Shifters, Beasts, and Monsters (30 page)

Read Shifters, Beasts, and Monsters Online

Authors: J.E. Francis Ashe Audrey Grace Natalie Deschain Jessi Bond Giselle Renarde Skye Eagleday Savannah Reardon Virginia Wade Elixa Everett Linda Barlow Aya Fukunishi,Christie Sims M. Keep,Alara Branwen


Cum For Bigfoot 2


Chapter One



The escape…

I lay snuggled next to
Bigfoot, whose name was Leonard. He put his arm around me. Leslie and Shelly
grabbed a blanket and huddled together by the fire. It wasn’t long before the
sounds of his snoring filled the room. The deep, even breathing as his chest
rose and fell revealed that he was fast asleep. I gently slid out from under
his arm and crawled over to my friends. I motioned for the door, and together
we tiptoed to it. It creaked ever so slightly, and I feared he would wake up.
He continued to snore, his belly moving faintly.

Leaving the cabin, we raced
naked and shoeless into the forest, only stopping when we were a safe distance

“Put these on.” I threw
clothes at Shelly. “I can’t tell what’s what.”

“Thanks,” said Shelly.
“Fuck, I never thought he’d sleep.”

“I’m so glad to be outta
there, but how the hell are we gonna find the guys?” Leslie looked worried.

“They have to be searching
for us,” I said. “We’ll be all right. Let’s just get outta here.”

“Amen to that,” said Shelly.

We walked for what felt like
hours. As the first streams of light began to filter down through the trees, we
realized that we were hopelessly lost. Tired, thirsty, and demoralized, I
stumbled along behind Shelly, who had begun to cry. I was hoarse from trying to
reassure her that we would find Mr. Vandekamp and the boys. They had to be out
searching for us. A movement up ahead caught my eye, and I felt a spark of

“Guys! Somebody’s over

“Where?” asked Leslie. “You
see them?”

“I saw…something.” Nervous
knots formed in my belly. “Maybe it was a deer or something.”

“Hello?” called Shelly.
“Cameron, Darren, Christopher? Mr. Vandekamp?” She stumbled on ahead, leaving
us behind.

I was too tired to stop her.
We came to a small clearing, the warmth of the sun shining down on us. The
muscles in my legs screamed for rest, but we had to keep going. A pair of hairy
feet suddenly appeared before me, and I gasped.

“Oh, my God!”

It was our Bigfoot, or was
it? To my horror, he had a friend, and they growled at us, exposing full sets
of dripping, sharp teeth. I glanced at Leslie. She’d frozen and turned white.

“Um…guys,” she whispered,
and collapsed, fainting.

“Motherfucker,” cried
Shelly. “What the fuck? Now there’s two of ‘em?”

One of the creatures threw
back his head and laughed, frightening several birds into flight. It sounded
like the special effects in a horror movie. His black eyes glimmered with
interest. It was then that I recognized him. It was Leonard. Who was his
friend, or did I even want to know?

He pointed a black finger at
me. “You mine,” he rasped.

“Yeah, I told you they
wouldn’t get far, these bimbos,” said the old woman, who was Leonard’s mother.
She stepped out of the forest wearing sturdy walking shoes and carrying a
formidable looking stick. “We’ll keep the blonde. The
can have
the other two. They’ll breed good and proper.”

My stomach lurched. I was
going to throw up! “I have a family! I have to go home!”

Leonard laughed, and it
chilled me to the bone.

The woman was in my face,
smiling like the insane person she was. “Oh, honey, peaches. You are home.
We’re your family now. You’re gonna be carrying the next generation of little
Leonard’s. You probably got one growing in you right now.”

Shelly was slung over the
shoulder of the other Bigfoot. He grunted and took her off into the woods.
“Help! Somebody help me! God…please…” Her pleas drifted into the distance.

To my utter shock, there had
been a third creature hiding. He approached with silent grace, picking Leslie
off the ground and slinging her unconscious body over his shoulder. He trotted
off into the woods with his stolen possession.

“Let’s go, Leonard. Time to
take blondie home.”

I turned and ran, sprinting
into the woods, fleeing as fast as I could. The feel of strong hands grabbing
my t-shirt halted my escape. The fabric ripped, and I suddenly found myself

“No! Shit! No!”

He tossed me over his
shoulder like a sack of potatoes and hauled me off into the forest. The only
evidence that we had been there was the discarded remnants of a dark blue
t-shirt, which clung to the branches of a low-growing bush.

I was returned to the cabin
over Leonard’s hairy shoulders. Topless and traumatized, I had yet to fully
comprehend the immediacy of my situation, and that was probably for the best.
Shelly, Leslie, and I had the opportunity to escape from the clutches of the
mountain creature, but we failed. I thought Leonard had been the only Bigfoot.
I was wrong.

How many are there?

As we approached the cabin,
the sinking feeling in my gut alerted me to the fact that I was right back
where I started. Mr. Vandekamp and the boys had to be searching for us. They
must have notified the authorities by now. Help was on the way. It had to be.
The last thing I wanted to do was become some sort of breeding machine for
these creatures. I had a family who missed me. I had a sister. I had a life. I
had to find a way to escape.

Oh, my God. Somebody
please help me.

“You better secure her this
time, Leonard,” said the old woman. “I hope you learned your lesson, you dumb

He grunted in reply. At
least eight feet tall, he was fearsome to behold, with a flowing mane of dark
brown hair and shiny black eyes. His hands and feet were black, with pointed
toenails and fingernails. Soft black lips framed his mouth, hiding a lengthy
and talented tongue, which had pleasured me intimately. I shivered at the
memory, willing the unbidden, naughty images to go away. I didn’t want to think
about this monster in sexual terms, but it was impossible not to. His cock was
enormous, and…he loved sex.

No, stop it! Stop
thinking about it

In the rustic, makeshift
cabin, the old woman put a kettle on and began puttering around the kitchen.
Leonard handcuffed me to a chair, and I sat, topless, watching her. The
creature shuffled out of the room and returned with a gray shirt, which he
tossed over my head. One arm managed to find a hole, but the other was held
immobile by the handcuffs. My breasts were mostly covered now.

“I’m making breakfast,
girly, and then we’re gonna have to get a few things straight.”

“I need to go home.”

She pointed a spatula at me.
“That’s not happening. You’re Leonard’s now, and you’ll learn to behave
yourself. Is that understood?”

“I have a family. My
mother’s probably freaking out right now. I have to get home.”

She nodded. “You will, once
you give us a little Leonard. Then you can go.”

My mouth dropped open. “I’m
not giving birth to a fucking monster!”

“That’s your purpose, honey.
That’s all we need you for.”

I slumped in the chair, my
stomach churning.

“Here’s some tea. Drink up.”

I eyed her. She looked frail
and thin, but I knew she was a lot stronger than she appeared. Her long gray
hair was in a low ponytail. The wrinkles on her face gave away her age, but the
steely look in her eyes made me wonder if she was slightly younger than she
appeared. Perhaps, hard living had made her look older than her years.

“Were you kidnapped?”

She placed a slice of bread
on the table. “I might’ve been. It was a long time ago.”

“And you never wanted to
find your family?”

“Leonard is my family.”

“Where’s Leonard’s father?”


“How’d he die?”

“Lightning strike.”

“Oh.” I took a sip of tea.
It was surprisingly good. “How do you get your food?”

“Leonard hunts and fishes. I
grow vegetables out back. I have a goat for the milk and chickens. The forest

“What’s your name?”


Leonard returned with an
armful of firewood, which he deposited in the living room. Maggy cooked a
hearty breakfast of egg and fish. Leonard sat next to me, eating with a fork,
which was surprising. I had been locked in the basement since my kidnapping,
and I hadn’t been privy to their living habits until now. He appeared like a
man in an ape suit. The only habit of his that gave away the fact that he was a
strange forest creature was his occasional grunting.

When we had finished eating,
he unlocked my wrist from the chair and led me to the bathroom where I was
allowed a quick, cold shower and a brand new toothbrush. Wrapping a towel
around me, I shivered while combing out my long, tangled hair. Leonard was
waiting for me as I emerged. He led me down a small hallway to a room I had
never seen before. A comfortable looking bed took up the majority of the space.
He drew the drapes and motioned towards the bed.

He wanted to have sex with
me. I shivered, still recovering from the freezing shower, and stared at the
bed. Leonard came up behind me, wrapping his hairy arms around me, holding me
close. His fur was slightly abrasive, yet soft and warm.

“You mine.”

The low timber in his voice
made me shudder. “I have to go home.”

“No. You stay here.”

The heat of his body began
to warm me. Something hard pressed into my back. He snatched the towel and let
it drop to the wooden floor. I closed my eyes as his lips touched my neck and
he bit me gently, causing tiny flutters to ping in my tummy. His big, black
hands roamed over my chest, massaging my ample breasts. Pink nipples were
pinched and brought to stiff peaks. A heady feeling of arousal suddenly gripped
me, driving out all other thoughts. I could set aside my need for escape, until
after I had satisfied myself on his magnificent cock.

He’s forcing me…I have no
choice. I’m only sleeping with him to survive. I don’t like him…I…hate
everything he does to me. He’s an animal…he’s a monster…ooohhh…don’t…stop…

I moaned as his long,
talented finger brushed against my pussy. The pads of his hands were soft and
cushiony. He slipped into my folds easily and gently rubbed my sensitive hole.
I must have been wet, because he slid in and out effortlessly.

“Oh, no, Leonard. Stop…”
That sounded weak.

His lips covered mine, and I
found myself kissing the hairy beast, driving my tongue into him and having his
toy with the insides of my mouth.

“Oh, no. God, no.”

He nudged me gently to the
bed, where I found myself naked and excited, waiting and praying for what would
happen next. That huge, pale cock jutted out from the tufts of fur, throbbing
and dripping with pre-cum. Never in my life had I seen anything like it,
although I had had my fair share of guys. There was no comparison to a monster
cock. It looked formidable, but it was also spongy and soft, and the way it
felt inside my pussy made my tummy clench with anticipation.

He grunted and held himself,
massaging the rounded end. Drops of clear fluid escaped and dripped to the
floor. I licked my lips, knowing that at any moment, I would be sucking on him,
making him moan.

“You good girl.”

I glanced at him, meeting
his shiny black eyes. They glimmered with an animalistic fire, filled with a
need that only I could quench. He didn’t have to ask me to touch him. The
object of my naughty fantasies was in his big hands being rubbed, and milked,
oozing wetness. The cleaved tip looked like a succulent fruit, ripe and
bursting with moisture. My mouth closed over the tip, and he groaned.


My finger slid into my
snatch, while I sucked on Bigfoot’s cock, taking as much of him into my throat
as I could. He filled me to capacity, the circumference of his tool stretching
my lips to the brink. He smelled musky and clean like the air from the great

“Good. Sooo good.” The
baritone of his voice was low and rumbling.

My pussy dripped with
moisture. I doubted I would even need lubrication to accommodate his huge
phallus. When I had first been kidnapped along with my friends, he’d tied us to
a table in the basement and raped us, using lubrication. Maggy had been there
with a vibrator, which she applied to our clits. That had hardly been
necessary, because Leonard’s cock alone had gotten us wet and aroused. My
girlfriends would never admit it, but they had enjoyed being taken by him. I
would never admit it either, even now, with his thick meat in my mouth and
pre-cum dribbling down my chin.

Leonard suddenly grabbed me.
“Turn round.”

I found myself facing the
bed, my hands pressed to the bedspread, which looked homemade. I trembled in
anticipation, knowing that I was going to feel that huge cock pushing into the
delicate folds of my eighteen-year-old pussy. I wasn’t disappointed. He rubbed
the rounded head over my wet slit, coating both of us in his pre-cum and my

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