Sharon Love Cook - Granite Cove 01 - A Nose for Hanky Panky (21 page)

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Authors: Sharon Love Cook

Tags: #Mystery: Cozy - Newspaper Reporter - Massachusetts

When she lapsed into a brooding silence, I asked, “And she had other plans, is that right?”

She closed her eyes and handed me her glass. “Do they teach you to make decent Bloody Marys at that newspaper of yours?”

“No,” I said. “I learned that in journalism school.”

When I handed her a fresh drink, she said, “What was it you asked me?”

“I asked how father and daughter became estranged.”

“It was at Wellesley that Vivian began asserting her independence. Her father is old school. In his family, the parents’ wishes are sacrosanct. Therefore, he expected her to follow his rules.” She turned to me. “You don’t happen to have a cigarette, do you?”

When I shook my head, she said, “It’s just as well. Chandler wants me to quit. Now I’ve lost my train of thought. Oh, yes, it was at Wellesley where Vivian rebelled, changing her major from chemistry to psychology. It absolutely crushed her father, though he’d be the last to admit it. My husband is one of those proud individuals who will take their regrets to the grave.”

“What brought about the rebellion?”

“I think she realized there was more to life than earning a Phi Beta Kappa key, which she did, of course. It was in her junior year that she began to resent her father’s control. Of course any act of resistance resulted in heavier demands. The final blow was when she changed her major. That was the ultimate break as far as he was concerned.”

“What did he do?”

“He cut her off financially. He’d warned her, but Vivian could be just as stubborn as he. I’ll give her credit for going it alone. She applied for scholarships, got a research position. For the first time in her life she was independent and determined not to crawl back to her father.”

“All this because she changed her major?”

“There were other provocations,” she said. “Academics had always come first with her. She’d gone to girls’ schools all her life. Boys hadn’t entered the picture until college. Now that she was exposed to the wider world, she began meeting inappropriate types.

“I chalked it up to the fact she’d led a sheltered life of country clubs, skiing, sailing and tennis. Although Wellesley’s environment is outstanding, it can’t always protect its students from the city’s undesirables. And Vivian has always been a champion of the underdog, you know. Consequently, she became acquainted with an unsuitable young man, obviously a gold digger.” She laughed, her voice hoarse. “In fact, he came here to dinner. Afterward, the maid reported some missing silver. I wasn’t surprised.”

I leaned toward her. “Mrs. Klinger, the young man you’re referring to, was his name Rusty?”

She closed her eyes. “Please, it was so long ago. I don’t remember.”


In the middle of the night, in the middle of the dream, my phone rang. My heart lurched, pounding with an adrenaline rush. I fumbled in the dark. “Hello?”

“Mother of God, you’re there.”

I glanced at the clock. “Where else would I be at two-fifteen in the morning, Betty Ann? This better be good.”

“I’m sorry I woke you. I wanted to say goodbye before I left.”

“What? Where are you going?”

“Home Suite Homes on Route 1.”

“Betty Ann, you can’t do that. Not at this hour.”

“I can’t take the stress anymore. I’m saving my life.”

I kicked off the covers and dragged myself to a sitting position. “What are you doing right now?”

“I just put a turkey tetrazzini casserole in the freezer with instructions to heat it up. I’m standing in the kitchen ready to leave.”

“Where’s Tiny?”

“He’s sleeping.”

“Okay, now do me a favor.”

“Another time,” she said. “I’m going.”

“Meet me for a cup of coffee.”

“There’s nothing to discuss, Rose, and nothing’s open at this hour anyway.”

“I know a place that’s open all night. It’s called Marilyn’s Pie Palace, and it’s on 128 South. It’s got an orange roof. Do you know what I’m talking about?”

“Yeah, that’s where Tiny buys worms.”

“They don’t sell worms anymore, they sell pies. All night long. I’ll meet you there in twenty minutes.”

“Okay, but it won’t change anything. I’m still taking my suitcases.”

The building that housed Marilyn’s Pie Palace had undergone various incarnations over the years. In the ‘50s it was a Howard Johnson’s with the requisite orange plastic roof, still intact. Later it became a motorcycle repair shop. Its last metamorphosis, before pie emporium, was a bait and tackle shop. Under the cracked plastic roof, hope sprung eternal.

B.A. was waiting when I pulled in next to her Thunderbird. Two weekender suitcases were stacked in the back seat. Together we stared at the low-slung building where a sign on the roof read Marilyn’s Pie Palace. “Is she nuts?” B.A. said. “Who’s gonna drive way out here for pies?”

“Let’s give her a break. She’s only been open a month.” I guided her to the entrance. A bell over the door tinkled when we entered. Inside, fluorescent lights illuminated freshly painted aqua walls. A long Formica counter held a row of pies under clear plastic domes. It was like stepping into a time capsule. “How about this booth by the window?” Betty Ann said.

“I gotta wipe it down first.” A waitress, vigorously sponging a table at the end of the room, looked up. We waited while she attacked our table with antiseptic spray. When we were seated she distributed menus and stood back, taking an order pad from an apron pocket. A plastic name tag on her shirt pocket read Donna: Happy to serve you!

“Would you like to hear our specials tonight?”

“Just coffee for me,” Betty Ann said, handing back her menu.

“It’s a five-dollar minimum after midnight to sit in the booths,” she said, “but not at the counter.”

“I’d like to hear the specials,” I said. “By the way, how’s business?”

She shrugged. “It’s okay. A lot of people come in looking for worms.” She read from her pad. “Tonight’s pies are pineapple custard, key lime, butterscotch parfait and prune whip.”

“How about plain old apple?” Betty Ann said.

Donna shook her head. “Don’t have that. You want time to think it over?”

“What the hell,” B. A. said. “I’ll have the butterscotch whatever and black coffee,”

“Butterscotch parfait,” Donna said, writing on her pad.

I’ll have the key lime,” I said, “and coffee with milk.”

Donna slipped the pad into her pocket and headed for the counter. Betty Ann watched her go. “Is this the diner from hell? How’d you hear about this place?”

“Yvonne and Marilyn attend the same church.”

“Well, they’d better pray hard. This place won’t last the summer.”

You’ve got to admit it’s clean.”

“Seriously, the only people who’ll come here are drunks after the bars close.”

“Not so loud,” I whispered as Donna appeared with a tray.

“Anything else I can get you?”

“This is fine,” I said.

Betty Ann dug into a mound of fluffy golden cream atop her pie. “Mmm, this is good. Cream tastes fresh.”

“Of course it’s fresh. Do you think Marilyn would serve canned whipped cream?”

We ate in companionable silence. I watched Betty Ann scoop up every bit. “How long since your last cigarette?” I asked.

“A whole week.”

“You should be proud of yourself, saving your lungs.”

“Saving my lungs and losing my mind.”

“It won’t always be like this.”

“No, it’ll get worse. Jonah will become a teenager, the kind in the tabloids who stab their parents in their sleep.”

“Things still lousy between you?”

“I’ve stopped trying. Yesterday when I got home from work, I smelled smoke. Sure enough, Jonah was in his room with another juvenile delinquent smoking cigarettes. He was mad that I hadn’t knocked. He said, ‘You’re not my mother.’”

“I’m sorry,” I said.

Don’t be. At least I have something to be happy about.”


“I’m not his mother.”

“Summer’s coming. Can you send Jonah off to camp?”

“Tiny wouldn’t allow it. He says Jonah needs nurturing, not discipline.”

“Hang in there, buddy.”

“I left Tiny a note. I said he’s gotta choose. It’s either Jonah or me. He can’t have both, not in the same house.” She blinked back tears. I handed her a napkin from the dispenser. “Why oh why didn’t I follow Father Brendan to Pawtucket?”

“Father who?” I asked.

She stared at me. “I never told you about Father Brendan?” She smiled. “He was an interim priest from Ireland, just out of the seminary. I was a senior in high school, immediately in love. I started attending mass every day. That summer, I spent so much time in church my mother thought I’d become a nun.”

“Somehow I can’t imagine that,” I said.

“Everyone loved Father Brendan… kids, parents. To me it was a spiritual experience to sit in church and watch him say mass. His hair was thick and black. When I knelt at the altar for communion, he seemed to pause while standing over me. Once, his hand brushed my face, sending thrills through my body.” She glanced at me, her cheeks flushed. “I sound like one of those true love magazines.”

“Go on.”

“One day, Father Brendan chaperoned our CYO trip to Canobie Lake Park. It was a hot summer day. I wore shorts. My legs were tanned. During the bus ride, I felt Father Brendan’s eyes on me. Anyway, I don’t remember how it came about, but we found ourselves sharing a car on the roller coaster. Father Brendan’s arm rested on the back of the seat. We didn’t look at each other.

“At the top, kids were screaming like crazy, but we never made a sound. For some reason I wasn’t the least bit scared, even though I’m petrified of heights. After hovering for the longest time at the top, we plunged straight down into a dark tunnel. For one second there, Father Brendan put his arm around me and pressed his leg against mine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Oh, I’m sure.”

“So, what happened?”

“Nothing. The ride ended.”

“He didn’t say anything?”

“No, and I didn’t expect it. Back then priests lived by the rules, the good ones.”

“That was the end of it?”

“About three weeks later, I went to confession. I’d been staying away from church. My feelings for Father Brendan were intense. That afternoon, when I stepped into the confessional booth, I felt he was expecting me. When he slid open the screened panel, my heart pounded. Seeing his profile, I wanted to cry. Instead, I mumbled something about my sins… you know, the usual stuff about arguing with my parents, lying to them.

“He listened, absolutely still. Then he asked if that was all. I said, ‘No, Father. I’ve had impure thoughts.’ I closed my eyes. All I could hear was his breathing and the faint sounds of traffic outside. Finally I opened my eyes. His palm was flat against the screen.”

“He put his hand on the screen?”

She nodded. “I didn’t hesitate. I put mine flat against his. For a few seconds our palms touched. I felt like we were joined. He was first to slide his hand away. He gave me my penance, which I forgot.” She sighed. “I loved him. It was as simple and as complicated as that.”

“What happened after that?” I said.

“A week later my mother came home saying she’d heard Father Brendan was being transferred to a parish in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.”

“Did he get in touch with you?”

“I never expected him to. The night before he was to leave, around midnight, I snuck out of the house. I walked two miles to the rectory. The moon was full that night. I stood in the shadows under a tree. I didn’t have long to wait. Father Brendan appeared at an upstairs window as if he’d been expecting me. He wore a white tee shirt. I’d never seen him in anything other than his collar.

“I moved from the shadows and stood under his window. We looked at each other for a long time. It was like being in a trance. If he’d asked me in, I would have gone. Eventually, he lowered the shade, and I went home.”

“You’ve never told me that story,” I said.

“I guess I was afraid to sound silly. Not long after Father Brendan left, I went off to college. During the next few years I wanted to drive to Pawtucket but never got the courage. I’ve always wondered if he remembers me.”

Before leaving Marilyn’s, we left a big tip for Donna, who stopped scrubbing long enough to wave goodbye. Outside, a bright moon lit up the parking lot, illuminating the cars. “What happened to your window?” Betty Ann said when we reached the Jetta.

I told her about the warning note. “And you didn’t tell me? You’re coming home with me.”

“I thought you had a reservation at Home Suite Homes. I wouldn’t want to bump into Cal. He’s living there, you know.”

She grinned. “How often have you visited him?”

“You know I wouldn’t—”

“Well I would. Matter of fact, this might be my chance. Does Cal like Turkey tetrazzini?”

“You’re forgetting Mrs. Devine.”

She smirked. “The barracuda guarding the Devine moat. She knows Cal’s carried a torch for you since kindergarten. Marcie got him on the rebound after you got cold feet.”

“I had cold feet long before that. It didn’t have anything to do with Cal.”

“Why did you lead him on, pretending you’d marry him?”

“I thought I could go through with it. I was wrong.”

She leaned against my car. “The guy’s a certified hunk. You make it sound like gall bladder surgery. When exactly did you bow out?”

“About a month before the wedding.”

“You just woke up one morning and thought, ‘I can’t do this?’”

“I never felt the excitement. Sure, I showed off the ring and talked wedding plans, but my heart wasn’t in it. Meanwhile, it was tearing me up because I loved Cal. He was my best friend. Maybe if we could have run off to a remote island…

“The awakening came at Bliss, the bridal shop where I’d gone with my mother to look at china patterns. She loved that stuff. After looking at a hundred plates, I found a pattern I could live with. My mom, however, thought it was too casual. I told her that’s me, I’m not a formal person. Paper plates would suffice.

“She lectured me on social obligations like hosting dinners, setting a correct table. I’ll never forget her words: ‘Soon you’ll be a young matron.’ That made me think of prison. It led to a verbal exchange, me saying I would not be entertaining because the concept didn’t sound entertaining to me. She told me to grow up; marriage required maturity.”

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