Read Shattered Heart: The Donnellys, Book 3 Online

Authors: Dorothy F. Shaw

Tags: #old flame;secret crush;one night stand;friends to lovers

Shattered Heart: The Donnellys, Book 3 (11 page)

“Yes! Shane!” Raising her head off the table, Cyn screamed and her cunt clamped down on his dick in rapid little spasms.

Shane’s orgasm hit like a freight train. With a growl, he gritted his teeth and buried his forehead in the center of her back. Deep in her core, he froze as his dick jerked, spurting his climax inside the condom.

His orgasm felt endless, his cock twitching in release as her cunt spasmed around his thickness. Christ Almighty, Shane thought he’d come hard with her the last time they’d had sex, but this time he’d come even harder. It was amazing. She was amazing. Shane was so blown away, he was sure he’d never get his fill of her.

Still trying to catch his breath, he gave her shoulder a soft kiss before rising off of her. He made quick work of untangling her arms and then helped her to her feet. She was still breathing heavy as he turned her, and held her to his chest. “You okay?”

“Mm-hmm.” She circled her arms around his waist. “Perfect.”

Shane kissed the top of her head. Yeah, perfect was the best word for it. “Me too.”

“I think you probably burned the burgers.” She giggled.

“Shit!” He laughed. “Better go check on those, huh? Some cook I turned out to be.”

She glanced up at him, her smile brighter than the sun. Shane melted. Screw the burgers, he could always make more. He bent his head and covered her mouth with his. Desire swirled in his belly and he knew he’d want her again. A.S.A.P.

After all, who cared about food when she was all the meal he needed.

Chapter Eighteen

yn eyed the clock then slid from beneath the cradle of Shane’s arms and out of bed. It was after four a.m. and she couldn’t sleep. Well, she was asleep, or passed out rather, after a marathon round of sex. Incredible sex. Mind-blowing, life-altering, unable-to-walk-properly-for-days sex. But now, sleep was playing hide-and-seek with her and considering Cyn was doing the seeking, she was losing.

She yawned, stretching her arms over her head. In the dimness of the room, she glanced over her shoulder at the sleeping man in her bed. Shane Conlon—Shane-motherfucking-Conlon was asleep in her bed. Again. She had a feeling he’d be occupying the left side of her king-sized mattress the remainder of the week.

There was a time in her life she would’ve paid every penny she had to have him in her bed. Of course as a teenager, that amounted to a couple hundred bucks in her savings account, but still. She’d have paid it for the chance to have him next to her in bed just once. Though, at that age she’d only fantasized about making out with him until her lips fell off. And maybe letting him get to second, possibly third base. But really, the heavy crush she’d had on him, she might’ve let him go all the way.

After throwing on Shane’s T-shirt, she migrated to the kitchen and fished her phone from her purse. Her eyes went wide when she looked at the notifications. Fifteen text messages.
All of them from Carlos.
Holy shit.
“For fuck’s sake, really?” Unlocking the phone, she pulled up the message inbox. Cyn rubbed her forehead and took a seat at the table and glanced over them.

They’d started out normal, or nice enough anyway. But as each message went unanswered by her, they’d gotten progressively worse. Maybe he’d been drinking because why else would he be acting this nuts? Regardless, Carlos was starting to get a little crazy and maybe even a little scary. The last message had been sent barely an hour ago. Cyn read it over, her eyes getting even wider than they already were.

YOU FUCKING WHORE!!! I drove by your house. Whose SUV is that in your driveway? Fucking bitch… I can’t believe you’re doing this to me. You’re going to be sorry you ever met me, Cyn!

There was no maybe about it. Carlos had officially gone crazy
scary. Cyn swallowed and debated what to do. She moved to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. And that’s when anger spiked through her like a wildfire. Who in the hell did he think he was talking to? Fuck that. And fuck him. Cyn leaned against the counter and tapped out a message.

I don’t know who in the hell you think you’re talking to like that, but you can take your filthy insults and save them for the bitch you were fucking around with behind my back. I’m done with you, Carlos. Fuck off!

She hit the Send button and stared at the screen a moment before setting the phone on the counter. Fury boiled in her stomach and burned the back of her throat. Cyn was a Donnelly woman—that meant she was independent and took care of herself.

It also meant she took no shit.

From anyone.

It was how she was raised, never mind the fact that she’d done her fair share of arguing and battling with her siblings. She was a damn seasoned veteran. Carlos better step the fuck back because there was no way in
she was going to tolerate any more of his shit.

Tipping the bottle of water back, Cyn took a long swallow.

“Hey, you okay?”

Startled, she jumped—pretty much out of her skin—and spilled water down the front of Shane’s shirt she was wearing. She swiped her hand down her chest. “Jesus, you scared the hell out of me!”

“Sorry.” Shane moved to her. “Easy, it’s just water.” He took the bottle from her, and grabbed the dishtowel by the sink and handed it to her. “Why are you up?”

She wiped the towel down her arms and thigh. “I couldn’t sleep.” She glanced at Shane just as he crossed his arms over his very bare, not to mention sexy-as-hell chest. In that position, his biceps bulged and his abs got tight, and Cyn’s mouth watered.
Good Lord.
She licked her lips.

“Why couldn’t you sleep?” He circled her wrist with his hand and pulled her to him.

Cyn laid her palms out on his warm chest and smiled up at him. “Just couldn’t. No biggie.”

His brow furrowed and he sighed through his nose. “Ya know, let me explain something to you. In case you forgot, I’ve known you damn near your whole life. Because of that—”

“Shane, I know you—”

“Shhh.” He placed a finger to her mouth. Cyn pursed her lips and rolled her eyes. He cocked one brow and continued. “Because of that, I was lucky enough to see you in action during your rebellious teen phase.”

He pulled his finger away and Cyn took this to mean it was her turn to talk. “So? I saw plenty of your rebellious phase too. Your point?”

Shane pulled her a little closer and smoothed one hand down her back to her ass. “My point is, I witnessed you spin tales. Total lies to your parents about where you were and what you’d been up to. So realize this: you have tells. And I know all of them.”

Cyn bit her bottom lip. Shit, did he really know her tells? Did she even really have tells? She frowned. “I don’t have tells.”

He kissed the tip of her nose. “Girl, quit arguing and just admit I’m right.”

Shit. Fuck. Hell. Sonofabitch.
She sighed. “Okay, whatever. So I have tells. Still don’t know what your point is.” She looked away, trying to ignore how awesomely good his body felt. And also trying to ignore the fact that his protective alpha male demeanor was a total turn-on. She was more than ready to show him how much she liked it…by getting on her knees and sucking his cock until he shot down her throat.
What the hell is wrong with me?

“What’s up, Cyn?” He glanced at her phone on the counter. “More texts?”

Cyn bit her tongue. She didn’t want to talk about it with him, or anyone really. But she had a feeling he wasn’t going to let it go. “Yes. More texts. But it’s fine now. I handled it.”

“You want to tell me who’s upsetting you?”

“What makes you think I’m upset?” The man cocked his head to the side with an expression on his face that screamed, “Seriously?”
Good Christ.
Cyn drew in a deep breath and blew it out. “Okay, fine. It was Carlos. My ex-boyfriend.”

He smoothed his hands up her back. “And?”

“He wants to talk. I don’t want to talk, and so he’s being a dick about it.”

Shane’s brows drew together. “Define being a dick.”

Cyn shrugged as she trailed her fingertips over his collarbone. “You know, like people can sometimes be when they don’t get their way. But I handled it.” Desire swirled low in her tummy and she rose and kissed his neck. “Let’s go back to bed.”

A soft groan came out of him and he slid his hands back down to her ass. “How did you handle it?”

She took his reaction as an opportunity to navigate away from the topic of Carlos and smoothed one hand over his shoulder to the back of his neck. “I told him to fuck off.” She smiled and licked just below his ear.

“Don’t think I don’t know you’re trying to distract me with your hot tongue.” He squeezed her ass cheeks tight in his palms.

Cyn giggled and nipped his earlobe. “Is it working?”


Like hell it wasn’t working. Cyn trailed her tongue down the side of his neck, nibbling the sensitive skin along the way. His big body shuddered against her and she smiled. “Liar.”

hane delivered a stinging slap to one of Cyn’s butt cheeks and she yelped, and then went back to sucking at his neck. She was right, he’d lied about being distracted, but she didn’t need to know that. His dick thickened in his boxer briefs and he pulled her tighter against him. “Temptress.”

“Mmm. Look who’s talking.” Cyn kissed down his chest to his stomach as she went to her knees. “You do your fair share of tempting too.” She gazed up at him and licked her lips.

Shane’s stomach dropped at the sight of her kneeling in front of him and he swallowed his groan. “You looking for something down there?”

Hooking one finger in the waistband of his boxer briefs, she slid the material over the head of his erection. “Yep.”

Gazing down at Cyn, he cupped her cheek and swiped his thumb over her bottom lip. “This conversation isn’t over. Just on hold.”

She raised a single brow. “If you insist.”

“Take what’s yours, then.”

Her eyes flared and, without hesitation, she sucked him to the back of her throat, moaning around his thickness. Tingles danced up his cock to his balls, spreading through his body. Goddamn, her mouth was like heaven.

Shane slid his fingers through her hair and gripped the soft strands at the back of her head. She moaned again, drawing him in and out of her warm mouth as she cradled his sac in her palm.

Shane’s knees buckled and he grabbed the counter with his free hand to hold himself steady. “Fucking love the way you work your mouth on me.”

She glanced up at him, her brown eyes alive with fire, as she pulled him from her mouth and licked down his length to his balls. In the darkness of her kitchen, Shane was a goner. Totally spun on Cyn. He knew, without a doubt, he’d never want anyone else.

Ever again. Because he was hers.

Chapter Nineteen

patience had brought Cyn to Shane’s mother’s house in search of him. She knocked on the front door and waited. After sending a few texts and getting no answer and also hitting his voicemail, she’d decided to pop on by. There was a question she wanted to ask him. His rental SUV was in the driveway so she figured he had to be there. She knocked again and crossed her arms, rocking her hips from side to side.

The door swung open and Cyn’s head spun at the sight of what greeted her. A bare chest leading to faded blue jeans hanging low on his lean hips made Cyn’s stomach clench. All that muscle, glistening with a light coating of sweat—Mother of all the saints, he looked good—had desire pulsing through her, arrowing straight to her clit.

“Hi.” He crossed his arms and Cyn groaned.

“For the love of God, you’re killing me. You look so fucking good, I can’t stand it.” She brushed past him into the house. “It’s not even fair.” She turned to look at him after he closed the door. “In fact, it should be illegal.”

“What?” His lips curved into a devious smile and Cyn knew her panties were now wet.

Yeah, he knew exactly the effect he had on women. He must. But then again, he wasn’t an arrogant asshole, so maybe he didn’t. Maybe he just knew the effect he had on her. “I want to suck your cock so bad right now, I can’t even see straight.”

He frowned. “Girl, you’re crazy. I’m all sweaty and funky. No way I’d let you.”

Like she cared. Scary thing was normally she would care because eww, gross. But the truth was, she didn’t care. It was Shane’s sweat and funk, and his scent was like heaven on earth to her. Desire thrummed through her limbs and the need to taste him invaded her mind. It was all she could do not to lick every drop of sweat from his skin right that moment. “Wanna bet?”

“Cyn.” He ran his palm over his hair. “What’m I gonna do with you?”

She took a step closer. “Kiss me.”

“Come on, now. I’m all sweaty.” He chuckled.

Oh, fuck this.
Cyn pulled his arms away from his muscled chest, leaned in and licked a line up the center of his pecs. His salty flavor hit her tongue and her pussy clenched. “Fucking hell you taste good.”

Shane cupped the back of her head. “Holy…damn.”

“Are we alone?” She swirled her tongue around one areola.

“Yeah. But…”

She moved to the other, sucked the peak into her mouth and smoothed her hands down his abs. She could not get enough of him. “But what?”

Shane grabbed her by the shoulders and straightened her. “Cyn, look, I can appreciate all that you’re doing right now. Honestly, the idea of fucking you in my mother’s house is a damn good one. But we need to finish our conversation from last night.”

“Ugh, I don’t want to talk about Carlos.” Cyn cringed, hating how whiny she sounded. The texts had started up again that morning about five minutes after she’d gotten to her office. They hadn’t gotten any worse, but they hadn’t gotten any better either.

Shane led her into the kitchen and ordered her to sit. “Have you heard from him again?”

Cyn blew out a breath. Obviously he wasn’t going to let the topic rest. This was the downside of a through-and-through alpha male. They were protectors by nature. And Shane was definitely a strong dominant man, determined to protect her. “Yes. But it’s no big deal.”

He moved to the refrigerator, took out a bottle of water and handed it to her. “Why do I get the feeling it’s becoming a big deal?”

“Because you’re being paranoid?” Cyn cracked open the bottle and took a sip of the cold liquid.

“No, actually, I’m being smart and trusting my instincts.” He leaned his ass against the counter and crossed his arms and then his feet at the ankle.

Dammit, he was being annoying. But at least he looked hot doing it. Honestly, Cyn understood his concern—didn’t agree, but understood. At the heart of it, he was looking out for her. Something he’d been doing, along with her older siblings, since they were kids. And she couldn’t help but appreciate him for it. “Don’t you want to know why I came over here?”

“You’re changing the subject.”

“Duh, of course I am. I said I didn’t want to talk about Carlos.” She laughed. “Anyway, a friend of mine, Tarra Layne, is singing tonight and I want to go see her show. I want to know if you’d like to come with me.”

He stared at her from across the kitchen for what felt like forever. She couldn’t read his expression and nerves started to raise the hair on the back of her neck. What if he didn’t want to hang out with her outside of the bedroom? But this wasn’t supposed to be anything more than the bedroom anyway. Crap. Maybe she shouldn’t have asked.
What am I doing?
She should tell him never mind. “You kno—”

“A date, Cyn?”

Cyn frowned as surprise took the place of her nerves. “I don’t know if I’d call it that.” Getting to her feet, she moved to him. She hadn’t thought about it as a date until he said something. Dating was not something she wanted to be doing. Fucking him, yes. Dating? Not in the cards. “How about just a couple of old friends going out to hear some kick-ass live music?”

“Old friends, huh? Who you calling old anyway?” He shook his head and ran his warm palm down her arm. “What time?”

Cyn shivered. Good grief, her body was beyond hypersensitive to his touch. “She goes on stage at nine. We can grab some food close by where she’s playing.”

“Dinner and a show? Dunno, it kinda sounds like a date to me.” His lips curled into a grin.

She swatted his arm. This was so
a date. It couldn’t be…could it?
Maybe it was. “Knock it off, Sergeant.”

Shane laughed and pulled her to him for a kiss. When he let her go, she was breathless and her body had turned into one big ball of arousal. She gazed up at him; lust swirling hot in her belly.

“I want you,” he whispered.

“Take me.” She trailed her fingers down his sides, enjoying the play of muscles beneath her touch. “Any way and anywhere you want to.”

Shane’s eyes flared and he grabbed her hand and walked her toward the stairs. “Gonna be a quickie.”

“Yee-haw! Don’t hear me complaining.” She grinned as she climbed the steps behind him.

When they got into his childhood bedroom, Shane slammed the door. “Pants off now.”

“Fuck yes.” Cyn barely had the button undone on her jeans before he was at her lips, sucking and nipping at her tongue. He shoved his pants down and his erection rose hot and hard between them. Cyn gripped it in both hands, stroking. He groaned into her mouth and yanked her shirt up, then shoved her pants down.

She got one leg free of the denim and Shane fell onto his back on the bed, taking her with him. Cyn straddled his hips, positioned the thick head at her opening—Shane groaned and grabbed her, halting her movement. “Condom, Cyn.”

“Shit. Fuck.” She looked over at his jeans on the floor. “You got one in your wallet?”


Hopping off, she yanked his wallet from his jeans, flipped it open, found the condom and tossed it to him. “On. Now. Jesus Christ, I’m dripping down my thighs I’m so wet for you.”

“I know. The head of my dick just got a taste of your honey.” He grinned and slid the latex down his shaft.

Cyn got herself back into position. “Fast and hard, Shane.”


Cyn slid down his prick, taking every inch of him as deep as he’d go. She threw her head back and fucked him. Rode him fast and hard like they both needed. Shane sucked her nipples and held tight to her hips as she rocked back and forth. It was so fucking good that when she came, barely three minutes later, she saw stars and her limbs tingled.

There was something to be said for quickies. They were so worth it. So very fucking worth every hot second they lasted.

* * * * *

ane sat next to Cyn in a dim bar in downtown Pasadena listening to a gorgeous, longhaired redhead belt out song after song. Cyn was right, the singer was talented. Shane leaned over and placed a kiss on Cyn’s cheek. She smiled and touched her face where his lips had been.

She always looked so surprised whenever he showed her any sort of affection. Shane liked that he inspired such a genuine reaction from her, but he also wondered if there was something else behind it.

A woman shouldn’t look shocked when being paid attention to. They should expect it. He was an affectionate man, always had been, and with Cyn he found himself touching her constantly. He held her hand. Stroked his fingers over her cheek. Played with her hair. Caressed her leg. All without thought because touching her felt natural. “Why do you always look so shocked when I touch you?”

She leaned close. “What?”

He laughed and bent to her ear. Clearly, now was not the time to ask. “Nothing. You want another drink?”

“Sure.” She returned her attention to the stage as the beat of a slow song began. “Oh, God! I love this song.” She glanced at Shane. “It’s called ‘Difference’. She just made a video for it too. Amazing.”

Shane signaled the waitress and ordered them another round. Leaning back in his seat, he put his arm around Cyn as she sang along with the love song about broken hearts and people failing at relationships. It was a sad and truthful ballad, and the depth of feeling that Cyn’s friend, Tarra, sang the lyrics with wrapped around him, making his heart ache.

Shane hoped like hell he’d never have to experience sprouting feelings for someone and not having them returned.

He glanced at Cyn. Her expression was solemn, as she watched her friend sing. He’d already sprouted feelings for her. Somewhere between all the sex and talking, in less than two weeks, his heart had opened up and leapt right into Cyn’s hands. He doubted she knew she was holding it.

By the time the song was over, Shane had fallen deep into his thoughts—and now fears—that maybe Cyn wouldn’t return the feelings he had for her. But it was crazy to expect anything from her. After all, he was leaving at the end of the week and considering he lived more than a few states away, the distance would make things difficult. He’d visit for sure, and maybe she’d visit him too, but it would still be less than ideal.

The singer stepped off the stage and headed straight for their table. Cyn stood and hugged her friend before turning to him. “Tarra, this is Shane Conlon. I’ve known him pretty much my whole life.”

“How awesome! It’s so good to meet you. Thanks for coming out,” Tarra said.

Shane shook her hand. “It was a pleasure. You’re extremely talented.”

“Ah, thanks.” Tarra motioned to her band with a smile. “We’re giving it hell for sure. So, Angie couldn’t make it?”

“Not tonight. Not sure where’s she at actually. She missed a great show though. You want a drink?” Cyn motioned to the bar.

“Water, please.” She fanned herself. “Is it hot in here or is it just me?” Tarra took a seat at their table. “She’s supposed to do a write-up on ‘Difference’ this month.”

“God, I love that song! It’s so perfect.” Cyn took her seat. “And yeah, it’s pretty freaking hot in here, but then again so are you up on that stage.” Cyn winked and right on queue her friend rolled her eyes.

“I’ll grab your water, Tarra.” Shane bent and kissed Cyn on the top of her head. “You need anything besides water, babe?”

She smiled up at him. “Nope. I’m good.”

Shane stepped away and grabbed three waters. When he returned, he resumed his spot next to Cyn. Their un-date night had been a good one. Dinner and some incredible live music, ending with Cyn alight with her usual bubbly personality. Shane leaned back and soaked up the moments like a sponge. Every so often, as she chatted with her friend, Cyn reached over and smoothed her hand down his thigh. He soaked that up too. Shane had a feeling he wouldn’t have many opportunities to be like this with her and he didn’t want to miss a second of it.

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