Side Chic 2 (A Ratchet Mess) (2 page)

I slipped my phone in my pocket, shaking my head as I stood in front of the sink washing my hands.
Look at this bullshit that I’ve gotten myself into all behind some pussy.
I looked up at my reflection in the mirror. I had so much shit on my mind that it was starting to show on my face. I looked stressed the fuck out! I knew that I had to try and pull it together though. I had too much to lose if I didn’t! I splashed a little bit of water on my face and then grabbed some paper towels from the dispenser and dried my face and hands before walking out of the bathroom.

When I walked out Kisha
was standing beside the door with her arms folded. I looked at her rolling my eyes and kept walking right past her ass! This was the side of her that I hated…the nagging, clingy, crazy side. I went back to the table and picked up the ticket that the waitress had left. I walked up to the register and paid for our food and then dropped a five dollar tip on our table on my way out.

Kisha was already outside standing next to the car when I got outside. I hit the button on the remote on my keychain to unlock the doors. When I got in the car she turned to face me. “So…”

“So what?” I asked not feeling up to hearing her mouth at the moment. I reached over and turned up the radio, letting her know that I wasn’t in the mood to talk! Obviously she didn’t give a fuck because she reached over and turned it right back down! “Lord, here we go!”

“You’re damn sure right about that! Here we go!” She mocked! “What took you so long in the bathroom? And don’t you dare lie and say that you were pissing that long!”
              “Nah, I wasn’t. I took a shit, since you must know and as I was about to walk out of the bathroom! I got a call from Mr. Johnson asking me if I could come in a little bit earlier today so that he can discuss this out of town job with me that he needs for me to do.” The lies just rolled off of my tongue so easily. “He was saying that he would pay me double and pay for the gas and my hotel room and everything…”

“Hold up! Out of town? Hotel room? For how long?” She snapped swiveling her neck, her shoulder length red hair swaying back and forth. I looked at her beautiful faced screwed up in a million knots! My babymama was still beautiful even when she was mad and acting a damn fool!

“It’s just for two days and shit we could use the money! It ain’t like we can’t.” I placed my hand on her thigh but she slapped it off!

“I ain’t feeling that shit for real! Where is this job supposed to be?” She said pointing a finger in my face.

Always quick on my toes, I replied. “Richmond, VA. He said that the Service Master down there is a little short on help and so they needed someone from our crew to help out. Hell, I ain’t turning flips to do it but like I said it ain’t like we can’t use the money. Why you got an attitude for? This isn’t only benefitting me, it’s benefitting us.” I tried to lull her suspicions. “Talk to me? What’s the problem?”

She turned and looked out the window folding her arms over her chest. “Nothing…nothing at all, there is no problem at all Tre.” She stared out the window.

“Don’t say there is no problem when there clearly is. Why do you always have to get upset about everything? What you think? I am going to fuck a bitch or something? Is that what it is? I mean damn Kisha, haven’t all of the shit that I’ve been doing for the past few months meant anything or are you still living in the past and holding all of that past bullshit against me?” I was on a roll and decided to go in for the kill. “How can you sit there and claim that you are ready to get married when you don’t even trust me going to work? That right there is some straight bullshit!”

She whipped her head around so quickly that I thought it was going to make a complete circle! “Oh so now it’s my fault that I don’t trust you?” She asked poking herself in the chest with her index finger. “I don’t believe that I made you go out and fuck all of those bitches that you were fucking!”

“See, I knew it! Still living in the fucking past! A nigga can’t win for losing.” I shook my head as I started the car and drove out of the parking lot. I lit a cigarette and took a pull. “I don’t even know why in the fuck I am trying so hard to do better and make shit work! It obviously doesn’t make a difference!” I tapped my hand against the gear shift as I spoke causing the ashes from my cigarette to fall to the floor.

“I never said that!” She screamed!

“You say it every time you start acting like this!” She got quiet and so did I. The drive home was silent except for the radio which was still turned down low. My mind went to Lala. I hoped that she was alright and that the babies were okay. I needed this lie to work for me so that I could get to the hospital where she was. I knew that she would never forgive my black ass if I didn’t make it. I also knew that she might flip out and do some crazy shit if I didn’t make it!

When we got home Kisha got out of the car ahead of me, slammed the car door and went inside. I followed her inside and went down the hallway to our bedroom. She stopped in the living room, flopping down on the sofa. I took out my work clothes and changed clothes as if I was actually going to work. When I was done getting dressed I grabbed my book bag and my keys. As I was passing through the living room, I told Kisha. “I’m about to go down here and holla at Mr. Johnson and see what the deal is with this job in Richmond. I’ll be back in a few.”

“Yeah...” was her reply. I leaned over and tried to kiss her but she moved her face so that I couldn’t. “Don’t you have to get to work?”

I left out of the house and jumped in my car. I did need to go and talk to Mr. Johnson for real and ask for the next two days off so I headed to Service Master. When I got there
, I found Mr. Johnson in his office doing some paperwork.

He looked up from what he was doing as I walked in. “Good morning Tre. What brings you by so early? Is there something wrong?”

“Good morning, Mr. Johnson. I have something that I need to talk to you about.” I replied taking a seat in one of the leather chairs across from him.

“Well what is it?” He took a sip from the large brown coffee mug that had been sitting on his desk and waited for me to speak.

“I have a family emergency out of town and I came by to see if you would give me the next two days off.”

He scratched the bald spot in the top of his head. “Well if you have an emergency then I guess so. I mean, I need you but I understand that things happen that are out of our control. “

I could tell that he really didn’t want to let me off but fuck what he wanted. I came to work every day and was a damn good worker. Right now Lala and my girls needed me! “I wouldn’t ask you if this wasn’t really important but it is.” I said looking him directly in the eyes.

“I understand. Go ahead and handle your business and I will see you in a couple of days.” He said letting out a sigh.

“Thanks Mr. Johnson.” I said standing up offering my hand for him to shake. He shook it. “I really appreciate this.”

“No problem.” I turned to walk out. “Ummmm…Tre, hold on a second.” Mr. Johnson called after me. I turned back around. “Is there anything that I can help you with? Do you have gas to get there and back? I don’t mind giving you a loan if you need it. I know that money is tight right now for everybody. Every damn thing is so high…gas, food, bills.”

“Nah, I’m straight but thanks anyways Mr. Johnson. Good looking out.” I smiled at the older man.

“No problem son. You seem like a good kid, you kind of remind me of my oldest son and so I don’t mind helping you if I can.” He confessed. “You be careful out there on that road and call if you need me.”

“I will and thanks again.” I left his office feeling a lot better. I took out my cell and texted Tamika. I didn’t need her running off at the mouth while I was gone so I had to see if I could get her to hold off on us meeting up. I didn’t want to deal with this bitch at all but as of right now I didn’t have much of a choice because she had me by the balls.

Me: Yo, I have to go out of town on some business so
umma have to get at you when I get back in town.

A few seconds went by before my phone vibrated.
Tamika: No you will get at me before you leave! Nigga you ain’t running shit I am. My name is Mika not Kisha! So when is good for you? I’m free whenever…

Me: Are you really for real about this shit? I mean you are really willing to blackmail a nigga for some dick?

Tamika: Nigga what time is good for you?

I let out a frustrated breath. This bitch right here was just flat out scandalous! I texted back:

Tamika: Good, meet me at the Comfort Inn in Franklin. I’ll be there in 15mins.

I tossed my phone over in the seat and headed to Franklin, another small town not far from Boykins. Franklin was where all of the main stores and restaurants were. I pulled up to the Comfort Inn ten minutes later. I tried to park behind the building so that anyone passing wouldn’t see my car and run back and tell Kisha. I pulled out a Newport and stuck it between my lips and then lit it. I took a pull before laying my head back on the head rest.
This shit right here has to be some of the craziest shit ever!
I thought to myself.
Never have I ever had a bitch force me to fuck her! This shit has to be deeper than just Tamika wanting some dick. I mean she ain’t no ugly bitch and there are plenty of niggas willing to give her the dick! So why is she so hell bent on fucking me?

There was a tap on my window. I looked up to see Tamika standing outside of the car with a smirk on her face. I took another pull off of my cigarette before putting it out in the ashtray and getting out of the car.

“Hello.” She giggled. “I’m glad that you could make it.” I didn’t respond. “Oh it’s like that?” She asked grabbing my dick through my pants.

I smacked her hand away. “Can we just get this shit over with?”

She laughed and started walking in the direction of the hotel. I followed her. We went up to room 216. Once inside the room she didn’t waste any time getting undressed, which didn’t take much since she was only wearing a little skimpy ass dress with nothing on up under it. She stood before me as naked as the day that she’d came into the world. I can’t even front she had a bangin’ ass body…flawless. Her perky grapefruit sized titties sat perfectly, no sagging at all. She rubbed both of them pinching her nipples causing them to become rock hard. “Go ahead and lose those clothes, I assume that you don’t have all day and neither do I.”
              I undressed all the while wondering how I’d gotten myself in this bullshit! No sooner than my pants hit the floor Tamika was on her knees with her small lips wrapped around my dick! She was licking and sucking on my shit like it was the best thing that she’d ever tasted! As much as I didn’t want to be there it didn’t take long for me to get into the swing of things! This bitch was a pro! I placed my hand on the back of her head and forced more of my dick down her throat. To my surprise she didn’t gag at all, she deep throated my dick with ease, something that Lala or Kisha couldn’t do. I tried not to make any noises and let her know that I was enjoying it but the shit was feeling so good that I couldn’t help it. She had me in there sounding like a straight bitch! Before I knew it I was releasing all of my frustration down her throat! She swallowed every drop of it and smiled at me. “Mmmm that was yummy…just like I remember it being last time.” She got up from the floor and reached inside of the pocketbook that she’d been carrying and pulled out a rubber. “I hope this is big enough for all of that dick you got boy.” She laid it on the nightstand before getting on the bed and lying on her back. She spread her legs and crooked her index finger at me telling me to come to her. I walked over to the bed. “Don’t be acting all shy. Go ahead and taste this pussy.” She said giving me her best sexy face and licking her lips. She ran her fingers over her wet pussy and then put them up to her lips licking them clean. “Mmmm…this pussy tastes so good.”

This bitch had to have been smoking some powerful shit if she thought that I was about to put my mouth on her nasty ass pussy! “Nah shorty, that ain’t even about to go down! I don’t eat nobody’s pussy but my girl’s, you got me fucked up! You said you wanted the dick so that’s what you gone get!” I checked her ass real quick.

She gave me a disappointed look. “Did you eat that pregnant bitch’s pussy? Maybe I should tell
your girl
about your side bitch…you know the one that you got knocked up!” She snapped.

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