Read Shards of Us Online

Authors: K. R. Caverly

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Contemporary, #Thriller, #Suspense

Shards of Us (12 page)

"Do it,
Sebastian," I whisper, closing my eyes, my head falling back. Every part of me wants him in that instant. Every parts of me needs him inside of me. "Take me," I whisper, and then, he does. His cock goes inside of me slowly, teasingly, and then he's there. The ache in my body explodes as the orgasm whips through me. My eyes roll back in my head and I gasp, letting Sebastian inside of me, letting him own me, until everything else feels okay.

"Do you feel that, angel? Do you feel me?"
Sebastian growls through his groans, wrapping his arms around my naked body and kissing me as he goes in deeper.

"Yes," I gasp out.

"And do you want more?" He keeps moving around inside of me, driving deeper, and I just can't stop moaning.

"Please," I pant out. "I want to feel everything."

Sebastian smiles and presses himself against me, his naked body beside mine, his lips on my lips before I even know what's happening. "Here I am, angel," he whispers. "Here I am."


Chapter Twelve


Once we're finished, which is a while, Sebastian goes up to take a shower. I should probably join him too based on how hot my body feels from the sex, but I don't have the energy. I just lie on the couch, breathing heavily as I look up at the ceiling, smiling to myself. I keep replaying what just happened again and again in my head, thinking about the pure bliss Sebastian gave me that no one else has been able to. Kissing Sebastian makes everything better, heals the emptiness I've felt for so long. It's nice to have him, to have someone I can trust, to have someone to care about and feel safe with. Sebastian has made my life so much better, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. And for the first time since my parents died, I feel like I'm going to be okay. Like as his prisoner, his angel--with him protecting me--nothing can go wrong.

Eventually, m
y mind drifts back to the scar on his jaw, the one he told me wasn't from Marco. I can't help but wonder where he got it from, and why. Did he betray someone else? Has he done more than just work for Marco? And why exactly is Marco after him, anyway, and more importantly, why is he after me too? I squeeze my eyes shut. There's so much I don't know. As much as I want to trust Sebastian, I don't know if I can. He isn't stable, that's for sure. He's bad. He's dangerous. He's corrupting me. And yet, I… kind of like it.

I sit up,
pad over to the refrigerator, and pour myself a glass of milk. The shower has stopped running, and I assume Sebastian will be down here any minute now, preferably without any clothing on. I take a sip of my milk, letting the cool liquid sneak down my throat, closing my eyes and sighing. Birds chirp outside and the sun has started to come out, and all in all, the day is nice. Peaceful. Quiet. I find myself wondering if I'm ever going to get out of here, if Sebastian is ever going to let me into the real world again, if he's ever going to trust that Marco won't find me. All of the doors in the house are locked--I've already tried them--and the only way out is to break through the window, which Sebastian knows I don't have the energy to do. And anyway, I'm not sure I want to leave, because trying to escape means leaving Sebastian, and I'm not leaving anyone else in my life. Especially him.

So I just sit there and think, letting my mind drift back to the happy times before all of this happened, when my mom and dad were still alive and my dance career was still the fuel for my life. When I would smile, really smile, and not even care.

I get so lost in my memories that I don't even hear Sebastian come down. Or hear the rumble of a truck driving down the road.

Which is weird.

Because this is the first truck that has driven this far down the road since… ever.

Sebastian voice is urgent but slow, like he's trying to keep calm. I'm still smiling from my thoughts when I turn to him, fully prepared to go up and wrap my arms around him and kiss whatever nerves out of him, when I see the look in his eyes. The fire. The… fear? And I find myself tensing up too. "We have to go," he says to me, dressed in his usual business suit, his hair still soaking wet from the shower. He glances back outside the window, at the sound of the truck approaching, and then stares back at me. "

I don't even bother to argue. I adjust my shirt
and fast-walk after him as he unlocks the back door and leads me out. The sound of the truck gets closer and closer, and Sebastian grabs my arm as soon as I step into the garage, pulling me close. "Don't try anything," he whispers. "Stay with me. I'll save you."

I nod. "Okay." But he doesn't seem to trust me enough to let his grip go. He walks quickly throughout the dark garage, not daring to turn the light on, eyes searching for something I do not know. Then, he seems to find it, because his pace slows.

"This is one of my safe houses," he says, stopping in front of a car and pulling out a key. He unlocks the side door and hurries me inside. "I have lots of them. And in all of them, I always keep a backup car. Just in case."

The truck slows in front of the house as
Sebastian closes the door behind me, then gets into the driver seat. The whole garage is dark, and my heart starts pounding as the men approach. Last time, we barely escaped with our lives. I can't imagine what's going to happen this time.

reaches into his pocket and pulls something out. It takes me a minute to realize it's a handcuff. "What are you doing?" I hiss, eyes widening. I try to protest, to throw him off as he clamps his hand on mine and attaches one side of the cuff around my right hand, then the other to the car door, but he's too strong. I can't do anything but let him. My head aches some more and I desperately try to pull out of the handcuffs, to rip my way free, but they won't budge. Sebastian watches me sadly as he puts the key into the ignition. "I'm sorry," he says. "But I have to do this. I have to keep you safe. I won't let them hurt you, angel, and I can't risk you getting away."

The sound of car doors slamming
from somewhere outside fills the air, and Sebastian's eyes become vicious, his voice urgent. "Are you ready?" he says to me, turning his key. My heart rate picks up, and I try to jerk out of the handcuffs again, but they're too tight. There's no escape. I take in a deep breath, my body shaking.

Sebastian, please, let me out," I protest, biting back the tears. "Please just--" But before I know what's happening, Sebastian slams on the accelerator, and we're propelled backwards out of the garage, shattering through the white wood of the door, and into the blinding sunlight of the day. Shouts erupt from the front of the house as soon as we speed out, and I hear the sounds of guns loading, the rush of Marco's men hurrying to the garage. I keep jerking around in my seat, trying to break free, but nothing works. A sob racks through me as I hear their guns loading, hear them reach the driveway as we burst out onto the street. I just keep staring at Sebastian's face, at the hard determination in his eyes, and I feel my heart pound and for the second time in the last two days, I think I'm about to die. I think this is it. This is the end of me.

And right before the guns go off, right as
Sebastian pulls onto the street and guns for it, I swear I hear him say the words, ever so softly, "I'm sorry."

But I can't be sure.

The only thing I'm sure of in that moment is that something very, very bad is about to go down.

The rest
happens in slow motion.

One moment we're driving and I tear my gaze back towards the ten-ish men crouched by the shattered garage, guns trained on us, and the next thing I know several earsplitting cracks fill the air.

It's the worst sound in the world.

I duck down desperately, covering my head with my hands, as the bullets collide with the car, windows shattering everywhere. I scream and scream and glance back at
Sebastian, but none of us seem hurt.

"Get down, angel!" he shouts at me as another round of fire goes off, connecting
with the sides of the car. Sebastian hits the gas harder, sending us speeding to the end of the street. The sounds of cars starting behind us fill the air. Sebastian jerks the car to the right, turning onto a smaller street, and several black trucks speed after us. My head keeps pounding, my vision zooming in and out, and I glance wildly around the car, my body now covered in millions of pieces of glass. I feel blood trickling from my arm, and I look down and see a shard of glass lodged there. I scream, knowing I need to get out of the car. I jerk at the handcuffs again, but they don’t budge.

Oh god.

Oh god I'm going to freaking

"Let me out,
Sebastian!" I scream as another bullet hits the back of our car, shattering through the glass and causing us both to duck. "Please let me out of here!"

speeds faster down the road, eyes hard, knuckles clenched on the steering wheel, but he doesn't so much as meet my gaze. "I can't do that, angel," he says in a low voice.

Another quick turn. The car jerks
to the side, throwing me back against the seat, and then Sebastian hits the gas and we're speeding again, shooting down the road. The sound of the cars behind us keeps getting louder and louder, and more gunshots break out, narrowly missing my head. One bullet even hits the windshield, creating a spider web of cracks throughout it and making my heart race furiously in my chest. I spin around to check our progress and instead see that the trucks are even closer now, the squeal of their tires getting louder and louder.

They're too fast.

"They're gaining on us!" I scream. "Oh fuck, they're gaining us!" My voice cracks and I feel a sob rack through me. This is it, I tell myself. This is how I'm going to die.

Everything trembles. Hurts. Burns. I don't want to die like this. I don
’t want to die and not even know why.

jerks his gaze to mine for one long moment, and his nostrils flare, eyes burning into mine. "Stop that, angel. I won't let them touch you," he hisses. He speeds down the street, careening past a couple walking their dog on the sidewalk. I see the tension in his forehead, the crease above his eyebrows, as he steps harder and harder on the ignition, jerking onto street after street, but the men are too fast. The three trucks are gaining on us, and quickly. First they're one-hundred feet away. Then seventy. Then fifty. Then thirty.

More gunshots rip from their car, shattering another
one of our windows, and I duck, tears rolling down my cheeks, feeling another piece of glass lodge into my arm. More blood trickles out and I look around wildly, trying to figure out how to escape. I pull on the handcuff one last time, but nothing gives.

I'm trapped here.

I'm trapped here and I'm going to die.

Sebastian!" I scream. "Please, just let me go!"

"If I let you go, they'll find you," he says roughly, eyes trained on the road as he takes another sharp turn, narrowly missing a car driving the other way.

Another shot sounds, and this time it connects with the headrest right above Sebastian's head. He curses and ducks, still trying to speed up, but it's no use. We're outgunned, outnumbered, and not going fast enough. The realization makes my heart plummet.

Sebastian pulls something from the seat beneath him and tosses it to me. It takes me a minute to realize it's gun. "Use this," he growls. I hesitate as soon as I catch it, so he adds, "Fucking

Another sharp turn. Another slam on the gas. The car is officially travelling at its maximum speed, but nothing is working.
The men are still gaining on us. So I reach for the gun, flip off the safety, and cock it like Sebastian taught me to do, aiming at the broken window in the back of the car where I have a clear shot at the first truck. Then, I narrow my eyes, and I fire.

Everything slows for a second. It's like the whole world is in a slow-mo cam, and I just watch the bullet
fly through the air, spiraling toward the first truck's windshield. I hold my breath, ducking down as someone fires in return, but then a scream pierces through the air and the first truck veers off the road.

Just like that, everything is fast again.

Sebastian turns another corner onto a totally deserted road, eyes darting between the space in front of him and his rearview mirror. "One down. Two to go," he says quietly.

As if on cue, another bullet fires at us, this time hitting the windshield and totally cracking it. More glass shatters, shooting every which way, covering me and

I turn back around, reloading my gun.
My heart keeps hammering. The other trucks are still gaining on us. Twenty feet now. Nineteen. Eighteen.

Not much time left.

I try to shoot at the next truck, but my hand don't stop shaking and I keep thinking about how this might be the end, how Sebastian might leave my life forever, how
might leave my life forever. Everything aches, and I just can't focus anymore. My shot misses the truck by several feet, and I drop the gun, because it hurts my hand, and I feel myself crying again.

Fifteen feet.

"It's over, Sebastian," I say, shaking, the handcuff biting at the skin on my right hand. "It's fucking over. We're going to die. Oh god we're going to die and that will be the end of everything."

jerks the steering wheel to the left, and the car skids across the street, knocking over a mailbox on its way, but we're still going, gunning down another empty street. Another round of gunshots bursts through the car. I keep my head down and so does Sebastian, but the bullets are getting closer and closer, shattering the glass right beside me.

Ten feet.

Sebastian's grip on the steering wheel is steely. His eyes are wild and filled with determination as he shoots down the street, his knuckles whitening with every passing second. "I'm going to save you, angel. I've always told you that. I'll die for you if I have to."

Five feet.

My heart is beating so loud that I can't hear anything anymore, just the roar of the engine and the ringing in my ears from the gunshots. I feel so desperate, so empty and useless, and I reach for the gun and try to fire at the truck again but I only manage to hit its roof. They are so close I could reach out and touch them, and no matter how hard Sebastian hits the ignition, they just keep gaining.

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