room the first time we were together?” He saw a blush creep into her cheeks. “Not because I need it that way anymore,” she stammered. “I just really liked it…”

His body had knotted with lust the second she mentioned their first encounter. He knew exactly what she was asking – she had enjoyed being the one in control. A lot of men might find it difficult to give complete control over to a woman, but he had no such qualms. He put down his beer and walked up behind her. She still seemed embarrassed and wouldn’t face him so he caged her in with his body and reached past her to turn off the flame on the burner. He pushed her hair aside and brushed his lips over the nape of her neck. “Where do you want me?” he asked before sucking on her sensitive skin and then soothing it with his tongue. He hoped there would be a mark there tomorrow, reminding her of him.




It was ridiculous to be nervous after all they’d done to each other, but Savannah couldn’t help but feel a knot of anxiety building in her stomach as Shane led her up to the bedroom. She’d been fantasizing for a while now about being the one that controlled their pleasure, but she hadn’t known if he’d be open to it. He’d seemed to enjoy it that first day, but then everything had gone to hell because of her meltdown. She’d gotten to taste him again when she summoned him back to the hotel room, but she hadn’t gotten the opportunity to feel him inside of her as she rode him. As he drew her closer to the bed, she braced herself against him and he instantly stopped.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, concerned.

“I don’t want you to think it’s like it was the first time – I don’t want you to think I’m using you,” she said cautiously, her voice heavy with worry.

He leaned down and kiss her hard, then again for good measure. He held her face in his hands as he said, “I’ve dreamed of this – of you riding me. Slow or fast for as long as you want.” He stroked her cheeks with his thumbs and then he dropped his hands and went to his closet. He was gone for only a few seconds and when he returned he had two neckties in his hand. He flicked the lamp next to the bed on and then tugged her forward. “You’ll need to use these because there’s no way I’m going to be able to keep my hands off of you otherwise.” He dropped the ties onto the bed and began stripping of his shirt.

She sucked in her breath when he mentioned using the ties as restraints. He’d been adamant about not being bound that first day, so the trust he showed her now was humbling. It was also unnerving because he would truly be at her mercy.

When the shirt was gone, he dropped his hands to his pants, but she stopped him from undoing them by putting her hand over his. “Leave them. Get on the bed.”

There was no hesitation as he stretched himself out on the bed. She slipped her shoes off and then climbed onto the bed next to him, grateful she’d had the foresight to wear to a dress to work this morning and had changed back into it after her training with Gabe. She grabbed the neckties and then straddled Shane, pulling the skirt of her dress high. The fabric of his pants was rough against her thighs and she could feel his hardness already pressing firmly against her ass. She rubbed back and forth over him a couple times and was pleased to see his breathing grow heavy.

Savannah tugged the dress off over her head. This time she had worn a bra and she had to stifle a laugh when she saw Shane’s disappointment that she wasn’t bare. But when she leaned over him, her breasts nearly even with his mouth, she felt him brush his lips over the tip of one, the fabric doing little to quell the sensation that shot through her at the contact.

“Hands,” she ordered as she ignored the throbbing nipple that wanted more of his attention. He stretched his hands towards each side of the bed and she quickly tied each wrist to the bed posts. She drew back to admire him splayed out before her. His eyes glittered only with lust, not fear or trepidation at being tied down. She rewarded him with a long deep kiss, her tongue greeting his. When she pulled back, he tried to follow.

“I love how you feel beneath me,” she murmured as she shifted her hips against him once more. “So powerful and strong.” She skimmed her nails down his chest and then began a slow exploration of every muscle with her tongue. “I love how you taste,” she whispered before dipping her mouth lower to his abdomen and she felt him shutter when she searched out his naval and laved it with her tongue. She slid further down his body and cupped his length through his pants. Her movements were purposefully slow as she worked the button free and pulled down the zipper. He groaned when her fingers brushed his cock as she pulled his pants and underwear down his hips. It took a bit of maneuvering but she finally got the clothes off of him.

His cock was huge, it’s engorged tip almost purple in color. It jetted out from a nest of blonde curls and lay flat against his belly. She bent down to lick her way up the length of it and then swirled her tongue briefly around the head. He was groaning now, his body drawn tight and she looked up to check the bindings – his muscles were rippling from the tension he was putting on the fabric. Satisfied that he wasn’t getting free anytime soon, she returned her attention back to his eager cock. Pulling it away from his body, she gave him no warning as she sucked him deep inside of her mouth. He shouted and thrust up into her but she was prepared and held his pelvis down with her free hand. It took several attempts, but she was finally able to work him deeper down her throat and concentrated on relaxing her jaw and throat so she wouldn’t gag. The smooth skin intrigued her because it was so different from the hardness rippling just underneath.

She gave him a few more hard pulls and then released him. He was panting hard now, his face red and sweat beading on his brow. His eyes were almost black with lust and she was glad he’d turned the light on so she could see everything he was feeling. She pulled herself up to kiss him again so he could taste his own, unique musky flavor. He fervently glided his tongue over hers. Sitting back up, she worked the clasp on her bra free and then pulled the rubber band holding her hair back free so that her hair fell loose around her the way he liked. When she caressed her breasts with her own hands, she heard him curse and saw him yank hard at the bindings.

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